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Friday, March 30, 2007





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Beloved Friends,

Happy April 2007!!! Happy Easter…Passover…And…

Release limiting beliefs so you can be free to enter “The Door of Light” this April. Surround yourself with people who talk about divine things. Make contact with movers and shakers who are making a difference in this new emerging paradigm. Stay centered and choose love as my Astrologer and friend Stephanie Azaria says. Live, breathe, feel what it’s like to walk as; Christ, Moses, Buddha and your favorite avatar.

Know your Numbers! Everyone is going through a realignment of his or her Life Purpose at this time. Numerology is a fast and easy guide to know who you are and how to be successful and prosperous. Understand current events and the Newsmakers through their Numbers. Be aware and conscious of what’s ahead.

Please pray and send loving thoughts and light to your ancestors, the government, the people of the Middle East especially Iran, Africa, soldiers around the world and whoever jumps into your mind.


April 2007 – Universal Month “13-4”: Know how April will affect you.

Julian Michael Cable TV Show: “Julian The Numbers Guy” Episode # 16 will be broadcast in LA in April

What’s Really Happening to You? Global warming, storms and government malaise is a metaphor of what’s going on in your life and what to do about it.

Valerie Plame Ex US Spy Numerology is Revisited: More is revealed from the previous November 2005 Newsletter

The Scent of Roses Increases Intelligence: Excerpts from the New York Times article, “Study Uncovers Memory Aid: A Scent During Sleep.”

New Discoveries About Anti-Aging: Excerpts from an amazing article in the LA Times Parade section on how “You Can Stop Normal Aging” By Dr. Henry S. Lodge

Be Aware! Visit your dentist and know about Mercury and other metals in your mouth.

Exercise to Ask Your Soul Today: Short and brief evocation and empowerment to by-pass the lies and deceptions and live in the Truth by Gillian Macbeth-Louther


April 2007 – Universal Month “13-4”

Access the “4” frequency of double “4’s.” Be the architect of your new life. The seeds that were planted in January are sprouting. Build your base of life. Let go of your Hell and old ugly stuff now! Create a well-ordered system of discipline, and be organized.

Exercise, meditate and do whatever it takes to be centered and grounded. “The Door of Light” is the “4.” This door is a metaphor for your dreams, intent and what you want to accomplish. Seek high goals. As a “9” of 2007 enter the door and enjoy the people and experiences that guide and help you evolve. Be strong as a teacher to those who are spinning out of control.


Together the “4” of April and the ‘9” of 2007 create a “13-4” vibration. Embrace the “13” Tarot Card of Death. The old foundations of government, health, banks, real estate and other social and economic factions are changing drastically. Be aware and don’t resist transformation or you’ll live in Hell.

The “13” is looking into the future as the birth of consciousness of higher planes. Be progressive and morph this “13” into 4th, 5th, 6th and other dimensions that you are exploring in these “Quickening Times.”


Catch my latest show on LA’s Time Warner cable local access Ch.98. (Santa Monica, Ch.77; Beverly Hills Ch 43)

What’s Really Happening To You?

I feel that I’m not alone in discovering my truth. “The Times They are a Changing” Bob Dylan sings. See global warming, storms and government malaise as metaphors. Ask who amongst your family and friends has been lying and creating hurricanes and disequilibrium in your life. Who needs to be revealed for their abusive acts, hurt, and pain that they might have caused you?

    *Work on having a very strong heart of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and love.

    * Be ready as a mirror who reflects only Truth to reflect back the facts and proof that reveal this person.

    * Be strong and prepared for a possible confrontation or the person not remembering what happened or you might just be lied to.

* Be prepared to live with whatever truth is uncovered and unearthed for the rest of your life.

* Accept what you’re doing and your value as a holistic, aware, loving person.

* Witness people as mirrors revealing the multi-dimensions of who, what, where, when, why of yourself. Work and process what you’ve discovered about yourself. There can be tears, grief or a sense of loss. Let it out and don’t hold anything in.

Step into April 2007 and awaken the Merlin of magic in you. It’s paramount to embrace your spiritual tools to remain centered. Take the time to know what cycle you’re in, in your Numerology.

Read and know the Numerological Personal Month you’re in. To find out for April access my E-Newsletter June 2005 at

Know the path you’re walking on in your Personal Year Vibration by reading my E-Newsletter May 2005.

Now let’s utilize Numerology and investigate and discuss the relationship of Numbers that are causing us to search our souls as a nation and people who are searching for the truth.

Valerie Plame Ex US Spy Revealed

Discover The Destiny Vibration of:


4 1 3 5 9 9 5 5 3 9 1 5 7 3 1 4 5 = 79-16-7 Destiny

36-9 23-5 20-2

Find Her Spiritual Pin Number, which is the ID of her “Soul's” bank account.

Valerie was born on APRIL 19, 1963

She has a 4 + 10 (1) +19 (1) – 33- 6 Spiritual Pin Number.

2006 (8) + April (4) + 19 = 31 - 4 Personal Year

The truth about how our government functions is being revealed more and more everyday. One of the contributors to this awakening is Valerie Elise Plame. Valerie has a “7” destiny from the sum of the letters of her name. Her “7” Destiny gives her that space to work in secret, be a spy and having faith to combat her abuse as her very important role in government has been revealed.

Valerie has two “19s” in her birthday. She was born on the 19th and her birth year 1963 comes out to a “19”. These “19s” are a warning vibration in her Spiritual Pin Number. They’re asking her to acknowledge this very powerful “watch your back” energy or else she’ll be awakened and can find herself in jeopardy.

The “19” communicates a misuse and abuse of power from a previous life. You are either the abuser or being abused by people of great influence who try to seduce you to their programs. These two “1s” as we break down the “19”, make Valerie a very passionate leader, pioneer and explorer in her work and lover of things out of the ordinary. In other words, these “19”s communicate she has guts, “loves danger and can play in the darkness and the shadows if she has to.

As a “33-6” Valerie is a mother, wife, a romantic and a teacher to humanity who has sacrificed her career revealing the truth to others. The “33” is a vibration of sacrifice. Valerie as a CIA operative was responsible for working with and protecting us from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Being born in April, a “4,”she’s very disciplined, organized and serious. It’s interesting as I’ve found the “4” having issues with men. Men of power in the government revealed Valerie’s position of power as a spy. Indictments for prosecution started in October 2005.

In her 4 Personal Year all these indictments are taking place. Valerie has spoken out and the public will find out her outing, as an agent is the tip of the iceberg of the goings on behind the scenes of entering the Iraq war and the mechanics of how this country works and who runs it. In the future she will share herself, as a writer, public speaker and her life will be a thrilling movie of her unknown world as a CIA agent.

Study Uncovers Memory Aid: A Scent During Sleep

I recently came across a fascinating revelation about “Rose” flowers. Please visit for this article in the Science section March 9, 2007.

Here is a small excerpt of this amazing article.

“Scientists studying how sleep affects memory have found that the whiff of a familiar scent can help a slumbering brain better remember things that it learned the evening before. The smell of roses – delivered to people’s nostrils as they studied and later, as they slept – improved their performance on a memory test by about 13 percent.

The new study, appearing today in the journal Science, is the first rigorous test of the effect of odor on human memory during sleep. The results, whether or not they can help students cram for tests, clarify the picture of what the sleeping brain does with newly learned material and help illuminate what it takes for this process to succeed.”

There is more! Please read up on the effects of the flower Rose and your Brain.

You Can Stop “Normal” Aging By Dr. Henry S. Lodge

I called my friend Ellen and she read and shared with me excerpts from this fascinating article in the L.A. Times. The article is in the Parade section of Sunday, March 18, 2007. I got the magazine and it makes so much sense. Everything around us is changing but so are our bodies. This articles information is so important, vital and healthy for you.

Dr. Lodge writes about people’s experiences and aging. He says “most aging is just the dry rot we program into our cells by sedentary living, junk food and stress.”

Dr. Lodge shows a picture of decaying cells and healthy ones. He says, “your body is made up of trillions of cells that live mostly for a few weeks or months, die and are constantly replaced by new cells. An active lifestyle can tip the balance in your body toward growth and renewal.”

Dr. Lodge is on the faculty of Columbia Medical School and he’s a co-author of “Younger Next Year” (Workman). He tells us “when you don’t exercise, your muscles let out a steady trickle of chemicals that tell every cell to decay, day after day after day.”

The other master signal that communicates to our cells Dr. Lodge tells us is our emotions. “Anger, stress and loneliness are signals for starvation and chronic danger. They melt our bodies as surely as sedentary living. Optimism, love and community trigger the process of growth, building our bodies, hearts and minds.”

There is so much more information. Read, learn and please share it with others.

Be Aware!

On another note get a check up and cleaning of your teeth now! If you don’t have Dental Insurance my suggestion is look into it. Start investigating and learn how Mercury and other metals can create toxicity and danger for your body and mind. I removed all my Mercury fillings in 1987 and yet have other teeth stuff that I’m handling now. This is a very important subject that will be discussed and shared in future Newsletters.

I Love This!!! Do This As It Works.

Begin to ask your soul today,

“Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”

- Gillian Macbeth - Louther


Please let me know your thoughts of what we discussed in this Newsletter.

Know your Numbers. Enter the door of Light and experience magic. Exercise and be open in your emotions. Surround yourself with roses. Love. Live an enlightened lifestyle. Share this Newsletter with others.

Peace. Blessings. Love


*** Receive a Numerology Reading, Past-Life Regression or Hands on Healing in April 2007.

Call 323-384-1333 or email

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