From sunny Los Angeles, Happy September 2006!
My beloved friends,
Utilize all your tools of awareness to remain centered as the “Great
Shift” comes in full force. The “Great Shift” is a new way of
thinking/living in the 21st century. Emotions and random nuances are
happening daily. Stay open to love and pray for awareness to awaken
the hearts and governments in the world.
Enjoy this Newsletter and all the enlightenment it brings.
Treat Yourself!
Receive a Numerology Reading or Past Life Regression for $100.September is booking fast. Call me at 323-384-1333 for a session.
Newsletter Contents:
I. “Julian, The Numbers Guy”
II. September 2006 - Universal Month
III. My Extraordinary, Life-Changing Paraguay Experience
Los Angelinos, tune in this month and watch my latest cable access
show on Time Warner Cable channel 98.
(In Santa Monica, Channel 77; In Beverly Hills, Channel 43)
This month, my shows include exciting special guests, enlightening
discussions, and the opportunity to laugh and learn about you.
For air times, please send me e-mail: info@julianmichael.net
September 2006 – Universal Month – “17-8”
The Universal Month is the roadmap we follow to understand our
opportunities and challenges. Adding the month September and the
Universal Year 2006, you get a “17-8” Universal Month vibration.
September is a “9” energy. The “9” is a reflective period of looking
at what has and has not worked for you. The “9” teaches you about
forgiveness. Forgive those that have hurt or harmed you in anyway.
There is no reason to carry around this poison of hate and anger. It’s
time to heal and move on.
In September, you are pushed to live in the unknown and the
unpredictable. Embrace every experience that comes your way. Stay
centered. Be mindful of stress, anxiety and the propaganda of fear.
Rise above fear with your love. Help others, who are unstable and not
able to cope, with this fear.
Together, the “9” of September and the “8” of 2006 create an “8” of
Heaven or Hell on Earth. It is your choice, my friend.
Do everything you can, not to judge others for who they are and
what they doing. In this “8” of 2006, create harmony, balance and
equality. The Powers (that be) are doing everything they can to
establish their new world order of domination. You must learn the
game they play. Then, you can play yours. You are the “Power of All
That There Is.” You are creating miracles everyday.
In this “8” learn about the secrets of financial success and
prosperity. Accept the fact that you can be spiritual and rich. Work on
feeling and being worthy in your life. Value yourself.
There is no reason to live in the Hell of ignorance. The “8” is about
acting and doing. Stop sleeping. Count your blessings. Go out into
the world and share your mission, abilities and talents.
This September 2006 be centered, chant divine words, utilize
visualization, repeat positive words of empowerment and access the
“8” of infinity explained in the August 2006 Newsletter. Embrace the
“8”. With it, you can do anything.
My Extraordinary, Life-Changing Paraguay Experience
I’ve decided to share stories that changed the way I see and feel.
Here is one such experience that affected my life:
It’s the summer of 1991. I was asked to speak in front of President
Strosner’s dictatorial government. At the most opulent hotel in
Paraguay, I stood in front of the President’s 100+ top officials and
many friends on a warm, balmy night.
Paraguay is known for harboring Nazi war criminals, thieves,
embezzlers and the scourge of the earth. In the three weeks I was
there, I worked with these rebel souls by initiating healing
consciousness and cleaning out old habitual patterns of ugliness.
I had a tremendous breakthrough that night.
I learned not to judge anyone for their actions as they, in their own
way, judge and live in their own judgment. I saw my work embrace
The Power of Forgiveness like it never had before. I experienced
instantaneous transformation in people as they left Hell by
opening their hearts to touch the Divine.
The next day, I was on the top radio program in Paraguay talking
about my Numerology and Past Life work. A few nights later, there
was a knock on my bedroom door. I looked at the clock, and it was
around 9:00 PM. Opening my door, the beautiful, middle-aged couple
I was staying with flanked a stocky, medium-sized, well-dressed
South American man.
“Hello. Julian, are you busy?”
“No,” I replied.
“This is our good friend. Can you please do what you do with your
numbers for him.” I was more than happy to serve.
This stocky man was humble and bewildered, as he didn’t know what
to expect. “Please, take off your jacket and get comfortable,” I
instructed. “Let’s sit on the floor.” He complied and loosened his tie as we sat across from each other on the plush, white carpet.
“What’s the last dream you had?” I said.
In his broken English, he replied, “I don’t dream.”
I felt something and pressed again, ”There is a dream that keeps
repeating itself over and over in your life.” Dreams are a great
icebreaker to open doors to a person’s soul.
“Yes, there is one dream that happens. Over and over for a long
time,” he was proud to say. (Aha! I’ve studied dreams ever since I was a child. Most mornings, my grandfather would ask me what I had dreamt. I would readily tell him of my bouts as a soldier, of riding dinosaurs or of flying the skies like Superman. Grandfather was my first dream teacher.) I interpreted the stocky man’s dream, and then asked his name at birth and birth date. Hours passed, and my new friend left happy and shining.
In the morning, my friends thanked me for doing Numerology on their
good friend - the Vice President of Paraguay.
My friends,
Share your compassion and warm heartedness. Know your numbers
and be happy…. Peace…Blessings…Love…Julian Michael
Currently in Los Angeles, Julian conducts private sessions, parties
and phone consultations for Numerology and Past Life Regressions.
To schedule a session, call 323-384-1333 or email info@julianmichael.net Check out his Numerology of the Day at www.thecosmicpath.com and visit his website www.julianmichael.net
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