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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Newsletter - March 2007



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From sunny California – Happy March 2007

Beloved Friends,

There are so many things happening personally and globally that we are channel surfing from one life experience to another. Be grateful and Love everything you are and have. Then you will transcend the duality of the third dimension so you can live and prosper.

Please pray and send loving thoughts and light to your ancestors, the government, all the presidential candidates, the weather, all soldiers around the world and whoever and whatever jumps into your mind.

In this Newsletter, Astrologer Stephanie Azaria and I report the rebooting of personal energy and what that means as 2 important eclipses take place in March. Let’s reveal the secrets of Self Empowerment through Your Psychic Or Spiritual Gifts. ‘Dreaming Is A Serious Business-Put Your Dreams Into Actions,” spoken very intelligently by Life Coach Claudia Bayr and more.

Enjoy the Newsletter. Share it and the enlightenment it brings.


March 2007 – Universal Month “12-3 ”

The Universal Month is the roadmap we follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month March and the Universal Year 2007, you get a “12-3” Universal month vibration.

March is a “3” energy of communication and expression, utilizing your imagination and soaring the heavens with your intuition.

Listen, tune in and make your dreams and intentions come true. Have fun and be bubbly, energetic and thankful to be living in these times of unpredictability. Embrace the mystery of life and the unknown. You are in the vibration of “3” and it’s so important to laugh. Please don’t take things seriously.

Together the “3” of March and the “9” of 2007 create a “12-3” vibration. Paint the world with your vision. Allow the fire of Love in you to shine, glow and be the sun for all to bathe in. Be very careful this month of gossip, talking too much, criticism and being moody, as this will create storms and negativity.


The deeper meaning of the “3” vibration is self empowerment as you communicate from within. This next report is from the Inner Peace Movement Center, which is a nonprofit educational program that helps individuals access their spiritual and psychic communication abilities.


  • Clear Inner Communication – Know which of your thoughts and feelings are accurate for you. (To always know what’s in your best interest).

  • Know How You Communicate – Which is the order of your spiritual gifts of inner communication: Intuition, Vision, Prophecy, Feeling (knowing this will help you use it more and understand yourself and others more).

  • Who is on the other end of your spiritual phone line? – Understand the different energies you may be communicating with daily, ranging from confused energy to inner guidance, spirit guides, master souls, angels (To facilitate connection with the higher ones).

  • Buffer Yourself – From picking up the static, confusion, pressures from others, work, etc (to stay calm, cool and collected even with a storm around you).

  • Understand and Live your Life Purpose -We each have a unique purpose; when we realize this fully, we are fulfilled.

  • Heal Yourself – Of emotional and physical challenges. Uncover any beliefs that are putting pressure on areas (chakras) of your body (dis-ease) or on your relationships and learn how to heal the true cause.

  • Free Yourself – By clarifying and staying in touch with the real Loving you.

    Excerpts about “Eclipses” From February Newsletter 2007, Conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria # 2

    Stephanie and I work together to empower people. I’m very blessed to be a contributing writer on her website

On March 3rd there is a Virgo Full Moon, a Total Lunar eclipse. The second eclipse is on March 18th, a Pisces new Moon Partial Solar eclipse. Please read ahead to learn what you can do to harness this awesome energy and make it work for you. Transcend you lower Self.

Julian: The whole healing paradigm is changing isn’t it?

Stephanie: Yes! It is completely changing. The 4 eclipses this year are all going to take place in Virgo and Pisces. This is known as the healing axis.

Julian: What is an Eclipse? How does it affect us and how can we use it for our benefit?

Stephanie: The Sun and Moon are known as the Lights and they literally generate our individual consciousness. Eclipses are moments when the generator of our consciousness shuts down for a moment and then gets rebooted. If we’re aware of it and we consciously apply ourselves to this rebooting when it happens we can change; shift our energy effectively and significantly. If we’re not conscious at the time of an eclipse, then our energies will be shifted for us. This is why we so often end up in a place we don’t expect to find ourselves after an eclipse, because our energy gets shifted and we don’t take notice. If you know an Eclipse is happening you can very deliberately re-direct your energies, and this is a very powerful tool.

Julian: I’m ready to re-boot my energy. When are these Eclipses happening?

Stephanie: There are two in March, then one on August 28th and the last one this year occurs in the middle of September. It is very important to take note of where these eclipses are occurring in your own birth chart, so you can know how and what you are directing your energies towards. The first eclipse this month occurs on March 3rd, on the Full Moon at 13 Virgo. This is a total Lunar Eclipse. The second eclipse this month occurs at the New Moon, on March 18th, at 28 Pisces, and this is a partial Solar Eclipse. For more information on how these eclipses are affecting you, please email me for a private session at .

Julian: Thank You.


    I met Claudia last year in NYC. She is a very intelligent Goddess who loves to take people to a very soulful place of empowerment. I Love her passion in how she works, what Claudia says and that she is making a difference in people’s lives.

Dreaming is Serious Business

“Put your Dreams into Actions,” says New York Certified Dream Coach Claudia Bayr. “Dreaming is serious business! I’m not talking about the kind of dream you have when you’re asleep, but the kind you have when you’re most awake and aware of what you really want in your life. I’m not talking about an unattainable fantasy but a heartfelt desire – a deep passion that lives in all of us.”

Unfortunately, very few of us are actually creating our lives with passion. A recent Chandler Hill Partners poll revealed an alarmingly low job satisfaction rate of only 27% in the workforce. Just imagine the impact this lack of satisfaction has on the productivity and profitability of a company. It also impacts corporate culture and the lives of workers who carry their dissatisfaction, stress and frustrations home with them. You could say we have a society full of people who feel they’re trapped on a rat-wheel – working hard and going nowhere.

The poll also showed that money is not the only ingredient of job satisfaction. Work that supports the expression, of who we are, our passion and our creativity, is most important. Workers also need a sense of recognition for the work they do.

You work for a living. Imagine the difference if you worked for a life. What if you worked for what really matters to you?

Workers between the ages of 35 and 45 seem to be the most driven to find meaning and purpose in their professional careers, and if they don’t find it, they’ll continue on a downward spiral. People can give up. They have to take a risk to re-invent themselves to prevent a downward spin.

The natural human drive is to find meaning by expressing unique talents and sharing those talents with others. Truly successful people know this. They are the big dreamers who find their dreams and inspire others.

Walt Disney had a famous quote: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Loving what you do in every moment allows you to accomplish tasks faster, more efficiently and effortlessly. When you feel truly inspired, you will do things you never thought you could do. You’ll surpass your own limitations and break through negative beliefs.

Passionate people create a better work environment. Imagine going to an office where you Love what you do and can express your own unique passions and talents. Passionate people manage time more effectively, have higher productivity and personal satisfactions. Your boss will Love you and chances are you’ll advance in your career.

    Here are 6 ways you can bring more passion into your workplace:

1. “Bring more of what you Love into your life. People who are successful and satisfied know that’s the secret to living with passion,” says Marcia Wieder, an expert in the dream-coaching field.

2. Bring your passion for your work into everything you do; you will manage your tasks and your team differently. You’ll have better relationships with co-workers and clients.

3. Discover what your strengths are and use them: Explore your unique purpose and share your unique talents.

4. Focus your passion to move your business forward. Passion without focus is a waste of energy.

5. Communicate your passion with clarity and commitment and you will be unstoppable in realizing your dream.

6. Encourage others to dream big, and you’ll be surprised how your productivity and profits will increase!

What’s more, medical research shows that passionate people are living longer, healthier lives.

“I support people in clarifying their dreams and visions – in finding their life purpose. I help you get rid of struggle and fear and strategize so you can live a truly happy life,” says Claudia, who is a graduate of Dream Coach University, and an Accredited Certified Coach. She is also the Executive Vice President of the International Coach Federation (ICF-NYC).

If you can dream it you can do it.

For a complimentary phone coaching session please email or call 212-501-3827.


Please let me know your thoughts of what we discussed in this Newsletter.

Know your Numbers. Communicate your Passion. Dream it and Make it Happen. Remember to REBOOT under the Eclipse Energies this month and Transcend!!! Enjoy the Beauty and Magic Of March.


Catch my latest show on LA’s Time Warner Cable local access Ch. 98.

(Santa Monica, Ch. 77, Beverly Hills Ch. 43.)

For air times, call or e-mail me at

Peace, Blessings, Love


Receive a Numerology Reading, Past – Life Regression or Hands on Healing in March 2007.

Call 323-384-1333 or e-mail

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