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Monday, January 01, 2007






Beloved friends,

Happy New Year 2007!!! Have a wondrous year of creating and manifesting to your heart’s desire. Be peaceful, free and happy to play (and evolve) with the beautiful language of Numbers all around you.

We are in amazing, magical times. Are you ready to understand the secrets of manifesting your thoughts, actions and beliefs quickly? Check out the brilliant film, “What Dreams May Come” (1998) directed by Vincent Ward. There’s a scene when Robin Williams’ character learns how to create in the garden of Heaven. It’s absolutely breath taking. This idea is a small part of what the Teachings of 2007 are about.

Let’s meditate to be more centered in all the fear-based programming and unpredictability happening around us. Please pray and send loving thoughts to your ancestors, the government, all soldiers around the world and whoever jumps into your mind.

In this Newsletter, I’m so ecstatic to share with you my in-depth and an extraordinary interview with world-renowned Astrologer and my good friend, Stephanie Azaria. Stephanie talks about what 2007 has in store for us among other enlightening topics.

Enjoy the Newsletter. Share it and the enlightenment it brings.

Newsletter Contents:

I. “Julian, The Numbers Guy” Warner Cable TV Show
II. January 2007 – Universal Month
III. Interview with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria


Catch my latest show on LA’s Time Warner Cable local access Ch. 98.
(Santa Monica, Ch. 77; Beverly Hills Ch. 43)

For air times, call or e-mail me at

January 2007 – Universal Month “10 –1”

The Universal Month is the roadmap we follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month January and the Universal Year 2007, you get a “10-1 “ Universal Month vibration.

January is a “1” energy of planting new seeds of intent, thoughts, dreams and envisioning them happening.

This Works!!!

Ask for the assistance and guidance from your angels, guides and “The Energy of All That There Is.” Write down your thoughts, ideas, dreams and things you would like to accomplish and make happen this year. Sign your letter and place it under a crystal or put it at your altar or special space in your home. Pray and send loving thoughts to it everyday. Then, get ready for miracles.

Talking about miracles, the 2007 creates a “9” vibration, known as the 2-7-9, “Psychic Trinity”. This year you are downloading incredible information of ageless wisdom and Light Intelligence on unimaginable levels. Have faith, practice what you preach and use your spiritual tools. Be open to communicate with your friends and teachers in the visible and invisible worlds

It’s time to live up to why you’re here and to contribute to humanity as a teacher of compassion, peace and unconditional love.

Together the “1 “ of January and the “9” of 2007 create a “10-1” vibration. Do everything you can to be fearless. Work through all your phobias and blocks that keep you from moving forward. Take risks. Be the explorer and pioneer in all your endeavors.

In January, you are the “Cosmic Johnny Appleseed.“ Go out into the world to plant Heaven and love. Do not take things to heart if you don’t see results right away. Trust in what you’re doing. You are making a quantum difference in people’s hearts and minds. Believe it, and it is so. Enjoy this.

“God is present, whether summoned or not.”
- Carl Jung

Conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria # 1

Stephanie and I work together empowering people. She has an e-Zine and Numerology of the Day column. I’m blessed to be a contributing writer on her website

During our 2006 holidays, I interviewed Stephanie and asked of her thoughts about 2007.

Julian: Welcome. In Numerology, 2007 is the (2-7-9) Psychic Trinity. This frequency is the divine force - the intuition - the hidden knowledge of the Ancients. It’s Light Intelligence and Universal Awareness showering over us to awaken our souls’ purpose. What is the Astrological equivalent?

Stephanie: I interpret this as Pluto moving over the “Galactic Center.” The “Galactic Center” is the black hole that’s the center of our galaxy. It connects us with other galaxies; And through that black hole, it pours galactic consciousness, which is streaming into the Milky Way all the time.

Julian: This is fascinating. Please tell us more of this amazing connection.

Stephanie: When we have “Star Gates” (which are Numerological moments), when the energies align to download cosmic information, a lot of this consciousness, gets passed to us. With Pluto sitting in the Galactic Center, this information is amplified exponentially and therefore brings about tremendous transformation.

Julian: I see us do this exercise. We can visualize ourselves in the center of this sacred dark hole. In this special place, see and feel yourself being bathed in galactic energy. Feel all the infinite knowledge, divinity and love stimulating your heart and mind in this cosmic dance.

Stephanie: Yes. This is a beautiful exercise.

Julian: Darling, what is your vision for 2007?

Stephanie: A major global shift in consciousness started at the Sagittarius New Moon in 28 degrees on December 20th 2006.

Julian: 12 + 20 + 2006 = 40/4 Universal Day. This is building a new foundation internally and externally. Tell us how it affects us in 2007.

Stephanie: 28 degrees of Sagittarius is the Galactic Center The New Moon was Conjunct Pluto, and Pluto is moving fully over the Galactic Center for all of 2007. Last year it touched upon it. It’ll pass back and forth over this degree all of 2007, with a Jupiter- Pluto Conjunction at the end of December 2007 at this very same degree. This New Moon began something we all can feel, but none of us realizes how gigantic this is.

Julian: How gigantic is this?

Stephanie: It’s gigantic for two reasons. It’s galactic and also the World Axis. So, it’s a global energy that is happening to the planet. The New Moon is a seed that’s going to sprout into a Jupiter- Pluto flower. Jupiter and Pluto combine
To generate the largest energy imaginable, producing an awesome power beyond anything this planet is used to.

Julian: What if you haven’t started something?

Stephanie: I assure you that there is nobody on this Planet that has not started a new endeavor. Some people are changing their attitude or moving into a new house. There are people that are completing a long-term relationship and starting new ones. Everybody is starting something new or feeling something new now.

Julian: Are we like cosmic Johnny Apple-seed’s, planting our teachings and loving to make a difference? We’re renewing ourselves so we can evolve aren’t we.

Stephanie: I love that.

Julian: How will Mother Earth respond to us in 2007?

Stephanie: There will be plenty of Earth changes this year, because 2007 will accelerate us into the “End Days.”

Julian: What are the “End Days”?

Stephanie: We are in the last phase of the Mayan calendar. It ends at the Winter Solstice in 2012. These last 6 years will bring the end of the “Old Order.”

Julian: What do you mean by this?

Stephanie: These are not just words. An Order is an age or a whole cycle of civilization. If we’re going to begin a new civilization in 6 years, well, the next 6 years will bring about the end of the old civilization. I just don’t mean in politics, but everything.

Julian: Everything is crumbling for a new paradigm to begin.

Stephanie: Yes. I want to say for this Newsletter that it’s very important that we all remember we are living in “two Worlds” simultaneously: 1) the world that is falling apart, and 2) the new world we’re building with everything we say and do. It’s paramount to come from love. Each action, thought, word and energy we put out there has to come from love. This is the brick that’s going into the New Order.

Julian: We need to stop complaining. We have things to do. This complaining just exhausts our minds and bodies, doesn’t it?

Stephanie: Yes.

Julian: The 2007, also, means for us sharing our spirit with humanity. And astrologically?

Stephanie: That’s exactly what it’s all about. The spirit really catching fire as we’re sitting right now in a Sagittarius Stelium. There are 6 to 7 Planets in Sagittarius right now. That is the Fire of spirituality. That’s what the seed is being born in.

Julian: What do you mean?

Stephanie: After the New Moon on December 20th, there was the Winter Solstice and the Sun and Moon both moving in Capricorn at the same time. This is the movement of Fire into the Earth or the spirit into the physical. I wrote about this in my astrological daily weather report. It really makes me think of conception and what happens.

Julian: What happens?

Stephanie: The spirit merges, and then it generates something physical. It happens in an instant very magically.

Julian: We’re learning how to be in the Astral Energies aren’t we?

Stephanie: Yes. We’re moving into new dimensions as the ascension process continues. We’re moving into 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th dimensions now. And by beginning to know ourselves in these dimensions, we learn we’ve always been there and never realized it.

Julian: New technologies are here now: Nano, space travel, discoveries in telepathy and telekinesis. What’s going on?

Stephanie: Everything is being amplified because we’re ascending. The DNA, senses and the brainpower are being amplified. We are moving into other dimensions that we’ve always been in and yet have not been using these parts of ourselves.

Julian: What’s the secret. What’s your secret?

Stephanie: Meditation is the most important tool we have. It quiets the mind. In this transition, what has to happen is hearts have to open so we can receive this information and not have it diminish or destroy us. People are getting sick, going crazy or leaving this planet because if your heart isn’t open you can’t integrate this energy. Meditate. It doesn’t have to be formal like sitting in a lotus position for hours. Just take a few minutes and focus your mind on one thing. Use a candle flame, your breath, or the view outside your window. This will open the heart and help you in the ascension process.

Julian: Thank you and to be continued …


Please let me know your thoughts of what we just discussed in this newsletter.

Know your Numbers. Go out into the world and be Johnny Appleseed.
Share your loving hearts…Meditate and Ascend Gracefully.

Peace. Blessings. Love.

Receive a Numerology Reading. Past-Life Regression or Hands on Healing in January 2007.

Call 323-384-1333 or email
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Discover Julian’s Numerology of the Day at
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