December 2006 Newsletter

In memory of Robert Altman, filmmaker extraordinaire
Julian, Robert Altman and Dawna Shuman
Museum of Radio and Television, Beverly Hills, CA
October, 2006
Beloved friends,
Thank you for your support and kind words regarding my newsletters and my
work over the course of this last year.
I am dedicating this newsletter to my muse, Robert Altman. I had the privilege
of meeting Mr. Altman at a special Q&A on his most recent film, “Prairie Home
Companion”. Afterwards in the lobby, my friend Dawna and I noticed ‘an
opening’ around the legendary director, and so we approached him. Dawna
introduced herself and he couldn’t have been more cordial. Her conversation
went something like this. “I’m such a fan of your work. (he beamed) There have
been moments in my life where I have felt I have been living in a Robert Altman
movie.” He looked at her with bemusement and said, “You are!”
I leaned in and shook his hand saying, “Mr. Altman, I loved ‘Three Women’.”
He smiled broadly, “It’s one of my favorites.” I went on, ”Because
of you and your work, I was motivated to go to film school at CCNY.” We were
both enamored by his kindness and walked away feeling like we were embraced
by this cinematic, ageless sorcerer. It was a moment frozen in time. Mr. Altman,
your movies will live on forever!
Happy Holidays!
Now, center yourself. Surround yourself with people of like minds and hearts.
This will empower you to do the Light work you are here to do. Your Light will
positively affect people that don’t understand or appreciate you.
Meditate, pray and send loving thoughts to the Government and our political
Inside this newsletter, there’s a wonderful story about meeting the great
comedian, Eddie Murphy.
Enjoy this Newsletter and the enlightenment it brings.
Newsletter Contents:
“Julian, The Numbers Guy” Warner Cable TV Show
A Celebration of Oneness 2006
December 2006 – Universal Month
Eddie Murphy
Catch my latest show on LA’s Time Warner Cable local access Ch. 98.
(Santa Monica, Ch. 77; Beverly Hills Ch. 43)
For air times, call or e-mail me at
December 9-10, 2006 at the Pasadena Convention Center.
Join me at this unique and powerful multi-media event. Enjoy music, film, art,
yoga, natural health practices, environmental work, workshops and lectures. I’ll
be speaking, and I would love it if you stopped in to see me.
Visit for more information.
December 2006 – Universal Month “20 – 2 “
The Universal Month is the roadmap we follow to understand our opportunities
and challenges. Adding the month December and the Universal Year 2006, you
get a “20-2” Universal Month vibration.
December is a “12-3” energy. This month share your joy, laughter and wisdom
with your personal and global family.
Take a few moments to reflect and examine your speaking skills. Are you happy
in how you express yourself? Do you listen to the other party or do you just talk?
Utilize your intuition, your angels and your inner guidance to have clear
communication. Think, feel and convey what lives inside your loving heart.
Together the “12-3” of December and the “8” of 2006 create a “20-2.” This
energy is known as “Hidden Knowledge.”
Connect with “The Wisdom of the Ancients”. Let their wisdom stimulate and
awaken your body. Let them enliven your energy through walking, dance, singing
and yoga.
Beauty will pour from you in joy, laughter, divine words and creative powers.
Share all of this beauty. Connect and acknowledge that you are a walking and
talking “Holy Grail”. Let others bathe in your ageless Light Intelligence.
This December you are also a mirror reflecting your inner and outer worlds. Be a
clear channel of “Light’ = 3+9+7+8+2 = 29/11/2.
Be positive with your thoughts. This includes your feelings at work and with your
family. Please be wary of taking negative thoughts from others to heart. Try to
remember that others see their true selves in your truth and will mirror your Light.
Be grateful for who you are: ‘The Greatest Of All That There Is”. Go out and
nurture people with a slice of your heaven. Enjoy and have fun.
“ Be happy. Do it with a smile.”
- My Dad, Catskill Mountains, November, 2006
EDDIE MURPHY – “Ha...Ha…Ha.”
It’s a beautiful, sunny, hot L.A. afternoon. I’m walking for hours around Westwood
near UCLA. I feel like a vampire approaching people. But instead of taking their
precious blood, I’m interviewing certain age groups for my marketing research
job. As a bonus the willing participant, each receives a free ticket to a screening
for an upcoming Hollywood film.
I notice a half block away a procession of huge men. Leading the pack, I
notice…it’s Eddie Murphy! He walks (with the men) into an ice cream parlor.
I love this man. He makes me laugh. I move quickly to the entrance of the shop.
“Should I or shouldn’t I?” I mumble to myself as I walk up and down the street
debating if I should go in and say “hello”. Moving closer to the ice cream parlor, I
try to be invisible from the outside world looking in to see what he’s doing.
Eddie’s alone eating his ice cream, and I decide this is it. Boy, was I fooled by
this moment.
I walk through the parlor doors clutching my pen and notepad tight as I walk up
to him and say,”Hello, Eddie,” and boldly continue,”What is your name at birth”?
I catch him totally by surprise as he looks at me in a trance state and responds,
“Edward Regan Murphy.”
“Thanks,” I say writing his name down. Doing the calculations of his name quickly
in front of him I ask, “What’s your birth date?”
Very seriously, he responds, “April 3, 1961.” I write this down doing the Soul
Math. Suddenly, huge, tall black towers of muscle surround me. Wow! There is
not one inch of crawl space if I need to leave.
These men start asking me questions. “Hey, what are you doing?” A tall giant
answers, “He’s doing numbers.” The first guy looks stunned, “Numbers to what!”
“I’m doing Eddie’s numbers. His Numerology from name and birth date,” I
respond. Eddie is just staring at this scene mentally noting all the characters
I continue to speak and start to teach my impromptu class. “Numerology
communicates your past, present and future. Who you are and why you were
A scream is heard, “Do me!” Then, another voice, “ No me!”
These two big men, who want their numbers done, take my arms and pull at me
in a tug-of-war. The other bodyguards join in their chorus of “Do me!” The next
thing I know, I have a Broadway musical on my hands.
Page 5
This is when the biggest Cheshire smile crosses Eddie Murphy’s face. “Wait a
minute,” I fight to break loose of their hold, “I’ll do all of you.”
I work numbers in seconds for each of them. Their energies are so appreciative
and loving. I finish all 7 of them as Eddie smiles like a proud father hearing
soulful words about his sons.
I look at Eddie and ask, “Would you like to know something about yourself?” He
nods “yes” as all the men gather around to listen. “Eddie,” I say, “Your
Numerology shows you’re multi-dimensional in your talents. As a ‘6’ from the
sum of your birth date, not only are you here to make people laugh but you are
an illuminating sun. Shining and smiling in people’s hearts.”
“As a ‘6’,” I continue, “You’re a talker and have the ability to sing. You do have a
voice. But you know that.” He smiled. (Eddie Murphy did sing in “Coming to
America” and later in “Shrek 2”. And, he’s recorded songs with Rick James and
others.) “You are a writer and will produce and direct in the future.” (He did go on
to direct, produce, co-write and star in “Harlem Nights”.)
“Your name at birth comes out to a ‘3’ with a hidden ‘66’. The ‘66/3’ energy
utilizes their deep connection with their intuition and heart. You’re an artistic
genius and heal the people of the world on so many levels with your words and
“Your name or Destiny vibration wants you to express your soul and spirit
through films, books and music. You nurture and support friends, family and the
people you meet. You’re a family man and a romantic as you love to love.”
“Look at all these guys,” I say pointing to the bodyguards in his family.
Eddie responds, “That’s my brother. The rest are cousins and friends.”
“I thought they were your body guards,” I exclaim. Eddie just smiles.
We speak a few more minutes as I am accepted as one of their family. Everyone
comes to me and expresses their deep thanks. The first guy I did Numbers on
says, “If you need something like tickets or something… get in touch with us.”
“Thank you,” I say.
I ask Eddie to sign my Numerology notes which he does, and then he starts
laughing, “Ha…Ha…Ha”. I walk away listening to Eddie’s laughter echoing in my
heart. I appreciate the scenario from the “Theatre of Life” that just took place. . I
fantasize that someday Eddie Murphy will write this into one of his comedies. I
would. Ha…Ha…Ha.
Sources have told me that David Holliff did indeed sign Jim Carrey. Jim was later
snatched up by a big Hollywood agency. David was handsomely rewarded for his ‘find’.
Before the end of 2006, I encourage you to Be The Greatest of All That You
Are…Enjoy the difference you make and the miracles you create. Know your
Numbers. Go out and live, love, laugh and have a great time during the Holidays.
I’ll be in Los Angeles in December. Call or e-mail me and let me know how you
are doing.
Peace. Blessings. Love.
Julian Michael
Receive a Numerology Reading, Past Life Regression or Hands On Healing.
December books fast with the Holidays.
**Call 323-384-1333 or email
to schedule a session, book a party or a phone consultation.**
Discover Julian’s Numerology of the Day at
Please visit my website at

In memory of Robert Altman, filmmaker extraordinaire
Julian, Robert Altman and Dawna Shuman
Museum of Radio and Television, Beverly Hills, CA
October, 2006
Beloved friends,
Thank you for your support and kind words regarding my newsletters and my
work over the course of this last year.
I am dedicating this newsletter to my muse, Robert Altman. I had the privilege
of meeting Mr. Altman at a special Q&A on his most recent film, “Prairie Home
Companion”. Afterwards in the lobby, my friend Dawna and I noticed ‘an
opening’ around the legendary director, and so we approached him. Dawna
introduced herself and he couldn’t have been more cordial. Her conversation
went something like this. “I’m such a fan of your work. (he beamed) There have
been moments in my life where I have felt I have been living in a Robert Altman
movie.” He looked at her with bemusement and said, “You are!”
I leaned in and shook his hand saying, “Mr. Altman, I loved ‘Three Women’.”
He smiled broadly, “It’s one of my favorites.” I went on, ”Because
of you and your work, I was motivated to go to film school at CCNY.” We were
both enamored by his kindness and walked away feeling like we were embraced
by this cinematic, ageless sorcerer. It was a moment frozen in time. Mr. Altman,
your movies will live on forever!
Happy Holidays!
Now, center yourself. Surround yourself with people of like minds and hearts.
This will empower you to do the Light work you are here to do. Your Light will
positively affect people that don’t understand or appreciate you.
Meditate, pray and send loving thoughts to the Government and our political
Inside this newsletter, there’s a wonderful story about meeting the great
comedian, Eddie Murphy.
Enjoy this Newsletter and the enlightenment it brings.
Newsletter Contents:
“Julian, The Numbers Guy” Warner Cable TV Show
A Celebration of Oneness 2006
December 2006 – Universal Month
Eddie Murphy
Catch my latest show on LA’s Time Warner Cable local access Ch. 98.
(Santa Monica, Ch. 77; Beverly Hills Ch. 43)
For air times, call or e-mail me at
December 9-10, 2006 at the Pasadena Convention Center.
Join me at this unique and powerful multi-media event. Enjoy music, film, art,
yoga, natural health practices, environmental work, workshops and lectures. I’ll
be speaking, and I would love it if you stopped in to see me.
Visit for more information.
December 2006 – Universal Month “20 – 2 “
The Universal Month is the roadmap we follow to understand our opportunities
and challenges. Adding the month December and the Universal Year 2006, you
get a “20-2” Universal Month vibration.
December is a “12-3” energy. This month share your joy, laughter and wisdom
with your personal and global family.
Take a few moments to reflect and examine your speaking skills. Are you happy
in how you express yourself? Do you listen to the other party or do you just talk?
Utilize your intuition, your angels and your inner guidance to have clear
communication. Think, feel and convey what lives inside your loving heart.
Together the “12-3” of December and the “8” of 2006 create a “20-2.” This
energy is known as “Hidden Knowledge.”
Connect with “The Wisdom of the Ancients”. Let their wisdom stimulate and
awaken your body. Let them enliven your energy through walking, dance, singing
and yoga.
Beauty will pour from you in joy, laughter, divine words and creative powers.
Share all of this beauty. Connect and acknowledge that you are a walking and
talking “Holy Grail”. Let others bathe in your ageless Light Intelligence.
This December you are also a mirror reflecting your inner and outer worlds. Be a
clear channel of “Light’ = 3+9+7+8+2 = 29/11/2.
Be positive with your thoughts. This includes your feelings at work and with your
family. Please be wary of taking negative thoughts from others to heart. Try to
remember that others see their true selves in your truth and will mirror your Light.
Be grateful for who you are: ‘The Greatest Of All That There Is”. Go out and
nurture people with a slice of your heaven. Enjoy and have fun.
“ Be happy. Do it with a smile.”
- My Dad, Catskill Mountains, November, 2006
EDDIE MURPHY – “Ha...Ha…Ha.”
It’s a beautiful, sunny, hot L.A. afternoon. I’m walking for hours around Westwood
near UCLA. I feel like a vampire approaching people. But instead of taking their
precious blood, I’m interviewing certain age groups for my marketing research
job. As a bonus the willing participant, each receives a free ticket to a screening
for an upcoming Hollywood film.
I notice a half block away a procession of huge men. Leading the pack, I
notice…it’s Eddie Murphy! He walks (with the men) into an ice cream parlor.
I love this man. He makes me laugh. I move quickly to the entrance of the shop.
“Should I or shouldn’t I?” I mumble to myself as I walk up and down the street
debating if I should go in and say “hello”. Moving closer to the ice cream parlor, I
try to be invisible from the outside world looking in to see what he’s doing.
Eddie’s alone eating his ice cream, and I decide this is it. Boy, was I fooled by
this moment.
I walk through the parlor doors clutching my pen and notepad tight as I walk up
to him and say,”Hello, Eddie,” and boldly continue,”What is your name at birth”?
I catch him totally by surprise as he looks at me in a trance state and responds,
“Edward Regan Murphy.”
“Thanks,” I say writing his name down. Doing the calculations of his name quickly
in front of him I ask, “What’s your birth date?”
Very seriously, he responds, “April 3, 1961.” I write this down doing the Soul
Math. Suddenly, huge, tall black towers of muscle surround me. Wow! There is
not one inch of crawl space if I need to leave.
These men start asking me questions. “Hey, what are you doing?” A tall giant
answers, “He’s doing numbers.” The first guy looks stunned, “Numbers to what!”
“I’m doing Eddie’s numbers. His Numerology from name and birth date,” I
respond. Eddie is just staring at this scene mentally noting all the characters
I continue to speak and start to teach my impromptu class. “Numerology
communicates your past, present and future. Who you are and why you were
A scream is heard, “Do me!” Then, another voice, “ No me!”
These two big men, who want their numbers done, take my arms and pull at me
in a tug-of-war. The other bodyguards join in their chorus of “Do me!” The next
thing I know, I have a Broadway musical on my hands.
Page 5
This is when the biggest Cheshire smile crosses Eddie Murphy’s face. “Wait a
minute,” I fight to break loose of their hold, “I’ll do all of you.”
I work numbers in seconds for each of them. Their energies are so appreciative
and loving. I finish all 7 of them as Eddie smiles like a proud father hearing
soulful words about his sons.
I look at Eddie and ask, “Would you like to know something about yourself?” He
nods “yes” as all the men gather around to listen. “Eddie,” I say, “Your
Numerology shows you’re multi-dimensional in your talents. As a ‘6’ from the
sum of your birth date, not only are you here to make people laugh but you are
an illuminating sun. Shining and smiling in people’s hearts.”
“As a ‘6’,” I continue, “You’re a talker and have the ability to sing. You do have a
voice. But you know that.” He smiled. (Eddie Murphy did sing in “Coming to
America” and later in “Shrek 2”. And, he’s recorded songs with Rick James and
others.) “You are a writer and will produce and direct in the future.” (He did go on
to direct, produce, co-write and star in “Harlem Nights”.)
“Your name at birth comes out to a ‘3’ with a hidden ‘66’. The ‘66/3’ energy
utilizes their deep connection with their intuition and heart. You’re an artistic
genius and heal the people of the world on so many levels with your words and
“Your name or Destiny vibration wants you to express your soul and spirit
through films, books and music. You nurture and support friends, family and the
people you meet. You’re a family man and a romantic as you love to love.”
“Look at all these guys,” I say pointing to the bodyguards in his family.
Eddie responds, “That’s my brother. The rest are cousins and friends.”
“I thought they were your body guards,” I exclaim. Eddie just smiles.
We speak a few more minutes as I am accepted as one of their family. Everyone
comes to me and expresses their deep thanks. The first guy I did Numbers on
says, “If you need something like tickets or something… get in touch with us.”
“Thank you,” I say.
I ask Eddie to sign my Numerology notes which he does, and then he starts
laughing, “Ha…Ha…Ha”. I walk away listening to Eddie’s laughter echoing in my
heart. I appreciate the scenario from the “Theatre of Life” that just took place. . I
fantasize that someday Eddie Murphy will write this into one of his comedies. I
would. Ha…Ha…Ha.
Sources have told me that David Holliff did indeed sign Jim Carrey. Jim was later
snatched up by a big Hollywood agency. David was handsomely rewarded for his ‘find’.
Before the end of 2006, I encourage you to Be The Greatest of All That You
Are…Enjoy the difference you make and the miracles you create. Know your
Numbers. Go out and live, love, laugh and have a great time during the Holidays.
I’ll be in Los Angeles in December. Call or e-mail me and let me know how you
are doing.
Peace. Blessings. Love.
Julian Michael
Receive a Numerology Reading, Past Life Regression or Hands On Healing.
December books fast with the Holidays.
**Call 323-384-1333 or email
to schedule a session, book a party or a phone consultation.**
Discover Julian’s Numerology of the Day at
Please visit my website at
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