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Wednesday, May 05, 2010





* YOU deserve to know your unique “Blue Print “ that Is your Soul’s birthright and call of greatness for 2010! Get your Numerology Souls Map done for you, your loving relationship or a dear friend.

* I’M always available for a private session. Please email Julian Michael at or call 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment. Any questions be free to call Julian Michael on Skye from anywhere in the world: solmagik.


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HERE are my thoughts about the Shift of 2012:

"Looking ahead the way is long,
Looking back it is short.
If you don't go within, you go without.
The beauty of the Way is that there is no Way."
- Lao Tzu

What are your thoughts?

HAPPY May 2010! How are you? Thank you for embracing the essence of life with me.

I'm so happy to share May 2010 with you.

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Know The Secrets and Magic Code of May, a 5 Vibration

MAY a 5 says – Know the form, metaphor and secrets of this vibration.

TAKE a few deep breaths. Now, close your eyes and relax your eyes. Imagine yourself sitting at your third eye looking at the word May with the Numeral 5 on a golden door in front of you.

PLEASE request permission to enter this magical place. Now ask what you need to know about May. Imagine that the golden door opens. Welcome to the world of May, a 5.

WITNESS, what you see and hear. Allow all your senses to be open. Listen to the whispers inside the golden door. After a few minutes with your experiences say thank you. Open your eyes and sit with your self. Reflect on what just happened. Be ready for a glorious magical day.

* 5 has an inverted C. It’s open, connected with what you know, do not know, what you feel about the truth of your past of old foundations.

- HOW do you feel about life patterns and karma you have with your mother, father, family and friends?

- WHAT if your family and friends travel with you from one life to the next, yet you change characters and personalities? For example, your mother now was your sister then and your father a brother and etc. Do you know how to access what you need from this play of consciousness of your evolution that is taking place?

- BE thankful when you wake up in the morning. Be happy with who you are, what you have, your job and where you live in this moment.

- BE prepared. Are you flexible to change your lifestyle and the place where you live?

- NOW Imagine there is a killer storm coming and you have an hour left before you need to leave. What is it that you really need? Look at pieces of furniture, books, clothing, pictures & documents. What are you taking with you?

- IF there is an emergency, do you have a plan where your family and loved ones will meet?

HOW do you feel about :

- your health, longevity and the Modalities of 21st Century Medicine.

- money? How you are making it and are you happy with how much you have?

- love? Do you love yourself? If not, are you working on it?

- God, Angels, guides and demons? How about the Masons, Illuminati and the world government?

- the power of the World Bank and the I.M.F. or International Monetary Fund?

- that BP OIL deep drilled more then 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. Now we have a hole in the Earth spewing out 200,000 barrels of oil a day into the ocean.

- IS there some merit to the following statement?

"WORLD events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse string."
- Denis Healey, former British Secretary of Defense.)

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- WHAT else do you feel in that inverted C?

* THE inverted C stops as you start climbing vertically.

REFLECT on what is in your inverted C. Process; take what you need to climb. Change your old concepts and ideas so you can move on to higher elevations.

* WHEN you thought you’re free to move up, in comes a 90-degree turn at the top of the 5 and in your life.

* NOW flow with what feels good and is important to you.

- BE strong and surround yourself with people of progressive minds and hearts that will empower you and visa-versa in this time of your great quickening.


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LINDSAY LOHAN Born 7-2-1986 = 33/6 is a Life Path Pin Number. She Deserves To Know That She Has A Master Number & What It Means.

YOU have a Pin Number to Bank accounts and your computer. You have a special code of vibrations that is your Month, Day and Year of your Birth - Date that creates your forth vibration.

THESE 4 frequencies known as the Life Path Pin Number connects you with your Soul's contract. This sacred code purports your talents, opportunities, lessons,challenges, what's happening to you this year, month, day of your life.

LINDSAY LOHAN born in July, a 7, is analytical, soul searching, a singer, actress, dancer, designer and needs her space.

BORN on the 2 she's very sensitive, diplomatic, has shyness, a problem solver and a very strong connection. Has Karma with her mother and women.

BORN 1986 = 24/6 is a magnetic personality, nurturing, loving and atracted to material comforts.

THE sum of 7 + 2 + 1986 = 33/6 is; a Higher 6 vibration, self sacrifice to be of service to humanity, here to spread light, make a difference as the love vibration of Venus.

LINDSAY'S 33/6 needs to be honest, self-disciplined and know how to channel this sexual kundalini energy, creative genius, intelligence connected with also the Christ Consciousness and Boddhi -satva energy that is an atomic power plant inside of her

THE 33/6 'The Teacher of Teachers," is nurturing as the universal mother that cradles humanity in her arms. Lindsay deserves to grow as an enterpreneur in the beauty industry, be a speaker of the new 21st century woman, act and embrace writing, directing and sharing her world of dreams, intuitive and psychic experiences.

NOT knowing or not being centered with your Master Numbers can bring lots of problems and haunting disturbances of your mind and body.

LET'S pray that it is not too late for the beloved Angel Lindsay Lohan walking the razers edge in her 33/6 Master Vibration and so much more.

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What are The Master Numbers?

BIRTHDATES such as 11, 22, or 29, which equals an 11.

YOUR birth year can be broken down into a Master Number. Examples: 1910=11, 1975=22, 1966=22, 1975=22, 1993=22.

THE sum of your birthday breaks down into a Master Number.
Example: month + day + year =
February 25, 1964 (2+2+5+1+9+6+4=29=11)
January 1, 1964 (1+1+1+9+6+4=22)

THE sum of your whole name breaks down
into a Master number as well. Example:
J U L I A N = (1+3+3+9+1+5=22)

USE the correlation of Number Vibrations and letters below to see if your name is a Master Number Vibration:

One = A, J, S
Two = B, K, T
Three = C, L, U
Four = D, M, V
Five = N, E, W
Six = F, O, X
Seven = G, P, Y
Eight = H, Q, Z
Nine = I, R

Where Are The Major Number Vibrations?

Heart and Souls Desire – The adding of the vowels of the name.
Personality – The adding of the consonants of the name.
Destiny – The sum of the vowels and consonants of the name.
Life Path Pin Number – The sum of the birth-date.

What Do The Master Numbers Mean and What Can They Show You?

LEARN to recognize and utilize your talents and skills and attract those in your personal and professional life that matter to you. MASTER NUMBERS display the qualities of a wise sage, teacher, creative artist, scientist, doctor, CEO’s – the the movers and shakers in life.

MASTER NUMBERS react to life with extreme sensitivity and intelligence.

LIVING life with a Nuclear power plant inside, these people need to know how to channel these energies otherwise their life is filled with stress, anxiety, nervousness, and psychological and/or physiological problems with a tendency to be destructive, and abusive with an affinity to drugs and alcohol.

INDIVIDUALS with the Master Number Vibrations are usually very vocal, emotional and have a lot of sexual energy.

IT'S important to use all methods to center and ground the self. Study the Kundalini energy and all the secrets of sexuality in yoga, Tantra and Kama Sutra.

All the Master vibrations including 11, 22 and 33 have an extraordinary openness to the Parapsychological world. The powers of channeling, ESP, clairvoyance, dreams, clairaudience, seeing auras, telepathic communication, healing energies and all forms of mediumship are accessible to them.

Parents and Children Know Your Master Numbers.

EXTRAORDINARY children known as Indigo,Violet or Crystal are being born today with amazing powers of perception. They are very loving, creative and different than others. These children think and work out of the box. Most of them have Master Numbers and are extremely

THESE Master Number children are often hyperactive and labeled with ADD. Please be aware of Ritalin-type drugs, as they are extremely dangerous to their welfare.

ALLOW your children to express themselves. Guide, teach and help them to channel their special energies into the arts, sciences, sports and alternative technologies.

BY accessing their authentic self and realizing their gifts, they can realize a life of harmony and joy.

NOW examine and work out your Numerology to know about your Master Number Vibrations.

KNOW that if you don’t have a Master number vibration that’s okay. Next month I will be addressing other Numbers and their connection with powerful people.

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PRAY, send love to your ancestors, secret societies, Media’s hypnotism, the weather and all movers and shakers of progressive thought. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To the oil spillage, Iceland, Poland, Haiti, Chile, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians, North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Africa, The USA, Ukraine, Russia, China, Cuba, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.

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Prosperity Prayer

GOD is my Un-failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

BEGIN to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word, and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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For 30 years I’m an Intuitive Numerologist, Alternative Therapist, Personal Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Party of Empowerment Events. You can do sessions with me in person or over the phone globally.

I also specialize, do sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 21 years. My teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many Lives Many Masters, guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted

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THANK you for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think and feel.

HAPPY May 2010! Peace, Blessings, with all my Heart, Love Julian xoxo


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