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Wednesday, April 14, 2010




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* You deserve to know your unique “Blue Print “ that Is your Soul’s birthright and call of greatness for 2010! Get your Numerology Soul's Map done for you, your loving relationship or a dear friend.

* I'm Always Available for a private session. Please email me or call 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment. Any questions? Feel free to call me on Skype from anywhere in the world: solmagik.

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Beloved Angel,

My thoughts about 2012

Do not fall prey and be a victim of the collapses, crisis, Matrix, news media and all the Doom –Sayers.

The Mayans call it “The end of time.”
Be ready to change your perception and thinking of the entire structure of things.

“I’ll show you Obama’s birth certificate when you show me Sarah Palin’s high school diploma.”
- Bill Maher

Is it possible that Sarah Palin will run for President, win in 2012?
- Julian Michael

What are your thoughts?

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Happy Easter and Passover April 2010! How are you? Thank you Livia Zeimet for this beautiful photo. Contact her at to embrace magic.

Welcome to April, a 4. It’s all about organizing, working your stuff out and opening doors to infinite possibilities. Be the Master Builder of Heaven.

Please take a few minutes to meditate, bathe all your positive and negative experiences, thoughts and dreams with golden light and love. Give yourself a big warm hug.

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Now see the word April with the numeral 4 in a golden ball of light a foot above your head. Let it flow over your body from the top of your head to your toes. Now relax a few moments.

See yourself sitting at your third eye looking at the word April with the Numeral 4 on a golden door in front of you. Request permission to enter this magical place. Now ask what you need to know about April. Imagine that the golden door opens. Welcome to the world of April a 4.

Witness what you see and hear. Allow all your senses to be open. Listen to the whispers inside the golden door. A few minutes after your experiences say thank you, open your eyes and sit with your self. Reflect on what just happened. Be ready for a glorious magical day.

Let’s look more at April and it’s secrets.

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“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.” - Pythagoras
Know your Numbers!

April a 4 Vibration Says: Meditate, pray on what it is that you want to take from your last months of thoughts, plans, experiences to build your house internally and externally.

- Visualize the heaven you want to create and you are!

- Invite all your guides, angels, Avatars like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Lao Tse, Pythagoras, Joan of Arc, all healing doctors, animal spirits and intergalactic neighbors to assist you. Welcome them to your House Warming Party.

- Call upon God to come, visit and play in your house.

“Every spirit builds itself a house,
And beyond its house a world,
And beyond its world a heaven.
Know then that world exists for you.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

- Clean your office, closets, excess Emails and mess. Throw out what you don’t need. Give to family and friends books, clothes and other items that you feel they deserve. Give the rest to charity.

- A 4 connects with the father and masculine energies. Have a dialogue with your father or any important man in your life especially if there is tension between you.

- If this special man passed, find a picture and burn a candle. Tell them what you feel. Express how they influenced you and what they did to you and for you.

- Do an exercise to emotionally release and forgive any old ugly stuff you carry in your heart and mind of this person.

- You do not deserve to carry anger, hate and sadness in 2010 that reaches into your DNA, cell memory and blocks the “Master Builder” that you are.

Speak from your heart. “ I let go of all the hurt and harm that you’ve done to me in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In my past, present and future. As I know you release me for any hurt or harm that I’ve done to you. I bless you with divine love. (Now take a deep breath.)

I know that we are a life pattern and program of parents, parents' parents, culture, religion, beliefs, government and education. It’s time to change these patterns and programs. (Now take a deep breath.)

I emotionally release you, forgive you and set you free. And I am free, free, free.” Relax and feel great.

- Eat delicious nutritious and healthy foods.

- Receive a colonic or go on a program to clean your intestines.

- Be cognizant of the products you use for shampoo and your toothpaste. Did you know if you Google, ‘Depression and Shampoo,” you’d be surprised the information you receive about the chemicals in your supposed natural shampoo.

- Be aware of lipstick and its chemical composition you put on your lips. There was a statement from the Health Department about what is in your lipstick and it’s dangers.

- Be extremely clear of what deodorant you use and its chemical contents. This area of use is so close in proximity to your chest and heart. There is enough evidence that shows certain ingredients are known to create breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s.

- You got to be crazy to talk into a Cell phone without a loud speaker or an earpiece. Google and find out the brain cancers purported by doctors here, Europe and Australia.

- Be aware of the components in flu shots, inoculations that you, your child and loved ones are receiving. Think about this, 1:75 children born today will have Alzheimer’s. Hmm?

- Start to build a natural, green life-style.

- Create great opportunities with your positive attitude of doing!

- You have been through all kinds of experiences, trials and tribulations in many incarnations to be here now.

- Do your spiritual practices. Create miracles and teach people the miracle they are.

- In your mediation and prayers, visualize doors that you walk through. See a mover, shaker making a difference in your life and in the world. Embrace them as you.

- Create grace and prosperity. Bless everything around you. Be the architect of grace, immunity, wholeness and love.

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Pray, send love to your ancestors, secret societies, Media’s hypnotism, the weather and all movers and shakers of progressive thought. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To Poland,Haiti, Chile, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians, North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Africa, The USA, Ukraine, Russia, China, Cuba, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.

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A God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

* Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word, and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth- Louthen

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FOR 30 YEARS I have been a Numerologist Intuitive, Alternative Therapist, Personal Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Party of Empowerment Events. Come and receive a Numerology session in person or over the phone globally.

I also do sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 21 years. My teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype me at JulianMichael:solmagik
* Read my Numerology Pearls Of The Day on Facebook Julian Michael or solmagik
* Please Email or Call me at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.

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Thank you for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think and feel.

Peace, Blessings, With All My Heart, Love Julian xoxo


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