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BELOVED ANGEL, HOW ARE YOU. Thank you from my loving heart for all your Birthday wishes, support and love in the wondrous days around my Birthday August 21.
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In September be a lover of love. God Bless the journey of Edward Kennedy a Stalwart in every dimension for Human Rights.
I’m honored to share with you 3 Goddesses. Eunice Kennedy Shriver: who is the Exemplar of Unconditional Love. The second is the wisdom of the luminous Libby Weintraub. A new young Bulgarian writer and activist that touched my soul that I know you’ll love is Natalia Koteva.
I’m so excited to share September 2009 and all it’s secrets and more.
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Happy August 11, 2009 8 + 11 +11 = 30/3 Universal Day.
Being a Numerologist and Alternative Progressive Therapist has opened and blessed my world. I had and continue to have amazing experiences, meet extraordinary people who are Exemplars of moving and shaking humanity in their magic of love.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver is on the top of my list. She passed on 8-11-2009. The day of death in Numerology is the Birthday to the other side.
Let's delve deeper and examine this important date.
Eunice celebrates a Double 11 Star gate, ‘The Key to the door of light. This Star gate increases the vibration of 11 tremendously. She takes with her experiences here and connects with movers and shakers who are making a difference on the other side.
She finds a place, cloud to meditate on, ruminate and then shares it with God, the Angels, people she’s teaching, directing, producing and helping on Astral Planes and here on earth. The 11, is “The Messenger of the Gods.” The Messenger of Light, (3+9+7+8+2=29/11) intelligence, love.
Eunice has many amazing stories to share as she lives in the eternal stimulating you to have courage, faith and to be a visionary as she is.
Her 8, embraces security and balance. She delegates her power and authority well. She continues to access, explore infinite knowledge, divine love and infinite power.
In her 30/3, Eunice has God’s and the Angelic protection in the zero, of 30.The 30/3 is very versatile, clever as she expresses artistic genius the theatre, writing, music, children and animals appeal and embrace her.
The 30/3 is a high consciousness and has no boundaries. Send love to Eunice. This is the key to open your heart to her heart and a channel is open for her to guide, serve help you in anyway with any questions you have. She blesses all of humanity for years to come as a bridge between the Astral and Earth World.
I met Eunice years ago at a very special Christmas party I did. I truly did not know what she looked like, who she was and even when she told me her first name. I just finished reading 5 beautiful cherubs in a beautiful living room decorated for Christmas as my soul was being warmed, bathed by a roaring fireplace. She and her friend were in the doorway staring at me. I went up to them and introduced myself.
Robert Shriver lawyer, city councilman, eloquent speaker and activist for human rights presented, hosted the Christmas party with his dad, the luminary Sargent Shriver. I was the Numerologist sharing my Numbers of wisdom with dignitaries, actors and beautiful people.
Eunice elegantly dressed with her Goddess friend sat down next to me. I was asked by Eunice to read her friend. I found out during the Numerology as she told me she was one of the Pointer sisters. I blew her away with the Numbers. She loved it.
I turned my attention to this soft-spoken angelic woman who I felt was very down to earth receiving her first name Eunice, Birth date, July 10th and year that she whispered in my ear, 1921. Ahh. 7+10+1921(13-4) = 30/3 Life Path with a 7 + 1 + 13 = 30 Pin. #.
I told her "This Birth date connects you with your talents, opportunities and challenges. What's happening to you this year, month day and your life path. We have a pin. # to our bank accounts and computers. We have a Pin # to our Soul's account. Month, day and year creates the main vibration as yours is a 30/3. I showed Eunice my tab of paper with my calculations as we talked.
" The 13 of 1921 is a Stop sign showing you a Karmic vibration of Daliance in previous lives into this one. Karma is a teaching that you deserve to go through that makes you stronger. So in this life you work very hard, having a strong foundation and focus. You're an architect, building, empowering people through the arts with your 30/3.
Your July 10th together = 17/8. This is how you live and empower yourself as a woman, who means Buisness. You're here to be a producer, executive and know God,( 7+6 + 4 = 17/8). 'Yes" , she said.
I continued "You have a karma with men, your father and will have a very strong husband if your married. Yes, she said. I continued," you're here to stand on your own feet a 10, as you take charge, being a leader teaching others to lead and stand up.
You're very connected to children as you yourself are a child and childlike as this is your main 30/3. Eunice, snickered and continued to listen intently.
You're very spiritual with the 7 of July. You pray, meditate and rejuvenate your energies in this 7, to go out in the world, play, speak, teach be the communicator you are." More was exchanged.
* Interesting her day of transition 8 + 11 + 2009(11) = 30/3 is equal to her day of Birth, 7 + 10 + 2009(11) = 30/3. Eunice is complete. She did exactly what she planned to do in between lives with help from her guides and Master architects before she was born. Please read "Many Live's Many Masters" By Dr. Brian Weiss and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Minutes into the session, Eunice asked me that Winters Evening in LA, “Julian what is it when your heart has been broken.”
I looked into the sweetness of her eyes and traveled to commune with her soul. I replied, “ Darling. You’re one of God’s favorites. He and all the Angels of heaven look over you and they heal your heart as they love you so so much.”
Eunice paused a few moments and told me, I pray every day. Do you know I have an altar in my house. "She looked around and said, " there are people here to see you." and said," thank you so much." We hugged and then Ms. Pointer and Eunice left. The next person a famous actress sat down and said to me," isn't Eunice Shriver something else". A light bulb went off and I realized,I just experienced greatness.
Thank you Eunice Kennedy Shriver for those minutes you touched me so deeply with your love, wisdom and extraordinary presence in lighting up my heart. God bless you, as I celebrate your magical journey. Enjoy, as you are now with God, singing, soaring with the Angels, making plans as a Master architect to open more hearts and souls, eternal in your unconditional love.
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“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras
In September a 9 you are jumping into “Your Sacred Divine Mirror”.
Your Sacred Divine Mirror reflects your level of confidence, kindness and what you feel about your creativity, productivity, prosperity, connection with humanity, dreams, the invisible, divine intelligence and God.
The Sacred Contract is your life book, 'Akashic Records," which holds every experience, word, thought of your past, present, future now.
Enjoy your jump as these characters used a mirror or reflection. Alice and Wonderland, Harry Potter and the Genie of the lamp.
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September Says – Look at my form. I am one with the zero on top, the divine, and God consciousness.
September Says - Be aware. I can be negative, abusive and create hell for you.
September Says – The 9 encompasses all the vibrations:
1 – I’m the new beginning, stand on your own feet, be a leader, visionary, teaching others to take charge and lead. Careful of being a dictator.
2 – I’m peace, harmony. Let's join together. Be the diplomat, and problem solver. Strong connection or challenge with Mom, women and High Priestesses. Careful of war mongering and lies.
3 – I’m tele-communications, expression and Clairaudience. Words are powerful and healing. Tap into your artistic genius and listen to what is not being said. Careful of gossip.
4 – I’m here to build, construct, be an architect. Strong connection or challenge is with dad, men and sorcerers. Open doors of infinite possibilities and experience what happens. Careful of feeling bored and dead to the world.
5 – I’m a teacher of freedom, love all cultures, travel and adventure. Be in touch with your sensuality and sexuality. Know about the power of the Kundalini. Careful of abusing your body and mind.
6 – I’m embracing your loving heart. Be responsible, a cosmic caretaker, healer, and teacher. Speak and serve. Careful of being shut down to feel love.
7 – I’m your mind, analytical, the magician, scientist, and mystic, Numerologist. Shhh, listen to the sounds of silence. Careful of just being spiritual and not engaging in the beauty of the physical, material plane.
8 – I’m harmony, be an executive, delegate power, be prosperous of mind, body and spirit. Embrace Infinity and the secrets of the DNA. Careful of being a tyrant.
9 –I’m A 9, all the vibrations.
September Says – Live, Love, Let Go and Surrender. You're graduating to the next level.
September Says - Forgive everyone and everything that has hurt you in anyway: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. Past, Present, Future and especially Now!
September Says – See them forgiving you for any hurt, harm that you’ve done to them.
September Says – Acknowledge their patterns and life programs. Know that your Mom has been programmed from her Mom and Mom’s mom and the whole archetypal line of women in your family, as your Dad.
September Says – These old patterns and programs embrace; education, customs, culture, language, government, how they deal with money, their views of happiness, life and God consciousness.
September Says – Let go of the old, program, forgive, emotionally release and be free to create your own program and divine identity.
September Says - Walk your magical line of awareness, magnificence, freedom and divinity.
September Says – Be careful of negativity, jealousy, envy, selfishness, depression and sadness. You’re mind we’ll become weary. The spirit will be trapped. Danger is upon you. Love is forgotten.
September Says – Absolute Love, Universal Love, Eternal Love
And Self Love is the key to your God consciousness.
September Says – Love is the Game. Love you and me. Love and respect everybody. Love the enemy. Love your divorce. Love your mirror. Everyone, every consciousness is a reflection of you.
September Says – Embrace the artistic, creative, singing, writing, imaginative you.
September Says – Network!!! Share your wisdom and loving HEART.
September Says – Be a dimensional traveler of all the vibrations 1-9. A time machine of past, present, future and now!
September Says – Life is a “Play of Consciousness.” Love the “ Play of Consciousness.” This is the love that is you. You and I are the same.
* * * * *
The Hermit asks you to take all that you’ve learned from your experiences, alone time and sanctuary of your heart and go out to the world and teach.
In the A.E.Waite Tarot Card you as the magician, older and mature hold the beacon, lantern of light consciousness away from the caves you lived in.
Go out and share truth, kindness and selfless - service. Know about the laws of detachment, “To be of this world and not of this world.” Open to embrace unconditional love.
Google the Tarot card of ‘The Hermit” and find out more about this engaging being.
* * * * *
When the heart stops beating, and the costume has been taken off
The work of the soul is just beginning.
For to love in the midst of sadness is the love of the world.
To forgive in times of grief is to give of Gods great Love.
Today is the awakening of the moment.
The moment of remembrance and joy.
For our life, so grand, so dynamic, so touching,
Has left its scorching mark on the afternoon sky.
As we look to the fading sunset,
We catch glimpses of that great Love.
That now showers down upon us.
Encouraging us to grow, grow, grow
Each and every day, light awakens the night.
And in this awakening is our opportunity born.
To show God what we are really made of.
For only service of the heart, is the service of love.
And only the service of love, is the service of God.
It is time to get up off of our knees
And heal our wounded hearts.
For the wounded heart has much to give,
And promises the dawning of a new day.
Your life is given to you for the purpose of exploring.
The capacity of the souls hungry yearning.
To touch hearts and open doors to a new way of becoming.
The magic in your life, it is the legacy that was handed on,
And in the afternoon sky, continues to shine.
Libby Weintraub writer, teacher is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.
Contact Libby by Email: soulflowyoga@mac.com or Phone: 646-642-1179
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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies, the weather and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barrack Obama, his family and all the people involved in making this world rotate. To the passing of The Health Plan. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. North and South Korea, India, Pakistan, The USA, Ukraine, Africa, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.
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“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein
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Can you hear me whisper in the back of Your consciousness, “I Love You?”
I Am free to love you and I love you freely. In a petal of a crystal rose, there lays my heart.
My heart is engraved in the book of the worlds with a silver-golden script. My heart is created with the force of a black hole coming into Life. My heart beating with Your blood and loving with One Love that shall not be defined yet is re-defined throughout existence.
Love…evolved through the pains of a mother giving birth and sprinkled with the absolute ecstasy of two people coming together in co-creation of Life.
Love…evolved to simply Be without conditions, judgments or excuses.
Love…evolved to Be fearlessly vulnerable to Love simply for the sake of loving.
…To see the beauty of the world in the ugliness of life and know…Know deep to the bone matrix, there is no other Truth but to Be In Love with Life.
For it is too precious to be wasted to the waves of conscious ignorance and unconscious existence. It is time to wake up and Love…love…love
I am here. And I am here now. Tomorrow… may be not
So bust through the self- limitation of resistance, insecurity and fear for this is the Love of a Lifetime.
This is Your time. This is Your life. Live it!
Natalia Korteva is a writer, MPT a Masters In Physical Therapy, Chi Kung Practitioner, Public Health Educator, PSR - LA Ambassador (nuclear disarmament and military proliferation) and promotes progressive Health policies. She has a Blog that is to die for.
Contact Natalia by Email: nataliakoteva@yahoo.com
Visit her on: www.nataliakoteva.wordpress.com
Face book: Natalia Koteva
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God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous
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Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker and Writer. He’s in LA and the West Coast in September doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.
He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.
• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype & Facebook is Julian Michael
Please Email solmagik@hotmail.com or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
Thank you for reading and please be free to SHARE this Newsletter
Happy September 2009 Peace, Blessings and With all My Heart Love Julian xoxo
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BELOVED ANGEL, HOW ARE YOU. Thank you from my loving heart for all your Birthday wishes, support and love in the wondrous days around my Birthday August 21.
* * * * * * * *
In September be a lover of love. God Bless the journey of Edward Kennedy a Stalwart in every dimension for Human Rights.
I’m honored to share with you 3 Goddesses. Eunice Kennedy Shriver: who is the Exemplar of Unconditional Love. The second is the wisdom of the luminous Libby Weintraub. A new young Bulgarian writer and activist that touched my soul that I know you’ll love is Natalia Koteva.
I’m so excited to share September 2009 and all it’s secrets and more.
* * * * * * * * *
Happy August 11, 2009 8 + 11 +11 = 30/3 Universal Day.
Being a Numerologist and Alternative Progressive Therapist has opened and blessed my world. I had and continue to have amazing experiences, meet extraordinary people who are Exemplars of moving and shaking humanity in their magic of love.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver is on the top of my list. She passed on 8-11-2009. The day of death in Numerology is the Birthday to the other side.
Let's delve deeper and examine this important date.
Eunice celebrates a Double 11 Star gate, ‘The Key to the door of light. This Star gate increases the vibration of 11 tremendously. She takes with her experiences here and connects with movers and shakers who are making a difference on the other side.
She finds a place, cloud to meditate on, ruminate and then shares it with God, the Angels, people she’s teaching, directing, producing and helping on Astral Planes and here on earth. The 11, is “The Messenger of the Gods.” The Messenger of Light, (3+9+7+8+2=29/11) intelligence, love.
Eunice has many amazing stories to share as she lives in the eternal stimulating you to have courage, faith and to be a visionary as she is.
Her 8, embraces security and balance. She delegates her power and authority well. She continues to access, explore infinite knowledge, divine love and infinite power.
In her 30/3, Eunice has God’s and the Angelic protection in the zero, of 30.The 30/3 is very versatile, clever as she expresses artistic genius the theatre, writing, music, children and animals appeal and embrace her.
The 30/3 is a high consciousness and has no boundaries. Send love to Eunice. This is the key to open your heart to her heart and a channel is open for her to guide, serve help you in anyway with any questions you have. She blesses all of humanity for years to come as a bridge between the Astral and Earth World.
I met Eunice years ago at a very special Christmas party I did. I truly did not know what she looked like, who she was and even when she told me her first name. I just finished reading 5 beautiful cherubs in a beautiful living room decorated for Christmas as my soul was being warmed, bathed by a roaring fireplace. She and her friend were in the doorway staring at me. I went up to them and introduced myself.
Robert Shriver lawyer, city councilman, eloquent speaker and activist for human rights presented, hosted the Christmas party with his dad, the luminary Sargent Shriver. I was the Numerologist sharing my Numbers of wisdom with dignitaries, actors and beautiful people.
Eunice elegantly dressed with her Goddess friend sat down next to me. I was asked by Eunice to read her friend. I found out during the Numerology as she told me she was one of the Pointer sisters. I blew her away with the Numbers. She loved it.
I turned my attention to this soft-spoken angelic woman who I felt was very down to earth receiving her first name Eunice, Birth date, July 10th and year that she whispered in my ear, 1921. Ahh. 7+10+1921(13-4) = 30/3 Life Path with a 7 + 1 + 13 = 30 Pin. #.
I told her "This Birth date connects you with your talents, opportunities and challenges. What's happening to you this year, month day and your life path. We have a pin. # to our bank accounts and computers. We have a Pin # to our Soul's account. Month, day and year creates the main vibration as yours is a 30/3. I showed Eunice my tab of paper with my calculations as we talked.
" The 13 of 1921 is a Stop sign showing you a Karmic vibration of Daliance in previous lives into this one. Karma is a teaching that you deserve to go through that makes you stronger. So in this life you work very hard, having a strong foundation and focus. You're an architect, building, empowering people through the arts with your 30/3.
Your July 10th together = 17/8. This is how you live and empower yourself as a woman, who means Buisness. You're here to be a producer, executive and know God,( 7+6 + 4 = 17/8). 'Yes" , she said.
I continued "You have a karma with men, your father and will have a very strong husband if your married. Yes, she said. I continued," you're here to stand on your own feet a 10, as you take charge, being a leader teaching others to lead and stand up.
You're very connected to children as you yourself are a child and childlike as this is your main 30/3. Eunice, snickered and continued to listen intently.
You're very spiritual with the 7 of July. You pray, meditate and rejuvenate your energies in this 7, to go out in the world, play, speak, teach be the communicator you are." More was exchanged.
* Interesting her day of transition 8 + 11 + 2009(11) = 30/3 is equal to her day of Birth, 7 + 10 + 2009(11) = 30/3. Eunice is complete. She did exactly what she planned to do in between lives with help from her guides and Master architects before she was born. Please read "Many Live's Many Masters" By Dr. Brian Weiss and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Minutes into the session, Eunice asked me that Winters Evening in LA, “Julian what is it when your heart has been broken.”
I looked into the sweetness of her eyes and traveled to commune with her soul. I replied, “ Darling. You’re one of God’s favorites. He and all the Angels of heaven look over you and they heal your heart as they love you so so much.”
Eunice paused a few moments and told me, I pray every day. Do you know I have an altar in my house. "She looked around and said, " there are people here to see you." and said," thank you so much." We hugged and then Ms. Pointer and Eunice left. The next person a famous actress sat down and said to me," isn't Eunice Shriver something else". A light bulb went off and I realized,I just experienced greatness.
Thank you Eunice Kennedy Shriver for those minutes you touched me so deeply with your love, wisdom and extraordinary presence in lighting up my heart. God bless you, as I celebrate your magical journey. Enjoy, as you are now with God, singing, soaring with the Angels, making plans as a Master architect to open more hearts and souls, eternal in your unconditional love.
* * * * * * * *
“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras
In September a 9 you are jumping into “Your Sacred Divine Mirror”.
Your Sacred Divine Mirror reflects your level of confidence, kindness and what you feel about your creativity, productivity, prosperity, connection with humanity, dreams, the invisible, divine intelligence and God.
The Sacred Contract is your life book, 'Akashic Records," which holds every experience, word, thought of your past, present, future now.
Enjoy your jump as these characters used a mirror or reflection. Alice and Wonderland, Harry Potter and the Genie of the lamp.
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September Says – Look at my form. I am one with the zero on top, the divine, and God consciousness.
September Says - Be aware. I can be negative, abusive and create hell for you.
September Says – The 9 encompasses all the vibrations:
1 – I’m the new beginning, stand on your own feet, be a leader, visionary, teaching others to take charge and lead. Careful of being a dictator.
2 – I’m peace, harmony. Let's join together. Be the diplomat, and problem solver. Strong connection or challenge with Mom, women and High Priestesses. Careful of war mongering and lies.
3 – I’m tele-communications, expression and Clairaudience. Words are powerful and healing. Tap into your artistic genius and listen to what is not being said. Careful of gossip.
4 – I’m here to build, construct, be an architect. Strong connection or challenge is with dad, men and sorcerers. Open doors of infinite possibilities and experience what happens. Careful of feeling bored and dead to the world.
5 – I’m a teacher of freedom, love all cultures, travel and adventure. Be in touch with your sensuality and sexuality. Know about the power of the Kundalini. Careful of abusing your body and mind.
6 – I’m embracing your loving heart. Be responsible, a cosmic caretaker, healer, and teacher. Speak and serve. Careful of being shut down to feel love.
7 – I’m your mind, analytical, the magician, scientist, and mystic, Numerologist. Shhh, listen to the sounds of silence. Careful of just being spiritual and not engaging in the beauty of the physical, material plane.
8 – I’m harmony, be an executive, delegate power, be prosperous of mind, body and spirit. Embrace Infinity and the secrets of the DNA. Careful of being a tyrant.
9 –I’m A 9, all the vibrations.
September Says – Live, Love, Let Go and Surrender. You're graduating to the next level.
September Says - Forgive everyone and everything that has hurt you in anyway: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. Past, Present, Future and especially Now!
September Says – See them forgiving you for any hurt, harm that you’ve done to them.
September Says – Acknowledge their patterns and life programs. Know that your Mom has been programmed from her Mom and Mom’s mom and the whole archetypal line of women in your family, as your Dad.
September Says – These old patterns and programs embrace; education, customs, culture, language, government, how they deal with money, their views of happiness, life and God consciousness.
September Says – Let go of the old, program, forgive, emotionally release and be free to create your own program and divine identity.
September Says - Walk your magical line of awareness, magnificence, freedom and divinity.
September Says – Be careful of negativity, jealousy, envy, selfishness, depression and sadness. You’re mind we’ll become weary. The spirit will be trapped. Danger is upon you. Love is forgotten.
September Says – Absolute Love, Universal Love, Eternal Love
And Self Love is the key to your God consciousness.
September Says – Love is the Game. Love you and me. Love and respect everybody. Love the enemy. Love your divorce. Love your mirror. Everyone, every consciousness is a reflection of you.
September Says – Embrace the artistic, creative, singing, writing, imaginative you.
September Says – Network!!! Share your wisdom and loving HEART.
September Says – Be a dimensional traveler of all the vibrations 1-9. A time machine of past, present, future and now!
September Says – Life is a “Play of Consciousness.” Love the “ Play of Consciousness.” This is the love that is you. You and I are the same.
* * * * *
The Hermit asks you to take all that you’ve learned from your experiences, alone time and sanctuary of your heart and go out to the world and teach.
In the A.E.Waite Tarot Card you as the magician, older and mature hold the beacon, lantern of light consciousness away from the caves you lived in.
Go out and share truth, kindness and selfless - service. Know about the laws of detachment, “To be of this world and not of this world.” Open to embrace unconditional love.
Google the Tarot card of ‘The Hermit” and find out more about this engaging being.
* * * * *
When the heart stops beating, and the costume has been taken off
The work of the soul is just beginning.
For to love in the midst of sadness is the love of the world.
To forgive in times of grief is to give of Gods great Love.
Today is the awakening of the moment.
The moment of remembrance and joy.
For our life, so grand, so dynamic, so touching,
Has left its scorching mark on the afternoon sky.
As we look to the fading sunset,
We catch glimpses of that great Love.
That now showers down upon us.
Encouraging us to grow, grow, grow
Each and every day, light awakens the night.
And in this awakening is our opportunity born.
To show God what we are really made of.
For only service of the heart, is the service of love.
And only the service of love, is the service of God.
It is time to get up off of our knees
And heal our wounded hearts.
For the wounded heart has much to give,
And promises the dawning of a new day.
Your life is given to you for the purpose of exploring.
The capacity of the souls hungry yearning.
To touch hearts and open doors to a new way of becoming.
The magic in your life, it is the legacy that was handed on,
And in the afternoon sky, continues to shine.
Libby Weintraub writer, teacher is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.
Contact Libby by Email: soulflowyoga@mac.com or Phone: 646-642-1179
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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies, the weather and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barrack Obama, his family and all the people involved in making this world rotate. To the passing of The Health Plan. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. North and South Korea, India, Pakistan, The USA, Ukraine, Africa, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.
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“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein
* * * * *
Can you hear me whisper in the back of Your consciousness, “I Love You?”
I Am free to love you and I love you freely. In a petal of a crystal rose, there lays my heart.
My heart is engraved in the book of the worlds with a silver-golden script. My heart is created with the force of a black hole coming into Life. My heart beating with Your blood and loving with One Love that shall not be defined yet is re-defined throughout existence.
Love…evolved through the pains of a mother giving birth and sprinkled with the absolute ecstasy of two people coming together in co-creation of Life.
Love…evolved to simply Be without conditions, judgments or excuses.
Love…evolved to Be fearlessly vulnerable to Love simply for the sake of loving.
…To see the beauty of the world in the ugliness of life and know…Know deep to the bone matrix, there is no other Truth but to Be In Love with Life.
For it is too precious to be wasted to the waves of conscious ignorance and unconscious existence. It is time to wake up and Love…love…love
I am here. And I am here now. Tomorrow… may be not
So bust through the self- limitation of resistance, insecurity and fear for this is the Love of a Lifetime.
This is Your time. This is Your life. Live it!
Natalia Korteva is a writer, MPT a Masters In Physical Therapy, Chi Kung Practitioner, Public Health Educator, PSR - LA Ambassador (nuclear disarmament and military proliferation) and promotes progressive Health policies. She has a Blog that is to die for.
Contact Natalia by Email: nataliakoteva@yahoo.com
Visit her on: www.nataliakoteva.wordpress.com
Face book: Natalia Koteva
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God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous
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Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker and Writer. He’s in LA and the West Coast in September doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.
He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.
• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype & Facebook is Julian Michael
Please Email solmagik@hotmail.com or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
Thank you for reading and please be free to SHARE this Newsletter
Happy September 2009 Peace, Blessings and With all My Heart Love Julian xoxo
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