* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
Dates & Times Will Be Announced. For Info Call 323-384-1333
Suzy Meszoly will be In LA from October 16-23. For Private readings Contact www.ChrystalClearMasterTeachers.com or 732-991-5886
* * * * * *
BELOVED ANGEL, How are you. I'm so happy to share with you every month my Newsletter. I ask that you read a little at a time then come back to it.
September was everything we talked about and more. Did you “Jump Into The Sacred Mirror Of Your Soul’s Contract? What did you find? Did you clean it up and access what you need? Be ready to Reboot Your Souls Contract in October 2009!
I've received many Emails on the subject of death due to the story I wrote about my extraordinary meeting with Eunice Shriver Kennedy in my September 2009 Newsletter. You can read it on my website www.julianmichael.net
I decided to start “The Stories of the Undead.” This will be a bi-monthly Newsletter containing stories, experiences, studies of proof that there is life after death. Your stories are more then welcome.
The first installment you'll Read the testimonial from Lisette Lee talking about her experience of death about seeing the article on Eunice Shriver in my September Newsletter.
In "The Stories of The Undead," I'll share my extraordinary meeting in 1987 with Spiritist, psychography writer, teacher and one of Brazils greatest mediums Divaldo Franco of www.mansionoftheway.com
Divaldo Franco is speaking in: LA, Anaheim, San Diego, San Francisco starting October 13. For more info Contact 310 - 775- 0156.
Writer, Yogi Libby Weintraub blesses us this month with her mind - blowing investigation of our existence in “Prompted by the Universe.”
* I'm looking for an agent, manager, publicist to represent me for media exposure as I'm ready in October to share myself with the world. Let's talk. Please contact me, Email or call me. Thanks.
Let's share the Ancient Secrets of Numerology with you.
. * * * * *
The Secrets & Magic Code Of October 10 -1.
“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras
* * * * * * *
October Says
- Look at my 10 as a higher form of 1. EVERYTHING that you feel, your whole demeanor and character is increased 10 times this month.
- Review all your positive, negative experiences since January 2009.
- Reboot your Souls Contract that is revealed in your Name, Birth date through Numerology and Astrology.
- Lead, access your tool box of experiences , life’s magic to awaken the divine consciousness of the new you.
- Adventure, be fearless, embrace the unknown.
- Know the universe is your sweet, delicious , wild, divine playground.
- Believe in yourself. Take a stand. Be decisive and firm. Be free to have the courage to create things.
- Promote your ideas and business deals. Look at, analyze the size of your dreams. Work on making them real in a short-range plan before January 2010.
- Be aware of your negative traits of being: bull headed, impulsive, a dictator, headstrong and afraid to move forward.
- Not dealing with these negative qualities and those we discussed in the September 2009 Newsletter will haunt you.
- Be careful of burying any problems.
- Love everything you feel and are going through; the ecstasy of life, agony. disease or grief . Know it and Love it. It's your Life Contract..
- You'll always have a choice to learn from life experiences, transcend or be a victim.
- Learn, train how to deal with your sensitivity, hands (sweaty or hot usually means a gift to heal,) dreams, ESP and paranormal activities.
- Medium-ship is developing in you, me all of us. This is part of the Awakening that is taking place.
- Living, holding onto your past, in fear, not being conscious of your role as being a messenger of unconditional love will create blockages, substantial physical, psychological and even possession.
- “Know thyself.”
- Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung says, “Mankind, because of its scientific and technological development, has in increasing measure delivered itself over to the danger of possession…Man’s worst sin is unconsciousness…
When shall we…in all seriousness seek ways and means to exorcize him, to rescue him from possession and unconsciousness, and make this the most vital task of civilization?”
When shall we make “the most vital task of civilization” the exorcism of the demons that are possessing us? In other words, when shall we make our most vital task “waking up?”
* * * *
" I have one new valve and a repaired valve. I have a cow valve,which is great and the grazing's been fun."
- Actor Robin William's response after he had heart surgery in 2009
* * * * * *
Live, Breathe, Think, Feel, Walk, As The Tree Of Life
Tree of Life Says - Read, Google study the Tree of Life with the 10 Sapphires of Kabala.
- Embrace the strength, foundation, light intelligence, courage, harmony, divinity of this Tree to become you.
- Be open to the many opportunities that will present themselves. Be alert, follow your intuition when utilizing the magic of the “Tree of Life.
- In Rio de Janeiro years ago I took a work-shop with a Rabbi in a synagogue that had the Tree of Life carved in the wooden floor. We huddled and sang in each of the Sapphires. Wow ! The visions of light beings, golden chalices, light language communication and other worlds was divine.
* * * * * * * *
" The true division of humanity is between those who live in light and those who live in darkness. Our aim must be to diminish the number of the latter and increase the number of the former. That is why we demand education and knowledge."
~ Victor Hugo
* * * *
“Prompted by the Universe” By Libby Weintraub
You are being prompted by the Universe to start investigating the delicate underpinnings of your existence; who are you, what have you learnt, what do you believe about yourself and others, and how, what and why do you do what you do. The Universe is tugging at your sleeve…
You have done some great work, yes, but now it is time to investigate and use the medicine that is deep within your own heart. Put away your books and journey into the wilderness of your Self...
Set aside some time to explore your inner world, and contemplate the questions that float around in your mind. Deliberately setting aside time to ask for guidance as this strengthens your ability to receive guidance.
By directing your attention inward to the breath; you will find ways to access a great deal of spaciousness, spaciousness allows one to sift through thoughts and feelings as they arise free from attachment.
Free form writing taps into the abundantly intuitive, universe within. It taps into a storehouse of information, some of which has been tucked away for years, some of which is yet to be spoken of.
Make quiet time for yourself, where you can be free from distractions and begin to write down whatever it is you feel. Try to write about yourself, what you’ve learnt, what you love, what you’re grateful for.
When you write, do not be afraid to go all the way into whatever scares you, and begin dismantling and verifying things one by one. Remember when you unearth something, you must ask yourself the following “is this statement, feeling, emotion, belief system, true? Is it relevant? And is it serving my evolution?”
Your exploration will uncover learned behavior from your past. It's important to question its validity in this Time of Quickening and drop whatever is no longer serving your highest good, or the highest good of others.
When you open to the possibility of clarity, insight arises within you, when you open to the possibility of peace, peace arises within you. When you open to the possibility of joy, joy arises within you, it arises, and we all benefit.
Libby Weintraub writer, teacher is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.
Contact Libby by Email: soulflowyoga@mac.com or Phone: 646-642-1179
* * * * * * * *
“ Imagine everything you do brings a cocktail of passion, happiness and deliciousness.”
- Julian Michael
* * * * * *
Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies, the weather and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barrack Obama, his family, to the passing of The Health Plan. Somoa, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians. North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, The USA, Ukraine, Africa, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.
* * * * * * *
“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein
* * * * * * * *
“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen
* * * * *
"If you can expose your wounds to love and to compassion, there is no other miracle greater than that. LOVE HEALS. Soon you will not find even a trace of the wounds, and when you are healed completely, your life becomes not a burden, not a drag, but a joy and a dance."
~ Osho Let the Dance Begin
* * * * * *
A Prosperity Prayer
God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous
* * * * * * * * *
Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Medium, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker and Writer. In October he's in LA doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.
He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.
• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype & Face book Julian Michael
Please Email solmagik@hotmail.com or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
* * * * * * * * * *
Thank you and please be free to SHARE this Newsletter
Happy OCTOBER 2009 Peace, Blessings, With all My Heart , Love Julian xoxo
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
Dates & Times Will Be Announced. For Info Call 323-384-1333
Suzy Meszoly will be In LA from October 16-23. For Private readings Contact www.ChrystalClearMasterTeachers.com or 732-991-5886
* * * * * *
BELOVED ANGEL, How are you. I'm so happy to share with you every month my Newsletter. I ask that you read a little at a time then come back to it.
September was everything we talked about and more. Did you “Jump Into The Sacred Mirror Of Your Soul’s Contract? What did you find? Did you clean it up and access what you need? Be ready to Reboot Your Souls Contract in October 2009!
I've received many Emails on the subject of death due to the story I wrote about my extraordinary meeting with Eunice Shriver Kennedy in my September 2009 Newsletter. You can read it on my website www.julianmichael.net
I decided to start “The Stories of the Undead.” This will be a bi-monthly Newsletter containing stories, experiences, studies of proof that there is life after death. Your stories are more then welcome.
The first installment you'll Read the testimonial from Lisette Lee talking about her experience of death about seeing the article on Eunice Shriver in my September Newsletter.
In "The Stories of The Undead," I'll share my extraordinary meeting in 1987 with Spiritist, psychography writer, teacher and one of Brazils greatest mediums Divaldo Franco of www.mansionoftheway.com
Divaldo Franco is speaking in: LA, Anaheim, San Diego, San Francisco starting October 13. For more info Contact 310 - 775- 0156.
Writer, Yogi Libby Weintraub blesses us this month with her mind - blowing investigation of our existence in “Prompted by the Universe.”
* I'm looking for an agent, manager, publicist to represent me for media exposure as I'm ready in October to share myself with the world. Let's talk. Please contact me, Email or call me. Thanks.
Let's share the Ancient Secrets of Numerology with you.
. * * * * *
The Secrets & Magic Code Of October 10 -1.
“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras
* * * * * * *
October Says
- Look at my 10 as a higher form of 1. EVERYTHING that you feel, your whole demeanor and character is increased 10 times this month.
- Review all your positive, negative experiences since January 2009.
- Reboot your Souls Contract that is revealed in your Name, Birth date through Numerology and Astrology.
- Lead, access your tool box of experiences , life’s magic to awaken the divine consciousness of the new you.
- Adventure, be fearless, embrace the unknown.
- Know the universe is your sweet, delicious , wild, divine playground.
- Believe in yourself. Take a stand. Be decisive and firm. Be free to have the courage to create things.
- Promote your ideas and business deals. Look at, analyze the size of your dreams. Work on making them real in a short-range plan before January 2010.
- Be aware of your negative traits of being: bull headed, impulsive, a dictator, headstrong and afraid to move forward.
- Not dealing with these negative qualities and those we discussed in the September 2009 Newsletter will haunt you.
- Be careful of burying any problems.
- Love everything you feel and are going through; the ecstasy of life, agony. disease or grief . Know it and Love it. It's your Life Contract..
- You'll always have a choice to learn from life experiences, transcend or be a victim.
- Learn, train how to deal with your sensitivity, hands (sweaty or hot usually means a gift to heal,) dreams, ESP and paranormal activities.
- Medium-ship is developing in you, me all of us. This is part of the Awakening that is taking place.
- Living, holding onto your past, in fear, not being conscious of your role as being a messenger of unconditional love will create blockages, substantial physical, psychological and even possession.
- “Know thyself.”
- Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung says, “Mankind, because of its scientific and technological development, has in increasing measure delivered itself over to the danger of possession…Man’s worst sin is unconsciousness…
When shall we…in all seriousness seek ways and means to exorcize him, to rescue him from possession and unconsciousness, and make this the most vital task of civilization?”
When shall we make “the most vital task of civilization” the exorcism of the demons that are possessing us? In other words, when shall we make our most vital task “waking up?”
* * * *
" I have one new valve and a repaired valve. I have a cow valve,which is great and the grazing's been fun."
- Actor Robin William's response after he had heart surgery in 2009
* * * * * *
Live, Breathe, Think, Feel, Walk, As The Tree Of Life
Tree of Life Says - Read, Google study the Tree of Life with the 10 Sapphires of Kabala.
- Embrace the strength, foundation, light intelligence, courage, harmony, divinity of this Tree to become you.
- Be open to the many opportunities that will present themselves. Be alert, follow your intuition when utilizing the magic of the “Tree of Life.
- In Rio de Janeiro years ago I took a work-shop with a Rabbi in a synagogue that had the Tree of Life carved in the wooden floor. We huddled and sang in each of the Sapphires. Wow ! The visions of light beings, golden chalices, light language communication and other worlds was divine.
* * * * * * * *
" The true division of humanity is between those who live in light and those who live in darkness. Our aim must be to diminish the number of the latter and increase the number of the former. That is why we demand education and knowledge."
~ Victor Hugo
* * * *
“Prompted by the Universe” By Libby Weintraub
You are being prompted by the Universe to start investigating the delicate underpinnings of your existence; who are you, what have you learnt, what do you believe about yourself and others, and how, what and why do you do what you do. The Universe is tugging at your sleeve…
You have done some great work, yes, but now it is time to investigate and use the medicine that is deep within your own heart. Put away your books and journey into the wilderness of your Self...
Set aside some time to explore your inner world, and contemplate the questions that float around in your mind. Deliberately setting aside time to ask for guidance as this strengthens your ability to receive guidance.
By directing your attention inward to the breath; you will find ways to access a great deal of spaciousness, spaciousness allows one to sift through thoughts and feelings as they arise free from attachment.
Free form writing taps into the abundantly intuitive, universe within. It taps into a storehouse of information, some of which has been tucked away for years, some of which is yet to be spoken of.
Make quiet time for yourself, where you can be free from distractions and begin to write down whatever it is you feel. Try to write about yourself, what you’ve learnt, what you love, what you’re grateful for.
When you write, do not be afraid to go all the way into whatever scares you, and begin dismantling and verifying things one by one. Remember when you unearth something, you must ask yourself the following “is this statement, feeling, emotion, belief system, true? Is it relevant? And is it serving my evolution?”
Your exploration will uncover learned behavior from your past. It's important to question its validity in this Time of Quickening and drop whatever is no longer serving your highest good, or the highest good of others.
When you open to the possibility of clarity, insight arises within you, when you open to the possibility of peace, peace arises within you. When you open to the possibility of joy, joy arises within you, it arises, and we all benefit.
Libby Weintraub writer, teacher is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.
Contact Libby by Email: soulflowyoga@mac.com or Phone: 646-642-1179
* * * * * * * *
“ Imagine everything you do brings a cocktail of passion, happiness and deliciousness.”
- Julian Michael
* * * * * *
Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies, the weather and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barrack Obama, his family, to the passing of The Health Plan. Somoa, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians. North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, The USA, Ukraine, Africa, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.
* * * * * * *
“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein
* * * * * * * *
“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen
* * * * *
"If you can expose your wounds to love and to compassion, there is no other miracle greater than that. LOVE HEALS. Soon you will not find even a trace of the wounds, and when you are healed completely, your life becomes not a burden, not a drag, but a joy and a dance."
~ Osho Let the Dance Begin
* * * * * *
A Prosperity Prayer
God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous
* * * * * * * * *
Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Medium, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker and Writer. In October he's in LA doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.
He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.
• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype & Face book Julian Michael
Please Email solmagik@hotmail.com or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
* * * * * * * * * *
Thank you and please be free to SHARE this Newsletter
Happy OCTOBER 2009 Peace, Blessings, With all My Heart , Love Julian xoxo
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