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Friday, January 08, 2010



BELOVED ANGEL, How are you? The Shift of light intelligence, wisdom and your awareness increases this November 2009. The Secrets of November an 11 will be revealed. I also am very excited to include the first installment of “The Stories Of The Undead. Please let me know what you think.

I’m grateful for and all the friends that shared in all the Party of Empowerment events in October.


SUZY MESZOLY can be reached at or Call 732-991-5886

I will send out an Email and Face book blast about the next Parties. Know where, when and with whom, Email me at Or Call 323-384-1333

Did you “Reboot Your Souls Contract in October? Read this October Newsletter at Now get ready to evolve quicker in November 2009.
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The Secrets & Magic Code of November and 11

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

November an 11 Says

- Know your Numbers! Everyone is going through a realignment of his or her Life Purpose at this time. Numerology is a fast and easy guide to know who you are and how to be successful and prosperous. Understand current events and the Newsmakers through their Numbers. Be aware and conscious of what’s ahead-

* WARNING – Please pray, meditate and protect yourself. A suggestion is when you wake-up and before you go to sleep. Then venture, explore, heal others, have heart and mind expanding experiences. This November vibration is intense!

- Add the letters of the word LIGHT = 3 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 2 = 29/11

- WISDOM = 5 + 9+ 1 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 29/11

- The “11” is a Master Vibration that holds the keys to the door of light and wisdom.

- Be open to explore the possibilities of being limitless and expansive in your life.

- Open this door. Have faith and fun.

- The Days in November: 11, 22, 29 and Thanksgiving 11-26 empower you tremendously

- Connect with relationships you have with your Mom, wife, girl friend and females. It’s the time of the divine feminine and how you commune with her in you.

- Work on any fear you have, as fear has tentacles and roots.

- Look at how you were with your ; Mother, father, brothers, sisters and friends. Look at this tribe that you grew up with. How did they relate with each other? How do you relate with them now!

- Find it in your heart to; emotionally release, let go and be free of any anger, revenge, any old ugly feelings you have of this tribe.

- Fear creates a chemical imbalance. Seek help, and professional guidance, as it’s difficult to deal with fear by yourself.

- Hypnotherapy and alternative therapies, we find are the best means of destroying this terrorist, fear. You deserve to live your truth and light.

- Be around people of like mind and heart. Go to a Party of Empowerment, a workshop or spiritual Center like Agape of They now do streamline events that you can now see on your computer from anywhere in the world.

-There will be more synchronicity and serendipity in your life in November. I call this living in Gods flow.

- When you walk your beauty you'll live in joy, laughter, divine words and creative powers.

- Receive the light intelligence being downloaded in your heart and soul now!

- The 11 of November embrace’s all forms of media; TV, radio and the stage.

- You will deal more with Para - psychological, Paranormal and activity with ET’s now. Be in your power and do not give it away to anything.

- Live, breathe, walk as; Christ, Moses, Buddha and your favorite Avatar. This helps me tremendously when I have a problem to solve or I wish to expand my consciousness.

- Pray and meditate on love the way your favorite Avatar would.

- Find something positive in a person you meet their hair, what they're wearing or something that you can say something positive to them. People deserve empowerment.


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Stories Of The Undead

I 've had 3 Near Death experiences before the age of 11. I welcome you to a new chapter of my experiences, stories and studies of proof that there is life after death. I use the word, undead, as you are not dead when you die. The holy sacred bible of India, The Bhagavad-Gita Gita says, “ You were never born nor will you die. You just are.” Your stories are more then welcome.

Embrace a new way of thinking. Be fearless. What if a spirit or someone you know that has departed is at the foot of your bed when you awaken. What’s Up?

First put prayer, light and love over yourself. Talk to the energy normally. Say hi and ask how are you and what you can do for them. Bless them. Send them to a place, center, and church of divine healing.

In the last years I’ve been sending them to the Vatican, as this is a very powerful place of medium ship Believe it or not through my own personal experiences The Vatican has a lot of astral guides and help.

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“Meeting and Channeling Eunice” By Lisette Lee

After reading Julian’s article entitled “Meeting with Eunice" in September’s 2009Newsletter, I felt Julian could have titled it “Channeling Eunice.” After reading the story, I had a profound experience of truly feeling, the Presence of Eunice Shriver Kennedy’s spirit. I internally heard her voice as I read the words. In my mind’s eye was a strong image of her as well.

The story and words were expressed so perfectly…like a lullaby Or poem. I was fully immersed in a hypnotic state, which can only be described as a beautifully authentic moment of experiencing her Spirit touching mine, as if there were no boundaries through time and space.

Although the body will stop one day, what we are inside eternally lives on. As Sathya Sai Baba says:
‘You are the Light.” The same Light is found in others. Also the body drops away and you are the light. That is Liberation”.

I’d like to believe that death is not feared but celebrated. Isn’t the experience of death supposed to be as natural as birth itself? Passing over to the other side is our Soul returning home, to unite with that in which we separated from…The Creator.

Thank you Eunice for channeling your Beautiful Divine Self through Julian to show us we all continue on…which reminds me of a song…

Every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you. That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance, and spaces between us, you have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on.

To all those who’s loved Ones have taken that wonderful voyage across the sea of Samsara (the endless cycle of birth and death) and now fully and vibrantly live in the eternal bliss…know that they are always with you!

May all your readers be Blessed with an abundance of Love and Light and a huge amount of Trust in the unknown.
Lisette Lee is an Actress (IMDB/LisetteLee,

2. Fitness Trainer

3. CEO/Creator - Little...L International Inc. (Yoga Cartoon Character/Tee-Shirt Line)

4. Contact Lisette by Email: or Phone: 310- 913 - 1188

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A Page From Baba Ram Das Book “BE HERE NOW ” By Libby Weintraub
Hi everyone!!!!

This month I would love to put forward a page from one of my favorite books; the book is called "Be Here Now" by Baba Ram Das. I am sure most of you have heard of it, or maybe even read it, and I stumbled on a page tonight, that just says it all...

Enjoy and have a gorgeous month filled with exciting new adventures, creativity and lots of time to be alone, with your Self and your heart. Love Libby x

"Consciousness equals Energy =


It's all the same trip
It’s all the same.
Any trip you want to take,
Leads to the same place".

Libby Weintraub writer, teacher is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.

Contact Libby by Email: or Phone: 646-642-1179

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous
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Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Medium, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Reiki Master, Reconnection and Hands on Healer and Writer. In November he's in LA doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.

He also specializes and does sessions in Past Life Regressions for 20 years.

His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.

• Skype & Face book Julian Michael
Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
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“When the power of LOVE
Overcomes the love of power,
The world will know peace.”
- Jimi Hendrix quote found on The Golden Pyramid Of Peace at The Alchemy Conference 2009 in LA

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Thank you and please be free to SHARE this Newsletter
Happy NOVEMBER 2009 Peace, Blessings, With All My Heart, Love Julian xoxo


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