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Friday, January 08, 2010







Bathe In New Classical Melodies From Composer / Piano Virtuosso Erik Spicard As He Communes With Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, Beethoven And Others.

Explore, Tune Into The Other – Side With Channel Healer Tara Antler

Take A Magical Journey Into 2010 & Beyond With Renowned Numerologist Past Life Alternative Therapist Julian Michael

Place: Elevate Film Studio
711 S. Olive St. Suite 601, LA, CA 90014
Learn about these amazing Exemplars of Oneness:

Listen to The Music of Erik Spicard at

Visit Tara Antler at

Julian Michael at or on Facebook.

Elevate Films: For information regarding: Festivals and events go to; Ph: 323-285 – 5533

Parking: on the street or in Parking Lot on Olive St.

Food: healthy organic appetizers and juices

Attire: comfortable and Classy

Price: love donation appreciated $26 suggested

For more information: RSVP for you and your Guest (s)
Julian Michael 323-384-1333

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On Sunday December 6th, 2009 at 6PM On KCET Los Angeles - "THE ANSWER IS YOU - MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH PBS Special Directed by MIKKI WILLIS Will Air.

For further information, viewing schedule of airdates, times and locations, please go to

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VISIT: Julian Michael & Elizabeth Cartabiano at their Healing Booth at The Conscious Holiday Gift Bazaar. Elizabeth is a wonderful Ayurvedic Massage Therapist, Foot Bath Specialist and More.

For personal sessions, you can experience Elizabeths magic at 310-817-9396.

EVENT: The Conscious Holiday Gift Bazaar - "Holiday Gifts For The Soul” Live Music, creative gift shopping, healing area, free vegan buffet by Chef E for the 1st 200 attendees each day.

WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 12 & 13 -10:00am-8:00pm Winter Solstice Party - Saturday, 8-midnight.WHERE: LAX HILTON - 5711 Century Blvd, LA 90045

Booths still available. Contact: Dawna Shuman-Lighthouse PR - 818.789.1077;

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Beloved Angel, Happy Holidays! These are very transformative times as we are in ‘The Quickening.”

Let’s talk about an E.T. Conference at the Vatican. Scientists working for the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, are finally talking. Read a testimonial from an amazing special woman Amanda.

The Secrets of December a 12/3 will be revealed and more in this Newsletter that will enlighten you.

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* UFOs a “7” Destiny

Ever since I was a child, I loved playing with the stars and always felt that we were not the only civilization in this universe. I've been following UFO's and E.T. stories since I can remember as I had my share of Close Encounters of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Kind.

In the last year I spoke about them in a new documentary that is coming out directed by James Carman. I am happy to see that the world is finally opening more and more to these phenomena, which are real.

The sum of UFOs, 3+6+6+1 is a “16 – 7” Destiny vibration.

UFO"s are the mystery, philosophy of our history holding the secrets of who we are. Where do we come from? What is our relationship with other planets and universes – our very existence?

The “7” seeks answers. UFOs have been seen and written about since the beginning of time. Just recently under “The Freedom of Information Act,” the Brazilian government has released reports and research papers on UFOs. It is the first government in the world that has started to cooperate and release evidence that UFOs exist.

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Watch the video of November 11, on “Vatican debates existence of E.T.

Vatican Looks to heavens for signs of Alien life

"The questions of life's origins and of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe are very suitable and deserve serious consideration," said the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory.

Funes, a Jesuit priest, presented the results Tuesday of a five-day conference that gathered astronomers, physicists, biologists and other experts to discuss the budding field of astrobiology — the study of the origin of life and its existence elsewhere in the cosmos.

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Now World Transforming Breaking News Out Of Bulgaria

An article in the on November 26, 2009 reads:

* Alien’s ‘ already exist on earth’, Bulgarian scientists claim

“Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.

They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them.

Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.

He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions.

"Aliens are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time," Mr Filipov told Bulgarian media”.

In the Bulgarian Novinar Daily “Filipov has said that even the Vatican had agreed that aliens existed. In his words, the humans are not going to be able to establish contact with the extraterrestrials through radio waves but through the power of thought. “

* You deserve to read these articles. November and December 2009 is leading us to 2010, a year of all kinds of communication, new technologies revealed especially in space, our consciousness being raised to be telepathic and able to communicate and access 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions.

Be kind, sweet when you are around animals, flowers and plants. Say hello and sing to them. They are your teachers. They will help you to open your clairaudience, clairvoyance, medium ship and communication with the ET’s when they start making themselves known.

* Please do not be so ready to "Go on Board," with them. Protect yourself with white light visualizations and the Mantra "Om Namah Shivaya," meaning "I bow to the Light Consciousness, Shiva within." This is so important and so powerful. There is an experience I had that I will tell you in the future. I related it to Dr. J J Hurtak of the phenominal book 'The Keys of Enoch, as he agreed whole heartedly about encounters happening today.

What an amazing time you are experiencing as the veil is being lifted around ET civilizations. This is just the beginning of uncovering the truth of our connections with the planets and stars.

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* A Testimonial From Amanda

I met Amanda on July 1, 2009. She was diagnosed with her heart at 30% working capacity and weakening. Her doctors said, if her heart continues to weaken she needs to prepare for a heart transplant. They also told Amanda because of her heart she probably will not be able to be pregnant and live her dream of having another baby.

I examined Amanda’s, her husband and child’s Name at Birth and Birth date. I shared with her important information about her Souls contract, her sacred relationship with her heart and them and maps of their evolution utilizing the ancient science of Numerology.

I explained to Amanda what is going on in her life, the road ahead and how to overcome obstacles preventing her to live her “Heart’s Desire.” In the months ahead we did some amazing work.

Amanda is married, has a little precious girl and a miracle has happened. She’s been given a clean bill of health and is pregnant with another little girl to grace Mother Earth in 2010.

Amanda is a very kind hearted, powerful, erudite, beautiful, eloquent woman. She is driven to make a difference with people diagnosed with illness and helps them to live their dreams. Her amazing story deserves to be shared. I’m so jazzed to see her well as here is her testimonial.

Hi Everyone!

So I know that I’ve spoken to all of you about someone who has made such an amazing difference in my life it’s unbelievable. In fact a couple of you have met him. His name is Julian Michael.

My first session with Julian began with a numerology reading. Then I took a leap of faith and embarked upon the most wonderful journey to spiritual awakening. For the past several months I have been working with Julian on past life regressions, spiritual healing and relaxation techniques.

My heart has improved, I am now pregnant, pursuing my dreams of on air broadcast and all of my fears have vanished. I feel more empowered now than I ever have in my entire life.

I’m sending you this email now because Julian is probably only here for one more month before he starts traveling the world again. Please feel free to forward this to anyone else you think might be interested.

His direct number is 323-384-1333 and his email is

Have a great weekend,

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* The Secret Magic Code Of December A 12/3

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”_- Pythagoras

- Know your Numbers!

- December 12/3 is all about the divine trinity of all forms of communication, clairaudience and embracing your mediumship.

- Be open, express your artistic, creative genius to the world.

- Like, accept, support your voice in what you have to say.

- Be in alignment with your 5th Communication Chakra.

- Be aware; acknowledge the synchronicity and serendipity happening to you. Acknowledge this divine flow with God.

- Understand current events and the Newsmakers through their Numbers. Be aware and conscious of what’s ahead.

*** WARNING – Please pray, meditate and protect yourself with visualizations of light intelligence. Do it when you wake-up and before you go to sleep.

- Support all TV, radio and magazines that support new progressive thought. I just saw a recent episode of Medium on TV that had a boss befriend Allison’s husband an Aerospace engineer for meditating. Think! How many TV shows talk about alternative ways of living. Hardly any!

- Meditate, pray and allow yourself to soar your imagination. Look at life from the outside in.

- Careful of taking everything as God’s word. Discriminate what you’re hearing from within.

- Do not carry old ugly feelings, animosity, revenge and anger with you into 2010.

- Embrace the 9 of 2009 of being one with the divine. Live, Love, Let go and Surrender to God consciousness within.

- Find it in your heart to emotionally release and forgive anyone that has hurt or harmed you in any way this last year or others. Especially those that gossip have expressed anger and terrorized your ways of divine expression.

- Forgive them; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, past, present, future and now. Understand they forgive you for any hurt or harm that you may have caused to them. Know that they live a program. Emotionally release, forgive and set them free and you are free, free and free.

- Be aware of your words and how you use them. Words like; I can’t, I won’t, it’s impossible are negative to your field of creating and manifesting richness in your life. Vanquish them from your vocabulary.

- Look in a mirror and say” I am ubiquitous, omnipresent and open to infinite possibilities.”

- Music is a doorway to healing. Imagine the notes massaging all your organs, tissues, and cells when you listen to it. Use classical, New Age, Kirtan Indian chants and others to heighten your awareness.

- Make a list of; family, friends that have supported, helped and were there for you when you were in trouble, depressed or spinning out of control in December 2009. Be grateful to them and thank them. Give them a gift, tickets to a movie, play or buy them a 2010 calendar.

Share your voice of peace, wisdom and love. Walk the talk of Christ, Buddha, Lao-tse and your favorite Avatar.

Express Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love

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“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein

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* “The Newness Of This Moment” By Libby Weintraub

Share your gifts with others; step beyond the fear, and into the light, that is your own reflection. Look again into the mirror, you are here!!!! You made it through!!! Of all the things Spirit could have become, it chose to manifest itself as you, in all of your diversity, in all of your complexities and simplicities, you are what it chose.

Yet you walk around some days, with your head low, milling over the thousands of thoughts in your head. Mean while; life is passing you by, the children smiling on the street beg you to notice the magic in their eyes, they are hoping you catch the glint, the glint of awareness and insight that awaits.

Be totally honest with yourself, you have so much more to give than you can fathom, it doesn’t mean you should give it all at once, but experiment, test the temperature of thewater, it has been a while since you just jumped in with all your clothes on. Go for it, put your attention on what you want.

Notice when you are slipping into autopilot. Notice when you are choosing to waste time, hoarding time to do meaningless activities. See if you can redirect yourself. It’s just a game. No body cares if you win, but give it a go, you’ve got nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Numbers and figures do not measure success. The level of happiness, insight and understanding that you bring to each moment measures success. To be in your flow, to be so totally comfortable with yourself, that doing nothing is exciting, or creating till the wee hours is exciting. Go for a long walk with no destination in mind, just so you can see through different eyes is exciting.

You wake up the moment you say yes to it all. Every experience holds the seed of transformation in it. Every experience is leading you toward a richer understanding of who and what you are and why you are here. Break the mold today. Die a little more to the past. See the journey ahead. Invite yourself into the newness of this moment.

Libby Weintraub is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.

Contact her by Email: or Phone: 646-642-1179. Her new studio is
On Cliff Street, 3rd Floor in NYC. Call 212-666-3700 and say Hi.

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies, Media’s hypnotism, the weather and all movers and shakers of progressive thought. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, his family, the passing of The Health Plan. To Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians, North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Africa, The USA, Ukraine, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

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Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Medium, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Party of Empowerment Events. In December he's in LA doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.

He also specializes, does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.

• Skype & Face book Julian Michael

Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.

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Thank you for all these months of your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter

Happy Holidays December 2009 Peace, Blessings, With all My Heart, Love Julian xoxo


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