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Thursday, June 01, 2006






Happy June 2006, my beloved friends! Hello from sunny Los Angeles. The May 2006 Newsletter, with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria’s third conversation, had an amazing response. Thank you.

In this Newsletter, we will talk about 6-6-06.
Also, I will share my research using the birth date in Numerology
to play The Past Life Numbers Game.
Know your numbers and learn what George W. Bush’s are.


I. June 2006 – Universal Month
II. 6-6-06 – The Mark of the Beast or Love?
III. My Start and Approach to Numerology
IV. 33/6 The Life Path of George W. Bush
V. Keys to Past Lives

Now, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of June 2006.

June 2006 – Universal Month – “13-4”

The Universal month is the road map we can follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month June and the Universal Year 2006, you get a “13-4” Universal Month vibration.

June is a “6” energy. This is an energy of being responsible, educating/ helping others, and being in love with love. On the Dark side, it’s not caring, creating stupidity and the obsession with war to destroy the human spirit.

The “8” of 2006 is asking you to embrace the truth despite all the lies/cheating that is going on. “Speak the Truth! Live the Truth!” Together the “13-4” is assembling your vision as a master builder. Whatever is in your mind and heart, you will manifest it in your life.
As an “8”, this is “the Universal Law of Attraction.”

Do not succumb to the “Hunting of Americans” that is taking place by our Matrix led Government and their crony companies. Take notice that your phone calls are becoming part of a database for nefarious ways, that war continues, and that our educational and health systems are crumbling apart.

Go into your heart during this“6” and question what you want to know, enrich and build in this “13-4”. For the next months do you want to feel free, have clarity, make a difference in people’s lives and be successful in your life? Now is a paramount time for all kinds of windows of opportunity, synchronicity and magic happening for your creativity and projects to occur. It is your choice!

6-6-06 = Mark of the Beast or is it The Anti-Christ?
In Your Wildest Dreams It’s Love!

The 6-6-06 is seen as the Mark of the Beast or the Anti-Christ energy. The”6” as a negative vibration is unloving, angry and a lover of war. If we give it a personality it can be the Devil or Anti-Christ of destruction.

In reality, the 6-6-06 is the culmination of “6’s”; A “18-9” signifying the Lover of Humanity. Embrace Absolute Love, Universal Love, Eternal Love and your own Self Love now! Balance any aggressive strategies with centered-ness and love. Be creative, enlightened and inspired to operate on a high level of integrity and truth.

Numerology- Keys To Past Live
“Play The Past Life Numbers Game”

My Start and Approach

For over 25 years, I have been a Numerologist. In Florida 1989, I met Gerald Kein. Gerald mentored Dr. Brian Weiss, world-renowned past-life regressionist and author. When Dr. Weiss was searching for answers, he wrote about a client named Elizabeth in his first book, “Many Lives Many Masters”. Elizabeth blew his mind with her past lives.

Soon after, Gerald showed him a different perspective of hypnosis; Thereby opening Dr. Weiss to possibility that past lives are real. Gerald Kein of Omni Hypnosis Center became my teacher and guide into the world of Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.

Since 1989, I have used these Numerology and Past Life modalities with my clients. Discovering that when you add …

Birth date
(Month+ Day + Year = Life Path vibration and Past Life Number)

This gives you the sum or The Life Path Vibration you are currently in. I discovered this number is connected to your past lives and is a tool to access your Keys to Past Lives.

When you read your Past Life Number, you’ll realize: 1) what your life was then, 2) it could be what you’re continuing to do now, and/or 3) you’ve done it or thought about doing it in this life.

For example, say a trauma or death in a Past Life occurred. You may be continuing to do what you started then for your maturity and growth. In many cases, you continue to do something similar in each recurring life.

Please also read your Birthdate (Month, Day and Year), as these are parts of the main Life Path Vibration and Past Life Number.

George W. Bush Life Path 33/6

George W. Bush – July 6 1946 = 7 +6 + 20(2) = 33/6 Life Path Vibration and Past Life Number.

The Master Number “33” has a very deep desire to serve/assist people and humanity in a big way. Known as the “Teacher of Teachers” vibration, this energy vibrates on a very high love frequency of the “Christ Consciousness.” This consciousness awakens the beauty, joy and ecstasy of living life.

The Negative Side of this “33” is a person who utilizes this very high Light vibration of love to manipulate, destroy and seduce people into complying with their agenda of evil.

All Master Numbers are “mediums” and can hear voices or experience psychic powers of the Siddhas. It is of the utmost important to train and learn how to use these powers. People who can’t handle this Light force of energy (and knowledge) can easily resort to drugs or alcohol to numb them from the Para-psychological world opening.

George W. Bush has his vices and hears voices. These voices, he says, have told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. These voices are guiding him. The question is what side are these voices from.

Please, go to “Keys to Past Lives” # 6 to know more about George W. Bush and his Past Life Number. Also, look into his July # 7 and 1946 # 2 Past Life Numbers to get a more complete picture.

Go to the archives of April 2006 Newsletter to know more about Master Numbers on

Keys to Past Lives
“ Play The Past Life Numbers Game”

∑ Access Your Life Path Vibration and Past Life Number
∑ Read the Birth- Month, Date and Year to know the other past Life Numbers

Past Life Number “1 “

In Past Lives, you were an inventor, leader, film director, administrator, a courageous trailblazer in your thinking and living.

You are a fighter for freedom in your work and family. You love being a pioneer and explorer - loving danger makes you a warrior and soldier of a tribe or army.

On the Dark side, you are a dictator, black magician, slave owner and manipulative boss. You are aggressive, oppressive, egotistical, stubborn and ready to step on anyone to be rich and powerful.

On the other hand of this Dark side, you are weak, powerless, scared of life, beaten, suffering and a slave in the world. You are controlled and told how to act and think. Fighting to get your power back you fail and eventually die.

Jack Nicholson – April + 22(4) + 1937(2) = 46/1
Dick Chaney – Jan + 30(3) + 1941(6) = 46/1

Past Life Number “2”

In Past Lives, you were the peacemaker, actor, problem solver, politician, host or hostess, collector of books, lawyer, social worker and great mother figure.

You love to share yourself, engaging peoples hearts and empowering them with your stimulating smile and loving ”what can I do for you” attitude.

On the Dark side, you are very insensitive, selfish, lying, and a cheat. You work in government, the justice system and steal people’s confidence and money to gain recognition and fame.

On the other hand of this Dark side, you are very timid, afraid of all physical contact, stressed in your job and barely living as a lost soul.

Barack Obama – August + 4 + 1961(8) = 29/11/2
John McCain – August + 29(2) + 1936(19/1) = 56/11/2

Past Life Number “3”

In Past Lives you were the talented speaker, painter, actor, lyricist, writer, Audio-psychologist, a happy cook, fashion designer and worked with children.

You lift people’s spirits and place a smile in everyone’s hearts.

On the Dark side, you criticize, are very jealous, envious, a drama queen, love gossip and destroy people with your words and your pen.

On the other hand of this Dark side, you are afraid to express yourself, not listening to inner guidance, afraid of people, working yourself to the bone and not knowing how to have fun and play.

Cindy Sheehan – July=10(1) + 1957(22/4) = 39/3
Hilary Clinton – October + 26(8) + 1947(3) = 57/3

Past Life Number “4”

In Past Lives, you were the hard worker, manufacturer, producer, architect, engineer, manager, surgeon, geologist, farmer and engaging father figure.

You are always organized and love to plan parties and social events. With your mind, wit and strong sense of confidence you empower and support people in their lives and networking.

On the Dark side, you are a boring, disorganized, lazy, insecure person who is always burdened with bills and back problems.

On the other hand of this Dark side, you are a workaholic who doesn’t know how to have fun. The real estate developer, who cheats, lies and can resort to violence to get rid of people for their deeds of land to build an empire.

Brad Pitt – December + 18(9) + 1963(19/1) = 49/4
Jeb Bush- February 11(2) + 1953(9) = 31/4

Past Life Number “5”

In Past Lives, you were the charmer, sensual magnet, dancer, body worker, Hierophant and professor.

You are an iconoclast and revolutionary author, activist, versatile actor, designer, agent, poet, model and teacher of a futuristic paradigm of thinking. You can be the sales person importing and exporting clothing, jewels and food, speaking many languages, embracing all cultures and traveling the world.

On the Dark side, you love abusing people physically and mentally. You feel powerful enslaving them and taking their freedom away. You’re a fanatic of rigid and conservative beliefs. You destroy anyone who gets in your way.

On the other hand of this Dark side, you are a social, miserly, political whore detached from people. You can be restless, a drug user and a prostitute.

Angeline Jolie – June + 4 + 1975(22/4) = 32/5
Patrick Fitzgerald – December + 22(4) + 1960(16/7) = 50/5

Past Life Number “6”

In Past Lives, you were the teacher, humanitarian, social worker, fashion designer, doctor, priest and nurturer of people’s hearts.

You are a speaker, writer of romantic novels and the family person. You love perfumes, all things of beauty, culinary delights, the environment, your garden, and you work to support Mother Earth.

On the Dark side, you are a loveless soul who is non-sympathetic, selfish, obstinate, irresponsible, immoral, and shun your duties. You can leave your marriage and family because of a disagreement or another lover; Thereby creating divorce, grief and all kinds of problems. You have an aggressive posture in speaking untruths and don’t respect people or what they believe in.

On the other hand of the Dark side, you are heartless, hateful, revengeful and obsessed. You are restless and bully people to be selfishly powerful by feeding on war.

Steven Spielberg – December+ 18(9) + 1947(3) = 51/6
Neil Young – November + 12(3) + 1945(19/1) = 42/6

Past Life Number “7”

In Past Lives, you were the scientist, oceanographer, spy, mathematician, philosopher, photographer, enchanted musician, actor, detective and researcher of the external and inner worlds.

Being the lover of the mind, you are a purveyor of sacred truths, the accountant and businessperson of economic prowess.

On the Dark side, you manipulate intelligence and are ignorant to explore any spiritual and metaphysical teachings. You dictate untruths, are very secretive, apply your skills into criminality and stop all empathic communication with drugs, alcohol and gambling.

On the other hand of the Dark side, you are afraid of any new thoughts and ideas. Living in fear, you have no faith, feel confined, and you have the possibility of go mad.

Susan Sarandon – October + 4 + 1946(2) = 34/7
Karl Rove – December 25(7) + 1950(6) = 52/7

Past Life Number “8”

In Past Lives, you dealt with all executive positions having direction, intension and great strength. You were in commerce, government, banking, real estate, stocks, an editor of books, music publisher, film producer, a judge, and athlete.

You deal with balancing the mind and body as a psychiatrist. You love business and making a difference. And, you’re committed to being successful and wealthy.

On the Dark side, you can easily abuse your powerful position by exploiting people by being greedy and selling your soul. Enslaving your friends, you want to drain them of their knowledge and life force to be a powerful dictator.

On the other hand of the Dark side, you’re obsessed in making money, as money is your God. You lust for creating hell on earth by reigning terror in your ambitious projections. Also, you can have no money and struggle to make ends meet.

Condoleeza Rice – November +14(5) + 1954(19/1) = 44/8
Warren Beatty – March + 30(3) + 1937(20/2) = 53/8

Past Life Number “9”

In Past Lives, you were a great communicator, philanthropist and compassionate teacher of Universal truths.

You are the actor, writer, Red Cross worker, singer, religious leader, educator, and promoter awakening people to love unconditionally.

On the Dark side, you’re selfish, unforgiving, creating tragedy in your life by stirring the pot by not caring about anything or anyone.

On the other hand of the Dark side, you preside over people by seizing whatever you want from them for your own personal reasons. You can have mood swings and suppress your emotions. Living in total isolation, you do not want to communicate to anyone.

Cher- May+20(2) + 1946(2) =45/9
Scooter Libby – August + 22(4) + 1950(6) = 45/9

Future Events

The July 2006 Newsletter will feature the 4th conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria. We will discuss living in the 5th dimension, androgyny, sexuality and the difficult aspects for the U.S. Government and its people for this summer and more.

My clients at Ovie will present their 2006 South by Southwest Audience Award Winning feature documentary, “DARKON” at the Los Angeles Film Festival. Go Saturday June 24, 2006 and have an amazing, fun, experiential experience with “DARKON.” Go to to see clips and learn more about this amazing film.

Share this information and empower yourself by knowing your Keys to Past Lives. Know your Numbers…Blessings…Love Julian Michael

Currently residing in Los Angeles, Julian conducts private sessions and Past Life Regressions, is available for Numerology phone consultations, and private parties. To schedule a session, please call 323-384-1333 or email Julian at Check out his Numerology of the Day at and


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