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Saturday, December 03, 2005

December 2005

E-Newsletter – December 2005





Happy Holidays from the festive lights, joy and magic of New York City.

In these transformative times there is so much magic happening. A public outcry for the truth is bringing old foundations and their dinosaur views down.

This wave of truth is unearthing the lies, corruption and secrets that have led us into ignorance for so many years. We are seeing a line-up of politicians, company presidents, CEOs and others being indicted for their criminal acts.

Dehumanizing acts towards people and children all over the world are ringing in our ears and we are taking action to do something. It’s no surprise that the President and leaders all over the world are finding themselves like the emperor without any clothes.

We are receiving the same old rhetoric from our leaders, media and even from friends and family. Yet there is something within our hearts and consciousness that is asking us to go beyond these smoke screens to know what’s really going on. Numerology is a key to help us understand the hidden meanings of life, our destiny, and it helps us cope with these monumental changes.

Has the President become a Goddess worshipper? What do the Positive and Negative Key to Relationship vibrations reveal about his powerful women from whom he seeks counsel?

“UFO’s are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.” Paul Hellyer, who was the former Canadian Defense Minister, said this in a startling speech at the University of Toronto in September 25, 2005. Why?

Let’s celebrate December as you become aware of the truth.

December 2005 – Universal Month – “19-10-1”

The Universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal year.

December is a “12-3” energy known as “tell it like it is.” The 2005-“7” energy asks you to be the magician and create and manifest to your soul’s desire. Together this “19-10-1” empowers you to plant the seeds of what you want for 2006 – be confident, secure and a visionary.


Finding the Positive and Negative Vibrations of A Relationship.

The “Keys to a Relationship” communicate the positive and negative experiences in being with a person in a relationship.

To find the “Keys to a Relationship” vibration, first add your birth date together finding the Life Path vibration. Add the month + day + year = Life Path Vibration.

Add the Life Path vibrations of yourself and your relationship to find the “Positive Relationship” or P.R. vibration.

Subtract the Life Path vibrations from yourself and your relationship to find the “Negative Relationship” or N.R. vibration.

To find the Keys is easy! Please visit and go to the E-Newsletter September 2005 for all Positive and Negative Keys 1-9 and the Relationship Keys of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Is Our President Worshipping Goddesses?

George Bush born July 6 1946
7+ 6 + 20(2+0 = 2) = 33 = 6 Life Path

Barbara Bush born June 8 1925
6 + 8 + 17(1+7=8) = 31= 4 L.P.

Add President George’s 6 L.P. + Mom Barbara’s 4 L.P. = 10=1 Positive Key to Relationship vibration (P.R.)

Subtract President George’s 6 L.P. – Mom Barbara’s 4 L.P. = 2 Negative Key to Relationship vibration (N.R.)

Both President Bush and Mom Barbara in this 1 Positive Relationship vibration (P.R.) stimulate and challenge each other to be better at everything they do. Barbara’s “4” L.P is a strong foundation keeping the Bush family and empire intact. Born as an “8,” gives her a connection with money, big business and power.

Mom Bush says what she feels, as she did in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, telling the ravaged people they’re better off now then before. She stimulates and pushes her son to be secure, confident and powerful. She loves being the queen.

Their 2 Negative Relationship (N.R.) vibration communicates that they need to be aware of each other’s emotions and present feelings. They can easily nit-pick each other’s lives. It’s important that they’ve worked out all their mother and female issues or they will be walking around each other with a lot of suppressed emotions just ready to blow up.

Laura Bush born November 6 1946
11 +6 +20(2+0 =2) = 37 = 1 L.P.

Add President George’s 6 L.P. + Wife Laura’s 1 L.P. = 7 Positive Key vibration.

Subtract President’s 6 L.P. – Laura’s 1 L.P. = 5 Negative Key vibration.

Together the President and his wife create a very strong spiritual bond of “7.” Here their religious beliefs give them comfort, joy and strength to cope with their lives. As a “1” L.P., Laura is doing her work in the community and is busy. Laura’s sensitivity being born in November and her year of “20-2” gives her the position of problem solving and being the diplomat in the family. She gives her husband space. She’s a hostess of public relations and does whatever is necessary to keep her husband strong, happy and nurtured.

Their “5” N.R. can create restlessness and thoughtless actions. The “5” loves to self indulge getting lost in drugs, alcohol and fanaticism for a cause or religion. They will suffer if they don’t express their freedom and truth to each other.

Condoleezza Rice born November 14 1954
11 +14(5) +19(1+9=10=1) = 44=8 L.P.

Add the President’s “6” L.P. + Condi’s “8” L.P. = 14 = 5 P.R.

Subtract the President’s “6” L.P. – Condi’s “8” L.P. = 2 N.R.

Together their “5” Positive Relationship creates an adventurous life together. Condi Rice is the President’s muse. She intrigues him with her wit and intelligence and her being a piano virtuoso he loves her passion for life. Condi’s a real charmer but be careful of her bite. A 44-8 L.P., this woman loves to be around people of power and bathes in it. She loves the limelight being born November “11.”

Condi Rice makes the President shine when they’re together. She’s his lollipop. He can’t get enough of her. With him she’s a “shape shifter” who can be very beautiful, down to earth, brilliant or just plain simple. Her “19” in her 1954 energy is Karmic and represents her misuse and abuse of power from previous lives. Ms. Rice is in a very powerful position to be delegating America’s policy to others around the world. With the President’s help she wants to be the President of the U.S. Will she be Vice President first?

The President’s and Condi’s “2” N.R. vibration signifies that they can get on each other’s nerves. They need to know when to be serious and when to let their guards down. They are working to keep the U.S. government running and evolving. As friends in very powerful positions and business people they need to be honest, forthright and tell each other what’s on their minds working together and not holding any secrets.

Welcome to Positive and Negative Key Vibrations. No wonder the President wants to be around these women. He sees them as Goddesses who are sensitive to his needs, nurture him and know when to leave him alone. He poses no threat to them or any women, as he loves being babied.

President George also takes pride in helping his women friends enrich their lives and move forward in their careers. They advise him like big sisters and put no pressure on him.

These days V.P. Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld and men in general are too intense for this President who is finding himself naked and very vulnerable at this time.

NOW DARLING! Find your own “Key to a Relationship” with your wife, husband, lover or friend.

UFO’s and Canada

In the July 2005 Newsletter, I said that UFO’s are a “7” energy and are a mystery and philosophy holding the secrets of who we are. Where do we come from? What is our relationship with other planets and universes – our very existence?

We talked about how the Brazilian government has released reports and research papers about UFO’s; an incident in Xalapa, Mexico that occurred at a celebration for new police cars bringing out the media and government officials; and seeing 14 UFO’S was discussed.

On September 25, 2005 Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Defense Minister, spoke to a full house of students and media at Toronto University warning us about the U.S. Administration policies regarding UFO’s. This has created quite a hornet’s nest.

Hellyer warned that “The U.S. military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning.” He went on to say that “I’m concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war. I just had to say something.”

My friend, this is not a nut-job person. This is a major former government official. He also said “the time has come to lift the veil of secrecy; and let the truth emerge, so there can be a real and informed debate, about one of the most important problems facing our planet today.”

He has asked for debates and discussions to take place now! To watch the video of Paul Helyer’s speech and participate in Canadian “E.T” hearings visit

The buzz of Paul Helyer’s disclosure about UFO’s has gotten the Pope’s astronomer, Guy Consolmagno to come out from star gazing to question are there really aliens. To read about Guy Consolmagno’s inquires, read the article, “And on the Eighth Day…Did God Create Aliens?,” written by Neil Mackey of the Sunday Herald on November 27, 2005 ( Please read it!

It’s been known for years that there is a movement to weaponize space. U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio wants to launch an international treaty to ban weapons in space. Please visit this very astute, intelligent, humanitarian man’s Website at

The veil is being lifted around ET civilizations and this is just the beginning of uncovering the truth of our connections with the planets and stars.

CONSIDER GIVING THE GIFT OF NUMEROLOGY TO SOMEONE FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Awaken and Empower someone’s purpose in life. Turn them on to their magical loving self. Give them an overview of what’s in store for them in 2006 and beyond. To schedule a session for someone or yourself, please call 323.384.1333 or e-mail for Special Holiday Rates.

Thank You for reading, embracing my Newsletters, and for e-mailing me during this past year. Thank you for being a part of my heart and loving family. Enjoy December 2005 and do everything you can to embrace spirit and feel the magic circulating in every cell and pulse of your wonderfulness. Go out and share your knowledge and passion. Sing, dance and light the world up as a Living Physical Light Body of Unconditional Love.

Know Your Truth…Your Numerology…Let’s Create Miracles…Love to Your Heart…Blessings…Love Julian Michael

Julian will continue to conduct sessions in person or via phone from NYC during December. Please call 323.384.1333 for his Special Holiday Rates. You can also e-mail him at or visit him at


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