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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria #1

A Conversation With Astrologer Stephanie Azaria About What 2006 Has In Store.

Astrologer Stephanie Azaria and I work together to empower people with our Astro-Numerology workshops and I’m a contributing writer for her e-Zine, which can be found on her website at

During the 2005 holidays I sat down with Stephanie and asked her to share her thoughts about 2006.

Julian: What can you say about 2006?

Stephanie: 2006 will be a year where tremendous shifts will take place politically and economically. These shifts are going to accelerate making things very straight forward and clear. Everybody will know that we are in a tremendous time of transformation. Where some of us knew before, everyone will know now. That’s the difference.

Julian: Do you feel there will be more clarity? Will there be a public outcry for the truth from our government officials and the people around us?

Stephanie: I don’t think we will not be able to help it. I think that it’s going to be this way. I don’t know if the collective consciousness would have chosen clarity. I don’t think there is going to be any choice. I think there will be tremendous exposure politically which is going to become plain and undeniable.

Julian: What about all the untruths and disinformation we’re being told at work, from people we love and from our own families?

Stephanie: None of that will hold ground any more. As the year goes on it will become more and more obvious. Saturn continues in Leo this year and that means that we continue to learn the lesson of living from the heart. Last year the Venus Mercury mind and heart connection was rewired. Humanity now has a new connection.

Julian: Was this connection created by the tragic occurrences like Katrina? Will there be more connections created by earth changes that will bring people closer together helping each other in 2006?

Stephanie: Every time one of these catastrophes (earth changes) happens, a great love event takes place. Thousands of people die. Leaving this earth these people become angels. They are now out there helping the living hands of the world to open and send out love. The hearts of the people go out to others as a collective and we experience a love event on earth. That’s what these catastrophes are for. These catastrophes or earth changes are the earth giving birth to a new order. This has to happen. Humanity is embracing each other and learning to love.

Julian: True. A new order of politics of fear is slowly taking away our civil liberties. Do you feel that people will become clearer, understanding that they are being manipulated and that dangerous games are being played? “Big Brother” is here!

Stephanie: I think it will become pretty obvious. People are going to get fed up. Of course even when it gets obvious there’s not much we can do right away.

Julian: Can people make a difference in the electoral process and by voting? Will this make a difference in 2006?

Stephanie: Voting isn’t that important this year. I personally don’t think that it’s going to get to that in 2006. I think it’s more about exposure then it’s about making actual change happen. Exposure has to be the beginning of it. It’s going to happen in a big way. I think exposure is going to be a big word this year. Even parts of the earth are going to be exposed that have never been exposed before.

Julian: Will the earth changes bring up islands out of the sea? Will mountains rise and land go under and will some land be unearthed bringing with it lots of treasure?

Stephanie: Lots of treasure. This Mars Retrograde cycle in Taurus that we have gone through almost all of 2005 has unearthed great treasures. We have not realized it yet. This Mars cycle isn’t over till February. When that’s finished we will also begin recognizing our own treasures that have been unearthed. The inner treasures of our creative talent’s, joy and our fountain of the essence of who we are have started to reveal them selves.

Julian: How beautiful. What about relationships between women and men?

Stephanie: The Goddess energy continues to manifest itself on the planet. I think that it’s a very equal manifestation that is taking place, as the Goddess power is so powerful. Men have it too. Those who are open and meditate, practice stillness and are centered will experience a profound transcendence of the duality of the male and female energy. It’s going to be ultimately normal for men and women to understand each other’s emotions and each other. They will be Gods and Goddesses together.

Julian: Will we be contacting other worlds, ET’s and other dimensions this year?

Stephanie: Yes. We have moved into new dimensions. As we move toward 2012 we are going to experience those dimensions physically, literally and very profoundly. As we move into those dimensions we will experience other forms of consciousness, light and light forms. I don’t know what you want to call it but we have been co-existing with them all along yet we have just not realized it. These ET’s have been with us forever. Again it’s about exposure.

Julian: How does exposure affect us?

Stephanie: It’s like a veil lifting and uncovering this Jupiter Pluto mutual reception that’s going on all of this year. This is metamorphosis – that gets bigger, bigger and bigger. It’s also spiritual. It’s about wisdom and knowledge; learning and growth; and expansion as Pluto is deep, intense, global and powerful. These two planets work together in a sort of interactive way.

Julian: It’s like the “8” isn’t it?

Stephanie: Very much like the “8.”

Julian: The two zero’s of the “8” are constantly interacting with the conscious and subconscious worlds – embracing heaven and earth or heaven and hell.

Stephanie: Yes, heaven and hell.

Julian: Emotional stuff is constantly coming up isn’t it? Unearthed from within ourselves using life’s experiences as a Rotor-rooter. All this stuff is coming out so we can have clarity and achieve conscious awareness.

Stephanie: Yes.

Julian: Let’s talk about relationships and marriage. What’s going on? It seems like people are falling in love and out of love just as quickly. What’s happening to love?

Stephanie: Well things are happening because of the Venus Chiron dance that’s going on. Chiron is in a bigger dance with Saturn. An on-going dance is happening now. We are learning a very powerful dance of the heart. Venus has just gone Retrograde. Venus will be Retrograde for the first months of the year. As the year begins, we will all learn lessons about love. Depending on where we are at in our lives we’re either making our way back to people we love or we are splitting from people we love. I believe that on some level that this is fairly temporary because Venus is Retrograde.

Julian: This Venus energy is very loving and powerful. Please say more.

Stephanie: The legend goes that Venus left Mars in order to go into the Underworld. This is a metaphor for her gaining new wisdom. She goes through some sort of hellacious period by herself – “all alone” – and gains great wisdom and comes back to Mars. When Venus goes retrograde she is just taking a sabbatical. At this point in time the Goddess power is trying to manifest itself powerfully. This is a very important Venus Retrograde now.

Julian: The “8” embraces big business, real estate, stocks and making money. Is it a good year for us to make money and invest it?

Stephanie: Venus rules money too. I’ve been telling people for years not to invest in the stock market.

Julian: You’re saying stocks aren’t good? Do we need to have more discrimination and be aware where our money is being invested?

Stephanie: Venus rules money. It also rules art and Real Estate. These are the places to put your money. Real Estate is the best and safest way to invest your money. Even though the market is topped out that doesn’t mean it’s going to crash. It’s just slowing down. That’s all. It’s still a very good and sound investment.

Julian: Thank you.

To Be Continued in February 2006. Next month learn about the effect of 2006 on health, time moving faster, age, and the course of the human race and more from Stephanie Azaria.

I would like to thank Stephanie Azaria for her very important answers to questions and predictions for “2006.”

Knowledge is Power. Embrace your New Order of Awareness. Love your Numbers. Happy New Year and Lets go to the Next Level…Have a Magical January 2006…Blessings…Love Julian Michael

Currently in N.Y.C., Julian will continue to do private and phone sessions. Please call 323.384.1333 for special New Years rates or visit Julian at


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