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Saturday, October 01, 2005

October 2005




Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in October 2005.

Welcome from the autumn magic of N.Y.C. Be more active. If you’re sending money to a relief fund for tsunamis, hurricanes like Katrina or any tragedy, please be aware of the organization you’re sending it through.

In this E-Newsletter, we will discuss and review our President in a “2 “ Personal Year and his relationship with hurricane Katrina being an “11-2” Destiny and the effect it has on us. How can we better be prepared? It is not just where you evacuate or what you do. An extraordinary list created by Giana Grel of Air America Radio will be given to you that really transcends your soul and stimulates you to think and feel about preparedness.

And we will continue to look at positive and negative aspects of relationships as we look at Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s marriage. Wake up, be aware and celebrate October 2005.

Let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of October 2005.

October 2005 - Universal Month – “17-8 “

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and universal year.

October is a “10-1” energy of being free to express and produce what you desire. The 2005-“7” energy asks you to have faith and trust your intuition. Together this “8” embraces the balance of the power of manifestation and working with spirit to make your desires happen.


In the September E-Newsletter, we discussed a very simple way to use Numerology to know your positive and negative relationships in life. Your response to the E-Newsletter was great. Let’s continue with our new Hollywood married couple.

Happy Marriage to Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

Finding The Positive and Negative Vibrations of A Relationship.

Please go to E-Newsletter September 2005 at to find and know how to use the “Keys to a Relationship” vibrations.

Demi Moore was born on November 11, 1962
Ashton Kutcher was born on February 7, 1978

Demi: Add 11 + 11 + 1+9+6+2 = 40-4+0 = 4 Life Path vibration

Ashton: Add 2 + 7 + 1+9+7+8 = 34-3+4 = 7 Life Path vibration

Add Demi’s 4 L.P. + Ashton’s 7 L.P. = 11=2 Positive Key vibration.

Demi with a double “11” in her birth date and with a “4” L.P. is a very strong, enchanting, charming, romantic yet shy woman who displays “Goddess” energy. Her birth year of 1962 is an “18-9” energy, which allows her to embrace humanity as an artist. Demi being older then Ashton has freed older women to date younger men and to be fearless in doing so.

Ashton has a very positive loving side to him. He was born on the 7th. His birth year 1978 is a “25-7”. He is a 7 L.P. Ashton with triple “7s” is learning to tap in his inner worlds to be a good actor and father. These “7s” also help him to relax and be quiet from the world’s voices and criticisms. Born in February a “2” frequency Ashton has energy, playfulness, wisdom, patience and a very deep love for Demi.

To find the “Negative Relationship” vibration and their challenging vibration subtract the two Life Paths and find their sum.

Subtract Demi’s 4 L.P.- Ashton’s 7 L.P. = 3 Negative Key (N.K.) vibration. Now look at the 3 Negative Key described in the E-Newsletter September 2005 and below.

Demi and Ashton are constantly in the public eye and lit by the paparazzi light bulbs. As a “3” N.K. vibration not expressing their feelings can be destructive. The “3” N.K. will be tested by jealousies. Honesty is very important.

Demi and Ashton have walked in the Hollywood scene with Demi’s children and her ex-Bruce Willis and his girlfriends for over two years now. They both share the “2” as Demi is born November 11 and Ashton being born in February a “2”. They are showing us a sensitive, nurturing and playful way of living and loving in their relationship. God bless them both.

NOW DARLING! Find your own “Key to A Relationship”.

President Bush In A “2” Personal Year Meets Katrina An ’11-2’ Destiny.

Add the letters of “Katrina “ and you get 2+1+2+9+9+5+1=29-11-2.Destiny.

The “11-2”Destiny of Katrina is “ The Messenger of the Gods’ vibration. This very powerful master force is waking us to the truth of how people, land and freedom have been enslaved by the old foundations of government and corporations.

In the July 2005 Newsletter, I explained how the President is illuminating us to what is truth and what are lies.

This hurricane and the Presidents policies have affected the historic city of New Orleans and the spirit of the people is temporarily destroyed. Propaganda has begun as people who were in crisis from the devastation were judged to be heartless, thugs and looters.

Actually there were no hooligans killing or raping people on the street, no babies being raped, or shootouts by police with armed gang members in the Superdome. The Times-Picyune found no evidence of this.

The truth is that most of the victims and refugees of the hurricane being poor African-Americans really helped each other. With what little food, water and resources they had, there was such an outpouring of giving and love for one another. These stories are being shared and need to be told to stop a new racism from growing and taking place.

As we sort out what has happened there are a lot of questions to be answered in the aftermath. Why has the government delegated over 60 billion dollars and jobs of this great city to their friends and not to the people of the reconstruction areas? Why?

And where did the billions of dollars collected by the Red Cross and other organizations for these ravaged people go? You can read about it in an article titled “The Red Cross Money Pit” written by Richard M.Walden on September 25.2005 in Go to the bottom of the page of the most E-mailed stories to read.

The hurricane has turned us inside out and now it’s time to be centered and recover from all of this. It has brought this country and world together yet there needs to be a plan for our future to deal with any tragedy that comes our way.

Be Prepared Now!

This hurricane tragedy has united the American people and the world faster then the response of the President and even the City government of New Orleans. Many people died, suffered and were totally unprepared.

Last month I taped a segment for WLIB-1190 N.Y.C. on the Air America Radio station for Giana Grels show ‘ Off the Radar’ that airs on 7 am to 8 am on Saturday mornings. Visit

Listening I loved what I heard and want to share the erudite, warm, friendly, loving radio talk show hostess, Goddess Giana Grel’s list of extraordinary questions to ask yourself and your immediate family.

Start Asking Some Questions of You and Your Immediate Family.

1 - Do you get along with your immediate neighbors? If you can’t even speak their language, how are you going to be able to rely upon them in the time of need?

2 - If you own a business, how cool are you with the community members that patronize your shop?

3 - How much water do you put aside and your food and other things should you need them?

4 – Do your kids and family members, even if they live in other states, know where to meet you should you ever be separated?

5 – How much or what do you have to barter if the U.S. dollar is reduced to toilet paper?

6 – Do you trust your friends with your life? What about your co-workers or your neighbors?

7 – Would you open your home to near strangers if they are homeless? Would you get terrified? Scared or panicked? How do you act? How about your spouse and kids?

8 – What if calm and silence could mean your life? Do you have the ability to cultivate quiet in a sea of chaos?

9 – Where was the last time you ran somewhere really fast because you had to? So on that note, how fit are you really?

!0 – If the sacrifice of your life meant the survival of thousands of people. Would you make it?

11 – How much do you really believe in your God?

Giana continues to say, “I want you to ask yourself these questions. How we can all get prepared so we can have some kind of game plan? Not like where you evacuate and what do you do? This is a mental and emotional process that begins now!”

She continues to ask, “How do I get along with the people around me in case I’m crammed up in extraordinary circumstances with them? How might we survive that way”.

These are very important questions that could mean your life or death in the next tragedy. Please contribute and add to this list and share it with others.


The positive and negative vibrations of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s marriage were explored and we found a different kind of 21st century relationship.

Hurricane Katrina and the President in their “2” energies is driving us to ask questions of this administration about corruption, racism, the Red Cross and being a human being. Be aware and be prepared. Please meditate and think about, feel the list of questions in your heart of preparedness and share it with others..
Moore a
My friends know the magic of the Numbers and share it with your family and friends with love.

Blessings to your loving sweet heart…. Love Julian Michael

Julian will continue to do sessions in person or via phone from N.Y.C. in October. Please call 323.384.1333 for more information. You can also visit him at


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