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Monday, January 02, 2006

January 2006

E-Newsletter – January 2006




Experience an In Depth Extraordinary Interview With World Renowned Astrologer Stephanie Azaria about 2006 and More.

Happy New Year 2006. Welcome and start to flow with the colossal global metamorphosis of a new order of awareness. You are born here on earth to claim your right to be divine. The Matrix, media and friends have lied, cheated, and stolen our minds and hearts. They have initiated fear to take away our civil liberties and enslave our souls.

Embrace your power, money and spirituality. In this E-Newsletter we will look at the vibration of 2006 – an “8” energy and its meaning and your Personal Year. Recently, I visited with the amazing and astute Astrologer Stephanie Azaria and what she shared about 2006 will provide great guidance for you and more.

Let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of January 2006.

January 2006 – Universal Month – “9”

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal Year.

January is a “1” energy of being centered and strong; seeing a new way of living life. The 2006 Universal year is an “8” which represents how you delegate power, money, and its influence on big business and spirituality. Both Jan + 2006 is a “9” which causes you to reflect greatly on your spirituality and materiality. Let go of what belief systems have been impeding you from being successful and move on to new beginnings in February 2006.

The Power of 2006 – an “8” Energy

The “8” energy is all about circulation. No matter how old you are walk, run and exercise. If you don’t you will create problems with your circulation, blood and be stiff in your body and also your thinking.

The “8” is the DNA code. This year view and listen to your body. Your physical body conditions are a result of your life patterns, programs and belief systems. Reinterpret your body in a new paradigm as a field of changing patterns and systems that you now control.

The “8” embraces all the “Laws of Prosperity.” Prosperity is the new spirituality of embracing your wholeness. When you’re living in harmony, you are healthy and wealthy.

The “8” is a very materialistic vibration. Connect with your business self. Work on getting rid of all blocks and fears that still create poverty consciousness in your daily life. Ask questions, read and take workshops to understand how to make and use your money, as this is a very important aspect of being whole, creative, productive and prosperous. Know how to create, spend and save your money. Learn where and how to invest it.

The “8” is a choice of creating your heaven or living hell. Please be careful of being greedy, judgmental and living “just” a material life. Embrace your spirituality. Help and empower others.

The “8” is the Destiny of an “Earthquake.” In this very powerful transformative year we will witness many earth climate changes taking place.

The “8” is the vibration of government, big corporations, banks and the stock market. This year will be very interesting to watch as all these old foundations may start to crumble. This will bring a new world order of the people, who will want to know and have a say in what’s going on.

The “8” sideways is the movement of going in and out of infinity. As teachers and light workers, we are learning to access whatever we need to create and manifest to our hearts desire.

Numerology: Personal Year Vibrations

Finding Your Personal Year

The Personal Year is a yearly forecast of what is happening to you and where life is leading you. It reveals your challenge(s) and will enable you to prepare for experiences that may occur in your personal and business affairs.

To calculate your Personal Year, add the Year of your last Birthday + Your Birth Month + Date of Birth.

Johnny Depp, a famous actor is:
Born June 9, 1963
2005 + 6 + 9 = 22 = 2+2 = a 4 Personal Year

You may now ask: But we are in 2006 and what effect does that have on Johnny Depp and my own birth date?

The 2006 - “8” energy will effect Johnny and you by asking you to be aware of your executive abilities; how you deal with money; and your spirituality, which is part of the “8” vibration. As a Numerologist, I calculate the Personal Year from birth date to birth date and feel this vibration is paramount to your life now.

For further information, please go to the May 2005 E-Newsletter on my website at Press the Newsletter bar on the left side and that will take you to my Newsletter archives. Calculate your Personal Year and follow the descriptions given to guide you.


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