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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

February 2006



Experience the Second Part of an in depth Extraordinary Interview With World Renowned Astrologer Stephanie Azaria about 2006 and More.


Happy February 2006. Welcome and start to flow with the acceleration within you of creating, manifesting and making a difference in the world. We are watching a slow crumbling of our old foundations and stepping into a new dimensional shift.

Be strong and work on being healthy. In this E-newsletter we will look at health and where to locate it in your birth date and the second part of my visit with the amazing and astute Astrologer Stephanie Azaria and what she shared about health, time moving faster, intergalactic intelligence and the course of the human race. More will be revealed.

Let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of February 2006.

February 2006 – Universal Month – “10-1”

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal Year.

February is a “2” energy of sharing, solving problems and embracing the Goddess energy. The 2006 Universal year is an “8” which represents circulating power and harmony of the physical, material and mental spiritual worlds. February + 2006 is a “10-1.” Plant the seeds now for what your intent is and what you want to accomplish utilizing the energies of the “2” of February and the “8” in this magical year of 2006.

Numerology: Health Vibrations

The Connection With Your Birth-date and Health

The Life Path vibration consists of your month, day, year of birth and the sum, which creates your 4th most important energy. These four vibrations are your sacred code and identification with your “Akashic Records” which is the life book of your evolution.

These four vibrations purport your Health Code Vibrations and what health aspects to be aware of in your life.

Find a Life Path Vibration.

Julian was born on August 21, 1954
8 + 3 + 1 = 12 = 3 Life Path and
Health Code Vibrations.

Take your birth date and add to the single digit.

August is an 8.
The 21 is 2+1=3
1954 is 1+9+5+4=19=1+9=1+0=1
The sum is 12=1+2=3

Julian’s Life Path vibration is 8-3-1-3. These are also Julian’s Health Code Vibrations. Now we lets look at the Health Code vibrations of 8, 1 and 3 for Julian. (An explanation of the Health Code Vibrations can be found below.)

As a Numerologist for 25 years I have closely followed my own health experiences and others according to the numbers. From the moment I was born, I have been around health-related issues.

The 21 = 3 birth date and my 3 Life Path indicate expression and all kinds of communication. The 3 Health Code Vibration I view as being born with the umbilical cord around my neck 3 times. Upon giving birth, my mother slipped into unconsciousness and actually “died” for approximately a minute. Her doctor, who coincidentally was also my Godfather, resuscitated her. He and his staff removed the umbilical cord from my neck, the embryonic sheath that was suffocating me and I was born into this world!

I’ve been monitoring my voice as a 3 throughout my life. When I was 24 years old I had severe bronchitis. Luckily I had a good friend who understood natural herbs and my bronchitis was gone within two weeks. Robert V. turned me on to the magic of cayenne pepper, which continues to be my trusted herbal companion.

I was born in August, which is an 8 Health Code Vibration. The 8 is harmony and balance between your material and spiritual worlds. I find the 8 represents the circulation of blood. The spleen is the organ that helps in creating cells of blood and is also a cemetery for them helping in eliminating them from the body.

My spleen was ruptured and lost in a life -threatening accident I had at 11-years-old. It’s common to lose the spleen as athletes lose them more than others. When you lose a spleen, the kidneys and liver take over, creating double work for them. Because of this incident, I became more aware of my eating and drinking habits in my later 20’s and continue to do so now.

In the late 80s, I had circulation problems. As I was told, this was because of my partying and my eating habits. I became a Vegetarian in the 80’s and did all kinds of alternate therapies including psychic surgery in 1989 in Brazil for my circulation.

I find my 1 Health Code vibration of my year of birth also caused me to stand straight and to be in charge as a leader. As a 1, the back and spine need to be strong. When I was a teenager and in my 20’s I was very athletic. In 1991, I had a bad case of Sciatica – intense back spasms. I treated this with alternate therapies and acupuncture. After this my back was an on-and-off issue. A few years ago I had successful psychic back surgery in Brazil.

The 1 Vibration rules the head. I had headaches as a teenager and sometimes they became very severe in my 20’s and 30’s. They’re long gone now.

The 1, I find also is the skeleton of the body. I broke my arms a number of times in my youth including my near death accident at 11-years-old.

I feel very good, aware, blessed and healthy now. The Numerology of Health Code Vibrations is my continuing study of understanding what we can do to know what your health is and how to prevent problems from occurring.

These vibrations correspond to any of the four energies of the birth date. Look at them and find yours in your Life Path.

Health Code Vibrations


This vibration centers on all areas of the head and the mind. Be aware of the spinal column and all the vertebrae of the back. Be aware of the large and small muscles of the arms and legs.


This vibration centers on the whole nervous system. The stomach, intestines and abdomen need to be taken care of. Be aware of the ends of your fingers, toes and all sensory systems of the body.


This vibration centers on the vocal chords, voice and all areas of the ears, nose and throat. The respiratory system needs to be taken care of. Be aware of the thymus gland and upper chest region.


The vibration centers on the jaw, shoulders and the back. The torso and hips need to be watched. Be aware of the elbows, knees and the bottoms of your feet


This vibration centers on the reproductive and sexual organs. Be aware how your energy is. Be aware of your movement and coordination. Watch the effectiveness of your thyroid and adrenal glands.


This vibration centers on the heart, chest and breasts. Be aware of the stomach and lower back.


This vibration centers on the right and left-brain, pituitary, hypothalamus and all centers of the head region.


This vibration centers on the circulation of red, white and immunological blood cells of your body. The kidneys, spleen liver and diaphragm need to be watched. Notice the efficacy of your thyroid and adrenal glands. Monitor all centers of circulation in the body. Be aware of movement and motor skills.


Your evolutionary Health Code Vibration chooses what you need to work on in this life. It could be any of the vibrations and their health aspects or none.

Be aware of your Health Code Vibrations.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria #2

The Second Part of A Conversation With Astrologer Stephanie Azaria About What 2006 Has In Store.

Astrologer Stephanie Azaria and I work together to empower people with our Astro-Numerology workshops and I’m a contributing writer for her e-Zine, which can be found on her website at

At the end of December I sat down with Stephanie and asked her thoughts about 2006. This first extraordinary interview can be read on Go to Newsletter and press it twice and this brings you to my Blog. On the left side are my archives. Choose January 2006.

At the end of January, I once again sat down with Stephanie and she continued to share more of her thoughts on interesting subjects about 2006.

Julian: How is the state of health and medicine in 2006?

Stephanie: This is Venus and Chiron again. In medicine there will be major breakthroughs and transformation this year. Right now people might be experiencing profound health issues. If you are experiencing health problems it’s because you are not applying your consciousness to truth.

Julian: The birth date in Numerology purports the Health Code Vibrations, as this is a way for the person to see what health aspects they need to be aware of. In Astrology is there anything in the chart that shows this?

Stephanie: When you want to look at the state of your health you want to look at your 6th House. This is your health house. You want to look at any planets that are in there either by birth or by transit. You want to look at the “Ruler” of that house. In other words, you can look at the “Ruler” of the sign of the cusp of that house to see if it’s affecting or being affected by anything. This usually tells you if a health issue is coming up.

Julian: How about alternate ways of preventing disease from happening?

Stephanie: You’re going to need to look at the Chiron aspects in your chart. You’re going to be more prone to seek out alternate methods or maybe even being a pioneer in the field. You need to have strong Chiron aspects.

Julian: Tell us more about Chiron.

Stephanie: If you don’t have enough consciousness for a very strong Chiron aspect you are going to suffer or deal with a chronic illness or some sort of illness that is designed to bring you to self awareness.

Julian: Is Chiron in a return right now?

Stephanie: Chiron is in return only for people that are between 49 – 52 years old. There is only one Chiron return per lifetime.

Julian; Wow! I am going through a Chiron return at this time.

Stephanie: Yes. It’s going on for years.

Julian: In Numerology going from your month to day cycle and day to year cycle is the same as “Saturn Return” in astrology. What is “Saturn Return?”

Stephanie: People who are 29 and 58 years old are having “Saturn Returns” right now. They are not getting Saturn without Chiron, because Chiron is opposite. For these people the “Saturn Return” is about empowering oneself and also the Saturn Chiron opposition is always about moving from the lower self to the higher self. You’re establishing a very solid bridge between the two.

Julian: What’s going on about time moving faster which you’ve been writing about it in your brilliant daily Astrology Newsletters on your website?

Stephanie: This is Saturn Chiron but also Pluto moving over the “Galactic Center.” Interesting that nobody is really talking about this.

Julian: What does this mean?

Stephanie: The “Galactic Center” is the center of our galaxy where many and I believe that intergalactic intelligence pours through. When a planet in our Solar System connects with that point it’s going to bring in a lot of intergalactic information. We’re talking about Pluto, which only comes around every 250 years.

Julian: Tell us more.

Stephanie: Pluto is going over the “Galactic Center” starting in a couple of weeks in February. It’s going to go back and forth in the next two years. This is going to shift the dimension we’re in.

Julian: What kind of dimensional shift will occur?

Stephanie: It’s going to bring us into the future in a very big way with regards to breakthroughs in science and technology. We’re going to be down loaded with intergalactic consciousness. For some people it’s going to shift the capacity to innovate, to pioneer and come up with cures and new ideas to move into the future.

Julian: This is amazing. This intergalactic consciousness is now ready for us to use. It’s the infinite intelligence and unconditional love energy awakening the divine beings we are.

Stephanie: Yes. We will have access to information we don’t usually have access to. Pluto is the force of rebirth.
When we get this information it has the power to completely metamorphosis our experience.

Julian; Wow! This is what the “8” represents in 2006 when you turn it sideways. We’ll be able to move in and out of infinity. Achieving this we will be able to access all kinds of information and light intelligence for our selves and benefiting humanity.

Stephanie: Yes, it’s just the beginning.

Julian: For those people who resist and don’t understand what is happening, this can be a very difficult time for them right?

Stephanie: Careful of using the word difficult. It’s going to be more of self-awareness. This will be more of an experience that brings them to self-actualization. This is very empowering.

Julian: I feel time is moving faster so we can connect with other dimensions and learn how to communicate to them.

Stephanie: Time is a dimension. It’s moving faster because we’re moving into another time zone.

Julian: We’re moving out of linear time aren’t we?

Stephanie: Right. We’re moving out of the 3rd Dimension. Part of us is still in it because we’re in the physical world so we still experience time but it’s not the same as it used to be.

Julian: Why am I experiencing lots of serendipity and synchronicity happening around me?

Stephanie: Well that’s because you’re in the next dimension where the synchronicity is.

Julian: Now people who are experiencing synchronicity are already walking in these other dimensions and manifesting and creating very quickly in this one. Great artists like Picasso and Dali were in the 4th dimension bringing us their genius and work in our time zone. They were the pioneers and teachers as we are learning how to tap into these dimensions and bring this fountain of creativity, productivity and artistry to us.

Stephanie: Yes. This is great.

Julian: Where are we as a human race evolving?

Stephanie: Chiron is opposite Saturn. It speaks to the human race. We have to make it with consciousness. Consciousness is the key. It’s always been the key for “Light Workers” like us. But it’s now the key for everybody.

Julian: It’s time now in 2006 for everyone to wake up and embrace their truth and freedom as awakened conscious divine beings.

Stephanie: There is no excuse not to be conscious now. You look and see what’s going on politically and you know there is nobody on this planet that doesn’t know what’s going on. There is no longer any excuse to turn your head.

Julian: Thank you for your loving information and wisdom that you’ve shared with us in these very exciting times of great changes.

To Be Continued in March 2006. Next month learn about the children being born today. Will there be a day where soldiers will put down there arms? What about Armageddon? The Goddess energy of 2006 will be discussed and more from Stephanie Azaria.

Knowledge is Power. Be Strong and Healthy. Embrace your New Order of Awareness. Love Your Numbers. Happy February 2006 and Enjoy The Dimensional Shift…Blessings…Love Julian

Currently in Los Angeles through February 7th and then working in N.Y.C. and then back to L.A., Julian will continue to do private and phone sessions. Please call 323.384.1333 or visit Julian and read his archives and more at