Julian Michael December Activate your Genius Frequency 2010 Newsletter
THANK YOU for your Emails and phone calls for my last November Newsletter DO It With A Smile dedicated to my Dad’s life and passing. Read it again or share it from www.julianmichael.net
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THIS DECEMBER, there is nothing like adventuring in NYC where I continue to be celebrating the Holiday spirit.
CALL 323-384-1333 or email me - I’m available for Numerology sessions in person, by phone or thru Skype. Invite me to speak at your party, club or organization. Also contact me for the special Hypnosis, Past Life Regression 3 Session package.
WATCH a short video of my Numerology Pearls of the Day on my Facebook Profile Page under Julian Michael and at www.Youtube.com and put in Julian Michael Numerology.
I’M so happy to share with you the secrets of December a 12/3 and more.
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“EVERYTHING in the Universe is number and that number has a meaning. - Pythagoras
- ACTIVATE your genius frequency this 12th month of a 1-2-3 trinity. Speak write sing, paint, dance, imagine and soar your inner sky, the heavens and beyond.
- VISUALIZE having the money you need and what you will do with it. See the dollars or check in your hands and feel it. The secret is to share some of your prosperity. Learn to tithe.
- MAKE a list of families and friends that have supported, helped you and were there for you when you were in trouble, depressed or spinning out of control this year. Be grateful to them and thank them. Give them a gift, tickets to a movie or play or buy them a beautiful 2011 calendar.
- BE realistic with your wallet. Give a gift that is within your budget. Gather family, friends on Skype and transmit smiles and appreciation to those you can not be physically close to. Get creative!
- ACKNOWLEDGE the synchronicity and serendipity happening to you and around you in your new paradigm shift. Just say Thank You and say out loud, "I love it, let's have more of this."
- SPEAK, lIsten and then listen even closer to what is not being said.
- CONNECT with your inner magical child and have fun with the joy, twinkling lights and all this delicious Shakti during the holidays.
- LEARN how to talk to the animals. Recently a famous writer, author asked me what was going on as squirrels were following him.
- KNOW what this animal symbolism is. In this case the squirrels are collectors. They hide and gather 10% of their nuts. The other 90% are seeds planted for trees and plants.
- VISUALIZE from your heart to theirs saying hello to the squirrel. Now let your imagination be open to what you feel and see from them. This is a transformational doorway of your telepathic energies communing with them. Now you're ready to talk.
- ALL squirrels, dogs, cats and other animals are telling us to be ready in 2011 to communicate with them and unify with Mother Earth.
- SUPPORT all TV, radio and magazines that support new progressive thought. Think! How many TV shows talk about alternative ways of living? Hardly any!
- EXPRESS gratitude, thanks and bless everything and everyone including the food you eat, what you drink and the ground you walk on. This creates grace, a very important key to activate your genius frequency.
- CAREFUL of manipulation by media and taking everything as God’s word.
- DO NOT buy into showing your naked body through a machine to anybody! You must be kidding me, as this act is the closest thing to legal porn. Wake Up!
- PLEASE LET GO and do not carry old ugly feelings, animosity, revenge and anger with you into 2011.
- FIND it in your heart to forgive. Especially those that have expressed anger and terrorized you.
- FORGIVE them for all the hurt and harm they've done to you; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Past, present, future and now. Understand that they forgive you for any hurt or harm that you may have caused them.
- KNOW that they live a program from their parents, parents, culture, religion, education and the government they are a part of. Emotionally release, forgive, set them free and you are free.
- BE aware of your words and how you use them. Words like;" I can’t, I won’t, it’s impossible" are negative and block you in creating and manifesting richness in your life. Vanquish them from your vocabulary.
- *** WARNING – Please pray, meditate and protect yourself with visualizations of love and light intelligence. Do it when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
- LOOK in a mirror and say” I am ubiquitous, omnipresent and open to infinite possibilities.”
- USE music is to heal. Imagine the notes massaging all your organs, tissues, and cells when you listen to it. Use classical, New Age, Kirtan Indian chants and others to heighten your awareness.
- SHARE your voice of peace, wisdom and love. Walk the talk of Christ, Buddha, Lao-tse and your favorite Avatar.
EXPRESS Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
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“WHOEVER undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein
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I first wrote about Amanda Daniels in my December 2009 Newsletter. I'm so jazzed to see one of my favorite people on the planet living her purpose with her husband and two adorable children.
AMANDA is a very kind hearted, powerful, erudite, beautiful, eloquent woman. She had heart disease and has gone through hell. Amanda is driven to make a difference with people diagnosed with illness and helps them to live their dreams.
BE inspired by Amanda, a living miracle, her amazing journey to wholeness and other women’s stories. Take a look at her new empowering website and share your experiences. Go to www.voicestoshare.blogspot.com and Momlogic.com
I met Amanda on July 1, 2009. She was diagnosed with her heart at 30% working capacity and weakening. Her doctors said, if her heart continues to weaken she needs to prepare for a heart transplant. They also told Amanda because of her heart she probably would not be able to be pregnant and live her dream of having another baby.
I did Amanda’s, her husband's and child’s Numerology charts. I shared with her important information about her life purposeand her relationship with her heart and her family.
I explained to Amanda what is going on in her life, the road ahead and how to overcome obstacles preventing her to live her “Heart’s Desire.” In the months ahead we did some amazing work with Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.
Later Amanda was given a clean bill of health, became pregnant and now has another little girl.
God Bless Her!
SO I know that I’ve spoken to all of you about someone who has made such an amazing difference in my life it’s unbelievable. In fact a couple of you have met him. His name is Julian Michael.
MY first session with Julian began with a numerology reading. Then I took a leap of faith and embarked upon the most wonderful journey to spiritual awakening. For the past several months I have been working with Julian on past life regressions, spiritual healing and relaxation techniques.
MY heart has improved, I am now pregnant, pursuing my dreams of on air broadcast and all of my fears have vanished. I feel more empowered now than I ever have in my entire life.
I’M sending you this email now because Julian is probably only here for one more month before he starts traveling the world again. Please feel free to forward this to anyone else you think might be interested.
HIS direct number is 323-384-1333 and his email is solmagik@hotmail.com.
HAVE a great weekend,
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LISA is a very beautiful, erudite, professional health Educator, Yoga Practitioner, Entrepreneur who empowers your heart, mind and soul. Please meet her and embrace her therapies at www.lisayogabliss.com
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LESLIE NIELSEN born 2-11-1926(18-9) = 31/4 with a hidden 22/4 Master number was an actor and genius comedian that made us laugh.
THIS great thespian passed on 11 – 28- 2010 = 42/6 Universal Day. He soars the heavens and embraces the day of the 28 as a pioneer in his craft. He continues to share with you as an 11 his enlightened artistic genius a 3. In his 42/6 Leslie Nielsen is now making the Angels and Gods laugh.
HERE is an excerpt of his brilliance as Frank Drebin from the movie “The Naked Gun from the files of Police Squad “
MAYOR: “ Now Drebin, I don't want any trouble like you had on the South Side last year, that's my policy.
FRANK: Well, when I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's *my* policy!
MAYOR: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of 'Julius Caesar,' you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones!”
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GOD is my unfailed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let universal power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire. – Anonymous
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EVERYBODY is a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We're all trying to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness & chaos." - David Cronenberg
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MEDITATE and SEND LOVE TO: Barack Obama, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To the countries and their people that are on your mind. And please send a special embrace to Mother Earth and your ET Hybrid Families.
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OVER 20 years, I’ve been a Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regressionist. My teacher Gerald Kein is the guide and mentor of Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many lives and Many Masters.” I’m available to do sessions with you. call 323-384-1333
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THANK YOU for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think about this and anything else you have on your mind.
THANK YOU for your Emails and phone calls for my last November Newsletter DO It With A Smile dedicated to my Dad’s life and passing. Read it again or share it from www.julianmichael.net
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THIS DECEMBER, there is nothing like adventuring in NYC where I continue to be celebrating the Holiday spirit.
CALL 323-384-1333 or email me - I’m available for Numerology sessions in person, by phone or thru Skype. Invite me to speak at your party, club or organization. Also contact me for the special Hypnosis, Past Life Regression 3 Session package.
WATCH a short video of my Numerology Pearls of the Day on my Facebook Profile Page under Julian Michael and at www.Youtube.com and put in Julian Michael Numerology.
I’M so happy to share with you the secrets of December a 12/3 and more.
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“EVERYTHING in the Universe is number and that number has a meaning. - Pythagoras
- ACTIVATE your genius frequency this 12th month of a 1-2-3 trinity. Speak write sing, paint, dance, imagine and soar your inner sky, the heavens and beyond.
- VISUALIZE having the money you need and what you will do with it. See the dollars or check in your hands and feel it. The secret is to share some of your prosperity. Learn to tithe.
- MAKE a list of families and friends that have supported, helped you and were there for you when you were in trouble, depressed or spinning out of control this year. Be grateful to them and thank them. Give them a gift, tickets to a movie or play or buy them a beautiful 2011 calendar.
- BE realistic with your wallet. Give a gift that is within your budget. Gather family, friends on Skype and transmit smiles and appreciation to those you can not be physically close to. Get creative!
- ACKNOWLEDGE the synchronicity and serendipity happening to you and around you in your new paradigm shift. Just say Thank You and say out loud, "I love it, let's have more of this."
- SPEAK, lIsten and then listen even closer to what is not being said.
- CONNECT with your inner magical child and have fun with the joy, twinkling lights and all this delicious Shakti during the holidays.
- LEARN how to talk to the animals. Recently a famous writer, author asked me what was going on as squirrels were following him.
- KNOW what this animal symbolism is. In this case the squirrels are collectors. They hide and gather 10% of their nuts. The other 90% are seeds planted for trees and plants.
- VISUALIZE from your heart to theirs saying hello to the squirrel. Now let your imagination be open to what you feel and see from them. This is a transformational doorway of your telepathic energies communing with them. Now you're ready to talk.
- ALL squirrels, dogs, cats and other animals are telling us to be ready in 2011 to communicate with them and unify with Mother Earth.
- SUPPORT all TV, radio and magazines that support new progressive thought. Think! How many TV shows talk about alternative ways of living? Hardly any!
- EXPRESS gratitude, thanks and bless everything and everyone including the food you eat, what you drink and the ground you walk on. This creates grace, a very important key to activate your genius frequency.
- CAREFUL of manipulation by media and taking everything as God’s word.
- DO NOT buy into showing your naked body through a machine to anybody! You must be kidding me, as this act is the closest thing to legal porn. Wake Up!
- PLEASE LET GO and do not carry old ugly feelings, animosity, revenge and anger with you into 2011.
- FIND it in your heart to forgive. Especially those that have expressed anger and terrorized you.
- FORGIVE them for all the hurt and harm they've done to you; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Past, present, future and now. Understand that they forgive you for any hurt or harm that you may have caused them.
- KNOW that they live a program from their parents, parents, culture, religion, education and the government they are a part of. Emotionally release, forgive, set them free and you are free.
- BE aware of your words and how you use them. Words like;" I can’t, I won’t, it’s impossible" are negative and block you in creating and manifesting richness in your life. Vanquish them from your vocabulary.
- *** WARNING – Please pray, meditate and protect yourself with visualizations of love and light intelligence. Do it when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
- LOOK in a mirror and say” I am ubiquitous, omnipresent and open to infinite possibilities.”
- USE music is to heal. Imagine the notes massaging all your organs, tissues, and cells when you listen to it. Use classical, New Age, Kirtan Indian chants and others to heighten your awareness.
- SHARE your voice of peace, wisdom and love. Walk the talk of Christ, Buddha, Lao-tse and your favorite Avatar.
EXPRESS Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
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“WHOEVER undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”
- Albert Einstein
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I first wrote about Amanda Daniels in my December 2009 Newsletter. I'm so jazzed to see one of my favorite people on the planet living her purpose with her husband and two adorable children.
AMANDA is a very kind hearted, powerful, erudite, beautiful, eloquent woman. She had heart disease and has gone through hell. Amanda is driven to make a difference with people diagnosed with illness and helps them to live their dreams.
BE inspired by Amanda, a living miracle, her amazing journey to wholeness and other women’s stories. Take a look at her new empowering website and share your experiences. Go to www.voicestoshare.blogspot.com and Momlogic.com
I met Amanda on July 1, 2009. She was diagnosed with her heart at 30% working capacity and weakening. Her doctors said, if her heart continues to weaken she needs to prepare for a heart transplant. They also told Amanda because of her heart she probably would not be able to be pregnant and live her dream of having another baby.
I did Amanda’s, her husband's and child’s Numerology charts. I shared with her important information about her life purposeand her relationship with her heart and her family.
I explained to Amanda what is going on in her life, the road ahead and how to overcome obstacles preventing her to live her “Heart’s Desire.” In the months ahead we did some amazing work with Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.
Later Amanda was given a clean bill of health, became pregnant and now has another little girl.
God Bless Her!
SO I know that I’ve spoken to all of you about someone who has made such an amazing difference in my life it’s unbelievable. In fact a couple of you have met him. His name is Julian Michael.
MY first session with Julian began with a numerology reading. Then I took a leap of faith and embarked upon the most wonderful journey to spiritual awakening. For the past several months I have been working with Julian on past life regressions, spiritual healing and relaxation techniques.
MY heart has improved, I am now pregnant, pursuing my dreams of on air broadcast and all of my fears have vanished. I feel more empowered now than I ever have in my entire life.
I’M sending you this email now because Julian is probably only here for one more month before he starts traveling the world again. Please feel free to forward this to anyone else you think might be interested.
HIS direct number is 323-384-1333 and his email is solmagik@hotmail.com.
HAVE a great weekend,
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LISA is a very beautiful, erudite, professional health Educator, Yoga Practitioner, Entrepreneur who empowers your heart, mind and soul. Please meet her and embrace her therapies at www.lisayogabliss.com
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LESLIE NIELSEN born 2-11-1926(18-9) = 31/4 with a hidden 22/4 Master number was an actor and genius comedian that made us laugh.
THIS great thespian passed on 11 – 28- 2010 = 42/6 Universal Day. He soars the heavens and embraces the day of the 28 as a pioneer in his craft. He continues to share with you as an 11 his enlightened artistic genius a 3. In his 42/6 Leslie Nielsen is now making the Angels and Gods laugh.
HERE is an excerpt of his brilliance as Frank Drebin from the movie “The Naked Gun from the files of Police Squad “
MAYOR: “ Now Drebin, I don't want any trouble like you had on the South Side last year, that's my policy.
FRANK: Well, when I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's *my* policy!
MAYOR: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of 'Julius Caesar,' you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones!”
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GOD is my unfailed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let universal power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire. – Anonymous
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EVERYBODY is a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We're all trying to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness & chaos." - David Cronenberg
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MEDITATE and SEND LOVE TO: Barack Obama, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To the countries and their people that are on your mind. And please send a special embrace to Mother Earth and your ET Hybrid Families.
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OVER 20 years, I’ve been a Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regressionist. My teacher Gerald Kein is the guide and mentor of Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many lives and Many Masters.” I’m available to do sessions with you. call 323-384-1333
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THANK YOU for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think about this and anything else you have on your mind.
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