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Monday, November 01, 2004

Newsletter (November 2004)


                                                               By Julian Michael

Welcome Gods and Goddesses. We are recovering and awakening from mental and spiritual terrorism. Read, take workshops, and educate yourself in all social, economic, and political teachings so you can know the hidden layers of what's happening in the game of Globalization. Evolve and do not be duped! The manipulation is on!
The Matrix, good old boys, media and friends are rejoicing as in these elections the wool has been pulled over our eyes again, and again and again. Listen and watch with your eyes of realization. Take your power back in November 2004. 

November 2004 - Universal Month- "17-8"

November is a '11-2' energy and 2004 is a "6" energy as both create the "8." The government, banking systems, financial institutions, and how you deal with justice, truth and power are being addressed. Embrace equipoise in your mind, body and spirit

Karma for George Bush?. 

In October's 2004 Newsletter I wrote, John Forbes Kerry will win the election, but that happened four years ago with Al Gore. Summon the soul detectives. Can we trust anyone else in this time of Armageddon? George Bush might just steal it and probably will from this sleep ridden drug nation again.

George Bush, if he did steal the election, has done it in his 19-10-1 Personal Year, (7-6-2004). He's done this in a karmic year known as Misuse and Abuse of Power the Collector of the Past. He is also in an astrological second Saturn return and this is the planet and energy of the teacher of justice and truth. 

Election Day was November 2, 2004 a (11+2 +6 = 19-10-1) Universal Day. This combined with George Bushís Personal Year of 19-10-1. George is ready for some Karmic retribution. Did someone whisper a kind of "Watergate?".

John Kerry and we as a nation started our new phase of giving the election to George Bush on November 3, 2004 a 20-2 Universal Day. The "2" is an energy of peace, diplomacy, and sharing. Light (3+9+7+8+2 = 29-11-2) is connected with this day in operating from originality, truth and loving light consciousness.

The opposite energy of "2" is lies, cheating and coming from Hell. We chose conflict in electing president George Bush. The next years will be a power struggle between the positive, aware energies and the hidden, ignorant, dark side of Hell. Full speed ahead! Welcome to Armageddon.

What Happened?

Everyday we hear, especially over the Internet, more stories of voting errors and fraud. This election was a very big mess of provisional ballots that were given like candy to people all over the nation. Voting machines broke down, and there has been suspicion of voter fraud. Not enough polling areas and machines created long waiting lines. Interesting that 2000 new voting machines were found in a warehouse after the election in one of the counties of Ohio. This is where people waited for seven hours on line to vote.

Exit polls showed the election results to be different especially in Florida and Ohio, with John Kerry winning. The co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign Secretary of State, J. Kenneth Blackwell was appointed to be in charge of Ohio's voting registrations. Why?

Senator Theresa Fedor of Ohio asked for Ohio Secretary of State, J. Kenneth Blackwell's resignation because of his treatment of suppressing voter registrations months prior to the elections. She questions the whole process of voting after the election in Ohio. Over one million voters were purged or thought to be ineligible in Ohio that weren't. The election process is antiquated and we need to know the truth, she said. She wants an investigation. Go to and ask, who is Theresa Fedor, senator of Ohio.

Misinformation also was given to non-white people of how to and, in some cases, when to vote all over the Nation. Fifty-thousand votes were lost in Florida, and there were probably more. The Afro-American people were abused psychologically and spiritually all over the country in their voting rights. A lot of their votes were trashed!

Was the election stolen? You decide!Wow! Hello and blessings from sunny Los Angeles. Take a Republican,

Democrat or Arab to lunch knowing that you do not have to just discuss politics. We are all "One."

You probably feel bewildered, betrayed and ripped off by the loss of the man you gave the power to be your savior and president, John Forbes Kerry. Interesting how we are manipulated to give our voice, time, energy and power to others.

Be your own leader, president of your own White House of justice, truth and freedom.
Stop. Analyze and process your anger, disillusionment of your dreams of a new presidency being destroyed. In this "8" you are reinventing yourself, finding the balance of the physical, material and spiritual mental worlds.

Do everything now to be centered and come from your power. Look at your family, friends, and job and get your own act together. Organize yourself. As I mentioned in the beginning read and learn everything you can to know how this government works. Then go out and utilize your wisdom, knowledge and inner truth, sharing and inspiring others. Do this from power, not being dependent on others to make you happy, like we did in believing John Kerry was going to stop the war and create a utopia in the world and in our lives. Wake up and get real!

Do everything to learn about the laws of making money and being wealthy. Become self sufficient in your life knowing that the system really doesn't take of you. You need to think independently. Live out of the box, and be a part of the system coming from being confident, secure, prosperous in your own system.

Hmm-Choose your Illusion. Reality Truth

George Walker Bush was elected by 90% of white people. Hmm

I'm not going to be your monkey, Jon Stewart of the Daily show firing back at Tucker Carlson of "Crossfire." Hmm

Bill O'Reilly trying to save his empire. "The mighty shall fall." Hmm

"Dolphins may well be carrying information as well as functions critical to the regeneration of life upon our planet." - Buckminister Fuller. Hmm

Being a Past Life Regressionist, I loved the bold, psychological, spell-bounding movie "Birth" directed by Johnathan Glazer, starring a brilliant, pulsating Nicole Kidman. Wow! The kid was awesome in this different kind of love story. Hmm

2004 is a "6" energy. Let us look at the sixes circles, as a nurturing sun. It encompasses the divinity of All that there is as it lives in perfect loving balance and is complete, eternal having no beginning or end. It is the snake biting its tail in what it gives out and returns. It's the ring and it's power of "The lord of the Rings." In Hebrew it's called 'Ayin' the eye of God and the spiritual eye of man. It is open to speak. Pregnant or its stomach is full as itís aware what it drinks, thinks and wants to protect itself. As an arm coming out it propels this life force to reach out, touch, serve and receive from others.


November is a "11" signature of you having the keys to the doors of truth, justice and being with people who make a difference, experiences that make you grow. The "11" is electric and wants you to share your information, kindness, positive magnetism and love with others.
Julian Michael on the InnerVision show with Dr. Nita Vallens

I am blessed to have participated and spent one hour a few weeks ago with the lovely, intelligent thought-provoking Dr. Nita Vallens of KPFK, 90.7 F.M. on her weekly radio show on Tuesdays at 1 PM. I experienced a slice of heaven in being interviewed and doing 21


Numerologies sharing my expertise and magic with all the listeners and financial contributors to this station of free independent radio. Please go to her website to know more about this extraordinary talk show host and her guests. Thank You.

In Summary

The President, all sorts of government agencies and the political arena will always continue to play their games of power. It's so important that we're careful of giving our time, energy and power away to their manipulation.

I believe we all have received a major wake-up call on the day after the election.

Be comfortable, safe, secure, confident, loving, free and powerful with your family, friends in your world. Then you're ready to go in and out of the government and political world. You can play in their Matrix knowing that you realize the truth of whatís going on and have real eyes for your power as God.

Blessings to all "Enjoy your November divine electric magic" with all my love
Julian Michael.


 Julian Michael is a sensitive, psychic, political Numerologist, hypnotherapist and past life therapist.  Recently he became a Reconnective-healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl.

He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives.  Julian can be reached for questions and comments at


For a personal appointment, parties, purchasing his latest CD's please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384 - 1333 and in Brazil ( 5511 ) 3277-3765


Julian will be in sunny California for the whole month of October.