Julian Michael November Do It With A Smile 2010 Newsletter
THANK YOU for all the Emails, phone calls and support, prayers of love for my Dad who battled Alzheimer’s for 5 years and passed at 87 years old in October. You have no idea how empowering your messages have been. I share Roots: My Dad’s Family Tree and some soulful stories in this Newsletter.
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IN NOVEMBER I am so jazzed to be back in NYC at this amazing time of leaves sharing their color therapy with us.
CALL 323-384-1333 Email, Face book me as I’m available to see you personally, on the phone globally thru Skype or speak at your party, club or organization.
I AM so happy to share with you the secrets of November a Master 11 and more.
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NOVEMBER as a Master 11 is electro-magnetic, diplomatic, intense problem solving vibration.
- WORK on a higher level of February a 2 vibration
- REFLECT on February 2010, access what worked for you and go and create miracles.
- THE foundation letter N of November is a 14-5 known as the “Scribe of the Ancients.”
- IN past lives you were a Catholic, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, embracing many religions studying and taking notes as a scribe. You are to access this wisdom and share it now!
- BE aware that the truth will always make you free.
- HUG your Mom, every female that’s special to you. Respect every women as an enchanted sacred divine feminine Goddess.
- EXERCISE, do yoga, pray, meditate, create and listen to music.
- YOU can easily loose it. EXPRESS your intense deep feelings and sensitivity in a safe way.
- SERVE; help others who are sick, unbalanced or spinning through unconditional love.
- LIGHT=3+9+7+8+2= 29/11. November is the 11 month.
- “IF we live in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.”
- 1 John 1:7
- HE in this context is the Christ consciousness, Buddha-Sativa in you.
- THE opposite of light is dark.
- BE CAREFUL of glorifying yourself, as this will create loss and unhappiness.
- LIVING in fear, stress and anger can plunge you into confusion, destructive behavior on your roller coaster to Hell!
- BE AWARE of details.
- EDUCATE yourself in financial matters when you deal with stocks or any investments. Trust no one but yourself.
- CALL upon cosmic aid to help you. All sacred books say,” Ask, knock on the door and it will be open to you.”
* * * - THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! You are downloading lots of information that is helpful for your growth. Be in control. Spirit will not tell you to stop, eat and drink water. Do not forget that you are a physical being!
- COMMUNE, cooperate and learn from all the Earth Angels around you.
Go Out And Share As A Messenger Of The Gods!
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“Everything in the Universe is number and that number has a meaning.” - Pythagoras
MY DAD WAS BORN – 1 – 12 – 1923 = 28 – 1 Life Path Password Vibration
THE Life Path Password is your Month, Day, Year and Sum of your Birthdate. This is your special code, pin number that communicates your talents, opportunities, lessons and challenges in your life, this month and day. This password connects you to your life records known as the Akashic Library of your existance.
I share with my Dad, known as Bill yet I always called him Dad. Here is his story through my passion, Numerology.
MY Father has a double 1 in his Birthdate. I find that when you have a double number you have great opportunities and challenges to overcome in your Life Path. He was here to lead, be a pioneer, inventive and stand on his own feet, share and not do it alone. He loved being independent as he adventured everywhere.
THE opposite side is being dictatorial, obstinate and doing and running things by yourself without anyones help.
DAD was born in the Carpathian Mountains of the Ukraine where people walk around at 100 years old. His father Danilo was a Mailman then worked in the Post Office after being injured in WWI. Mom Edvokia hand pressed sunflowers,pumpkin, hemp and other plants making food for animals and oil.
YAKYM his grandfather was a Merlin alchemist who ventured into the forests everyday gathering flowers, plants and came home to brew them. On week-ends men, women, and children traveled miles with money, goats, eggs or something to trade for remedies of health and well being.
WHEN my Dad was young, Yakym told him “ There will be a war. They will take you to the Army. After training remember one thing. Do not try to be an officer or something like that. Be a cook. Learn to be a cook and you'll survive. Listen to me and you'll remember. And promise."
MY Father said,"I promise."
YAKYM continued, " Raise your hand," My dad did and promised again.
THEN Yakym said, "Do not tell your parents. This is between you and me."
AT 97, my great great Grandfather Yakym unbeknownst to others climbed a tree to get a special traditional flower for his Granddaughter’s wedding. He reached for it, fell and died. They found the loving Yakym lying there with the flower. They put him in the barn and had their wedding. Afterwards they celebrated the grand Master and had his funeral.
AT 16, Dad was trained to fight in a tank in WW II in Russia. He was captured without being injured and made his promise stand. Taken to a German labor camp he learned quickly and became an outstanding cook.
MY Father came to America 1 year after WWII through the Red Cross to live with his uncle in Detroit. Through his life he had many jobs as a chef, baking and even delivered cakes and pastries to restaurants in the NYC area. When I was around 11 he was proud to have a Deli in The Bronx.
HE became a Real Estate broker and my mom, sister and I would work in the Deli. He left the Deli to us and later was in a partnership at a Bar Restaurant in upstate N.Y. He left that enterprise and then cooked for a home for underprivilaged children.
WHEN he retired he freely distributed and made wine out of apples, plums, pears and berries. Alot of people in the Catskill Mountain region celebrated life with my Dad. He lived his last years in a nursing home with Alzeimer's and Dementia in the Catskills, overlooking a lake and mountains.
AS a 12, Dad was endowed with charm, kindness, always ready to help, was self-taught, sang, danced, played a ukulele and loved to communicate.
THE other side of the 12 is sacrifice for family, friends and others. Doing things your way and not listening.
BEING the12 which is the Hangman in Tarot, you need to see life reversed and different from the norm.
ALL his life, my Dad was a fighter; assertive, fearless and a survivor especially with all the experiences that happened to him during WW II. These experiences made him look at life from another perspective yet he was not spiritual as the 12 vibrations ask you to be in order to feel complete.
BORN IN 1923 A 15-6
MY Father had a huge green thumb and loved gardening and flowers. I grew up with my Mom's favorites, beautul tulips in front of our house. He always took me to Flower and Plant exhibitions when I was a child. We had dogs, cats and other stray animals growing up in the middle of the city of Flushing Queens, NY.
OUR house was active in the 60's with all kinds of people from the radical P.T.A, having meetings about busing, friends in trouble, religious leaders playing chess with my grandfather and parties with lots of food and music when I was younger. Dad as a 15- 6 was an amazing cook. He loved to host, turn people on to aromas, delicious food and the beauty of life.
HE met Aurelia, the daughter of the former exiled Prime Minister of the Carpathian Ukraine at a party in Detroit, Michigan. My Grandfather, Julian Revay went into exile in 1939, was captured by the Russians as all his possessions were taken away. They did everything they could legally do to break down his spirit. They didn't.
THE Congress of the US after a huge campaign, letter writing and protests of the American Ukranian people had him released under a Senators sponcorship and he came to Detroit.
MY Mom, Aurelia that I was born to in NYC was a beautiful, creative, opera singer who never made it professionally because of a tonsillectomy she had as a teenager. Her story is to be told as Mom and Dad were together for 25 years living in NYC with my sister and I. Then they divorced and my father re-married for a year. Then for over 25 years he lived in a loving controlling relationship into his later years.
DAD was a great fun father. When I was young, I loved traveling, hanging out with him and hearing his stories of life’s magic. He became a great enigma to me as a teenager in the 60’s and growing up.
ONE day in the mid 70's, he walked away from us and we never heard from him until a year later. He sent a letter and started to file for a divorce. He blamed a lot of his behavior and the separation from my Mom on who I was and what his son wasn’t doing with his life. Ironically i never became the doctor or professional he wanted me to be. Yet I was in college when he left and graduated with 3 degrees in Psychology, Education and Film.
I lived in Brazil for over 8 years in the 90's. In 1999, 20 years after the mysterious divorce to my Mom, Dad and I got together. We did see each other very briefly in this 20 year period. On this day the Gods had something up their sleeves.
MY Father loved driving his jeep and we took the back roads to my sister on the border of Vermont. It took 8 hours instead of 3, as he did not like highways.We had lots of time to talk. Our souls and the essence of who we are as father and son.
We exchanged forgiveness, love and so much more.
COMING back a few days later we're listening to the radio as a Tornado is on our heels, chasing us to Albany. in the capitol of NY, Albany i pleaded my case and took over the wheel with his demanding that we stay under this drawbridge. Garbage cans, trash was being tossed around and trees swayed freakishly. I sped out of this very surreal darkness as I heard the voice within say, “Get out or you're dead." In seconds we were safe in a clear free blue afternoon sky Wow!
HE asked me a few years before he had Alzeimer"s and Dementia, “are you making money with what you do? I know you do something with people. You help them in some way. You travel all over the world. Can you tell me about what’s going on with me?” My Father found out what his son now did for a living on this winter's day in a very deep beautiful heart to heart loving way.
ONE of your great opportunities and challenges in life is this: Ask yourself, what did you get from your Dad and he from you. Why were we born to each other? One thing I got, as long as I can remember, he always said to every person when leaving, “Do it with a smile.”
DAD”S DEATH – 10 – 8 – 2010 = 21/3 Life Path
“YOU were never born nor do you die, you just are." - Bhagavad-Gita
THE day of Death is the Birthdate to the other side. Call it Heaven, the Astral or another world yet there is proof that life doesn’t stop and our spirit continues.
MY Dad did not believe in life after death. He said," you die and that’s it." He asked to be cremated and was buried in a beautiful cemetery in upstate N.Y.
Leaving on the 8 he embraces power and progressiveness. The 8 is being the boss. To be a boss Dad will work, share his responsibilities and delegate power better with openess to infinite possibilities.
THE 10 as a higher 1, as he had double 1’s at his Birth, asks him to feel complete, confident, own himself and delegate better with people.
DOUBLE 3’s mean that he needs to speak, express love to others through his partnership with some spiritual practice. Speaking to him when he was in a semi coma state and now I tell him this." I Love you and let me know how you are doing.” He has already appeared once in my dreams. Dad is on his way soaring with the Angels, if he believes it or not, learning, smiling and doing.
MY Mom passed 7 years ago from a heart attack in her sleep. It’s so surreal not having both parents It’s hard to explain yet they are everywhere. I feel them in my heart stronger than when they were living. Is that strange?
THE WORD - DEATH = 4+5+1+2+8 = 20-2 Destiny
DEATH is a partnership of hidden wisdom with Light intelligence. When you die you are not alone. There is so much going on because you are eternal and never really die.
THE WORD - LIVE = 3 +9+4+5=21/3
IF you have someone who passed and they are sitting next to you now this is what they would probably say, Live! Live your life to the fullest and express from your heart what you feel.
PLEASE embrace, call, Email or send your parents a gift and express love no matter what your feelings are towards them. Before they pass explain to them who you are, what you’re doing and thank them for having the courage to bring you here to Earth.
IF they don’t understand know that is perfectly OK. Do it now! Do not wait as so many things can happen at any time and at any moment. A phone call can change your life. So “Do it with a smile.”
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GOD is my unfailed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let universal power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire. – Anonymous
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ASTRONAUT Dr. Story Musgrave, a Payload Specialist on the Space Shuttle Columbia on the STS-80 Mission is now retired. Recently he was doing an Astronomy presentation. The Drs. final slide was a “Grey” ET. The retired NASA Astronaut surprisingly replied,” These guys are real…. I guarantee it.”
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BARACK OBAMA, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To the countries and their people that are on your mind. And please send a special embrace to Mother Earth and your ET Hybrid Families.
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OVER 20 years, I specialize in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions. My teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many lives and Many Masters”, guide and mentor.
I’M available to do Hypnosis, Past Life Regressions. CALL 323-384-1333
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THANK YOU for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think about this and anything else you have on your mind.
THANK YOU for all the Emails, phone calls and support, prayers of love for my Dad who battled Alzheimer’s for 5 years and passed at 87 years old in October. You have no idea how empowering your messages have been. I share Roots: My Dad’s Family Tree and some soulful stories in this Newsletter.
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IN NOVEMBER I am so jazzed to be back in NYC at this amazing time of leaves sharing their color therapy with us.
CALL 323-384-1333 Email, Face book me as I’m available to see you personally, on the phone globally thru Skype or speak at your party, club or organization.
I AM so happy to share with you the secrets of November a Master 11 and more.
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NOVEMBER as a Master 11 is electro-magnetic, diplomatic, intense problem solving vibration.
- WORK on a higher level of February a 2 vibration
- REFLECT on February 2010, access what worked for you and go and create miracles.
- THE foundation letter N of November is a 14-5 known as the “Scribe of the Ancients.”
- IN past lives you were a Catholic, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, embracing many religions studying and taking notes as a scribe. You are to access this wisdom and share it now!
- BE aware that the truth will always make you free.
- HUG your Mom, every female that’s special to you. Respect every women as an enchanted sacred divine feminine Goddess.
- EXERCISE, do yoga, pray, meditate, create and listen to music.
- YOU can easily loose it. EXPRESS your intense deep feelings and sensitivity in a safe way.
- SERVE; help others who are sick, unbalanced or spinning through unconditional love.
- LIGHT=3+9+7+8+2= 29/11. November is the 11 month.
- “IF we live in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.”
- 1 John 1:7
- HE in this context is the Christ consciousness, Buddha-Sativa in you.
- THE opposite of light is dark.
- BE CAREFUL of glorifying yourself, as this will create loss and unhappiness.
- LIVING in fear, stress and anger can plunge you into confusion, destructive behavior on your roller coaster to Hell!
- BE AWARE of details.
- EDUCATE yourself in financial matters when you deal with stocks or any investments. Trust no one but yourself.
- CALL upon cosmic aid to help you. All sacred books say,” Ask, knock on the door and it will be open to you.”
* * * - THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! You are downloading lots of information that is helpful for your growth. Be in control. Spirit will not tell you to stop, eat and drink water. Do not forget that you are a physical being!
- COMMUNE, cooperate and learn from all the Earth Angels around you.
Go Out And Share As A Messenger Of The Gods!
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“Everything in the Universe is number and that number has a meaning.” - Pythagoras
MY DAD WAS BORN – 1 – 12 – 1923 = 28 – 1 Life Path Password Vibration
THE Life Path Password is your Month, Day, Year and Sum of your Birthdate. This is your special code, pin number that communicates your talents, opportunities, lessons and challenges in your life, this month and day. This password connects you to your life records known as the Akashic Library of your existance.
I share with my Dad, known as Bill yet I always called him Dad. Here is his story through my passion, Numerology.
MY Father has a double 1 in his Birthdate. I find that when you have a double number you have great opportunities and challenges to overcome in your Life Path. He was here to lead, be a pioneer, inventive and stand on his own feet, share and not do it alone. He loved being independent as he adventured everywhere.
THE opposite side is being dictatorial, obstinate and doing and running things by yourself without anyones help.
DAD was born in the Carpathian Mountains of the Ukraine where people walk around at 100 years old. His father Danilo was a Mailman then worked in the Post Office after being injured in WWI. Mom Edvokia hand pressed sunflowers,pumpkin, hemp and other plants making food for animals and oil.
YAKYM his grandfather was a Merlin alchemist who ventured into the forests everyday gathering flowers, plants and came home to brew them. On week-ends men, women, and children traveled miles with money, goats, eggs or something to trade for remedies of health and well being.
WHEN my Dad was young, Yakym told him “ There will be a war. They will take you to the Army. After training remember one thing. Do not try to be an officer or something like that. Be a cook. Learn to be a cook and you'll survive. Listen to me and you'll remember. And promise."
MY Father said,"I promise."
YAKYM continued, " Raise your hand," My dad did and promised again.
THEN Yakym said, "Do not tell your parents. This is between you and me."
AT 97, my great great Grandfather Yakym unbeknownst to others climbed a tree to get a special traditional flower for his Granddaughter’s wedding. He reached for it, fell and died. They found the loving Yakym lying there with the flower. They put him in the barn and had their wedding. Afterwards they celebrated the grand Master and had his funeral.
AT 16, Dad was trained to fight in a tank in WW II in Russia. He was captured without being injured and made his promise stand. Taken to a German labor camp he learned quickly and became an outstanding cook.
MY Father came to America 1 year after WWII through the Red Cross to live with his uncle in Detroit. Through his life he had many jobs as a chef, baking and even delivered cakes and pastries to restaurants in the NYC area. When I was around 11 he was proud to have a Deli in The Bronx.
HE became a Real Estate broker and my mom, sister and I would work in the Deli. He left the Deli to us and later was in a partnership at a Bar Restaurant in upstate N.Y. He left that enterprise and then cooked for a home for underprivilaged children.
WHEN he retired he freely distributed and made wine out of apples, plums, pears and berries. Alot of people in the Catskill Mountain region celebrated life with my Dad. He lived his last years in a nursing home with Alzeimer's and Dementia in the Catskills, overlooking a lake and mountains.
AS a 12, Dad was endowed with charm, kindness, always ready to help, was self-taught, sang, danced, played a ukulele and loved to communicate.
THE other side of the 12 is sacrifice for family, friends and others. Doing things your way and not listening.
BEING the12 which is the Hangman in Tarot, you need to see life reversed and different from the norm.
ALL his life, my Dad was a fighter; assertive, fearless and a survivor especially with all the experiences that happened to him during WW II. These experiences made him look at life from another perspective yet he was not spiritual as the 12 vibrations ask you to be in order to feel complete.
BORN IN 1923 A 15-6
MY Father had a huge green thumb and loved gardening and flowers. I grew up with my Mom's favorites, beautul tulips in front of our house. He always took me to Flower and Plant exhibitions when I was a child. We had dogs, cats and other stray animals growing up in the middle of the city of Flushing Queens, NY.
OUR house was active in the 60's with all kinds of people from the radical P.T.A, having meetings about busing, friends in trouble, religious leaders playing chess with my grandfather and parties with lots of food and music when I was younger. Dad as a 15- 6 was an amazing cook. He loved to host, turn people on to aromas, delicious food and the beauty of life.
HE met Aurelia, the daughter of the former exiled Prime Minister of the Carpathian Ukraine at a party in Detroit, Michigan. My Grandfather, Julian Revay went into exile in 1939, was captured by the Russians as all his possessions were taken away. They did everything they could legally do to break down his spirit. They didn't.
THE Congress of the US after a huge campaign, letter writing and protests of the American Ukranian people had him released under a Senators sponcorship and he came to Detroit.
MY Mom, Aurelia that I was born to in NYC was a beautiful, creative, opera singer who never made it professionally because of a tonsillectomy she had as a teenager. Her story is to be told as Mom and Dad were together for 25 years living in NYC with my sister and I. Then they divorced and my father re-married for a year. Then for over 25 years he lived in a loving controlling relationship into his later years.
DAD was a great fun father. When I was young, I loved traveling, hanging out with him and hearing his stories of life’s magic. He became a great enigma to me as a teenager in the 60’s and growing up.
ONE day in the mid 70's, he walked away from us and we never heard from him until a year later. He sent a letter and started to file for a divorce. He blamed a lot of his behavior and the separation from my Mom on who I was and what his son wasn’t doing with his life. Ironically i never became the doctor or professional he wanted me to be. Yet I was in college when he left and graduated with 3 degrees in Psychology, Education and Film.
I lived in Brazil for over 8 years in the 90's. In 1999, 20 years after the mysterious divorce to my Mom, Dad and I got together. We did see each other very briefly in this 20 year period. On this day the Gods had something up their sleeves.
MY Father loved driving his jeep and we took the back roads to my sister on the border of Vermont. It took 8 hours instead of 3, as he did not like highways.We had lots of time to talk. Our souls and the essence of who we are as father and son.
We exchanged forgiveness, love and so much more.
COMING back a few days later we're listening to the radio as a Tornado is on our heels, chasing us to Albany. in the capitol of NY, Albany i pleaded my case and took over the wheel with his demanding that we stay under this drawbridge. Garbage cans, trash was being tossed around and trees swayed freakishly. I sped out of this very surreal darkness as I heard the voice within say, “Get out or you're dead." In seconds we were safe in a clear free blue afternoon sky Wow!
HE asked me a few years before he had Alzeimer"s and Dementia, “are you making money with what you do? I know you do something with people. You help them in some way. You travel all over the world. Can you tell me about what’s going on with me?” My Father found out what his son now did for a living on this winter's day in a very deep beautiful heart to heart loving way.
ONE of your great opportunities and challenges in life is this: Ask yourself, what did you get from your Dad and he from you. Why were we born to each other? One thing I got, as long as I can remember, he always said to every person when leaving, “Do it with a smile.”
DAD”S DEATH – 10 – 8 – 2010 = 21/3 Life Path
“YOU were never born nor do you die, you just are." - Bhagavad-Gita
THE day of Death is the Birthdate to the other side. Call it Heaven, the Astral or another world yet there is proof that life doesn’t stop and our spirit continues.
MY Dad did not believe in life after death. He said," you die and that’s it." He asked to be cremated and was buried in a beautiful cemetery in upstate N.Y.
Leaving on the 8 he embraces power and progressiveness. The 8 is being the boss. To be a boss Dad will work, share his responsibilities and delegate power better with openess to infinite possibilities.
THE 10 as a higher 1, as he had double 1’s at his Birth, asks him to feel complete, confident, own himself and delegate better with people.
DOUBLE 3’s mean that he needs to speak, express love to others through his partnership with some spiritual practice. Speaking to him when he was in a semi coma state and now I tell him this." I Love you and let me know how you are doing.” He has already appeared once in my dreams. Dad is on his way soaring with the Angels, if he believes it or not, learning, smiling and doing.
MY Mom passed 7 years ago from a heart attack in her sleep. It’s so surreal not having both parents It’s hard to explain yet they are everywhere. I feel them in my heart stronger than when they were living. Is that strange?
THE WORD - DEATH = 4+5+1+2+8 = 20-2 Destiny
DEATH is a partnership of hidden wisdom with Light intelligence. When you die you are not alone. There is so much going on because you are eternal and never really die.
THE WORD - LIVE = 3 +9+4+5=21/3
IF you have someone who passed and they are sitting next to you now this is what they would probably say, Live! Live your life to the fullest and express from your heart what you feel.
PLEASE embrace, call, Email or send your parents a gift and express love no matter what your feelings are towards them. Before they pass explain to them who you are, what you’re doing and thank them for having the courage to bring you here to Earth.
IF they don’t understand know that is perfectly OK. Do it now! Do not wait as so many things can happen at any time and at any moment. A phone call can change your life. So “Do it with a smile.”
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GOD is my unfailed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let universal power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire. – Anonymous
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ASTRONAUT Dr. Story Musgrave, a Payload Specialist on the Space Shuttle Columbia on the STS-80 Mission is now retired. Recently he was doing an Astronomy presentation. The Drs. final slide was a “Grey” ET. The retired NASA Astronaut surprisingly replied,” These guys are real…. I guarantee it.”
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BARACK OBAMA, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To the countries and their people that are on your mind. And please send a special embrace to Mother Earth and your ET Hybrid Families.
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OVER 20 years, I specialize in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions. My teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many lives and Many Masters”, guide and mentor.
I’M available to do Hypnosis, Past Life Regressions. CALL 323-384-1333
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THANK YOU for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think about this and anything else you have on your mind.