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Thursday, September 02, 2010



THANK YOU for all the Birthday wishes on 8-21 as I still feel your love. Livia and I celebrated my 32/5 Personal Year Cycle at a Party in Trier, Germany.


I’M always available for a private session. Please email me, Julian Michael at or call 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment.

ANY questions, please be free to call me on Skype from anywhere in the world: Julian Michael - solmagik.

* READ “ My Numerology Pearl’s Of The Day” For September Everyday on my Facebook: Julian Michael.

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HAPPY SEPTEMBER 2010. How are you with all the changes going on in your life today? Please meditate, pray to connect within to create a channel of intuitive awareness. Then you can move forward and manifest to your Heart’s Desire.

KNOWLEDGE is power. Know the game of life, this play of consciousness so you can play your game and Live and Be An Alchemist of Wealth & Love in all aspects of your life.

READ, listen, and watch the world around you as a 9, “To be of this world and not of this world.” Give of yourself 100% to all experiences. At the same time sit back, observe and feel what is happening: Then you can react with love.

YOUR response to my August Embrace your Awesome Power 2010 Newsletter was great. Go to and press Newsletter if you haven’t read this one or others.

I’M so jazzed to share with you the sacred tools of September, a 9 Vibration.

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EVERY letter, number in your Name, Birth date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

SEPTEMBER says: Know the form, metaphor and secrets of this vibration.

NOW find a comfortable place where you can relax and be empowered.

TAKE a few deep breaths. Now, close your eyes and relax your eyes. Imagine yourself sitting at your third eye looking at the word September with the Numeral 9 on a golden door in front of you.

PLEASE request permission to enter this magical place. Now ask what you need to know about September. Imagine that the golden door opens. Welcome to the world of September, a 9.

WITNESS, what you see and hear. Allow all your senses to be open. Listen to the whispers inside the golden door. After a few minutes with your experiences say thank you. Open your eyes and sit with your self. Reflect on what just happened. Be ready for a glorious magical day.

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THE ALCHEMIST philosophy is gathering all wisdom and secrets to change base metals into gold seeking the elixir of eternal life.

THE 9 VIBRATION embraces all the experiences of 1-9, and passes many tests. In completion it's initiated to take the mantle of holding the Keys to the Universe, enlightened as an Alchemist of Wealth & Love.

SEPTEMBER says look at my shape - I am a 1 with a zero on top. I represent being 1 with the divine and God consciousness.

Pythagoras called 9 "Good and Evil". When you seek truth and know you are love, it embraces the energies of good. Now you understand the difference between positive and negative.

I AM all the vibrations 1 - 9.

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1- A LEADER, stand on my own feet, a visionary. Or, I'm a dictator, selfish and have an ego problem.

2- PATIENCE, peaceful, diplomatic, love solving problems, very intuitve and love being a host. Or, indecisive, nervous, a liar, non cooperative and very shy.

3- ALL forms of expression. I sing, write, speak, love to have fun and use my imagination to create. I love tele-communications for people to connect to one another worldwide. I'm clairaudient and I am a channel. Or, over emotional, moody, jealous, love gossip and use words as weapons.

4- A MASTER BUILDER, architect, love to organize, plan, empower people to open doors of infinite possibilities. Or, narrow -minded, opinionated, lazy and destructive.

5- LOOKING at the old and bringing in the new. Love change, teach freedom, travel, love my body, senses, sexuality, kundalini and know how to channel it! Or restless, thoughtless, impatient, self-indulgent, perverse and love debauchery,

6 – ROMANTIC; mothering, fathering, responsible, of service, teacher, healer and help others.Or arguementive, loveless, worrier, nosey and interfering.

7 – ANALYZING, researcher, scientific, expand my mind to embrace clairvoyance and all my psychic abilities, Or skeptical, aloof, sly, unapproachable, addicted to vices like drugs, alcohol and live in secrets.

8 – Balance harmony, an executive, able to delegate, build nurturing foundations, love to access infinite intelligence. Or ignorant, a tyrant, intolerant, revengeful with a temper.

9 – All the energies 1-9 good and bad. Passionate, kind, a teacher of surrender, forgiveness and love. A TIME MACHINE, dimensional traveler here to access all of my experiences and know the soul Akashic records to evolve and service humanity. Or non-compassionate, bitter, feel over burdened, overly possessive, immoral and evil.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45/9. You are enlightened as the Alchemist of Wealth & Love

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- BE aware of the predictive programs of your parents, parents’ parents, society, religion, TV, movies and their spell that bathes you in their clasp, imprinting on your mind what is right and wrong.

- READ “The Republic” by Plato as he writes about the formula of Human Behavior being a science and how to program society. Why do you think he was assassinated? Hmm.

“ WE can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
- Plato

- THE movie "Network" is here to wake you up. Read this quote very carefully.

“WE deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages colors,creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”
- Howard Beale, TV Commentator in the movie Network

- REFLECT, process, emotionally release and find it in your heart to forgive everything and everyone that has hurt or harmed you in any way. By doing this you’re also cutting all psychic cords.

- TAKE what you need that supports you from life experiences in the last 9 months to restructure and redefine your world.

- USE exercise, yoga, and the elements like water when swimming or showering to cleanse limiting beliefs and old ugly stuff.

- REGENERATE, be rejuvenated in your new makeover.

- SPEAK what is on your mind and in your heart's sacred garden. Work on being more understood, magnetic and expressive.

- EXPLORE the creative, artistic, playful child within you.

- EMBRACE the frequency of music. Bathe, feel yourself hugged by its rhythms and notes of your favorite tunes. Chant, sing and imagine alchemical changes happening to your body. Experience every organ, bone, tissue, cell, atom being regenerated, rejuvenated, feeling joy and love in this musical symphony.

- BE CAREFUL of negativity, jealousy, envy, selfishness, depression, fear and sadness. Seek help from a therapist who understands your body, mind, and heart’s sensitivity in a Holistic way. Commune with your Great Quickening taking place now!

- BE RESPONSIBLE, honest and accessible to your friends that are spinning and need a shoulder or someone who can make sense to what is happening.

- DO NOT buy into that there is no money. Don't be conned to believe money is hard to come by.

MONEY = 4+6+5+5+7 = 27/9 Destiny Vibration

EMBRACE money as a very sacred energy. Think positive things about it. There is no mistake that it is a 9. Love it! Let go of all the programs around it. Use your power of imagination and visualization.

WRITE down and answer: If money were no problem, what would I do with it?

WHAT process will it take for you to achieve your goal and make it manifest. Do not only think about yourself. Be open to share and Tithe it. Learn and Know the Ancient Laws of Prosperity.

REPEAT every day: I am wealthy, prosperous and everything I touch is gold.

YOU ARE the alchemist of wealth; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually in everything you do. You are LOVE!

LOVE = 3+6+4+5 = 18/9 Destiny Vibration

“LOVE is the game. It's all about love. Love and respect everybody. Love the enemy. Love your divorce. Love your mirror. Everyone, every consciousness is a reflection of you.”
- Julian Michael

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- The Biblical Book of Revelation (8:8 and 8:9). This book of prophecy speaks of the end times.

- THE soul of The Gulf of Mexico

- THE FDA that has been found in a Gulf Oil Spill Government Panel on 8- 19 – 2010 not to be testing or monitoring fish in that region for mercury, metals or toxins.

- "Throughout space there is energy. It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of Nature." - Nikola Tesla

- Barack Obama, all families of government leaders that you love or hate. To Mexico, Pakistan, Haiti, Chile, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians, North, South Korea, India, Africa, The USA, Ukraine, Russia, China, Cuba, Brazil, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.

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GOD is my UN failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

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BEGIN to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word, and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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FOR 30 years I’m an Intuitive Numerologist, Alternative Therapist, Personal Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Parties of Empowerment and Soirees. You can do sessions with me in person or over the phone globally.

FOR OVER 21 years, I specialize; love to do sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions My teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many Lives Many Masters", guide and mentor.

• ALL Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted

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THANK you for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think and feel.

HAPPY SEPTEMBER 2010! Peace, Blessings, with all my Heart. Tschüss, Love Julian xoxo