* * * * * * * * * *
My thoughts about 2012
“ The world is changing, time is accelerating and I’m so excited each and every moment. I embrace the infinite possibilities, freedom to create, manifest and make a difference in these magical times. The Quickening is here. I’m not going anywhere. I know I’ll be here after December 21, 2012. I just got my United States passport renewed till December 9, 2019.”
- Julian Michael
What are your thoughts?
* * * * * *
* You deserve to know your unique “Blue Print “ that Is your Soul’s birthright and call of greatness for 2010! Get your Numerology Souls Map done for you, your loving relationship or a dear friend.
* Julian Michael is Always Available for a private session. Please email Julian at solmagik@hotmail.com or call 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment. Any questions be free to call Julian Michael on Skype from anywhere in the world: solmagik.
* * * * * * * *
Beloved Angel,
Happy March 2010 from the City of Angels, Los Angeles. How are you? Thank you for embracing the essence of life with me.
Please take a few minutes to meditate, bathe all your positive and negative experiences, thoughts and dreams with golden light and love. Give yourself a big warm hug.
Welcome to March a 3 Month. It’s all about how you express your creative genius that is your God given gift to utilize in this incredible shift of global consciousness. Start communicating from the divine trinity of 3, being an androgynous being of love.
Let’s look at March; its secrets and more!
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The Countdown is Ticking To The Great Transformation Of 2012
The Secret Magic Code of March a 3.
“Every letter, number in your Name, Birthdate and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.” - Pythagoras
Know your Numbers!
SAY into a mirror; I love my 3; eyes, mouth, ears, hands, feet, sexual organs and any other organ that expresses me.
MEDITATE, pray, soar your imagination of your inner Sky and other dimensions and worlds. Dive deep and emerge stimulated, creative and ready to blow our minds with whatever your creative artistic genius is.
YOU are reliving Atlantis today. This is a great responsibility. Everything is possible. Whatever you can imagine can be created with the technology of today.
THERE is no room to be shy now. Take a class in acting to break the 4th wall. Learn how to deal with the public.
IF you have stage fright, call and contact me. As a Hypnotherapist for over 20 years a great way to access where the fear comes from is doing a Past Life Regression.
READ out loud a few minutes to get comfortable with your voice and how it sounds.
LIVE in harmony, wholeness and happiness. Sing mantras, Hindu dirges or songs that you love to awaken God’s inner voice.
CONNECT with your inner child. Get an old photo of yourself. Look at it and talk to your child photo. Tell them how much you thank, love them for everything they went through to be who you are today. Go into the world being one with your magical child.
“ SMILE and the whole world will smile with you. “
LEARN to laugh at yourself. Do not take yourself seriously and especially the world. Remember life is a play of consciousness.
AS you think so you are. Love the divine garden of your mind.
SEX = 1+ 5 + 6 = 12/3 Destiny:
Communicate, have fun, be responsible, transmit, transmute, transcend and soar your genetic inheritance. Be romantic; delicious, humorous, angelic, excited, in divine wildness. Travel beyond your imagination. Embrace love in no space, no time of this sacred 12/3 Trinity of God’s energy.
REFLECT on what is happening to you. Notice what you’re thinking. Are you feeling empowered or dis-empowered. Stop. Process. Look at everything. Take what you need for your growth and let go of the rest. Give yourself a great big hug for the work you’ve done.
YOU are a student, training in Earth School. Do not beat yourself up for the stuff that is happening to you that is negative, bad or tragic. Take a few moments, hours or days and find some good from it. Careful. Do not be a victim.
SPINNING, out of control, in pain or suicidal? Ask for help and do not deal with your stuff alone.
LOOK at all labels of pharmaceuticals, herbs and vitamins that you are taking.
First - throw out any old stuff that has expired.
Two- know the efficacy and the effects it has on you.
Three - do not be afraid to ask your doctor or therapist if you need to take this stuff anymore.
Four- know how much you can you ingest and if it can combine it with other drugs, herbs or alcohol.
Five - be smart. Say I know my drugs. It’s ridiculous just to say no!
RESPECT all plants, flowers, grains, animals and herbs. Bless everything that you eat. Love your body as a sacred temple of God
LOVE and embrace everyday, moment and breath you take. See it as a blessing. Give thanks and create grace. You will then be a magnet of gratitude and great fortune will bless you.
YOU have access to infinite mind, God’s Internet 24/7.
GO through your Emails and throw any old messages away. Listen to your voice messages and remove old ones you don’t need. Look at your library of books. Give the one’s you don’t read or access anymore to a friend or a charity.
CLEAR your space. Make room for the Gods to come and play.
*** WARNING – Careful of the Weapons Of Mass Distraction, media and the brainwashing of the Matrix that is all around you.
CAREFUL –of an over access of drugs or alcohol as this is the challenge of the 3 energy. You will be possessed!
PLEASE pray, meditate and do visualizations with Light Intelligence.
* FOR your protection imagine a radiating sun within and around you. This Loving energy is grace and attracts the right experiences and people to you. See your body surrounded in a scintillating golden shield or a golden ball of light. Do it when you wake-up and before you go to sleep.
“Each human has a unique talent which when discovered, nurtured and truly lived, changes our own personal world. By living that pure true self, beyond our limited beliefs, we slowly change the world around us onto an experience of higher intention, greater freedom and possibility.”
- D. Melchizedek
* * * * * *
Pray and send love to your ancestors, secret societies, Media’s hypnotism, the weather and all movers and shakers of progressive thought. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, all families of government leaders and The Health Plan. To Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians, North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Africa, The USA, Ukraine, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.
* * * * * * * *
A Prosperity Prayer
God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”_- Anonymous
* * * * * * * *
Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Medium, Alternative Therapist, Personal Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Party of Empowerment Events. He does Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.
He also specializes, does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 21 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.
• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype & Face book Julian Michael
* Please Email solmagik@hotmail.com or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
* * * * * * *
* Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word, and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth- Louthen
* * *
Thank you for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think and feel.
Happy March 2010! Peace, Blessings, with all My Heart, Love Julian xoxo
* * * * * * * * * *
My thoughts about 2012
“ The world is changing, time is accelerating and I’m so excited each and every moment. I embrace the infinite possibilities, freedom to create, manifest and make a difference in these magical times. The Quickening is here. I’m not going anywhere. I know I’ll be here after December 21, 2012. I just got my United States passport renewed till December 9, 2019.”
- Julian Michael
What are your thoughts?
* * * * * *
* You deserve to know your unique “Blue Print “ that Is your Soul’s birthright and call of greatness for 2010! Get your Numerology Souls Map done for you, your loving relationship or a dear friend.
* Julian Michael is Always Available for a private session. Please email Julian at solmagik@hotmail.com or call 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment. Any questions be free to call Julian Michael on Skype from anywhere in the world: solmagik.
* * * * * * * *
Beloved Angel,
Happy March 2010 from the City of Angels, Los Angeles. How are you? Thank you for embracing the essence of life with me.
Please take a few minutes to meditate, bathe all your positive and negative experiences, thoughts and dreams with golden light and love. Give yourself a big warm hug.
Welcome to March a 3 Month. It’s all about how you express your creative genius that is your God given gift to utilize in this incredible shift of global consciousness. Start communicating from the divine trinity of 3, being an androgynous being of love.
Let’s look at March; its secrets and more!
* * * * *
The Countdown is Ticking To The Great Transformation Of 2012
The Secret Magic Code of March a 3.
“Every letter, number in your Name, Birthdate and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.” - Pythagoras
Know your Numbers!
SAY into a mirror; I love my 3; eyes, mouth, ears, hands, feet, sexual organs and any other organ that expresses me.
MEDITATE, pray, soar your imagination of your inner Sky and other dimensions and worlds. Dive deep and emerge stimulated, creative and ready to blow our minds with whatever your creative artistic genius is.
YOU are reliving Atlantis today. This is a great responsibility. Everything is possible. Whatever you can imagine can be created with the technology of today.
THERE is no room to be shy now. Take a class in acting to break the 4th wall. Learn how to deal with the public.
IF you have stage fright, call and contact me. As a Hypnotherapist for over 20 years a great way to access where the fear comes from is doing a Past Life Regression.
READ out loud a few minutes to get comfortable with your voice and how it sounds.
LIVE in harmony, wholeness and happiness. Sing mantras, Hindu dirges or songs that you love to awaken God’s inner voice.
CONNECT with your inner child. Get an old photo of yourself. Look at it and talk to your child photo. Tell them how much you thank, love them for everything they went through to be who you are today. Go into the world being one with your magical child.
“ SMILE and the whole world will smile with you. “
LEARN to laugh at yourself. Do not take yourself seriously and especially the world. Remember life is a play of consciousness.
AS you think so you are. Love the divine garden of your mind.
SEX = 1+ 5 + 6 = 12/3 Destiny:
Communicate, have fun, be responsible, transmit, transmute, transcend and soar your genetic inheritance. Be romantic; delicious, humorous, angelic, excited, in divine wildness. Travel beyond your imagination. Embrace love in no space, no time of this sacred 12/3 Trinity of God’s energy.
REFLECT on what is happening to you. Notice what you’re thinking. Are you feeling empowered or dis-empowered. Stop. Process. Look at everything. Take what you need for your growth and let go of the rest. Give yourself a great big hug for the work you’ve done.
YOU are a student, training in Earth School. Do not beat yourself up for the stuff that is happening to you that is negative, bad or tragic. Take a few moments, hours or days and find some good from it. Careful. Do not be a victim.
SPINNING, out of control, in pain or suicidal? Ask for help and do not deal with your stuff alone.
LOOK at all labels of pharmaceuticals, herbs and vitamins that you are taking.
First - throw out any old stuff that has expired.
Two- know the efficacy and the effects it has on you.
Three - do not be afraid to ask your doctor or therapist if you need to take this stuff anymore.
Four- know how much you can you ingest and if it can combine it with other drugs, herbs or alcohol.
Five - be smart. Say I know my drugs. It’s ridiculous just to say no!
RESPECT all plants, flowers, grains, animals and herbs. Bless everything that you eat. Love your body as a sacred temple of God
LOVE and embrace everyday, moment and breath you take. See it as a blessing. Give thanks and create grace. You will then be a magnet of gratitude and great fortune will bless you.
YOU have access to infinite mind, God’s Internet 24/7.
GO through your Emails and throw any old messages away. Listen to your voice messages and remove old ones you don’t need. Look at your library of books. Give the one’s you don’t read or access anymore to a friend or a charity.
CLEAR your space. Make room for the Gods to come and play.
*** WARNING – Careful of the Weapons Of Mass Distraction, media and the brainwashing of the Matrix that is all around you.
CAREFUL –of an over access of drugs or alcohol as this is the challenge of the 3 energy. You will be possessed!
PLEASE pray, meditate and do visualizations with Light Intelligence.
* FOR your protection imagine a radiating sun within and around you. This Loving energy is grace and attracts the right experiences and people to you. See your body surrounded in a scintillating golden shield or a golden ball of light. Do it when you wake-up and before you go to sleep.
“Each human has a unique talent which when discovered, nurtured and truly lived, changes our own personal world. By living that pure true self, beyond our limited beliefs, we slowly change the world around us onto an experience of higher intention, greater freedom and possibility.”
- D. Melchizedek
* * * * * *
Pray and send love to your ancestors, secret societies, Media’s hypnotism, the weather and all movers and shakers of progressive thought. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, all families of government leaders and The Health Plan. To Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip, all Palestinians, North, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Africa, The USA, Ukraine, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.
* * * * * * * *
A Prosperity Prayer
God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”_- Anonymous
* * * * * * * *
Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Medium, Alternative Therapist, Personal Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Party of Empowerment Events. He does Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.
He also specializes, does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 21 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.
• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.
• Skype & Face book Julian Michael
* Please Email solmagik@hotmail.com or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.
* * * * * * *
* Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word, and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth- Louthen
* * *
Thank you for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think and feel.
Happy March 2010! Peace, Blessings, with all My Heart, Love Julian xoxo