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Monday, August 03, 2009


BELOVED ANGEL, Happy August 2009! How are you. I've been In L.A, for over 5 months. On Sundays, Wednesday and sometimes other days; I watch, listen, sing, dance, and absorb the majesty of love with the Agape soul family. I am so grateful for the adept wise sages, loving teachers Dr. Michael Beckwith, the musical alchemy of Ricki B.B. and my Agape experience. Every time it gets better and better as I make new friends of like mind and heart. I walk away as Gods steward; joyous, blissful, centered, empowered to create, manifest and love the miracle that I am.

Go to and find out all the fun, stimulating events happening with and the embrace of love from the " Agape International Spiritual Center."


Friday – August 28, Doors Open 6 PM

1018 Hermosa Ave. Hermosa Beach, Ca. 90254

Benefiting The Wellness Community,
South Bay Cities
Cancer Support, Education and Hope

Featuring Loni love, Julian Michael, “Filippo” of and many more SURPRISE GUESTS.
Tickets are $75: include Dinner, Performances and Exciting Door Prizes.

Here is a testimonial of the amazing educational and progressive services ‘The Wellness Community” provides.

“The Wellness Community helped me sustain a positive attitude during my cancer experience. Supported by a unique group of peers (other cancer patients) and a dedicated staff, The Wellness Community created a place where I happily participated in a variety of activities including a support group, Qui Gong classes, relaxation and visualization sessions, easy exercise, journal writing classes, lectures and parties. The journey to reclaim my health became an upbeat one, due in large measure, to the influence of TWC.” - Diane B.

Please Join Me and Contact: Keith McCormack @ 310-686-4833 & Natalia 323-691-5153 for more info.

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I LOVE L.A. The sunshine's taste of it's heat on my lips, walking, networking, living, loving in the stars luminescence at night. Meditating on the "Great Shift' that is taking place now, you know what," Expansion is Inevitable". Do whatever it takes for you to be centered, confident and own whom you are and what you do.

Be the miracle that you are. Meditate, pray, commune and create a dialogue with God Consciousness. Dance, sing and be free to create infinite possibilities. Serve. Empower those spinning, sick and deserving of help. Be the Exemplar of the Infinite. Enjoy your expanding.

My birthday is August 21st. What an illuminating, transformative, emotional, unpredictable, heart opening, expressive, expansive and revolutionary 3 Personal Year I’ve had. Thank you for your readership, support, friendship and responses. I love you all!

I go into my 4 Personal Year, (8 + 21 + 2009 = 40/4) as a 21st Century architect, producer of progressive thought. I’ll continue to open doors, share my journey of solmagik, awaken people with my uniqueness, blessings and loving life to the fullest.

I’m so excited to share August 2009 and all it’s secrets and more.

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The Secrets & Magic Code of August an 8 Vibration.

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

August says - Embrace, create balance, equipoise with the 8's sacred circles of the bottom; material and money and top zero of the mental, intuitive, spiritual world in your life.

August says – Be grateful. Gratitude creates a mirror of grace and positive energies. Just say thank you through the whole day and see the magic unfold.

August says - In this “8”, learn about the secrets of financial success and prosperity. Accept the fact that you can be spiritual and rich. Work on being worthy in your life. Value yourself. Read every book on prosperity you can get your hands on.

August says - Embrace all your feelings about abundance, good or bad. Feel free to create and transform the deepest feelings of how you would love to live your life in abundance.

August says - Be patient when you deal and delegate with people of power. Why? Some people are really spinning, frustrated, angry at this time.

August says – Working only for material gain will not satisfy you. It will destroy you.

August says – The negative aspects of the 8 is being too dominant, selfish, ruthless and scheming

August says - Give to others what you would like to receive: love, money, kindness, food, wisdom and sharing your self"

August says – As the horizontal 8 of the " Mothers Breasts,” nurture, help others and become the philanthropist.

August says - Embrace your uniqueness. There is no one on this planet, or ever was or ever will be like you. You are a gift and treasure of the Universe.

August says - Look at the “8’ and see the DNA grid. Imagine, see your DNA of your whole body bathed in loving golden light. For a few moments, feel a tingling sensation activating your DNA code in a beautiful dance of love.

August says - See the “8” horizontally. Imagine and enter the Zero’s as doorways, sacred portals to infinite mind, infinite knowledge and infinite power.

August says - Ask what you need to know about yourself from infinite intelligence. GO DEEPER AND DEEPER WITHIN AND ENCOMPASS INFINITY. Be open to thoughts, pictures or ideas in your magical journey. When you feel complete open your eyes and contemplate the messages that you receive. Bring it into the physical. Create, manifest and make it real!

August says - Soar your genetic inheritance of the infinite. Be open to the secrets of your loving existence. Touch the infinite and talk to God.

August says - There is no reason to live in the Hell of ignorance as you did in your previous lives. The “8” is about acting and doing. Stop sleeping. Count your blessings. Share your life’s mission, abilities and talents.

August says – Add these very powerful words together : Accept Who You Are!

Accept (1+3+3+5+7+2 = 21/3), Who (5+8+6=19/1),
You (7+6+3=16/7), Are (1+9+5=15/6) = 71 /8

Be The Exemplar Of The 8: THE INFINITE!

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August says – Be the #8 Tarot Card – “Strength”

Strength asks you: to utilize your tools of wisdom, gentleness and spiritual power. Deal with dominating forces instead of using brute, abusive, warlike consciousness.

Strength embraces a force so amazing that knowing how to use it transforms your existence. It’s“ The fang of the serpent,” The Chi, Shakti, Christ Consciousness known as the Kundalini.

In the A.E. Waite Tarot Card the depiction of a chain of beautiful roses around a woman, opening a lion’s mouth has so much significance to your evolving soul. Google ‘The Strength “ Tarot card and find out more.

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"Trusting The Organic Process" By Libby Weintraub
You loose sight of your unique nature and sacred contribution when you give lies airtime. By "lies", I refer to the old belief systems, stories and thoughts that you hold onto, that are no longer serving your evolution.

If thoughts sculpt your experience of reality and become things, then you want to focus on and choose to hold the vibration of up-lifting, positive ones. You do have a choice as to what thoughts you want to hold onto. Sometimes it may not seem that way, but in every moment you are refining and defining your experience of life via the thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotions that you allow to take up residency in your mind.

It is true that moments in life can sweep us off our feet, and in these moments remaining present and conscious of our thoughts is an even greater challenge. For this reason we must be ferocious in finding a practice/s that teaches us to remain awake, strong, open and receptive to change.

By focusing on that which is constructive and life affirming, we live well. By directing our attention and energy to love, coming from gratitude and service, to the uplifting of all beings, we live well. The purpose of the soul is service. You are here in the service of love. Learn to love yourself and love what ever it is you are doing and do it well. In order to love yourself, you must let go of the false feelings of unworthiness, and distrust,

I know at times they feel real, but they are just an illusion created by the mind. By dragging the past into your future you subject yourself to reacting, instead of allowing the moment to live through you as you. You must learn to trust the organic process that is unfolding within.

Libby Weintraub is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification. ;
Contact : Libby by Email: or Phone: 646-642-1179

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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies, the weather and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barrack Bema, his family and all the people involved in making this world rotate. To Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. North and South Korea, India, Pakistan, The USA, Ukraine, Africa, China, French Air Buses, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic Family.

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"Maria” By Mary Beth Bradley

I am like a well.
So deep no one can see
The bottom.

If you’re curious,
Take a coin,
Drop it.
Make a wish.

Be sure to wish with passion,
And listen carefully to see
If you can hear it.

Touch ground.
Don't forget.
Watch to see if that wish is manifested,
In your reality.

Deep, Deep,
I am Deep.
I am the world’s wishing well.

Don't forget to believe.

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“Inaction is not an option.”
- President Barack Obama talking about Health Care in America

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"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
You will be successful".
- Albert Schweitzer

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance
Come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let
Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press
For what I desire.”
- Anonymous

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Goulash & Amazing Stuff

Kudos to Dawna Shuman, founder of Lighthouse Public Relations; specializing
in eco-friendly and cause-related projects, representing authors, life coaches, visionaries and pioneers in the Evolving Movement. Dawna is the PR genius behind the Health Freedom Expo, Eco Gift Fest, "Fuel" Green Carpet screening at Conserv Fuel bio dieselgas station and recently produced a Red Carpet Fund raiser for Mayor Villaraigosa for Boyle Heights Youth Arts Center and The Change the World Humanitarian Awards Gala in May, 2009.
Dawna is about to launch: The Green Flea Market, LA's Premier Outdoor Green
Market offering a healthy, green living lifestyle experience in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. This bi-monthly outdoor market is produced by Dawna Shuman & Sara Paul of Hotel Entertainment Group.
For more information, please contact:
Dawna Shuman, Lighthouse PR - 818.789.1077;

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Lumina Love Is Seeking a High Vibrational Room Mate For Her Beautiful Home.

Serene, Paradise dream home is located in the hills of La Costa (Carlsbad, CA) on a very secluded acre with panoramic view of the valley below and lagoon. Pool, spa, waterfall, fruit trees, walking trails, beautifully landscaped, organic garden...truly Shangri-La!! 5,000 sq ft, 3 stories, 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, 4 fireplaces and 2 kitchens. Healing room and office for possible shared use.

Our home is a sanctuary for the soul...healing, beautiful and harmonious. We are welcoming 1-2 other high-vibrational beings that would like to live in conscious community... raw/vegetarian diet (or similar) preferred. Blessings! ♥
Location: Carlsbad, Ca

Please Contact Lumina Love on Facebook or Call 310-720-9999

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A few months ago I spoke in Rancho Mirage, Ca. and ventured to Idyllwild to do some private sessions. I met a very special woman and received an amazing massage where I turned into pure light on the massage table. I was so relaxed and felt the presence of Angels and my divinity.

Janice Hope is a Massage Therapist , Reflexologist, Transformational Breath Worker, Does Reiki, Deep Tissue and is a Public Speaker. Her home which is full of Angels has beautiful rooms for rent for an Idywilld divine experience.

Please Contact Janice : 951-659-1010, Cell 951-217-1064 or Email

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Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist, Alternative Therapist, Radio Host, Public Speaker and Writer. He’s in LA and the West Coast in August doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally.

He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted.

• Skype – solmagik & Facebook: Julian Michael

Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.

Happy August 2009 Peace, Blessings and Love With All My Heart Julian xoxo