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Tuesday, July 07, 2009




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(Park on the street OR your 3 blocks from THE GROVE)

July 16 2009 - Thursday 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Stephanie Azaria is my Astrologer and friend for many years. Together we have over 60 years of expertise. I write my Monthly Newsletter and The Numerology of the Day for her

This special evening we'll discuss; what’s happening to you in July 2009 to "The Mystery and Ascension of 2012". Some people will receive readings on the spot by raffle.

Please email for all the details and to pre-register

Call 201-493-0222 or 323-384-1333 for more info.

Be ready to receive in depth information and have fun.
The Cost Is A Love Donation Of $32

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Friday – August 28, Doors Open 6 PM

1018 Hermosa Ave. Hermosa Beach, Ca. 90254

Benefiting The Wellness Community
South Bay Cities
Cancer Support, Education and Hope

Featuring Loni love, Julian Michael and many more SURPRISE GUESTS.
Tickets of $75 include Dinner, Performances and Exciting Door Prizes.

Contact Keith McCormack @ 310-686-4833 for more info.

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7 + 4 + 2009 = 22/4 PERSONAL YEAR


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HAPPY JULY 2009. Keep centered in who you are and have a passion of what your doing. “The Quickening is here and it’s only the beginning.

Thank you at the Orange County, Hilton in June 2009. I had a great time. This is a beautiful testimonial.

You are toooooo much.

“Ciao Julian,

On behalf of all of us at "Life Changes With Filippo," and for that matter, I feel I can speak with confidence for everyone at the event last night, you were a hoot and a haler, very fun, informative and a show within a show.

It is always a pleasure combining our energies and playing, and creating an energy that makes others want to play as well and be themselves and open up to the juiciness of life.

Thank you for shining light on our first event and I look forward to many others.”

Thank you again,

I’m excited to share July 2009 and all it’s secrets and more.

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Three Icons, great exemplars of their art have transited and moved on. Each one has made a difference in your life. They’re characters in their Death Date Birthday in the eyes of the Gods.

Ed McMahon transited on 6- 23 –2009 = 40-4 Universal Day.

Ed continues with his love and big heart a 6. He’ll be the teacher of freeing minds and bodies a 5. A messenger of the light, an 11, taking even more of heavens stage in making a difference. In his 40-4 Ed is the architect and mover and shaker. Listen you still can hear the Earth cry as he’s practicing, “ Heeeee-ere’s Johnny!”

Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson transited on 6 – 25 – 2009 = 42-6 Universal Day.

The 25 of 7 is deep reflection, soul searching of the soul, joy and the essence of which they are, love. 7’s are great actors, scientists, musicians and doctors. 2009 asks them to share and be “One” with the divine.

Their double Star Gate of 6 in a 42-6 Univ. Day Birthday is the vibration of the heart. It teaches them to be of service as the Universal Mother and Father responsible, looking and teaching us from their eternity about the song of life, genius of creativity, working in there passion and sharing unconditional love.

Thank you Ed, Farrah and Michael Jackson for the acting, music and great times you share. Let your transition be smooth, a symphony of Angelic wonder and love. xoxo

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The Secrets and Magic Code of July a 7 Vibration

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

July says - Be a soul detective. Journey, explore, meditate, pray, read and reorient your self in the worlds of magic that Merlin, Morgan le Fay, Carlos Castaneda, Carl Jung and Harry Potter live in.

July says – It’s a great time to make money and be in business. Your mind is acute, aware and so sharp to deal with whatever problems that are in front of you. Do It!

July says, “ Bless the Mess”
- Dr. Michael Beckwith of ‘The Secret” and

July says - Listen to the symphony of “ The Universal Spheres of Music” of the 7 main musical notes.

July says - Speak and heal with the colors all around you. Embrace a poster that jumps at you, a bright blue sky, shiny red Cadillac and other colors around you. Imagine them showering you as you receive their color therapy on your mind and body.

July says - Discover, learn the secrets of who you are, as you talk to your 7 Chakras in mediation.

July says – Be a culinary alchemist. Add zest and health as you cook your food in all kinds of color.

July says – Listen to music and imagine the frequency embracing, massaging, regenerating, and rejuvenating your body’s organs and cells.

July says – Meditate on what love is. Discover love is not something you have. Love isn’t given to you. Love is what you are.

July says - Do not Fear the mysteries that exist inside of you. Welcome all fear. Be courageous and clean up your taboos or the dark side with awareness. Knowledge is power.

July says – Worry is a waste of time and energy. Check out your alternatives and utilize your tool - box of infinite possibilities. If you can do something about it, relieve the situation and do it. If there is nothing you can do to change the situation, take a few deep breaths, release it and let it go. Have faith that the solution will come.

July says – The 7 vibration loves its vices. Be Careful of an access of drinking, drugs, gambling and being totally irresponsible, abusing your mind and body.

July says- be around people who are kind, understand spirit, are non-judgmental are into expanding there consciousness and love.

July says - Be the #7 Tarot Card - “The Charioteer”

The Charioteer asks you to mediate, pray and go inside. This is your world that reflects and creates your outer reality. “The objective world is created by the perceiver.” The journey with your self continues.

In the A.E.Waite Tarot Card the depiction of the Charioteer is a male directing a chariot. The man is the soul and the chariot is your body. There is a union here to direct this amazing force.

What is very fascinating about the Charioteer is that he drives the two horses or sphinxes and he has no reins connecting them. What this specifies is that you use 10% of your brain. You’re here to search and find the other 90 % of your mind that you don’t use, in this new thought movement that is happening now.

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Happy Birthday America – July 4, 2009 – Personal Year “22-4”
Celebrate America, “The Herald Of Lights” In You!

I’ve been a Numerologist for 30 years. I have observed, researched and continue to communicate America’s good deeds, trials and tribulations. America is now on an incredible ride of all kinds of shifts of consciousness. Let’s do the Numerology and see where this great country created by freemasons and very sacred philosophies is today.

Add 2009 + 7 + 4 = 22 -4 Personal Year (PY)

America has a great opportunity this year as its Birth Date for 2009 is The Master Builder 22 of Light Intelligence. We’re in the double Star gate of Light (3+9+7+8+2 = 29/11.)

AMERICA = 1+ 4 + 5 + 9 + 9+ 3 + 1 = 32 /5 “Heralds of Light” Destiny

THE 32/5 is a very powerful energy of influence and protection. It is a responsible messenger of truth and freedom to humanity of great change. America embraces the sacred secrets of light intelligence.

The words: “ Christ, Glory, Power and Circle “ vibrate to a 32/5 vibration. The Independence Day Of America, 7-4-1776(21) = 32-5.

The launch day of 1-20-2009=32-5 is the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. The 32-5 vibration is seen in significant events in the history of the world.

In a 22 Personal Year it’s time to build a house of awareness. Commune with the world, and show that you have a heart and soul. The forefathers and mothers of America embrace your DNA. Be ready to tackle and resolve problems with the wisdom of the Ancients.

America in this 22-4 P.Y. is cleaning house for more divine space. Old foundations will continue to crumble. People and politicians will be questioned about their values. Hypocrisy will not be tolerated. You’ll know intuitively who is telling the truth and who is whoring there position and power.

Universal Health Care, reducing global warming, the immigration problem, excelling in science, education and becoming more sensitive to the human condition is happening this 22-4 P.Y.

The 22 Personal Year also creates opportunities in Networking. Go out and experience people who are movers and shakers that reflect your next level to ascend and access past, present, future as now!

Let’s pray that you wake up to the essence of why you are here to embrace all people and consciousness as “One.”

The Negative aspect of 22-4 is a huge warning sign. Do not be duped, enslaved by politicians double speak, the hypnosis of Media, addiction to pharmaceuticals, excessive military budgets, cuts in social and educational programs, being spied on, your spirit crippled again and again as in 9-11.

In this 22- 4 P.Y celebrate the 32-5, America in you. Be proud to walk and talk your freedom of speech. Be conscious and uphold the ancient teachings as the “Heralds of Light.”

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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Yoga By Libby Weintraub

Words always seem so bland and incapable of describing the intimate underpinnings of Yoga, the diversity of its many practices, its awesome nature and the impact that it continues to have on my life and the countless number of other truth seekers.

It is the crucial roll it plays in helping me get out of my mind and into my heart that keeps me coming back, time and time again. It is the power that its gifts have to change ones perspective of life that I find most fascinating.

I cannot over emphasize its roll in helping me to connect to the source of my suffering. it opens me up to the flow of life energy.

Practicing Yoga cultivates a quality of patience and awareness that teaches us to breathe. Through yoga we learn to respond consciously to the inner and outer environments rather than reacting so strongly to situations and things that don’t go as planned.

Yoga also helps us to identify, express and digest a whole array of emotions, creative impulses, fears, frustrations, and visions in a clear and life affirming fashion.

A healthy Yoga practice is just like life, as constant and yet as changing as the clouds in the sky. There are days when your body needs a very restorative, and relaxing practice, then there are days when you feel like an energizing and strong practice. 5 minutes or 50 minutes, 1 pose or 30 poses it really doesn’t matter, but consistency is key. HAPPY PRACTICING.... Libby xxx

Libby Weintraub is known throughout New York and LA as a holistic guide in cleansing, purification and healthy living. She travels year round facilitating and teaching at private retreats and group workshops on Yoga, Nutrition and Healing through detoxification.

Contact Libby by Email: or Phone: 646-642-1179

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The Witness Remains By Thich Nhat Hanh

Firebombs bloom in the dark sky;
A child claps his hands:
He laughs.
I hear the sound of guns
And the laugh dies.
But the witness

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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, his family and all the people involved in maintaining the Destiny of America a 32-5, “Herald Of Lights.” vibration. To Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. North and South Korea, India, Pakistan, The USA, Ukraine, Africa, China, French Air Buses, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic family.

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Goulash & Amazing Stuff

I have experienced Elizabeth’s magic many times when I’m in Los Angeles. Her Ayurveda therapies are a beautiful package of transformation, wholeness and love.

Try something different.
A Natural Therapy that will improve the health of your mind

“ An Ancient Ayurveda healing therapy from India that relaxes the mind and nervous system, much like Yoga and mediation. Grounding the mind is the key to mental health.
Warm herbal oil is poured continuously over the forehead for the duration of the session. Shirodhara helps to reduce anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, brain fog and other diseases of the mind and nervous system brought on by unbalanced habits and lifestyle.”
Massage and Other Ayurveda therapies are available.

For more information contact Elizabeth Cartibiano at
The Golden Lotus - Ayurveda Therapies
310 – 817 – 9396 Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles, Ca

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There are very few people that I would call if I was in pain or had a disease. Dolly King is a Very Special Extraordinary Acupuncturist, friend that Works with Chinese Herbs in NYC

Call 917-669-8005

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City Wide Roofing Residential/Commercial/Industrial License # 786306 Contact "The Spiritual Roofer" Keith McCormack Bus. 310-523-3775 Cell 310-686-4833

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"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
You will be successful".

- Albert Schweitzer

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance
Come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let
Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press
For what I desire.”
- Anonymous

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Julian for 30 years is a; Numerologist Psychic Life Coach, Radio Host, Interviewer and More. He’s in LA and the West Coast in July doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone globally. He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted
• Skype – solmagik & Facebook

Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333 to set up an appointment or a party.

Happy Independence Day July 2009 Peace, Blessings and Love Julian xxx