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Monday, April 06, 2009





Come Together Now!

Do A Relationship Numerology This April.

* Relationship Numerology with 2 people in a session is 1.5 hours.

* A Single Numerology Session is 1 or 1.5 hours.

• To schedule an appointment and get discount rates,
Call Julian Michael at 323-384-1333 or Email and

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Beloved Angel,

Happy Easter and Passover in April. The Nikola Tesla Special March Newsletter was a great success. If you haven’t been enlightened by it, go to and go to my March 2009 Newsletter. It will so empower you!

The workshop at the Conscious Life Expo about “The Spiritual Pin Number Of Our Birthdays,” The Year 2009 and It’s Meaning and Barack and Michelle Obama was a great turn out and success. The 90 min. DVD is available for 17 dollars. If you’d like a copy please let me know.

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The Dancing Light School of Intuition
Rancho Mirage, Palm Springs California
Friday, April 17 at 7:30 PM - 10 PM
Discover your Spiritual Pin Number And Life Purpose in 2009
With Julian Michael
• Numerology sessions of 30 min. and 45 min. will be available
• Call Dr. Debra Savitt at 310-995-6478 & 760-341-2872
• Go to

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Your entire foundation, as you know it is changing very quickly. You are being asked to confront crisis, fears and the unknown. All kinds of polarities of good and evil, heaven and earth, the visible and invisible are alive and becoming one right in front of your eyes.

Wake up now! “The God divine, eternal is within your body. It breathes in each cell of your DNA”, says Gregg Braden.

The Matrix, media, family and even friends block all truth of your universal cosmic connections. Send loving light to them. Dream and visualize your truth. Embrace The DNA and The Antennae of the Gods Experience and more in April 2009.

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April a 4 Vibration Says

April Says – Be the architect of a new April paradigm of 2009. Acknowledge the foundation you have now! Have a conversation with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies that create it.

April Says - The Mayans call it “The end of time.”
Be ready to change your perception and thinking of the entire structure of things.

April Says - Start to clean, purge all aspects of your self. Be organized and disciplined to create miracles from the divine temple you are.

April Says - Clean your office, closets, excess Emails and mess. Throw out what you don’t need. Give to family and friends books, clothes and other items that you feel they deserve. Give the rest to charity.

April Says - As a 4, have a dialogue with your father or any important man in your life especially if there is tension between you.

April Says - If this special man passed, find a picture and burn a candle. Talk to them about your feelings for them. How they influenced you and what they did to and for you.

April Says - Do an exercise to emotionally release, forgive any old ugly stuff you carry in your heart and mind of this person.

April Says - You do not deserve to carry anger, hate, and sadness in 2009 that reaches into your DNA, cell memory that blocks you.

“ I let go of all the hurt and harm that you’ve done to me in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In my Past, present future and now. As I know you release me for any hurt or harm that I’ve done to you. I bless you with divine love. (Now take a deep breath.)

“I know that we are a life pattern and program of parents, parents – parents, culture, religion, beliefs, government and education. It’s time to change these patterns and programs. (Now take a deep breath.”

I emotionally release you, forgive you and set you free and I am free, free and free.”

April Says - Clean your bodies temple.

April Says - Eat delicious nutritious and healthy foods.

April Says - Receive a colonic or go on a program to clean your intestines.

April Says - Be cognizant of the products you use for shampoo and your toothpaste. Did you know if you Google, ‘Depression and Shampoo,” you’d be surprised the information you receive about the chemicals in your supposed natural shampoo.

April Says - Be aware of the lipstick and the chemicals you put on your lips. There was a statement from the Health Department about what is in your lipstick and it’s dangers a month ago.

April Says - Be extremely clear of what deodorant you use and it’s chemicals. This area of use is so close in proximity to your chest and heart. There is enough evidence that shows certain ingredients are known to create breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s.

April Says - You got to be crazy to talk into a Cell phone without an earpiece. Google and find out the brain cancers purported by doctors here, Europe and Australia.

April Says - Be aware of the components in flu shots, inoculations that you, your child and loved ones are receiving. Think about this, 1:75 children born today will have Alzheimer’s. Hmm?

April Says - Start to build a natural, green life-style.

April Says - Create great opportunities with your positive attitude of doing!

April Says - Do not fall prey and be a victim of the collapses, crisis, Matrix. News media and all the Doom –Sayers.

April Says - You have been through all kinds of experiences, trials and tribulations in many incarnations to be here now. Be ready to create miracles and teach people the miracle they are.

April Says - In your mediation and prayers, visualize doors that you walk through. See a mover, shaker making a difference in your life and in the world. Embrace them as you.

April Says - Please mediate, pray, chant and sing.

April Says – Create grace and prosperity. Bless everything around you. Be the architect of grace, immunity, wholeness and love.

April Says - “ My skin is new once a month.

My stomach lining is new every five days.”

I make a new liver every six weeks.

Even my DNA at the level of the atoms changes every two months.

I am constantly changing my body, even more effortlessly than I change my clothes.”
- March 1969. Maharashi Avur – Veda Association of America.

April Says - Have a conversation and be friends with the Source, energy of “All That There Is”, God.

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Am I Dead? The DNA Experience Of the Gods. - Part 1

I’m in Sao Paulo Brazil. It’s the summer of 1997. I wake up, I’m alone, and the clock says its 4:30 AM. All day, I’ve been drinking lots of water to quench my thirst because of the scorching heat. For some reason my heart is racing. I need to go to the bathroom.

I come back minutes later to bed and my heart is beating out of my chest. I ask, what’s going on?” No answer. There is concern. I lie down and start breathing slowly, trying to calm my heart. My heart becomes more intense

I ask again, what is going on? My inner world and guides tell me to close my eyes and dive into my heart. I’ve been listening to these guys all my life, without hesitation I do.

The next moment, I’m floating, walking in a very bright white tunnel. There is ethereal Godly music coming from the pores echoing from the walls. My heart is beating louder. I’m in bliss. Ladies and gentleman, I say out loud, this is it. Is this a heart attack? Am I dead? I welcome it.

Continuing to float for a few seconds ensconced in ecstasy and bliss, I see in front of me a 10 feet high and wide, open white luminescent door glowing in bright light. I float to it, stop and bathe in its womb.

If I took one more step, I’d plunge into a never-ending dark abyss. I stand firm over this precipice as I look around. Translucent globules, huge silver spheres move around lighting up this theatre of space.

One sphere, two spheres as I count eleven and suddenly a deep, very calm voice starts to talk. I joke, is this Charlton Heston or John Houston? Who is this? I listen intently.

“Welcome to your DNA. It is a10-1 energy, being your connection with the “Tree of Life” and much more. It is the souls code of the body. In this energy lies the secret of immortality. There is no birth. No death. No life. You are a continuous flow of loving light energy, which is purported in your DNA. It is associated with the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti, and Christos energies. It is eternal. Your DNA is the gate way and antennae to the Gods.

Your DNA has no form, no space, and no time. It is eternal and so magnificent in it’s love and majesty. It is one of billions and billions that make up your loving Physical Light Body of Magic.”

“ Now repeat after me, I love and embrace my DNA. I protect, feel, and bring all my love and energy of “All that there is,” God to it.

My DNA lives in joy. It’s omnipresent and omnipotent. I surrender to its love. I commune with my DNA in all its resplendent divine glory”.

At this moment incredible surges of energy go up and down my spine. Divine peace, tranquility covers me like a golden blanket of relaxation. I feel whole, holy and one.

The calming voice continued, “Now see and feel the DNA opening as a parabolic antenna to the heavens, to you. You are now ready to receive, commune with the messages, healing energies of unconditional love as an antennae with the Gods.”

Floating 30 feet in front of me is this enormous DNA. In my head, I hear go inside. I decide, I will. A light bridge appears of white streaming light from the DNA ‘s shiny foundation right to my doorstep. I look around me at all the vastness of space. I take a step and instead float over the pathway of lights right to the DNA.

I’m floating in ecstasy as I squeeze through this looking glass mirror DNA. It feels surprisingly like jelly as I pass through it. What is inside and what happens next is an amazing magical journey that is so empowering not only for me, for you. (To be continued.)

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Julian for 30 years is a Numerologist Psychic Life Coach and More. He’s in LA in April, doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone. He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years. His teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss’s of “Many Lives Many Masters,” guide and mentor.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers is a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted
• Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333

Go to and read Julian’s Numerology of The Day at

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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, his family and new Cabinet. To all associated with AIG. To Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. India, Pakistan, North Korea, The USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, China, all countries on Mother Earth of your Intergalactic family.

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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“ A clean tie attracts the soup of the day”
- From A Chinese Fortune Cookie 3-24-2009

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

Happy April 2009 Peace, Blessings and Love Julian xoxo