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Monday, March 09, 2009






And Do A Relationship Numerology This March Month

* Relationship Numerology with 2 people in a session is 1.5 hours.

* A single Numerology session is 1 or 1.5 hours.

• To schedule an appointment and get discount rates,
Call Julian Michael at 323-384-1333 or Email and

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Beloved Angel,

Happy March 2009!!! Welcome. Thank you so much for all of the great Emails about my “Hot Sexy Lover Numerology February Newsletter. To read it, go to

The workshop I did at the Conscious Life Expo about " Your Life Purpose in 2009," is now available on DVD for $17 + shipping and handling. Order by phone at 323-384-1333 or Email

I am putting together workshops in LA and NYC. For more information call or Email me.

I’m so excited to share with you my experiences with the genius, inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla.

Let’s discuss the March Newsletter and the amazing Telecommunication shift that is happening and more.

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The Extraordinary Nikola Tesla Light Protection Exercise With Numerology

Many people have asked me, “Julian what do you do to keep yourself together and centered.” I’m so happy to share with you one of my secrets. Do it! It’s simple. It works magic!

I’ve been doing this exercise everyday since I received an explicit message from Nikola Tesla in the 1990’s. I’ve taught this exercise to people all over the world, CEO’s of major corporations and now you. Enjoy and love the enlightenment it brings!

Mother Earth’s Electro-magnetic Field is a mirror directly related to your own human body. It is protected by the ozone layer. This is your Auric field around your body, breathing in and around you. Wake up now. Replenish and fortify this amazing shield of energy.

Relaxing and meditating, my body floated in no time and no space. I began thinking of the brilliant inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla. He was Thomas Edison’s controversial assistant. It’s rumored he worked with Albert Einstein on the famous Unified Field Theory. Tesla discovered alternate current power sources of energy. His work is now being used in the Research Project H.A.A.R.P. Google Nikola Tesla and be amazed by his genius and what he did for humanity.

An interesting exercise came into my mind as I meditated. It’s simple and afterwards you feel refreshed, confident, renewed, empowered, loved and inspired to create miracles. (Note: To be able to partake in this exercise fully, you may want to pre-record these steps into a tape recorder.) Are you ready? OK, let’s begin.

1. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Relax your body and your eyes and exhale out slowly. Take another deep breath, hold and exhale out slowly – longer this time. Watch your breath. With each exhale you go deeper and deeper into relaxation. Breathe into any area of your body that you’re feeling stress or anxiety. Now release all tension on your exhale. Relax the head and shoulders. Let your jaw relax; mouth slightly open and your tongue loose. Excellent! You’re doing great.

2. Imagine and experience and see a full view of Mother Earth. Look at her from space. Connect with the three very powerful Electro-magnetic energy points of the earth – the North Pole, Equator and South Pole. Take this awareness in. (Pause).

3. Observe, imagine and feel these three Electro-magnetic points merge to create one golden ray moving into your solar plexus and stomach. This ray transforms and creates a beautiful bright loving golden sun there. You’re feeling wonderful, refreshed and illuminated. (Relax!)

4. Take the golden sun’s rays and circulate this radiance in your body and blood stream to the top of your Head. Create the golden sun there.

5. The sound Om is the primordial sound of the universe. Now begin to Om and feel the energy scintillate every cell and atom of your body.

6. Let the Om flow from the top of your head down the front of your body, down to your toes. Now let it flow up the back to the top of your head. Om and circulate the sun’s energy 10 times flowing down and up your body. The 10 is the signature of the “Tree of Life.” After the 10th circulation stop sounding the Om, (Relax!)

7. Now start counting to 11. Witness, visualize and experience the creation of a beautiful golden auric field vibrating three inches around your body. (Relax!)

8. Start to count to 11 again as this adds to 22. Now expand your auric field to 6 inches. (Relax!)

9. Count to 11 again as this adds to 33. Pause a few seconds. Expand your Auric Tesla field to 1 foot. (Relax!)

10 Count to 11 the forth time as this adds to 44. Pause a few seconds. Expand your Tesla Field to 3 feet.

11 Now relax. Feel yourself free, growing in confidence and courage. Listen to your heart’s inner voice. Vibrate in your divine golden Auric Tesla Electro-magnetic Field for a few minutes.

Question: What is this exercise all about? What are the benefits?

I was so blessed to be shown this very powerful protective and centering exercise by Tesla in my meditation. Repeating the Master Number 11 four times creates an Electro-Magnetic Field and magical temple.

The 11 in Numerology is the first key to Mastery. This powerful frequency is known as ‘The Messenger of the God’s.” It’s an initiation in creating this Electro-Energy Field and very special sacred temple.

Adding 11 again creates a 22 Master Vibration. This powerful frequency is known as “The Master Builder” and is the architect of the new world. It’s the foundation and glue to create this Energy Field and protective shield.

Adding 11, 3 times creates a 33. This powerful frequency is known as “The Teacher of Teachers.” It’s the Christ consciousness, Buddha-sativa and Venus energy of unconditional love. It opens your imagination, intuition, and psychic energies and beyond infusing your Tesla Field to divine unlimited power.

And finally, adding 11 again for the fourth time creates a 44 Master Vibration. This powerful frequency is known as “Creating Heaven and Earth.” It makes the process complete and brings manifestation and prosperity to your mind, body and spirit. It activates your Tesla Electro-Magnetic Field. A magical temple of divine unlimited power is at your disposal to utilize and create miracles with your Hearts Desire.

This exercise creates a protective electro-magnetic shield that totally surrounds you. This shield is strengthened each time you do it. You create a divine sun within and around you. Being in this frequency, you and your surroundings are energized. You feel comfortable, harmonized and strong. You are brought peace, awareness, and equipoise to your mind, body and spirit.

This Tesla Solar Field also builds a time machine for you. Soar the heavens. Surf your electro-magnetic spectrum. Travel your genetic inheritance. Embrace the secrets of your loving existence.

It is time to Wake Up to your true destiny. Transformation is happening. Embrace this exercise.

Each time you do this exercise the “Secrets of the Universe” will be revealed to you. Guaranteed. Enjoy!

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The "3" March Vibration Says -

March Says – Create a relationship, friendship with your mouth and what comes out of it and goes into it.

March Says - Speak, express your creative genius from your loving heart

March Says - Listen!

March Says - Listen to silence.

March Says - Listen to your guides, angels and inner spiritual alchemy.

March Says - Listen to others and what is not being said.

March Says - Be inspired to soar with your imagination. Go beyond the stars, intuition and enter the doorway of your psychic, Merlin, Morgan magical energy.

March Says - Talk with the animals.

March Says - Sing to your plants.

March Says - “Smile and the whole world will smile with you.”

March Says - Find the key to fun and the magical child within.

March Says - Scream, yell, pound on pillows, bellow at the ocean to exorcise your emotional demons and be illuminated.

March Says - Be aware of the foods and liquids you put in your body.

March Says - “As you think so you are.”

March Says – Go through all the pharmaceutical drugs in your house. Look at their expiration dates, efficacy and when the last time you spoke to the doctor about taking them and for what reason. Be wise and be alive!

March Says - Sing, dance, walk and move your cell memory, DNA to feel rejuvenated, eternally young, connected with the source as “One.”

March Says - “ How I view my body, how I perceive it, determines my experience of it. My experience of it determines my reality of it. My interpretation of my body determines its reality, its very molecules.

I now view my body in non-materialistic terms. I realize that 98 % of the atoms are replaced once a year.”
- March 1989. Maharashi Avur-Veda Association of America

March Says - Have a conversation and be friends with the source, energy of “All That there is”, God.

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Julian Michael for 30 years is a Numerologist Psychic Life Coach. He’s in LA in March, doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone. He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years now.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers is a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted
• Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333

Go to and read Julian’s Numerology of The Day at

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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, his family and his new Cabinet. To Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. India, Pakistan, The USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, China, all countries on Mother Earth of your Intergalactic family.

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

Happy March 2009 Peace, Blessings and Love Julian xoxo