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Friday, February 06, 2009





ARE you currently in a healthy relationship?

ARE you having difficulty finding a relationship?

ARE you struggling with a past relationship?

ARE you sabotaging your relationships?

DO you have love and support from your friend’s and family, or are you experiencing blockages?

ARE you having a fulfilling love and sex life?

WHAT kind of relationship do you have with money?

ARE you ready to take your relationship to the next level?

Come Together

Do A Relationship Numerology this Valentine’s Month

* Relationship Numerology with 2 people, a couple in a session is $ 224 dollars.

* A Single Numerology Session is $188 for an hour.

* To Schedule an Appointment, Call Julian Michael at 323-384-1333 or Email


Workshop In Los Angeles
Julian Michael
Access Your Spiritual Pin Number Through Numerology And More

* Speaking At The Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo

*Sunday,February 15 at the LAX Hilton
2-3:30 PM, San Lorenzo Room


Celebrate “The Age Of Aquarius”

Meet Julian Michael & Introducing Visionary Madeleine Marentette

* Saturday February 14, 5 PM
*At the Beverly Hills Hotel – Bar Nineteen 12
9641 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles
* Valet Parking – $5 with validation * No Host Bar

CALL Julian Michael at 323-384-1333
Please Email

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Happy February 2009!!! Happy Valentines Day! Welcome to 2009 an 11 /2 and February a 2 Month is all about relationships. Personal, business, how you deal with groups, strangers and even the person who gives you your morning cup of coffee.

I am so excited to share my research and information to guide you deeper to what motivates you to be the HOT SEXY LOVER IN NUMEROLOGY YOU ARE!

Let’s look at February and the amazing Dimensional shift that is happening to you and more!

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“ Every letter, number in your Name, Birth-date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

I talked about ‘The Keys To A Relationship" months ago. This can be seen on my website It communicates the positive and negative experiences with a person in a relationship.

Take your Birth date and Add your Month, Day and Year = The 4th Vibration of your Life Path Pin Number.

This 4th Vibration is the Key to your talents, strengths, positive and negative aspects as a Lover.

This Number is the Positive Lover Vibration and Negative Lover Vibration.

Example; Paris Hilton

2 – 17 – 1981

Add 2 + 17(1+7=8) + 1981(1+9+8+1 = 19/1) =

2 + 8 + 1 = 11/2 Lover Vibration

Look at this famous woman as an 11 Master Vibration. Then as a Two Vibration.

What is your Positive, Negative Lover Vibration?



Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to be in Charge. You’re the boss that leads and dominates. Inventive. Original. Have lots of energy. Partners love and find you exciting when you try new things. You explore all erogenous zones and ways of satisfaction.

Negative Lover: Egocentric and narcissistic. Intense. Aggressive. Brutal. Satisfy me only. Manipulative, Selfish. Love can be a game of conquering and just bedding your partner.

Channel Your Energy: Communicate, share and do things together. Enjoy the ride together as “One.”


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to Share. Tactile. Loves kissing, being touched caressed and held. Need to feel nurtured. You’re maternal, gentle, very clean and caring. The Divine geometry and details of the body fascinate you. You are calm and demure. You become a wild, sexed up exhibitionist when you’re loved and comfortable with your partner. You cater and are very sensitive to your partner’s needs.

Negative Lover: Timid. If Not comfortable in how you’re treated and touched you instantly become too emotional, mysterious, sly and cold. Have a tendency to be prudish and meticulous. Can be obsessed in planning everything before you start, as you’re a perfectionist.

Channel Your Energy: Be catlike. Tease and play games. Role- play as an exhibitionist and then be submissive. Be more spontaneous in enjoying the Now! .


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to be vocal. Oral. Loves to listen and sing the ahhs, oohs and sounds of ecstasy. Music soothes the soul. You’re “Born to be wild,” with a vivid Imagination and love fantasy. Hanging from the chandeliers, making love in public places and underneath tables is your norm as you experiment. Kissing is a must. You’re a voyeur. Inventive. Loves to play and enjoys sex toys.

Negative Lover: Lack of joy. Talk too much or no communication at all. You are critical of yourself and others. Feel stagnant and bored if not able to play. Too childlike and this becomes irrational and immature. Your voyeurism becomes obsessive and dangerous.

Channel Your Energy: Harness your wildness and the 3 Vibration energy of a Positive Lover. Stop and look into the eyes and feel the heart - beat of your partner. Enter the windows of their soul. Become a Master of the essence of the sacred language of love.


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to plan things out. You know what you want and what you’re doing. Having a mental and physical bond with a partner is important. You’re loyal and faithful in partnerships. Intense sexuality needs to be channeled. Lovemaking is like a train as it builds in momentum to the blissful climax.

Negative Lover: Too conservative. Feeling stagnant. Having a very domineering attitude. Not open to learning something different. Too intellectual. Not able to deal with emotions and true passion as you’re blocked from past patterns. Fixated and restricted on one position only stops you from experiencing others.

Channel Your Energy: Learn from the positive 3 and integrate wildness and fun in your lovemaking. Try unknown positions in different parts of the house including the outside. Stop being so conservative! Break the norm and make love out of your box.


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves adventure and takes risks with love. You’re spontaneous, highly sensual and sexual. Loves to drink, dance and party. You’ll do anything at least once and if it ‘s good twice. Surprises turn you on. All the senses; hearing, tasting, touching and seeing need to be stimulated. Candles, incense, feathers, silks on your skin and a musical rhapsody create the perfect ambience.

Negative Lover: You have an addictive personality that abuses alcohol, drugs and sex. Emotions and dark energies can come up during the sexual act if past abuses aren’t resolved. Self-indulgence, impotence, and physical and psychological problems will occur. The 5 vibrations are challenged by the body and have a tendency of self-loathing themselves due to abuse, weight, and past issues.

Channel Your Energy: Control your voracious appetite by living in the moment. Take your time in all your adventures. What’s the hurry? Be present in the Now it’s more fun this way!


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to be loved, as you’re a true romantic. Long periods of foreplay, kissing, and perfumes, sweet bouquet of flowers, delicacies and the heavenly grape of wine is Divine. Making love in candlelight is heaven. Dressing seductively and strip teasing is erotic theatre. Words of love and poetic prose are music to your ears. Your massage with sacred aromatic oils titillates and awakens your body’s symphony. You’re a great listener. You serve your partner’s heart and Soul’s desire.

Negative Lover: Your lovemaking is due to your lack of participation and devotion. Endless giving and not knowing how to receive is a problem for the 6 Vibration. You’ll beat yourself up afterwards and feel drained and empty.

Channel Your Energy: Do things out of your romantic safe zone. Talk dirty, be free to experiment and relish everything.


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to explore the mystery of your partner’s desires and the spiritual connection. Music and enlightening lyrics add to the mood. The physical isn’t enough. You feel deep passion when your partner turns you on with their mind or “mental intercourse.” You need to take the experience of lovemaking to be euphoric, magical and stratospheric. Transcend the body, mind and beyond as you flow viscerally.

Negative Lover: Experiencing feelings of non-connective ness. Wanting everything to be perfect, self – judgment and depression occurs if you’re not satisfied. Will be addicted to the euphoria and lose sight of boundaries. The 7 Vibration is too intellectual and analyzes too much. When you feel threatened to love or perform perfectly, you’d rather live in isolation. You watch movies, read magazines and experience self-eroticism. This will become obsessive as you have an addictive personality.

Channel Your Energy: Need to release intellectual and sexual energies through physical exercise. Do yoga and work- out in groups. Do Tantra and Kama Sutra with a friend, lover in a workshop to embrace the Ancient Secrets of Sexuality.


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to control and have their way. You are the writer, creator and producer of your ambience and lovemaking. You’re very particular with the person you make love to. You adorn your partner in jewels, finest cuisine, travels and whatever makes them happy as this turns you on. Need to communicate what pleasures you. You’re around people of power and influence. The ultimate turn on is seducing them.

Negative Lover: Over controlling alienates others. Dissatisfaction with your performance makes you very critical, angry, depressed and self - destructive. Feeling fat, heavy and not exercising your body will create physical, sexual and psychological problems. Passivity makes you a wimpy lover, as you need to find your power.

Channel Your Energy: Do connective exercises with your partner as an equal in lovemaking. Embrace foreplay, romance and take each other to Infinity.


Positive Lover Vibration: Loves to feel everything. The compassion of unconditional love turns you on. You see the Divine God – Goddess in your partner and in everyone. You love the spiritual; physical and heart of your beloved as you share deep revelations and insights. Weaving communication while touching and tasting each other is ecstasy. Becoming one with your partner is the ultimate elixir of love.

Negative Lover: Too quiet. Not sharing will create frustration. Not exchanging energies exhaust you; makes you feel bored and unfulfilled. Be careful of over possessiveness. Feeling too empathetic will make you listless and non - functional. Having unsettled issues with your past will create all kinds of physical and psychological problems and Demons.

Channel Your Energy: Play all kinds of games of eroticism. As a 9 Vibration you encompass all the Sexual Lover Energies 1 through 9. Pick one or enjoy all of them for your pleasure.

The Master Numbers 11-22-33 - 44

All Master Vibrations have a lot of fire, Kundalini and sexual energy. Take the Master frequency 11 and know it’s a 2 but charged up tremendously. The same as the Master 22 Vibration is a 4. The Master 33 a 6 and 44 an 8 vibration.

All Master Vibrations are unconventional, exotic, erotic and have particular tastes in sexuality. You push the envelope and are Androgynous especially as an 11 Vibration. You need to know how to remain centered and channel this powerful energy circulating inside of you.

All Master Vibrations can easily lose control, the sexual energies are overwhelming. Drinking, drugs and gambling becomes an illusion of calming these energies. Even a polygamous relationship may seem normal, as one partner is not fulfilling. You can also find yourself alone and having no sexual desires.

An ungrounded Master energy will delve into the Dark side and be schizophrenic, manic-depressive and crazy. Obsession, possession, sexual deviant behavior will develop that is perverted, dangerous and destructive.

Look at the Positive and Negative Lover Vibrations and How to Channel them. Let them be your guide to being the best Lover in your Life Purpose.

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February says – Share.

February says – Be honest and truthful in your relationships.

February says – Diplomacy works.

February says - Resolve problems by seeing the obstacle from a multi-dimensional standpoint.

February says – Program yourself to dream and remember them.

February says – Repeat before you go to sleep,
“I want to go to a higher place in my Dream state.
I want to grow and evolve to love.
When I wake up I want to remember my dreams.”

February says- Be kind and understanding to mothers, females and especially the female archetype in you.

February says – Be Patient.

February says – Allow your sensitivity to increase. Listen and trust your Inner voices.

February says – Love the 2 and 2009 Crystal energy that is you and in each sentient being of this amazing Mother Earth.

February says – Understand that there exists both Positive and Negative polarities and aspects in your life. Do not give too much energy to either one. See them working in synergy and in harmony. Be humble, strong and look straight ahead as an enlightened being.

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I Love Are Speaking at The Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo

Sunday, February 15 at the LAX Hilton

Madeleine Martentette: “ Fill Your Cup ~ King Arthur & Gifts Of The Grail”

Catalina Room B, 11 AM


Nicole Brandon: “ Transform Your Body, Transform Your Life”

Catalina Room A, 6 PM

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From Dana Weiss Conscious Jewelry

C – 646- 415 - 3303
O – 212 –721 -3073

I have seen so many amazing stories unfold while watching people find their healing stones at conscious jewelry. During these times they are so necessary. It doesn't matter whether you are attracted to a stone on a website or in person. If you are attracted to a stone, you body has subconsciously chosen that healing energy for you for a reason.

This is a very specific science and I have seen people with multiple sclerosis choose stones for MS and people in the midst of a divorce choose a stone for a broken heart. Whatever your concern or reality we hope that you find something not only soothing and healing, but beautiful. under stone meanings you can see how to choose a stone for a loved one as well. We hope that 2009 brings you all of the very best things.

Love, Danna and Your Friends at Conscious jewelry

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Dolly King is a Very Special Extraordinary Acupuncturist and Works with Chinese Herbs in NYC. Experiencing fatigue, low sex drive, impotence, infertility and other problems of intimacy:

Call 917-669-8005

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With Tully McGregor

Mondays in February in NYC
February 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd
6:30pm – 8pm

Dance Theater Workshop, 219 West 19th Street
$20 per class

Tully is a certified Spirit in Motion facilitator for over 10 years and a
Gyro tonic Trainer. She also is a licensed Massage Therapist.

Call 917- 749- 2435 Email

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JULIAN MICHAEL is a Numerologist Psychic Life Coach for 30 years. He’s in NYC and will be in LA mid February doing Work-shops, Numerology sessions in person or over the phone. He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years now.

• All Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers is $188. Other sessions are discounted
• Please Email or Call Julian at 323-384-1333

Go to and read Julian’s Numerology of The Day

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Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, his family and all the people involved in the transition of his new Cabinet. To Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. India, Pakistan, The USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, China, all countries on Mother Earth of your Intergalactic family.

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance,
Come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let
Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press
For what I desire.”
- Anonymous

Happy February 2009 Peace, Blessings and Love Julian xxx