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Friday, January 02, 2009



In this Issue

Julian Michael New Year Sessions
Beloved Angel
Romance The Numerology Number Vibrations
2009 Says
January 2009
Light Embraces The Holy Texts
President Barack Obama & The Sacred January 20, 2009
The Witness Remains By Thich Nhat Hanh
Goulash & Amazing Stuff

In Other News

Solmagik - Talking With People

Maryanne Savino - Sound Alchemist

Aleta St. James

Dolly King

Julian Michael New Year Sessions

HAVE you received a Numerology session from Julian? You will receive a New Years Light Discount of 10 % toward the $ 224 for1.5 hr., $188 an hour and $125 for 30 minutes. For recommending a friend in the past or when they receive a Numerology session now you’ll get a beautiful gift. For each person you will receive a 10 % Discount. Wow! You can end up having a session for free.

Please Email
CALL Julian at 323-384-1333 to schedule an appointment.

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Beloved Angel

Happy January 2009!!! Welcome to a year of Light (3+9+7+8+2 = 29/11) and Wisdom (5+9+1+4+6+4=29/11).

The year of 2009 acts as a crystal to your mind, body and spirit. Everything is magnified: you’re feelings of love, self esteem, and you’re strengths as well as your fears.

Creative and productive energies within yourself are heightened, empowering you to live a prosperous life. 2009 is also about the power of group energy, sharing and working together to create a new life paradigm.

We are so excited to share this New Year of coming together and sharing in this adventurous, unpredictable and amazing enlightening Year and Month with you.

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Romance The Numerology Number Vibrations

“ Every letter, number in your Name, Birth-date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

A, J, S, = 1
B, K, T = 2
C, L, U, = 3
D.M.V = 4
E, N, W = 5
F, O, X = 6
G, P, Y = 7
H, Q, Z = 8
I, R = 9

What The Numbers Mean

One –
Positive Vibration: New beginnings, explorer, pioneer, leader, inventor, independent, energetic, visionary

Negative: Egotistic, manipulation, dominance, cynicism, ignorance, selfish, dictator, self-centered

Two –
Positive: Union, sharing, cooperation, trust, diplomatic, politician, sensitive, collector, dream worker, femininity, mother energy, intuitive

Negative: Self conscious, un-peaceful, timid, liar, sly

Three –
Positive: Words, communication, joy, imagination, creativity, arts, the voice, listening to what is not being said, clairaudience

Negative: Gossip, criticism, exaggeration, moody, jealousy, scattered energy

Four –
Positive: Foundation, building, dependable, work, architecture, organization, design, discipline, father energy, empowerment, Door of light

Negative: Disorganization, destructive, depression, stubborn, obstinate, dull, hatred, lazy, boring, thinking too much

Five –
Positive: Change, freedom, transformation, transmutation, variety, progress, poetry, therapist, sensual, sexual,

Negative: Restless, impulsive, prejudice, impatient, unchangeable, abusive

Six –
Positive: Service, responsible, family, home, health, romance, beauty, love, teacher, writing, voice and arts, healing energies

Negative: Possessive, self-sacrifice, worry, anxiety domestic tyranny, divorce, war

Seven –
Positive: Philosophy, investigation, mind, music, religion, metaphysics, scientist, soul searching, magic, need space, Dr. Frankenstein energy, clairvoyance

Negative: Insecure, repressed feelings, shrewdness, aloofness, secretive, misuse of knowledge, alcoholic, drug abuser

Eight –
Positive: Power, equilibrium, judgment, government, big business, real estate, banking, money, Higher Laws of the Universe, access infinity

Negative: Abuse power, forcefulness, poor judgment, controlling, greed, self-destruction, avarice

Nine –
Positive: Unconditional love, completion, cleansing, forgiveness, surrender, humanitarian, compassion, musician, singer, universal teacher, philanthropy

Negative: Suppressive, oppressive, hateful, angry, unforgiving, stuck in the past and can use it as a weapon, victim, blocked and limited

The Master Number “11 is the key to opening the doors of creativity and magic in life. The people and experiences around you move and awaken you. The “11” Vibration is the “Messenger of God.” You’re here to take what you’ve learned and share this peace, love and your compassion of life with humanity.

The Master Number “22” organizes, materializes and makes everything real. Known as the “Master Builder,” this vibration is alive, active and by utilizing this force in your life, it will assist you to undertake large enterprises and achieve major accomplishments that can make a difference.

The Master Number “33” has a very deep desire to serve and assist people and humanity in a big way. Known as the “Teacher of Teachers” vibration, this energy vibrates on a very high love frequency of the “Christ Consciousness.” It awakens the beauty, joy and ecstasy of living life.

The Master Number “44” is the most powerful vibration of materialization. It’s known as the master of creating “Heaven on Earth.” The “44” grounds and motivates people to awaken and manifest their hearts desire and to be influential in their lives and the world.

*** Use the Numerology Vibrations to find the Number values of Names, Birthdates, and Universal Years and learn to romance the numbers you encounter.

* Get Your Numerology Chart or have a Relationship Chart Done By Julian Michael for 2009!

Call 323-384-1333

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2009 Says

The 29/11 Master Number vibrates to the 2009 Universal Year.

2009 SAYS – Share, acknowledge every brother and sister as Divine.

2009 SAYS - Get in touch more with your feminine as a woman. As a man understand your feminine side. Balance both as one in Androgyny.

2009 SAYS - Sensitivity, calmness, being kind and how to deal with relationships and new partnerships will be worked on and tested.

2009 SAYS – Wealth and prosperity will be attained by your creative, artistic self and think out of the box. Share and do not do it alone in this 11/2 Universal Year.

2009 SAYS – Share, Network and brainstorm ideas, intent and your rewards. Do not horde your wealth of money and knowledge. Share!

2009 SAYS - The 29/11 acts as a Crystal to your mind, body and spirit. Crystal energy increases well - being and the environment 10 Fold, 100,1000 or more.

2009 SAYS - Whatever you're experiencing; peace, confidence and strength. Or nervousness, jealousy and low self esteem.. Feelings and emotions are being increased. You’ll encounter rushes of energy. It’ll be like dealing with a Nuclear Power plant inside of you.

2009 SAYS – Depression, sadness, anger, revenge, being a victim and other behaviors can result and become an emotional roar coaster ride if you are not in balance and equipoise. This can lead to psychological, physical and psychotic behavior. Process and Learn to control yourself through spiritual and mental practices.

2009 SAYS– All philosophies, beliefs, religious, social, economical, medical and psychological will be amplified, examined, purged and looked at for the connection with you, community and the world.

2009 SAYS – Join and work together with family, friends and strangers to make life livable. Come together in groups to meditate, share strategies with co-workers and healing circles of empowerment.

2009 SAYS – Light Intelligence of a new paradigm of thinking, feeling and living is being downloaded upon you everyday. The demand to live in a higher standard is needed.

2009 SAYS – Be relaxed, learn patience and be ready to solve problems in this unpredictable 2009 Universal Year at a seconds notice. Take negativity to a positive experience expediently.

2009 SAYS – “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

2009 SAYS - Create Heaven on Earth in whatever Hell is around you. Empower yourself in positive words from books and songs lyrics.

2009 SAYS - Utilize and acknowledge the colors around you, in your environment , the walls of the restaurant you eat at or colored lights at night. Bathe yourself in this Color Therapy. Learn more about color, it's powers of healing, efficacy and manipulation.

2009 SAYS – Learn about other alternative methods of healing. Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Acupuncture and Reiki can be utilized to access deeper levels of awareness and living a healthy lifestyle.

2009 SAYS - Blast your enemies with the light intelligence of Love. Then do something more that you feel in your heart. Learn about Non-violent communication.

2009 SAYS - Eat healthy. Be informed about foods, herbs and vitamins that increase the Immune System, protect you from stress and help in longevity. Use Natural products without chemicals on your body, hair and even underneath your arms. You deserve the right nourishment of products for it’s light electromagnetic body.

2009 SAYS - Ground, center, feel your physical divine presence through mediation, prayer, exercise, yoga, chanting and walking.

2009 SAYS – Be altruistic and diplomatic. Be part of a foundation or group that helps, serves those in need or are spinning out of control.

2009 SAYS – What the Bhagavad-Gita -Gita says. “Surround yourself in the company of Saints.”

2009 SAYS – Light can be a laser that burns what you don’t need. Be prepared to surrender and let go expeditiously..

2009 SAYS -The challenge for you this year is that light fluctuates. It can go this way or that way. Be centered, focused and laser in your intent, dreams, communication and manifestation. “As you think so you are.”

2009 SAYS - Know that Your Purpose and Destiny is revealed in your Numerology. Tap into your Power of your Name and Birth date to know your Personal Year cycle of what is going on, who you are and your purpose.

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January 2009

JANUARY - Vibration is about new beginnings, to explore, being in charge, have confidence, stand on your feet and be a leader.

JANUARY - Empower people and teach them how to lead and be visionaries of the impossible made possible.

JANUARY - Plant seeds in the 29/11 vibration of your Crystal Body of enlightenment. Your DNA and whole belief system is being altered. Read, take workshops, circulate your mind and body and know the language of your dreams. Invest in your growth and understanding everyday.

JANUARY - Be the Magician. Use your sword of Truth. Be aware how to cut through all Maya and illusion of manipulation that will come from family, friends, Media, government and the Global Matrix.

JANUARY - Please seek help! When something happens and your psyche is being blown open, emotions out of control, your psychic energies are running wild, you see and hear things and you don’t want to be on this planet.

JANUARY - The Inauguration of Barack Obama as President is a metaphor for you to be President in your life. You cannot do it alone in January and especially 2009.

JANUARY - You need to join together with people and open your heart to receive. Know that you deserve to be given to.

JANUARY - Utilize your tool - box of awareness, Past, Present, Future and Now. Be free to flow effortlessly and learn to navigate in everyday situations with “Fearlessness,”

“For leaders to hold their ground they need to know
What their ground is, they need to be grounded. To
Be able to offer stability and wisdom to others, I
Need to be grounded in my own wisdom. I need to
Know where I am going as an individual, only then
Can I provide leadership for others. Today let me
Lead my own life by grounding myself in my own truth. “
- Seynup Mufti

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DOWNSIDE OF JANUARY - Is you’ll be challenged by indecision, lies, arrogance and ignorance.

DOWNSIDE OF JANUARY - Some people with money and power will try to buy you and take your power away. Be careful of get rich quick schemes.

DOWNSIDE OF JANUARY - You’ll hear that the Economy continues to collapse, about lay offs, Wars in the Middle East, Afghanistan and other places of the globe. Transcend all of this, as the Media will paint the future scary.

JANUARY 2009 - Be smart, overcome these fears, obstacles with faith and believe that this is your time now to make a difference. Add to your life a very useful tool The Power of The Light Intelligence of Love. Live It! Breathe It. Know that this is who you really are! Own the “ I Am That I Am.”

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Light Embraces The Holy Texts

In many sacred texts it mentions the Power of Light. Here is one that you’ll find enlightening.

The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2000.

The Creation

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon
The face of The deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of
The waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: 2 Cor. 4.6 and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light
From the Darkness.

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President Barack Obama & The Sacred January 20, 2009

The Inauguration of Barack Obama the 44th President of the U.S. is on January 20 2009 =1 + 20 + 11 = 32/5 Universal Day.

The 32/5 Birth Date is a launching of Barack Obama known as ‘The Heralds Of Light.” The 32/5 is a very powerful energy of influence and protection. Barack has the knowledge of how to deal with truth and freedom. His purpose is to be responsible and determined as the Messenger to humanity to bring great change. The words, “America, Christ, glory, power and circle” vibrate to a 32/5 vibration.

The downside is Barack’s belief as President makes him superior and his ego can get in his way. World events, the economic collapse, Wars between nations and other circumstances can get out of control. The President and others will start to create” all kinds of rules, regulations and administer the latest technologies to protect us from ourselves. The start of a One World Government” of control, manipulation and the enslavement of humanity will begin. Hmm.

The power of the 32/5 is that Barack Obama deserves to embrace the source of “All the energies of all that there is.” The energies run through him as a Light vehicle and teacher of the new paradigm of The Heralds Of Light.

“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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The Witness Remains By Thich Nhat Hanh

The Witness Remains
By Thich Nhat Hanh

Firebombs bloom in the dark sky;
A child claps his hands;
He laughs.
I hear the sound of guns
And the laugh dies.
But the witness

Pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama, his family and all the people involved in the transition of his new Cabinet. To Israel, the Gaza strip and all Palestinians. India, Pakistan, The USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, all of the Middle East, Africa, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic family.

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Goulash & Amazing Stuff


January 15 2009
Monday, 7 PM- 8 PM (Pacific), 10-11 PM (EST), 11 PM – Midnight in Brazil, 4 PM- 5 PM in Maui, HI
Renowned Numerologist, intuitive and host Julian Michael reveals the upcoming month and discusses 2009 “The Year Of Enlightenment. He will decipher current events and more. Call-in for a live reading and unlock the key to your own destiny one number at a time. Call 914-338-0821

Julian for 30 years is a Numerologist Life Coach and is currently in NYC in January doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone. He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years now.

Julian Michael’s Workshop In NYC Will Be Announced. Please Call For More Details.

Please Email Call Julian at
CALL 323-384-1333 to schedule an appointment. Read his works on and Julian’s Numerology of The Day on

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Happy New Year To All
-From Sound Alchemist Maryanne Savino

I’m so excited about this New Year of 2009, as this cycle shifts us to a new feminine “2” year… testing, learning, growth and new models of partnership and harmony on the horizon. On January 11 will be a portal Day that holds a Harmonic frequency for coming into Oneness, and the Planet Mercury will begin it’s Retrograde journey until the 31st.

On the 10th, will be a full Moon in Cancer, which is the first
Super Moon of 2009. Take advantage of these wonderful opportunities to self-nurture and create balance so that you may live with joy to manifest your beautiful dreams. I look forward to seeing you and may this year of 2009 bring to you abundant blessings, health, love and happiness.

I'm offering classes for creating sacred balance in NYC.

FluidForm - Breathing, Movement & Sound for Transformation,Empowerment and Well Being 7- 8:30 PM

Mondays Jan. 5th, 12th, 19th & 26

There will be exciting other Work-shops this month.

Please Call 347-418-8641 or for more information

In Harmony
Maryanne Savino

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Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year 2009 of Prosperity and Abundance.

"The healing energy I channel along with the power of group energy, gives us a fabulous opportunity to support each other in creating Success, Joy and Prosperity as we Rocket Boost into 2009. "

Emotional Healer and Life Coach Aleta St. James is starting a 5 week mini Reboot Camp next week at 9: 00 PM Wednesday, January 7th which will take us right through Mercury in Retrograde.

Mini Reboot Camp starting Wednesday January 7th $75

- 1 weekly video message / meditation with downloadable audio- Daily Reboost message( positive affirmations and tips)

- Life Shift Community and blog

- Sunday Night Silent Meditations

Ask for our Special Offers.

Call 212-246-2420 or

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Dolly King is a Very Special Extraordinary Acupuncturist and Works with Chinese Herbs in NYC

Call 917-669-8005

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"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
You will be successful".

- Albert Schweitzer

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A Prosperity Prayer

God is my Un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance
Come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let
Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press
For what I desire.”
- Anonymous

Happy 2009 Peace, Blessings and Love Julian xxx

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