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Wednesday, December 03, 2008



Happy Holidays…

HAVE you received a Numerology session from Julian? You will receive a Holiday Discount of 10 % toward the $ 224 for1.5 hr., $188 an hour and $125 for 30 minutes. For recommending a friend in the past or when they receive a Numerology session now you’ll get a beautiful gift. For each person you will receive a 10 % Discount. Wow! You can end up having a session for free.

Please Email
CALL Julian at 323-384-1333 to schedule an appointment.

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Beloved Angel,

Happy December 2008!!!! You are down to the wire as it’s the last month a 12/ 3 in a 2008 Universal Year. It’s time to express and get out all the negative stuff out of you. Emotionally release and find forgiveness in your heart. Equilibrate the 8 of this 2008 of your money woes, expenses with prosperity and positive thoughts. Utilize everything you’ve learned these past 11 months. Do it or you’ll suffer and your problems will get more intense in 2009. Live your Light and Life Purpose of Love.

Are you ready to embrace Barack Obama 44th President to lead us to the 2009 year of enlightenment that you so deserve? Fasten your seatbelts!

This is what I said in my November 2008 Newsletter. Barack Obama In a 22/4 Personal Year, 33/6 Personal Month will be the 44th President a major Master Number of, (Creating Heaven on Earth) the USA and lead us as Americans and World citizens into 2012.

Thank you for all your support and Email responses.

I’m so happy to share with you the Universal Month of #13, known as “Death” in December 2008 and more.

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Continue to pray and send love to your ancestors, government, secret societies and people in the world. Send a special blessing to Barack Obama and his family and all the people involved in the transition of his new cabinet. India, Pakistan, The USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, all of the Middle East, Africa, China, Mother Earth and your Intergalactic family.


• In the News.
• The Sacred Numerology of December 2008 = Universal Month # 13, Death / Rebirth.
• The #13 Tarot Card “Death’ and What December Says.
• Where were you November 4 2008?
• Barack’s December 2008 Personal Month.
• A Re-cap of January 2008 Newsletters to November 2008.
• Solmagik – Talking With People & Solmagik – Talking With Animals & Archives To the Show
• The 12-12 Gateway By Maryanne Savino.
• A Prosperity Prayer.

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In The News

• The 3 Top CEO’s of the Automobile Industry came to Congress in there own private jets with no plan to ask for a Bail out of 25 Billion dollars. Hmm.

* Wake –up America! Drill Baby Drill? On Election Day November 4th,The Bush Administration signed leases trying to open up environmentally sensitive and protected wilderness in Utah to drill for oil and gas. Renowned actor, director and environmental activist Robert Redford appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show in November. He asked, that you call now to your local officials to protest this underhanded act.

• I love the SNL skits for years. In the last months they have been brilliant and funny. For a good laugh go to

• People keep asking me what I want for a present so I tell them I have the best Birthday gift, I can possible get, and that’s this new President. I’m so excited.
Leonardo DiCaprio who turned 34 on 11-11

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“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth - Louthen

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The Sacred Numerology of December 2008 – Universal Month “13”

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth-date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

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The #13 Tarot Card of “Death” = December (12) + 2008 (10-1) = 13 Tarot Card of A.E.Waite is the December 2008 Universal Month.

DEATH is all about change and your Rebirth to a new paradigm. Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves as you know them are shedding in December. It’s not easy as you’ll confront your demons inside and people and life experiences will push your buttons from the outside especially family members. Be strong and utilize your Spiritual toolbox as the new You is being born.

DEATH / REBIRTH – Express yourself, be creative and have fun. Find your key to your happiness and joy. “Smile and the world will smile at you.” Don’t take life so seriously.

DEATH / REBIRTH - Do not hold on to any anger, animosity or any old ugly feelings. Let go! See a therapist who understands your psyche and is not just allopathic. You’re sensitivity is increasing and some people are walking the razors edge of the powers of medium-ship as we go into 2009. Talk to someone that understands spirituality and metaphysics.

DEATH / REBIRTH - Keep a journal and write your dreams and your shadow side and taboo feelings.

DEATH / REBIRTH - This works! Scream, pound on pillows and get the toxins out. Take walks in nature and by the water.

DEATH/ REBIRTH. – You live in a system of programs and life patterns. These come from your parents, parents - parents, the culture, language, religion, government, education and even the songs you listen to. This is one of the secrets of life that you and everyone are programmed. It’s time to let go and create your own program of a new paradigm by forgiving others and yourself.

DEATH / REBIRTH - Find it in your heart to emotionally release and forgive anyone that has hurt or harmed you in any way this last year or others. Do it physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, past, present, future and now. Understand they forgive you for any hurt or harm that you may have caused to them. Know that they live a program. Emotionally release, forgive and set them free and you are free, free and free.

DEATH/ REBIRTH – All your feelings and emotions will be amplified as you enter 2009.

DEATH / REBIRTH - Work and utilize all techniques to be in equilibrium, equipoise and “Live your Light and Life Purpose of Love in December.” Meditate, pray and chant. Read books, go to the Internet, take workshops and know what’s in store for you, your Purpose in Life and Numerology for 2009.

DEATH / REBIRTH - Be around people of like minds and hearts that understand and support your life. ‘Surround yourself in the company of saints.”
- Bhagavad-Gita

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Where Were You On November 4 2008?

I was walking through Central Park in NYC around 80th Street on the West side at 4 PM and heard a voice inside of me say, “Go to Harlem.” I asked, “where”? I heard again. “Go to Harlem.”

I did follow the Reservoir walk to Harlem and walked my journey and Destiny. I ended up with a flyer given to me by an Election Pollster on 110th Street who asked me if I voted. I said, “Yes I did for Barrack Obama,” and he handed me this flyer of the Democratic candidates.

On it was a gathering with a Jumbotron TV. I looked at this and knew deep in my heart I was headed where Adam Clayton Blvd. and Martin Luther King Blvd. Intersect on 125th Street. On this spot I experienced as I said in my November 2008 Newsletter,” A Day of Revolution and Awakening of Spirit.”

Drums and chants I heard from the distance, as I stood in this free outside venue. Two stages faced each other. One filled with over 100 camera and photo personal from all over the world. The other stage was draped in American Flags. I spoke to many in the crowd like me who also were sent to Harlem by their hearts. Hours before any results we were fed free fried chicken, pasta and salad given to us by Congressman Charles Rangel’s volunteer staff, who was our gracious host of the evening of this event.

Songs by musicians from the Apollo, speeches graced us by Harlem’s best politicians including the NY Governor David Patterson. Actor Jeremy Pitvin spoke and the comedian that makes us laugh at the News CNN’s D. L. Hughley gave me hope.

With each state that Barack Obama captured toward an Electoral victory a performer or speaker connected us with our souls on this giant TV screen. At 11PM EST in NYC there it was on the Jumbotron TV, Barack Obama The 44th President Of The United States filled my eyes with an amazing ecstasy. The crowd for seconds was in a deep hush then we all cheered, cried and hugged. My meditation, prayers became realty. I was in a dance of synergy, with history in Harlem, NYC and the world.

Where were you?

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Barack’s December 2008 Personal Month

In December 2008, Barack Obama will be in his 34/7 Personal Month - Is a 22 Personal Year + December (12) = 34/7

Barack Obama in his 7 Personal Month as President- elect is a huge metaphor in your life. Barack teaches you this month to soul search, be clear headed, have faith and believe in yourself. Enjoy what you’ve accomplished and everything you’ve done this last year. Start creating your cabinet now with old friends and make new ones.

Look at your economy and is it collapsing? Question how you spend your money and budget. What do you need to get rid of in your life? There could be financial plans that need to be looked at. Go to the proper people to seek help with your financial structure.

Look at what is in your “White House” The furniture you have, old pots, pans and clothes that doesn’t fit you deserve to change. Clean up your life and make it simple and more productive.

Utilize your intelligence, eloquence, and problem solving skills for your advantage as Barack Obama’s does in his transition into January 2009, The Time of Enlightenment.

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A Recap of January 2008 to November 2008 Newsletters by Julian Michael

Look back and see how much you, the country and world evolved in this 2008 – 10-1 Universal Year. For a deeper look go to and read the Newsletters.

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2nd Monday, December 8 from 7 PM- 8 PM (Pacific), 10-11 PM (EST), 11 PM – Midnight in Brazil, 4 PM- 5 PM in Maui, HI
Renowned Numerologist, intuitive and host Julian Michael reveals the upcoming month and a preview of 2009 “The Year Of Enlightenment and Exorcising Your Demons.” He will decipher current events and more. Call-in for a live reading and unlock the key to your own destiny one number at a time. Call 914-338-0821

3rd Monday, December 15 from 7PM-8PM(Pacific), 10-11 PM (EST), 11 PM – Midnight in Brazil, 4 PM – 5 PM in Maui, HI
Host Julian Michael interviews guests and reads your pet's inner most thoughts and divulges their sacred path on the air. Just call in and let the numbers (and your pet) do the talking. Call 914-338-0821


MISS THE SHOW? Listen to the archived show 24/7 (it takes approx. 1 hour after the live show to be archived). Transform, become more erudite, laugh and go to my website and listen to the archived shows or get online for future shows.

December continues with Julian’s live web show “Solmagik” airing on

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Hire Julian in NYC for your Christmas Party Today!
Call 323-384-1333

Julian for 30 years is a Numerologist Life Coach and is currently in NYC in December doing Numerology sessions in person or over the phone. He also specializes and does sessions in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions for 20 years now.

Julian Michael’s Workshop In NYC Will Be Announced. Please Call For More Details.

Please Email Call Julian at
CALL 323-384-1333 to schedule an appointment.

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12:12 Stargate ~ Sacred Sounds & Symbols
By Maryanne Savino

Full Moon Healing Circle In NYC
Friday, December 12, 2008
7-9 pm

The 12:12 Stargate, also known as the Lemurian Paradise Frequency, affords us the opportunity to access sacred knowledge from within the Earth’s original blueprint as she is now being restored. We have the ability to access this magnificent power and activate the cells in our bodies of this ancient knowledge. This will be an opportune time to release limiting patterns and belief structures that no longer serve us as we embrace our true selves. The energy coming in to the Earth through this Divine Stargate is of the Blue vibration, which represents the rebirth of a new cycle of “Unity” consciousness.
There will also be a Full Moon in Gemini (the sign of the twins and intelligence) at 11:37 am EDT, which happens to be a Mutable Grand Cross, so an enormous amount of energy will be infused onto the planet as great change is happening in these amazing times.

For further information Call Maryanne at 347-418-8641 or go to the website

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The Divine is my UN -failed and infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
You will be successful".
- Albert Schweitzer

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Celebrate! Let Go. Be Free And Surround Yourself In The Company Of Saints. Love All Brothers, Sisters and All Consciousness of this Amazing Planet.

Peace. Blessings, Love and Beijos xxx Julian Michael