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Tuesday, June 03, 2008



Julian is currently in NYC; From June 8-15 he’ll be teaching and sharing at Grail Springs in Bancroft, Canada. Please go to for more information. Then he’ll return to NYC for the rest of the month. Contact him for Hypnosis, Past Life Regressions or Numerology Sessions privately or by phone, at 323-384=1333 or or SKYPE: solmagik.





HAPPY JUNE 2008!!!! Your responses have been tremendous about my Newsletters. Go to my website and press Newsletters and go back this year to read them.


• In The News With Hillary, Barack, Scott, Dr. Brian Weiss and more
• May and Now June
• The Sacred Numerology of June 2008 – Universal Month #7, “The Charioteer.”
• June 2008 Says.
* A Prosperity Prayer - Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

In The News:

My April Newsletter, “The Numerology Behind The Power Of the Goddess And Fighter Hillary Rodham Clinton are Revealed! “, I saw this in Hillary’s Chart.

Hillary Clinton is in a 9 Personal Year, (10(1)+ 26(8) + 2007(9) = 45/9. In the “9’ we complete, clean our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual closets. This is a time of endings and not new beginnings. The Numbers show a continuation with a huge transformation and change in thinking from her 9 Personal Year to her 1 on her Birthday.

I feel that what Hillary did in this Democratic race was set the table for other women to run and be empowered when they do and believe that they can create miracles and make a difference. Hillary has done what no other woman has in the history of the US.

In June her “6” Personal Month Hillary will not give up without a fight yet this “6” shows her responsibility not just for the people who voted for her but for the Democratic Party. Her heart will be opened to make the right decision to allow Barack to be the nominee.

In July her “7” Personal Month she’ll be contemplative and do some soul searching on what she wants to do for the future.

In August her “8” she’ll be ready for the Democratic Convention as she’s in her power. She’ll probably be one of the main speakers for this event.

My March Newsletter, the Numbers Behind The Mystique, Dates With Karma And Destiny of Barack Obama Are Revealed”, I said this.

Barack Obama being an Afro-American, on top of everything else will be the most interesting and exciting candidate to run for President as a Democrat in the history of the USA.

June is the month that Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee for President. Now the fun begins. Let’s see whom he’ll choose to be Vice- President

I’m so happy that “some” of the truth is coming out with Scott McClellan’s memoir “What Happened” about this administration, Katrina and other topics. “The truth shall set us free.”

It was wonderful to catch Dr. Brian Weiss on Oprah Winfrey. In the 80’s the doctor was left spinning and didn’t know what happened to him with the experiences he had with his patient.
Elizabeth. He writes about them so brilliantly in his book ‘Man Lives Many Masters.”

He came across Gerald F.Kein who got him on his real path. Gerald of is based in Deland, Florida and is my teacher from 1989. If you have phobias, psychological or physiological problems or not feeling your connection with life let’s talk about doing Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions.

May and Now June

May a “5’ month was about change. The old paradigms are crumbling before our eyes. What is important is to be careful of the packaging of pity, victim ness, terrorism and manipulation by governments, society, and media including reality TV shows.

Be leery about ads telling you what’s wrong with you and the medication, drugs you need to take. You are being influenced big time! Find your truth! Do not buy into what you read or what you’re told. Be the #7 Charioteer of the Tarot card who understands how to go deep inside where the answers lie and touch God.

Continue to pray, send loving thoughts to your ancestors, family and friends. The government, soldiers, the “Quantum Quickening”, changes from the old paradigm to the new. All the loving people in Iraq, the Middle East, China, Burma, Africa, USA, bless those people here at home and you’re Mother Earth.

“Begin to ask your soul today. Show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person”.

The Sacred Numerology of June 2008 – Universal Month “7”

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birth – date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
- Pythagoras

In the “6” of June be responsible with family and friends. Look at the “6” as it has a circle which is the mouth of the Divine. Speak your truth and get off what is on your chest. The “1” of 2008 wants you to be the boss, leader and the miracle that you are. Together they create a “7” Universal Month energy known as “The Charioteer.”

The #7 Tarot Card - “The Charioteer”

The Charioteer means mediate, pray and go inside, as this is your world that reflects and creates your outer reality. The journey with our self continues.

In the A.E.Waite Tarot Card the depiction of the Charioteer is a male directing a chariot The man is the soul and the chariot is your body. There is a union here to direct this amazing force.

What is very fascinating about the Charioteer is that he drives the two horses or sphinxes and he has no reins connecting them. What this specifies is that you use 10% of your brain. You’re here to search and find the other 90 % of your mind that you don’t use, in this new thought movement that is happening now.

The sphinxes are white and black. This signifies you are here to work with the yin and yang, positive and negative, Heaven and hell, visible and invisible and life and death.

These are metaphors for you to learn not to give more energy to one or the other. To know how to balance these powers and learn to move forward as the power of the “Now.”

The Charioteer is under a canopy of stars that indicates the connection with the universe and the celestial forces. We come from the stars so it’s important to be able to access this very powerful source in understanding that all of us are synergistically connected.

Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced the phenomenon known as “The Overview Effect” which he’s written about in his book ”The Way of the Explorer.” He explores the feeling of bliss, timelessness and connectedness with every atom of himself, mother Earth and the whole universe when he was looking at us from space.

“All I can suggest to the mystic and the theologians is that our gods have been small; they fill the universe. And to the scientist all I can say is that the gods do exist; they are eternal, connected, and aware Self experienced by all intelligent beings.”
- Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Then there are the waxing and waning moons on the charioteers’ shoulders. This means the rhythm of space and time that you operate in is beyond linear time. Also this is a Gemini energy asking you to be more imaginative, creative and open to the infinite possibilities of your mind.

A winged-globe on the cart represents consciousness and awareness. It’s the God Mercury of communication in all of us.

There is a disc and an upright rod through the center depicting the union of these forces and a working relationship that occurs.

The Charioteer has a breastplate with a square on it and is wearing an eight-paneled skirt decorated with talismans. The square is the order of things and the Door of Light. This connects you with many worlds’, dimensions and opportunities to soar your soul’s destiny and evolve.

The 8 talismans are your tools for you to work with to bring Heaven and Earth together. The 8 sideways is infinity. Access your divine light intelligence in its ubiquitous energy of unconditional love.

The Charioteer asks us to Stop, look and listen. Be more patient with all the downloading of information that is coming your way. Be discriminatory. Go deep inside and explore and discover your truth and connectedness with “space ship earth” and the universe.

June 2008 says:

GO DEEP WITHIN– Meditate, pray and evoke your guides, Angels, healing doctors and ancient avatars to assist you on your inner journey and awakening.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Be comfortable and love your sacred space, holy temple within yourself.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Do an exercise of breathing. Inhale and slowly exhale out. Do this a few times and start noticing the changes from your inhale to exhale and back to your inhale. Close your eyes and watch these pauses called points.

They’re known as “The points of infinity” and “Infinite Knowledge.” As you watch them and continue to breathe the points become one point. A door or some shape or color represents these points. Jump through and go inside. Travel your inner worlds and touch and commune with Divineness.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Pythagoras said that you choose your name at birth through your parents subconscious and dream states. You’re the one that knows and understands your evolutions path. Your name is your blueprint, flight plan of experiences from your Past, Present and Future lives as the ‘Now.”

GO DEEP WITHIN – The ancients say that you choose your parents and your parents choose you. This is clearly seen and felt in the process of Hypnosis and Past Life Regression, which I’ve encountered many times with my clients. When you witness yourself before you’re born you really sense amazing freedom and know what is going on and why, in your life today.

The process of Past Life Regression is easy and takes you “In between lives.” Many times you meet your Guides, Angels and engineers that assist you to create your present life. Contemplate about the infinite possibilities that are open for you.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Meditate and imagine and visualize the exact moment of your conception. What are you seeing and feeling at this very precious, auspicious and loving moment. Allow any thoughts, ideas, images and words to come through.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Meditate on why you’re born to your mother and father. Throw away all judgments and anger. The key is connecting their characteristics with who they are to who you are today.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Are you happy? Do you have love and passion for life? Or do you feel empty, worthless and lost. Where do you stand and what are you doing about it.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Do you have a Disease, some obstacles or something stopping you to move forward in your life? Are you doing something about it? Are you receiving support? Please do whatever it takes for you to be free and live a happy, healthy and secure life. Do not believe the propaganda that it’s OK to walk around sick and live in disharmony and just take pills. You deserve to live healthy.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Meditate, contemplate on the people that you associate with. Are they positive in their talk and actions? Are they victims of life, government, past relationships or something outside of themselves? The Bhagavad-Gita Gita says, “Be in the company of Saints.” Simply surround yourself with people who are aware and support and empower you. You deserve it!

GO DEEP WITHIN – What if everything you learned, were taught and told from childhood was not true. Now what. Who are you without a story?

GO DEEP WITHIN – Find the key to your happiness. What puts a smile on your face and makes you come ALIVE? An action, food, activity, person or what? Find it. Love it. Marinate and embrace it. Be empowered by it. Receive a healing and let it light you up.

GO DEEP WITHIN – In meditation you’re in a state of freedom, bliss, timelessness and connectedness. You have clarity and are muti-dimensional. Ask whatever question you have. The answers will reveal themselves and a shift will occur. The truth shall come to you and a healing and awareness will awaken. The holy books say, “ Ask and you shall receive. Knock on the door and the door will open to you.” Listen!

GO DEEP WITHIN – Who do you look up to, read, love their teachings and emulate? If you have a question or problem how would they take care of it? Learn from your mentors, teachers and be free to access their knowledge and practice it.

GO DEEP WITHIN – Know that you are unique. There will never be anyone that looks, thinks and acts as you. Enjoy your uniqueness. You are love, intelligence, and a miracle practicing and working to make a difference to create and manifest miracles from that beautiful place deep inside of you as God - Goddess Divine.




A Prosperity Prayer

“The Divine is my unfailed and infinite supply. Large sums of abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
- Anonymous

Enjoy the #7 of “The Charioteer”. Love and Be in Love.

Embrace June 2008

Blessings, Love and Beijos xxx

Julian Michael

• Please read my ‘Numerology of the Day” at
* My new web shows “Solmagik” is coming soon….