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Thursday, May 01, 2008

May 2008 Newsletter

May 2008 Newsletter
By Julian Michael

Julian is currently in Los Angeles and will be in New York, Montreal, Canada for the middle of the month and in NYC for the last week of May. Contact him for Numerology Sessions privately or by phone, at 323-384-1333 or or SKYPE: solmagik.






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HAPPY MAY 2008!!! Thank you for the great response to my last Newsletters on Heath Ledger, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Go to my website and press Newsletters and go back to February 2008 and read them.

April was a wake-up call. May a “5” month, be ready for great changes in your Quickening. Please don’t go spinning out of your center as the old paradigm and foundations you grew up with, are crumbling before your eyes. Synchronicity and serendipity around you will increase. People who are cheating or lying will easily be called on their stuff. More downloading of universal intelligence will be in your meditation, prayers and dreams.
With 2008 a “1” Universal Year, add this with the “5” and you get the “6” of love. It’s time to take care of yourself and love the sacred space your in. Let’s talk about Love, politics and other exciting things.

Let’s reveal and embrace the Universal month of #6 in May 2008.

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Continue to pray, send loving thoughts to your ancestors, family and friends. The government, soldiers, the “Quantum Quickening”, changes from the old paradigm to the new. All the loving people in Iraq, Iran, the Middle East, Africa, Tibet, China, the “Dengue” deaths of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, bless those people here at home and your Mother Earth.

“ Begin to ask your soul today. Show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person”. – Gillian Macbeth – Louthen

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• The Sacred Numerology of May 2008 – Universal Month #6
• May 2008 Says.
• Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCaine – The War Continues.
• John McCain Is “72” In August. Hmmm?
• 3 Enlightening Workshops That Rocked My World!
• A Prosperity Prayer.

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The Sacred Numerology of May 2008 – Universal Month “6

“Every letter, number in your Name, Birh -date and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.
- Pythagoras

Together the “5” of May and the “1” of 2008 create a “6” Universal Month energy known as “The Lovers”.

The journey with our self continues. The Lovers # 6 means; partnership, union, marriage and duality.

In the A.E.Waite Tarot Card there is a male and female standing side by side. This can be interpreted as Adam and Eve, yin and yang, conscious and subconscious, heaven and earth or life and death. There is a union of both energies as these opposites create a life force of unity.

They are naked and looking up at an Angel. The nakedness means they are free in both body and mind. The Angel is the super conscious or your higher self. It can also be the Angel Raphael who stands for the astrological sign Gemini. This signifies your communication skills. How you talk, listen and express your creative spirit.

Gemini is the “Twins”. This Card is to live in equipoise, harmony and to find and love your true self. It’s important to live in truth, honesty and follow your instincts and especially your heart.

There is a garden with a tree and flames to the left of it. This is the Tree of Knowledge, There is a serpent in the tree and this means the Kundalini force or the desire to utilize the Universal power to create and manifest. The flames are the 5 senses.

The Lovers is for you to come out of the garden and find your passion. Be directed by your intuition and follow the most powerful force in the universe, Love.

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May 2008 says:

LOVE - Love yourself. Do everything you can to find the key to your happiness. Open your heart to the passion of loving what you do, who you are and what your intent and purpose is.

LOVE- Love is your natural expression. It’s who you really are. Love is not something that you have or it’s given to you. Love is what you are.

LOVE- Love yourself and automatically loving signals go out. Let your mind, body and aura around you multiply this passion, happiness and feeling of goodness, kindness and grace to those around you. Shine as a beacon of love.

LOVE- by projecting love you will receive it ten, hundred and thousands of times back.

LOVE- is patient for the return of love coming back to you. Please, do not force love.

LOVE- accept it from every channel that it comes to you. Stop being selective. Express freely your love and in turn accept the love of others. See and feel it in your relationships with family, friends or a love relationship.

LOVE- Love is contagious. See and feel the love for yourself and this makes your own abilities and potentials clear for you.

LOVE- see and feel love and you will be healthy of mind, body and,

LOVE – be the Oneness with everyone and everything.

LOVE- when Albert Einstein was asked, what is his secret of being so intelligent? He said, “Love”. He replied to the reporter, that he loves who he is, what he does and every word and moment that he lives in his life. He said, that love is the way that I attain the intelligence of the universe.

LOVE- look at any difficulties, health problems you have and take a few minutes and put them in a space of love. Love is the truth and “The truth shall set you free”.

LOVE – see and feel love and witness the synchronicity and serendipity all around you.

LOVE – notice the messengers, messages and signs around you here to commune, communicate and direct you. A friend can call you from the blue and talks about their father being sick. Hmm, the father is a mirror of a dimension of your life. Ask yourself “how’s my health”.

Love - the messengers. I’ve traveled and keep on meeting the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet at the Louvre, NY Museum of Art, a friend brings her up and just recently hanging out with her in a dream. Sehmet is the powerful Egyptian lion- headed sun Goddess, of healers and physicians. She’s a warrior and more. I’ve been researching Sekhmet and embrace her for the wisdom and healing energies she gives me. Who has touched you?

LOVE – you’re meditating, praying and a garbage truck roars. Hmm, you can rant and be disturbed. I would suggest take this experience and sound frequency and ground yourself more. Feel it in your lower Chakras. Utilize this energy as a healing and a present in your now.

LOVE- a bird stops and starts squawking and turns to talk to you. Witness this messenger and be prepared to receive an important call in the next few hours.

LOVE- you are constantly being communicated to by people, phone calls, Emails, life experiences, animals and consciousness around you. Stop, look and listen. Go within. These Angels will help, serve, guide and enlighten you. Ask them, “What do you want to tell me and how can I help you? Enjoy.

LOVE – in the Bhagavad-Gita, the sacred teachings and Bible of India it says,“ Surround yourself in the company of saints.” Be around people who understand the heart, the teachings of the Ancients, speak love and see you as a loving divine physical being here making a difference.

LOVE – Love is the greatest power in the universe. Love is your guide, the light and way for you to create and manifest to your hearts desire and miracles in your life.


“All you need is Love”
– The Beatles

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama – The War Continues.

In my April 2008 Newsletter, “The Numerology Behind The Power Of The Goddess And Fighter Hillary Clinton Are Revealed”, I wrote, “Hillary Clinton has shown a not giving up attitude in the last primaries that she’s won. She’ll probably win Pennsylvania but Barack Obama will get more votes then expected. Her attitude and “branding” has changed as she calls herself “The fighter”. She has taken the role of not only being the leader yet a warrior on a mission, as nothing will stop her to be President”.

Hillary was going into Pennsylvania weeks before with over a 20 % lead. Barack Obama whittled it down and he lost by 10 %. He did gain delegates from his loss and is so far winning this grueling contest.

Hillary’s statements of, “Obliterating Iran if Israel gets attacked”, is something to look at as she’s sounding more and more like the Republican’s she’s running against. Hmmm.

In my March 2008 Newsletter, The Numbers Behind The Mystique, Dates With Karma And Destiny Of Barack Obama are Revealed, I wrote, ” Barack really needs to be on his game. There will be obstacles to get in his way that will test him to the core of his being as well. His past financial dealings, being a rebellious teenager, patriotism and his religion of ‘The United Church of Christ” will be questioned. He’ll also be attacked over and over again as a man inexperienced to be President by the opposition”.

Barrack Obama is starting to get crucified for his past and all that I mentioned and in my Newsletter. Hillary Clinton is a huge thorn in his side. Like the “Ever ready” bunny, she won’t give up. Hillary has shown that she’ll tear Barack down and try to reach into his soul and use Karl Rove tactics from his playbook to obliterate him. There is more ahead as this Goddess is ruthless?

The Republican Party and John McCain have just started their attacks on Barack. He has withstood a lot already and has shown amazing resiliency, faith, wisdom and drive to be the Democratic Candidate for President. The months ahead are crucial that no mistakes are made on his part and skeletons are not found in his closet.

In my March 2008 Newsletter I continued to write that “Barack Obama is a very intelligent, astute, passionate and a well prepared politician ready to do whatever it takes to become the Democratic President in 2008. He definitely has the Numbers. Yet there is a man who is a Past Life rival and a deterrent then and now”?

John McCain In August Is “72”. Hmmm?

John Sidney McCain was born 8-29(11) – 1936(19) = 56/11 Life Path Pin No.

I continue to research John McCain’s Numerology Chart. I’m discovering an explosion of events in the physical and emotional life that will occur to him around his 72nd Birthday. The 72nd year in Numerology is a paramount time as it’s 9 x 8 = 72. This is the 8th time in John McCaine’s 9 year cycles.

This is a very powerful and karmic transition in his life that can catapult him to become the President of the US. It can also be so intense that his physical and emotional body can suffer and he’ll step down to open the field to a new Republican candidate. It’ll be very interesting to see whom he’ll choose for his Vice – President.

I will discuss more of my findings and I ask for your opinions, thoughts and dreams on Hillary, Barack and John McCaine To read or reread my past Newsletters go to my website and press Newsletter and go to the one’s mentioned.

3 Enlightening Workshops That Rocked My World!

April in Los Angeles was very illuminating and so empowering for me. I have embraced my old friends and made new ones. There are 3 amazing events that I went to that really helped me, to be more aware of my body and health. They opened my heart; made me more passionate in whom I am, what I do and gave me drive to continue to make a difference with my brothers and sisters of this beautiful Mother Earth. Check out their websites and find out about these Gods and Goddesses and when they’re going to have their next enlightening experience.

2 – DAY Physical Transformation Workshop with Master Instructor
Of Pilates Nicole Brandon

A Powerful Unique, Healing and Interactive Holistic Cooking and Dinner Workshop – A Nutritional Lifestyle Program And More
With Author Holistic Nutritionist and Holistic Chef Brigitte M.Britton HN and TV Host Paul Ryan

A 4-Day Event Presented By Rev. Michael Beckwith, Rickie Byers With The Agape Choir, Very Special Speakers, Guests and Surprises

Thank you!

A Prosperity Prayer

“GOD is my un failed and infinite supply. Large sums of money come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire”.
- Anonymous

Enjoy your Quickening. Embrace the # 6 of ‘The Lovers”. Surround yourself with the company of the saints. Share your wisdom and heart with others. Love – Love – Love – Love- Love - Love

Embrace May 2008,

Blessings, Love and Beijos xxx

Julian Michael

* Please Read my ‘Numerology of the Day” at
* I’m so jazzed to announce that my new Web cast show “Solmagik” is coming to your computer live soon!!!