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Thursday, November 01, 2007



Julian will be in NYC in mid November. Contact him for private sessions for private sessions for Numerology readings, Hypnotherapy and Past-Life Regressions.
Tele. 323-384-1333 Email

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How are you? I’ve extended my stay in beautiful enchanting Brazil through mid -November. I’m very happy to share with you an unbelievable Brazilian artistic medium Germano Rehder. Thanks for all your kind words about the October Newsletter. Believe in yourself and stay centered. Work your magic with the November vibration of #20 and more.

Continue to pray and send loving thoughts to your ancestors, our government, people around the world especially the Middle East and our mother Earth.
“Begin to ask your soul today. Show me how to see the truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth-Louthen

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* The Sacred Numerology of November 2007 – Universal Month 20/2
* Meet The Extraordinary Brazilian Artistic Médium Germano Rehder

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The Sacred Numerology Of # 20/2

Together the “11” of November and the “9” of 2007 create a 20-2 energy known as “Hidden Knowledge.” Connect with the “Wisdom of the Ancients.” Walk through your “Door Of Enlightenment.” Let their inner guidance convey what is in your heart. Share the energy through words, dance, song and empower yourself through all alternative means.

The #20 has a zero which means that you are protected by the Gods and Goddesses of the energy of “All That There Is.” Bathe yourself in the Ageless Light Intelligence.
Light = 3 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 29/11/2.

In your 20/2 you’ll experience unpredictable events beyond the norm. Beauty will embrace you from everywhere. Utilize your angels and invisible and visible friends for help.

In your 20/2 be the mediator. Solve conflicts between people. Find a harmonious solution by seeing the positive and negative without judgment and attachment to what is happening.

In your 20/2 hug at least 3 people a day. Feel and receive this affection in every cell of your body. Know that you deserve it.

In your 20/2 watch your dreams and see where they take you. My favorite book is “The Dream Book” by Betty Bethards. Learn how to work with ‘Key Words” in your dream to know what is really going on with you. When Paul McCartney was asked
what is his favorite song, he answered “Yesterday.” The famous Beatle Paul then told the story of how he heard the rhythm of this great song in his dream and woke up. He went to the piano and played it. He started working on the lyrics and weeks later he created “Yesterday.”

In your 20/2 make new friends and create intimate relationships. Write down all the places you can meet people of like mind and hearts and go there. Enjoy!

In your 20/2 work on your ongoing relationship. What is it that you want from your partner? Communicate, discuss and compromise. Be romantic with gifts, affection, hugs, and kisses and find different ways in making love. Share your feelings, heart and how you value each other. Love!

In your 20/2 be aware of details and be patient in all business projects and negotiations. Trust your feelings and gut in all business transactions. This will bring you prosperity and richness.

In your 20/2 be careful of feeling insecure, angry, a doormat for others, over-emotional, timid, shy, deceptive, lying, sneaky and walking around like a volcano about to erupt. Find ways to express your emotions and seek help if you can not process this.

In your 20/2 be careful of not being a part of the physical world as you're just living the spiritual. Too many times people can feel neurotic because they have difficulties in creating and manifesting in the physical. Take courses, work-shops and believe and practice positive ways of living and interacting with people.

In your 20/2 know that the positive energies and negative always exist. Your soul has knowledge of both. “If you live in the light as He is the light, we have fellowship with one another.” (1 John 1:7)

In your 20/2 inspire and uplift others by the arts, philosophy, music and science. Share your “hidden Knowledge" and make a difference in people's hearts and lives.

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Brazilian Artistic Medium Germano Rehder

I first met Germano at an exhibition he was giving in a private home outside of the city Sao Paulo, Brazil around 17 years ago. I was so amazed by his talents and the energy of love that embraced all of us in the room. I was going through some interesting impediments in my life when we met again. We were both expressing our work and talents at a Metaphysical Conference in Brazil.

Germano in his grace and loving energy had Picasso come through him as he drew a portrait of me as a past life Russian dancer needing to express my feelings and emotions through movement. There was a lot that was being said in that painting. It was very revealing and healing as I was going through back and sciatica problems at the time. Germano didn’t know about my illness. The portrait was incredible. Here is Germano Rehder.

My name is Germano Rehder, a Brazilian paranormal medium. I’ve been developing an interesting and innovative work by painting portraits of people’s past lives as a channel from the great master painters. Picasso, Monet, Toulouse Lautrec, Van Gough and others come through to connect your past with what is going on with you now.

This work is aimed to help people who have difficulties finding a happier life and who carry traumas and blockades from their past lives.

Please email me for all information including the price and interest in receiving by mail (snail mail) your personal past life portrait (in oil pastel, Cansom Mitentes paper), I can do the portrait and send it to you. Please send an email to informing me of your full name, birth date and home address for delivery.

Please visit my website and watch the videos and know more about me and my work at The website is being translated in many languages including English. The video is in Porteguese, You still can see my great work and go to the video section of the website to see the paintings come alive.

Germano we’ll be visiting the USA for the first time in the near future. For more information please contact Julian Michael at

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Enjoy your vibration #20/2 in November 2007. Love your dreams, bathe and share your “Light Intelligence,” and walk through your door of enlightenment and be magic.



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Please read my “Numerology of the Day” at

My TV cable show ‘Julian, the Numbers Guy” is on hiatus.