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Monday, October 01, 2007


By Julian Michael

Julian will be in Brazil, NYC, and then mid-October he will be in Los Angeles. Contact him for private sessions for Numerology readings, Hypnotherapy and Past-Life Regressions.
Tele. 323-384-1333 Email

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I’m in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Brazil, for the month of September and October, speaking, doing workshops and seeing old friends and making new ones. Is it I or has synchronicity increased to the point of just sitting back and thanking and welcoming more magic to happen?

In this Newsletter I’m utilizing the fascinating Tarot card of “The Star” #19, to interpret the month of October on deep and profound levels. I’m also very excited for you to read the great intuitive Minka Cara’s article on “The Season is about To Change.” Her sweet words really hit home and I know you’ll love it.

Continue to pray and send your loving thoughts to your ancestors, our government, people around the world and our Mother Earth.
“Begin to ask your soul today. Show me how to see the truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth- Louther

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• The Sacred Numerology of October 2007–Universal Month 19/1
• Prosper With The Tarot Card of “The Star” # 19
• The Great Intuitive Minka Cara
• “The Season Is About To Change” By Intuitive Minka Cara

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Together the 10 of October and the 9 of 2007 create a 19/1 Universal Month.

Prosper With The Tarot Card Of “ The Star” # 19

The Star is the card of your psychological and spiritual growth. Prosperity is the balance of these two worlds that “The Star “ communicates. Understanding this will bring you wealth monetarily, spiritually and mentally

The picture of “The Star” is a naked free woman having no boundaries having one foot in the water and the other on the land. In each hand she holds a jug of water. One jug is poured into the water and the other onto the land. There are stars all over watching her.

The pool of water is your subconscious mind and the land symbolizes your material world. Renew. Nurture each world to receive the benefits of being whole and the vibration of 19/1, “One”.

Look into the heavens, this card says, and have hope and be guided by the light of “The Star” in all your experiences. Feel blessed, embrace love and be nurtured by the divine universe that protects you.
You have been through a lot in the last months especially September 2007 and all those “9”s. Wow! You still have a few months of this 2007 “9’ vibration. It’s important to open your heart and mind and release all the demons and old programs.

In the “9” vibration, all kinds of tests have been happening for you to work with your Karmic debts. Welcome your Star now!

In your October Universal Month of 19/1, it’s a great time to make partnerships that are personal or for business. Commune, exchange, laugh and toast this new vibration. Be happy, content and feel enlightened in who you are and what you’re doing.

In your “19/1” walk, bike, do yoga and love Mother Nature’s health spa. Be in heaven now!

In your 19/1 focus, believe and take your ideas and intent, and have a plan of action. Watch as magic happens in this vibration of manifestation.

In your 19/1 embrace the money vibration and visualize your material wealth accumulating. As ‘The Star” card, give and nurture your mind and body and spiritual and material worlds.

In your 19/1 be careful of getting stressed because of delays to your plans and what you want to achieve. This vibration also warns you of arrogance, manipulating others for power, miss-judgments and being selfish and walking around with an inflated ego.

Follow your light and Star illuminating your path of beauty and Be fulfilled as being the “One”.

The Great Intuitive Minka Cara

I met the beautiful intuitive Minka Cara at a “Learning Annex” in NYC in the beginning of this year. We were speakers sharing our metaphysical experiences to a very enthusiastic audience.

She is absolutely exceptional in the way she works. Minka has guided me through some strange and difficult times. I thank her for her participation and adding “The Goddess” touch to my Newsletter. For an amazing experience and consultation please call Minka Cara at 702- 882-6780 or Email her

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“The Season Is About To Change”
By Minka Cara

As we grow older, we gain in wisdom, we see with different eyes the ways of the world. The veil that has cloaked our vision begins to rise. The level of consciousness is expanding and the universe becomes the forefront. We begin to see people differently. We look at our generations and compare. Everyone pointing the finger at someone else for the way the world is today. Standing on their own soapbox and not realizing that they too were once asleep while awake.

Everyone is looking to fight and stand for something. You want to fight for something? Start with yourself, your own humanity and become alive within. This world, our consciousness, stems from our own injustices and judgments.

What we were taught to believe is our conditioning from the very beginning of our birth, and through our experiences we become who we are. And even now there is always someone blaming someone else for the damage done to this world. (i.e. The President). Although many didn’t vote for him, the hate and judgment that went towards him ignited his energy and paved the way to his election and re-election.

The so-called “New Age” revolution that is upon us, “The Secret,” has opened a door and for some a window. It is a glimmer of hope for us and even the skeptics have “The Secret” inside of them.

“The Secret” has been around before time, as we know it. We all have the seeds inside of us. They only need to be watered so that we can remember. Yet through centuries we were taught to live in fear instead of freedom.
We tend not to allow ourselves to grieve or experience the emotions that we are feeling. We look around and say, "it could be worse." It’s so important to go within yourself and heal the wounds you have.

If you want the life of your dreams, you have to align your energy with them. If you believe you are going to fall, then you will find a pothole. You will consistently create your life from where you stand.

The truth is that we die every moment and are reborn. One thought different from the day before. Every day we have the capability to learn something we never knew before. The moment you start to change, death has already come. Change is scary and most do not know where to begin.

The more you try to hold on to the old, the harder life will feel. A constant heaviness you are never quite able to shake. This is where sickness finds it way into the holes of you. No matter what doctor, healer, or shaman you go to.
You are the only one who can transform yourself. People come into your life and act as a catalyst. It is only you that can take what they have to offer, to bring yourself to where you want to be.

Get to know yourself. Take yourself out. Question yourself every day. Are you walking the path you want to walk? Are you happy with the choices or lack of choices you are making? Are you surrounded and supported by people that enhance your life? Do they help light your way in the dark?

Fall is upon us the leaves will start to change. The air will feel crisp and cool. Lightness will fall dark more quickly. This is a time when we are more awake and action oriented. It becomes a time of thinking. Change is always there, waiting to embrace you and smile upon you. Change wants you to be happy.

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• Thank you for your experiences and Emails about the “9”s of September. Follow your Star and celebrate. Be Happy in all your changes. If you have any questions please call me or Email me.

Peace in your Heart and Mind. Blessings, Love and Beijos xxx,

The show is on Hiatus. Stay tuned.