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Monday, July 02, 2007


By Julian Michael
The phenomenon of 7-7-07.
WHEN: Friday, July 6,
11:30PM EST/PST.

Julian will be in NYC for the month of July. Contact him for private sessions for Numerology readings and Hypnotherapy.
Tel: 323.384.1333 Email:


Julian does the dance of numbers with Lisa Kudrow
At the LA Film Festival – June, 2007


HAPPY JULY 2007!!! How are you? Who are you?
Continue to explore the infinite possibilities of your life. Stop, take a deep breath and be jazzed with the world within and around you. Learn to play and dance in the visible and invisible world.
There’s work for you to do, as this is July 2007. Enjoy.

Continue to pray and send your loving thoughts and prayers to your ancestors, our government and people around the world.

Begin to ask your soul today: “Show me how to see the Truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth-Louther

* * * * * * * * *

• Happy Birthday America! July 4 2007 = 20/2 Personal Year.
Let us interpret it through the science of Numerology.

• Happy Birthday Mr. President! July 6, 2007 –22/4 Personal Year

• The 7-7-07 STARGATE revealed. Surf the ‘7’.
What is the meaning of this day?

• The sacred numerology of July, 2007- universal month 16/7


A. Happy Birthday America!!!

July 4, 2007 = 7 + 4 + 2007 = 20/2 Personal Year

Americans, embrace the “4” and be organized. Build your inner and outer world and open the doors of opportunity in all social, economic and scientific areas. In this “4” all kinds of events involving people and the weather will move and shake you to activate passion and creativity. You will surrender and ask help from others and be more connected with your ‘Soul’s Contract.”

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The “7” asks you to meditate, pray and explore the teachings of its beginnings. Why? Your freedom and your whole constitution are in danger. Ask yourself what is America all about? What do you want to do here?

With the “9” of 2007, ask yourself what is it to be Human? You are the “Hue of man”. You are a color and a Being of Light. Research and embrace the teachings of “Light” in the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad-Gita and other sacred teachings. Love all your planetary brothers and sisters. See the divine in everyone and everything.

In your 20/2 Personal Year that goes from birthday to birthday, Light is (3+9+7+8+2 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 =2)

We are all experiencing “downloads” of universal intelligence. It is
Imperative at this significant time on the planet to let our dark shadows and old belief systems fade away. Practice and know you are aligned with the spiritual Truth of Divine Love.

This year, Americans are looking at their soul’s “11” mirror. Be careful of getting caught up in policies of confusion, manipulation and deception. Be responsible as a beautiful multidimensional being dedicated to evolving in the Light intelligence that you are.

# # # #

B. Happy Birthday President George Bush – July 6 2007- 22/4
Personal Year.

The 22/4 Personal Year is a very powerful year of “The Master Builder.” He will continue to embrace his team of advisors. His Cabinet advisors will continue to fall in public disgrace with more
Investigations looming. He will continue to deny responsibility for
His actions. His propaganda of terrorism will be the number 1 disease for Americans and rest of the world.

Acknowledge this and transcend narrow old paradigms with your Truth. Play the game by knowing what the game is. Do what you need to do with your family, work and friends to be aware, healthy and free.

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The President’s Personal Year of Master 22/4 is double the “11” which is Light. In your prayers and meditation, shower needed light and blessings over George Bush and his cabinet that they may be illuminated.

C. THE STARGATE OF 7-7-07 = 21/3 Universal Day

Welcome to the famous 7-7-07 STARGATE. Embrace the spirit with all these “7”s. These “7”s are connected with the seven vibration of luck. I love what Dr. Michael Beckwith of the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles says:
“Luck is living under Cosmic Knowledge”.

The 21/3 is the sacred dance of life. On this day, wake up to a new heaven, a renewed Mother Earth, an open mind and a new body. “As you think so you are.”

With all these “7’s, connect with the seven notes of music, the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven Chakras of your divine body. Enjoy this marriage of this cosmic movement.

On the darker side, there are feelings of insecurity and confusion. The “7” energy can resort to drugs and alcohol to numb the awareness of a new outlook of life that is taking place. Let go of ignorance and negativity and bask in the magic of the divine sympathy of love.

July 2007 = Universal Month “16-7”

Be responsible for yourself. Make a difference in the month of July and its double “7”s. Embrace the sum of 16/7. Be the detective of your mind and body and explore and have fun with your “Soul’s Contract”.

Look at the form of the “7” as Pythagoras, the father of Math and Numerology calls it “crooked and straight.” In Greek Mythology, Minerva is better known as the Goddess Athena. This unmarried virgin came out of the head of Zeus. The horizontal line of the ‘7” is the helmet that Athena wears. ‘7’ represents analytical thought,

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Philosophy and higher learning. Hence, Athena is the Goddess of Education, Science and Wisdom.

Together the “7” of July and the “9” of 2007 create a “16 – 7” Universal Month vibration.

Let us look at the “16” Tarot Card of ‘The Tower.” It illustrates a male and female figure falling from a tower hit by lightening. This Tower is very transformative, transmuting and it transcends your true destiny.

The male and female that are falling means that you need to look into your concepts of masculine and feminine and let go of the old paradigm imprisoning you with old thought patterns.

“The Tower” is “The House of God’, or your body. It also represents the Tower of confusion known as ‘The Tower of Babel.” It’s up to you to decide how to utilize this enormous power.

The lightning represents the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti or Christ Consciousness vibrations. These are energies connected with the universal Light intelligence of Love. Through this metaphor you are being asked to research and breathe life into your ideas, intent and manifest your goals.



*Your body and mind is part of a universe that is constantly changing. Celebrate and acknowledge your uniqueness. There will never be anyone on this planet that is the same as you.

* Enjoy your silence and do everything you can to get to know who you are. “Silence is golden.”

* There is nobody out there except you.

* The world is a reflection of you.

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* It’s time to work from the inside looking out where true change

Do not Fear the mysteries that exist inside of you. Please be careful of vices that impede your thinking. Work with the fear and welcome it. Take charge and learn to neutralize whatever deficiencies you think you have and all your abuses. Know that ‘The Truth shall Set You Free.”

July – is time of quiet time in nature or whatever sanctuary of heaven you create. Allow your imagination to roam free as it is the doorway to the intuition, higher planes and your creativity and prosperity.

July is a good time to make money and be in business. Your mind is acute, aware and so sharp to deal with whatever problems that are in front of you. Do It!

July is a month to utilize music, color and meditation practices in your own healing. Regenerate and rejuvenate your body’s organs and cells. Enjoy it! Center yourself and then go out in the world and share!!!


Thank you for your love and support. If you have any questions please call or email me.

Peace In your Heart and Mind, Blessings and Lots of Love,


Receive a Numerology Reading, Past Life Regression or Julian’s
Special Hands on Sound Healing in July 2007.

Call 323-384-1333 or email

Please visit my website at
For daily Numerology of the day, visit:

The show is on hiatus. Stay tuned.
# # # #



By Julian Michael
The phenomenon of 7-7-07.
WHEN: Friday, July 6,
11:30PM EST/PST.

Julian will be in NYC for the month of July. Contact him for private sessions for Numerology readings and Hypnotherapy.
Tel: 323.384.1333 Email:


Julian does the dance of numbers with Lisa Kudrow
At the LA Film Festival – June, 2007


HAPPY JULY 2007!!! How are you? Who are you?
Continue to explore the infinite possibilities of your life. Stop, take a deep breath and be jazzed with the world within and around you. Learn to play and dance in the visible and invisible world.
There’s work for you to do, as this is July 2007. Enjoy.

Continue to pray and send your loving thoughts and prayers to your ancestors, our government and people around the world.

Begin to ask your soul today: “Show me how to see the Truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth-Louther

* * * * * * * * *

• Happy Birthday America! July 4 2007 = 20/2 Personal Year.
Let us interpret it through the science of Numerology.

• Happy Birthday Mr. President! July 6, 2007 –22/4 Personal Year

• The 7-7-07 STARGATE revealed. Surf the ‘7’.
What is the meaning of this day?

• The sacred numerology of July, 2007- universal month 16/7


A. Happy Birthday America!!!

July 4, 2007 = 7 + 4 + 2007 = 20/2 Personal Year

Americans, embrace the “4” and be organized. Build your inner and outer world and open the doors of opportunity in all social, economic and scientific areas. In this “4” all kinds of events involving people and the weather will move and shake you to activate passion and creativity. You will surrender and ask help from others and be more connected with your ‘Soul’s Contract.”

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The “7” asks you to meditate, pray and explore the teachings of its beginnings. Why? Your freedom and your whole constitution are in danger. Ask yourself what is America all about? What do you want to do here?

With the “9” of 2007, ask yourself what is it to be Human? You are the “Hue of man”. You are a color and a Being of Light. Research and embrace the teachings of “Light” in the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad-Gita and other sacred teachings. Love all your planetary brothers and sisters. See the divine in everyone and everything.

In your 20/2 Personal Year that goes from birthday to birthday, Light is (3+9+7+8+2 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 =2)

We are all experiencing “downloads” of universal intelligence. It is
Imperative at this significant time on the planet to let our dark shadows and old belief systems fade away. Practice and know you are aligned with the spiritual Truth of Divine Love.

This year, Americans are looking at their soul’s “11” mirror. Be careful of getting caught up in policies of confusion, manipulation and deception. Be responsible as a beautiful multidimensional being dedicated to evolving in the Light intelligence that you are.

# # # #

B. Happy Birthday President George Bush – July 6 2007- 22/4
Personal Year.

The 22/4 Personal Year is a very powerful year of “The Master Builder.” He will continue to embrace his team of advisors. His Cabinet advisors will continue to fall in public disgrace with more
Investigations looming. He will continue to deny responsibility for
His actions. His propaganda of terrorism will be the number 1 disease for Americans and rest of the world.

Acknowledge this and transcend narrow old paradigms with your Truth. Play the game by knowing what the game is. Do what you need to do with your family, work and friends to be aware, healthy and free.

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The President’s Personal Year of Master 22/4 is double the “11” which is Light. In your prayers and meditation, shower needed light and blessings over George Bush and his cabinet that they may be illuminated.

C. THE STARGATE OF 7-7-07 = 21/3 Universal Day

Welcome to the famous 7-7-07 STARGATE. Embrace the spirit with all these “7”s. These “7”s are connected with the seven vibration of luck. I love what Dr. Michael Beckwith of the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles says:
“Luck is living under Cosmic Knowledge”.

The 21/3 is the sacred dance of life. On this day, wake up to a new heaven, a renewed Mother Earth, an open mind and a new body. “As you think so you are.”

With all these “7’s, connect with the seven notes of music, the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven Chakras of your divine body. Enjoy this marriage of this cosmic movement.

On the darker side, there are feelings of insecurity and confusion. The “7” energy can resort to drugs and alcohol to numb the awareness of a new outlook of life that is taking place. Let go of ignorance and negativity and bask in the magic of the divine sympathy of love.

July 2007 = Universal Month “16-7”

Be responsible for yourself. Make a difference in the month of July and its double “7”s. Embrace the sum of 16/7. Be the detective of your mind and body and explore and have fun with your “Soul’s Contract”.

Look at the form of the “7” as Pythagoras, the father of Math and Numerology calls it “crooked and straight.” In Greek Mythology, Minerva is better known as the Goddess Athena. This unmarried virgin came out of the head of Zeus. The horizontal line of the ‘7” is the helmet that Athena wears. ‘7’ represents analytical thought,

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Philosophy and higher learning. Hence, Athena is the Goddess of Education, Science and Wisdom.

Together the “7” of July and the “9” of 2007 create a “16 – 7” Universal Month vibration.

Let us look at the “16” Tarot Card of ‘The Tower.” It illustrates a male and female figure falling from a tower hit by lightening. This Tower is very transformative, transmuting and it transcends your true destiny.

The male and female that are falling means that you need to look into your concepts of masculine and feminine and let go of the old paradigm imprisoning you with old thought patterns.

“The Tower” is “The House of God’, or your body. It also represents the Tower of confusion known as ‘The Tower of Babel.” It’s up to you to decide how to utilize this enormous power.

The lightning represents the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti or Christ Consciousness vibrations. These are energies connected with the universal Light intelligence of Love. Through this metaphor you are being asked to research and breathe life into your ideas, intent and manifest your goals.



*Your body and mind is part of a universe that is constantly changing. Celebrate and acknowledge your uniqueness. There will never be anyone on this planet that is the same as you.

* Enjoy your silence and do everything you can to get to know who you are. “Silence is golden.”

* There is nobody out there except you.

* The world is a reflection of you.

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* It’s time to work from the inside looking out where true change

Do not Fear the mysteries that exist inside of you. Please be careful of vices that impede your thinking. Work with the fear and welcome it. Take charge and learn to neutralize whatever deficiencies you think you have and all your abuses. Know that ‘The Truth shall Set You Free.”

July – is time of quiet time in nature or whatever sanctuary of heaven you create. Allow your imagination to roam free as it is the doorway to the intuition, higher planes and your creativity and prosperity.

July is a good time to make money and be in business. Your mind is acute, aware and so sharp to deal with whatever problems that are in front of you. Do It!

July is a month to utilize music, color and meditation practices in your own healing. Regenerate and rejuvenate your body’s organs and cells. Enjoy it! Center yourself and then go out in the world and share!!!


Thank you for your love and support. If you have any questions please call or email me.

Peace In your Heart and Mind, Blessings and Lots of Love,


Receive a Numerology Reading, Past Life Regression or Julian’s
Special Hands on Sound Healing in July 2007.

Call 323-384-1333 or email

Please visit my website at
For daily Numerology of the day, visit:

The show is on hiatus. Stay tuned.
# # # #


By Julian Michael
The phenomenon of 7-7-07.
WHEN: Friday, July 6,
11:30PM EST/PST.

Julian will be in NYC for the month of July. Contact him for private sessions for Numerology readings and Hypnotherapy.
Tel: 323.384.1333 Email:


Julian does the dance of numbers with Lisa Kudrow
At the LA Film Festival – June, 2007


HAPPY JULY 2007!!! How are you? Who are you?
Continue to explore the infinite possibilities of your life. Stop, take a deep breath and be jazzed with the world within and around you. Learn to play and dance in the visible and invisible world.
There’s work for you to do, as this is July 2007. Enjoy.

Continue to pray and send your loving thoughts and prayers to your ancestors, our government and people around the world.

Begin to ask your soul today: “Show me how to see the Truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
Gillian Macbeth-Louther

* * * * * * * * *

• Happy Birthday America! July 4 2007 = 20/2 Personal Year.
Let us interpret it through the science of Numerology.

• Happy Birthday Mr. President! July 6, 2007 –22/4 Personal Year

• The 7-7-07 STARGATE revealed. Surf the ‘7’.
What is the meaning of this day?

• The sacred numerology of July, 2007- universal month 16/7


A. Happy Birthday America!!!

July 4, 2007 = 7 + 4 + 2007 = 20/2 Personal Year

Americans, embrace the “4” and be organized. Build your inner and outer world and open the doors of opportunity in all social, economic and scientific areas. In this “4” all kinds of events involving people and the weather will move and shake you to activate passion and creativity. You will surrender and ask help from others and be more connected with your ‘Soul’s Contract.”

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The “7” asks you to meditate, pray and explore the teachings of its beginnings. Why? Your freedom and your whole constitution are in danger. Ask yourself what is America all about? What do you want to do here?

With the “9” of 2007, ask yourself what is it to be Human? You are the “Hue of man”. You are a color and a Being of Light. Research and embrace the teachings of “Light” in the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad-Gita and other sacred teachings. Love all your planetary brothers and sisters. See the divine in everyone and everything.

In your 20/2 Personal Year that goes from birthday to birthday, Light is (3+9+7+8+2 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 =2)

We are all experiencing “downloads” of universal intelligence. It is
Imperative at this significant time on the planet to let our dark shadows and old belief systems fade away. Practice and know you are aligned with the spiritual Truth of Divine Love.

This year, Americans are looking at their soul’s “11” mirror. Be careful of getting caught up in policies of confusion, manipulation and deception. Be responsible as a beautiful multidimensional being dedicated to evolving in the Light intelligence that you are.

# # # #

B. Happy Birthday President George Bush – July 6 2007- 22/4
Personal Year.

The 22/4 Personal Year is a very powerful year of “The Master Builder.” He will continue to embrace his team of advisors. His Cabinet advisors will continue to fall in public disgrace with more
Investigations looming. He will continue to deny responsibility for
His actions. His propaganda of terrorism will be the number 1 disease for Americans and rest of the world.

Acknowledge this and transcend narrow old paradigms with your Truth. Play the game by knowing what the game is. Do what you need to do with your family, work and friends to be aware, healthy and free.

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The President’s Personal Year of Master 22/4 is double the “11” which is Light. In your prayers and meditation, shower needed light and blessings over George Bush and his cabinet that they may be illuminated.

C. THE STARGATE OF 7-7-07 = 21/3 Universal Day

Welcome to the famous 7-7-07 STARGATE. Embrace the spirit with all these “7”s. These “7”s are connected with the seven vibration of luck. I love what Dr. Michael Beckwith of the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles says:
“Luck is living under Cosmic Knowledge”.

The 21/3 is the sacred dance of life. On this day, wake up to a new heaven, a renewed Mother Earth, an open mind and a new body. “As you think so you are.”

With all these “7’s, connect with the seven notes of music, the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven Chakras of your divine body. Enjoy this marriage of this cosmic movement.

On the darker side, there are feelings of insecurity and confusion. The “7” energy can resort to drugs and alcohol to numb the awareness of a new outlook of life that is taking place. Let go of ignorance and negativity and bask in the magic of the divine sympathy of love.

July 2007 = Universal Month “16-7”

Be responsible for yourself. Make a difference in the month of July and its double “7”s. Embrace the sum of 16/7. Be the detective of your mind and body and explore and have fun with your “Soul’s Contract”.

Look at the form of the “7” as Pythagoras, the father of Math and Numerology calls it “crooked and straight.” In Greek Mythology, Minerva is better known as the Goddess Athena. This unmarried virgin came out of the head of Zeus. The horizontal line of the ‘7” is the helmet that Athena wears. ‘7’ represents analytical thought,

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Philosophy and higher learning. Hence, Athena is the Goddess of Education, Science and Wisdom.

Together the “7” of July and the “9” of 2007 create a “16 – 7” Universal Month vibration.

Let us look at the “16” Tarot Card of ‘The Tower.” It illustrates a male and female figure falling from a tower hit by lightening. This Tower is very transformative, transmuting and it transcends your true destiny.

The male and female that are falling means that you need to look into your concepts of masculine and feminine and let go of the old paradigm imprisoning you with old thought patterns.

“The Tower” is “The House of God’, or your body. It also represents the Tower of confusion known as ‘The Tower of Babel.” It’s up to you to decide how to utilize this enormous power.

The lightning represents the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti or Christ Consciousness vibrations. These are energies connected with the universal Light intelligence of Love. Through this metaphor you are being asked to research and breathe life into your ideas, intent and manifest your goals.



*Your body and mind is part of a universe that is constantly changing. Celebrate and acknowledge your uniqueness. There will never be anyone on this planet that is the same as you.

* Enjoy your silence and do everything you can to get to know who you are. “Silence is golden.”

* There is nobody out there except you.

* The world is a reflection of you.

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* It’s time to work from the inside looking out where true change

Do not Fear the mysteries that exist inside of you. Please be careful of vices that impede your thinking. Work with the fear and welcome it. Take charge and learn to neutralize whatever deficiencies you think you have and all your abuses. Know that ‘The Truth shall Set You Free.”

July – is time of quiet time in nature or whatever sanctuary of heaven you create. Allow your imagination to roam free as it is the doorway to the intuition, higher planes and your creativity and prosperity.

July is a good time to make money and be in business. Your mind is acute, aware and so sharp to deal with whatever problems that are in front of you. Do It!

July is a month to utilize music, color and meditation practices in your own healing. Regenerate and rejuvenate your body’s organs and cells. Enjoy it! Center yourself and then go out in the world and share!!!


Thank you for your love and support. If you have any questions please call or email me.

Peace In your Heart and Mind, Blessings and Lots of Love,


Receive a Numerology Reading, Past Life Regression or Julian’s
Special Hands on Sound Healing in July 2007.

Call 323-384-1333 or email

Please visit my website at
For daily Numerology of the day, visit:

The show is on hiatus. Stay tuned.
# # # #