May 2007 Newsletter
The Learning Annex
Course 207JNY, Section B
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
Go to
SATURDAY MAY 12, 2007 from 2:15 - 4:15 PM
Go to Events at
Discover Your Natural Talents, Life Purpose and Soul Destiny
You’d never think of walking out of your house without your personal information… Driver License, ATM Card, etc. – Right? We even have our PIN (Personal Identification Number) memorized. Why then would you start your day without being able to access your Spiritual PIN number?
Your name and birth date provide the keys to unlock who you are and what your life purpose is!
During this fun, illuminating class, highly acclaimed Numerologist Julian Michael will teach you to use the ancient art and science of Numerology. Numerology defines the yearly, monthly and daily cycles of our lives, opening you up to discovering your secret spiritual codes. It is amazingly accurate in its predictions.
In this groundbreaking workshop you will be given the tools to explore and answer critical life questions such as:
• My Soul’s destiny and true-life purpose.
• How can I get past stumbling blocks to achieve my dreams and goals?
• Why do I keep repeating the same patterns?
• My Keys To A Happy Relationship.
• Which career should I pursue?
• How can I access my Spiritual PIN daily?
Plus: Be your own Numerologist… And More!!!?
****Each person will receive a free personalized reading!
Julian Will Be In NYC From May 2 – May 15.
For a Numerology Reading, Past life Regression, Hands on Healing or Phone consultation:
Call 323 –384-1333 or email
HAPPY MAY 2007!!! How are you? A blessing is a beautiful way of acknowledging the divine. Please use this more in your daily practices and watch the magic unfold.
Bizarre events and tragedies unfortunately bring people together. The unfortunate events of “33” people dead in W. Virginia have brought brothers and sisters from all over the world to send prayers and love to the fallen. The vibration of “33” in Numerology is the third master energy that is the “Teacher of Teachers” frequency. This is the consciousness of Christ, spirit and awareness, which is the highest Venus love vibration.
This incident and others will continue to make you reflect and ask many questions in this “5” Universal Month of May. How can we make our schools, home and live our lives being safe, free and be loving human beings? What can we do to do more?
This is a paramount time to define who you are and how you serve others. Let’s see what is happening and look at the Numerology of the people in politics who are voicing their opinions. These candidates are so important as the next President of 2008 will take us into 2012 of “The End Times” into the unknown.
Please pray and send loving thoughts and Light to your ancestors, the government, the people of the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Africa, soldiers around the world and whoever jumps in your mind.
"Begin to ask your soul today: Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.” - Gillian Macbeth-Louther
* May 2007 – Universal Month “14-5.” Know how May will affect you.
*Numerology: Personal Year Vibrations 1-9
*The Personal Year Happenings: Of famous politicians running for President of the USA
* Julian Michael Cable TV Show: Julian, the Numbers Guy” Episode # 17 will be broadcast in LA in May.
May 2007 – Universal Month “14-5”
Access the adventure of the “5” frequency of May and the double “5”s embracing the sum of 14/5. Reflect on what is happening to you and the world. Do not be overwhelmed by the propaganda of media and the Sooth- Sayers of doom. Be the “5” and take what you need that is positive. Move forward to explore and flow in the rhythms of having faith as you venture into the unknown.
Together the “5” of May and the ‘9” of 2007 create a “14-5” vibration.
Embrace the “14” Tarot Card of the Hierophant. This card embraces the magician and sorceress that you are. The Hierophant now sits in a throne aware of how to access and communicate to the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Either. The Hierophant is a master of how to utilize the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti and Christos energies of enlightenment.
In May please utilize spiritual tools to deal with the great changes that are taking place. Once you have confidence, faith and are secure with your abilities and talents the divine forces will continue to guide you. If you choose not to you’ll most likely become unbalanced, sick and with your gifts unused you can go crazy. Enjoy your choices!
Finding The Personal Year
The Personal Year is a yearly forecast of what is happening to you and where life is leading you. It reveals your challenge and will enable you to prepare for experiences that will occur in your personal and business affairs. Each person is an individual so this is a general forecast. Be open to know your own forecast and map by having a Numerology Soul Reading.
Some Numerology books calculate the Personal Year from January 1 – December 31. Being a Numerologist for over 25 years, I feel that following your birth-date-to-birth-date vibration is more accurate to tell you what’s going on in your Personal Year cycle.
To calculate your Personal Year, add the Year of last Birthday + Your Birth Month + Date of Birth. Following are descriptions of each Personal Year – calculate yours and enjoy!
One Personal Year
New beginnings. Plant new seeds for your next “9” years. A foundation is being formed. Many opportunities will present themselves. Be alert and follow your intuition and this will create prosperity in your life. Be aware as challenges and resistance to your intentions and your vision may appear. Know what you really want and nurture the seeds you’re planting. Problems from your past can haunt you if you haven’t dealt with these issues. Be careful of abusing your power and being a dictator in your life. Be strong and connect with the power of being a “Magician” in this year of a renewal of energy.
Two Personal Year
Share, be patient, peaceful and follow your dreams. Expect delays and see them as blessings in disguise. Embrace your sensitivity and solitude. Learn to be diplomatic and know how to problem solve as your mediation skills become challenged in quarrels, fights and debates. There are a lot of females around you as you deal with your feminine energy. Prosperity surrounds you when you feel centered. Be aware of being aggressive and forcing disharmony and creating broken relationships. Be receptive to being a beacon of light.
Three Personal Year
Express, communicate and have fun. Soar the heavens. Let your imagination go wild. Sing, dance, laugh, create and connect with your inner child. Be careful of gossip, being scattered, exaggerating and not dealing with your emotions. This will destroy you. Money will be created as you embrace your artistic nature. Expand and develop your intuition. Spread your sunshine.
Four Personal Year
Organize, build, apply discipline and inspiration to manifest what you have planted in your “1” Personal Year cycle. Put your “house” in order. This is a material year so money is to be made. There are a lot of males around you, as you deal with your masculine energies. Be careful of being stressed, anxious, stubborn, and lazy. This can create feelings of despair and worthlessness. Walk through your “door of light” and meet the movers and shakers in your life to awaken you to empower others.
Five Personal Year
Embrace transformation, transmutation, innovation and change. The “5” is the middle ground of your “9” Personal Years. Reflect and take what you need from your past and move on. Travel and “shine” as you’re a magnet attracting all kinds of cultures and people. It’s a great time to market your self. Be prosperous by embracing new ideas. Watch for tendencies to block your progress by abusing your mind and body. Remain centered and disciplined in your freedom. Exchange new concepts and feel stimulated by your life experiences.
Six Personal Year
As a humanitarian be responsible, give comfort and be devoted to assisting others. Develop your healing skills. Train and acknowledge your voice. Speak out. Money is no problem when you practice humility. Embrace the arts. Be careful of jealousy, disharmony, confusion and feeling shut down. Domestic problems are around you so deal with them. People will try to take advantage of you. Learn how to say No gracefully! Be open hearted to create and be a lover of the world.
Seven Personal Year
Meditate, search your soul and create a beautiful bridge between your mind and spirit. Listen to the opera of the ocean. Paint your world in color and allow music to open your doors of perception. Do not fear the mysteries that exist inside you. Your analytical mind is sharp and creates money for you. Surround yourself with people who speak of divinity. Be aware of feeling insecure, repressed and living in illusions driving you to abuse your mind with legal and illegal substances. Envision what you want to create and manifest in your coming “8” Personal Year. Awaken!
Eight Personal Year
Be focused and conscious of the balance and harmony around and within you. Know that everything that happens in life purports a bigger picture. It’s time to produce, be ambitious and reap from everything you have done in the last “7” years. Important decisions are to be made. Judge from both sides of the situation in question. Embrace the business executive and boss in you. Be the leader, teacher and empower others by collaborating and developing a powerful community. Be aware of loose ends, lying, cheating, manipulating for success and power. Experience the pure potential and unlimited creativity in life.
Nine Personal Year
This is a time of completion and cleaning. Raise your awareness. It’s “Judgment Day.” Reflect. Take up a new philosophy or teaching to help and improve your life skills. Be creative, humanitarian and money will flow. Be careful of being selfish, angry, frustrated and not letting go of old ugly feelings and stuff against others. Let go and be free of these emotional poisons. Embrace humanity and network the power of love.
Use these “Numerology Personal Years” (PY), to figure out your yearly forecast. It will also be a great help to know your family, friends, lovers and business associates’ vibrations.
Politicians In The News
The sacred language of Numerology and especially Personal Years is a wonderful tool that can be effectively utilized to realize what’s happening in our lives and politicians that are very vocal these days. Let’s have a taste of more examples that will increase our knowledge, empowering us and show us the bigger Political picture. One of these candidates I feel will be the President of 2008 leading us to 2012!
Hilary Clinton, Democrat running for President
Born October 26, 1947
2006(8) + 10(1) + 26(8) = 17/8 PY
Barack Obama, Democrat running for President
Born August 4 1961
2006(8) + 8 + 4 = 11/2 PY
John Edwards, Democrat who ran for Vice President with John Kerry and lost
Born June 10 1953
2006(8) + 6 + 10(1) = 15/6 PY
Al Gore, former Vice President to Bill Clinton
Born March 31 1948
2007(9) + 3 + 31(4) = 16/7 PY
Rudy Guiliani, former Republican NYC mayor running for President
Born May 28 1944
2007(9) + 5 + 28(1) = 15/6 PY
Senator Hilary Clinton is in her “8” PY of being in power. In her “8’ vibration she’s meeting movers and shakers that will help her enrich her money for her campaign, making important contacts and empowering people with her message.
Hilary will continue to be a major advocate against the Iraq war and all wars, support the family, environment, health care and give support for more money to our education system. This will happen especially when she goes into her birth-date of October 26th a“9” PY. She will teach us to forgive the past, embrace our feminine energy and help us find solutions to our Nations problems. She will continue to add and surround herself with very wise advisors, including her husband Bill Clinton. She’s a very good candidate for the nomination of President yet can she beat the man of the Republican Party?
Senator Barack Obama is in his 11/2 PY lighting up our hearts to understand our prejudice, racist and old attitudes from our parents, society, and government. He is the fresh new voice that is planting seeds for us to live and embrace ourselves as true human beings having no color, boundaries and to be free of mind, body and soul. He has the Numerology vibrations very familiar to us, as he’s another Bill Clinton. This new Clinton is a very good candidate for vice -President .The Numbers say we’re not ready for him to lead us, as he’s our future. In future Newsletters will discuss more about Barack Obama’s Numerology connections with President Bill Clinton.
Senator John Edwards is in his 15/6 PY, being responsible to home and speaking from his heart. His wife is ill with Cancer and he’s turning this around and talking to us of the diseases that are taking place socially, politically and economically in our country, world and in our lives. He’s entering a “16/7” PY at his birthday of June 10th. This will activate a lot of soul searching and introspection on his part. Let’s send light and prayers to his wife and his campaign, as this PY will be very transformative. This “16/7” PY, I feel will have him leaving the race for President.
Vice President Al Gore is in his “16/7” PY of a lot of thinking and searching for his truth and wanting so much to awaken the world. He has won an Oscar for his brilliant documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” and is on the path to win the Noble Peace Prize. He is the sage and elder statesman of this group of Democrats. I feel that he will enter the race if there is total confusion and chaos in government policies and world affairs. With the world a mess and the Republicans to beat he’ll most likely enter in his “8” PY in 2008.
Senator Rudy Guiliani is in his “15/6” PY of family, service and any affairs of the heart that are in disharmony are in his face. He’s the speaker and orator of his truth and the Republican Party. Watch his attacks on how the Democrats would handle terrorism.
It’ll be interesting to see when he goes into his May 28 birthday of 2008 of a “16/7” PY of secrets, skeletons in the closet and old wounds what will happen. I feel that the media will squelch any knowledge of his wrong doings. There might be an uproar that will come out of the people of NY who know Rudy’s real story. If that’s the case he’ll step down. I don’t think so.
Rudy Giuliani will receive the nomination for the Republicans to run for president. He is the only politician that can wave the 9 – 11 Terrorism policies of all the candidates as he was there in NYC. The fight against terrorism will be the Republican platform again for the Presidency of 2008. He is the man to beat as the Republican nominated candidate. Hmm
What do you think and feel about these candidates. Do you have a favorite? What is your Personal Year vibration?
Catch my latest show on LA’s time Warner cable local
Access 98 (Santa Monica, Ch. 77, Beverly Hills Ch 43)
Please let me know your thoughts of what we discussed in this Newsletter.
Bless everything. Know your Numbers. Be illuminated by understanding your and others, Spiritual Pin Number and Personal Year Vibration. Be Aware. Please share this Newsletter with others.
Peace. Blessings. Love
*** Receive a Numerology Reading, Past-Life Regression or hands on Healing in May 2007.
Call 323-384-1333 or email
To schedule a session, book a party or a phone consultation.
Please visit my website at and read my Numerology of the Day at
The Learning Annex
Course 207JNY, Section B
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
Go to
SATURDAY MAY 12, 2007 from 2:15 - 4:15 PM
Go to Events at
Discover Your Natural Talents, Life Purpose and Soul Destiny
You’d never think of walking out of your house without your personal information… Driver License, ATM Card, etc. – Right? We even have our PIN (Personal Identification Number) memorized. Why then would you start your day without being able to access your Spiritual PIN number?
Your name and birth date provide the keys to unlock who you are and what your life purpose is!
During this fun, illuminating class, highly acclaimed Numerologist Julian Michael will teach you to use the ancient art and science of Numerology. Numerology defines the yearly, monthly and daily cycles of our lives, opening you up to discovering your secret spiritual codes. It is amazingly accurate in its predictions.
In this groundbreaking workshop you will be given the tools to explore and answer critical life questions such as:
• My Soul’s destiny and true-life purpose.
• How can I get past stumbling blocks to achieve my dreams and goals?
• Why do I keep repeating the same patterns?
• My Keys To A Happy Relationship.
• Which career should I pursue?
• How can I access my Spiritual PIN daily?
Plus: Be your own Numerologist… And More!!!?
****Each person will receive a free personalized reading!
Julian Will Be In NYC From May 2 – May 15.
For a Numerology Reading, Past life Regression, Hands on Healing or Phone consultation:
Call 323 –384-1333 or email
HAPPY MAY 2007!!! How are you? A blessing is a beautiful way of acknowledging the divine. Please use this more in your daily practices and watch the magic unfold.
Bizarre events and tragedies unfortunately bring people together. The unfortunate events of “33” people dead in W. Virginia have brought brothers and sisters from all over the world to send prayers and love to the fallen. The vibration of “33” in Numerology is the third master energy that is the “Teacher of Teachers” frequency. This is the consciousness of Christ, spirit and awareness, which is the highest Venus love vibration.
This incident and others will continue to make you reflect and ask many questions in this “5” Universal Month of May. How can we make our schools, home and live our lives being safe, free and be loving human beings? What can we do to do more?
This is a paramount time to define who you are and how you serve others. Let’s see what is happening and look at the Numerology of the people in politics who are voicing their opinions. These candidates are so important as the next President of 2008 will take us into 2012 of “The End Times” into the unknown.
Please pray and send loving thoughts and Light to your ancestors, the government, the people of the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Africa, soldiers around the world and whoever jumps in your mind.
"Begin to ask your soul today: Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.” - Gillian Macbeth-Louther
* May 2007 – Universal Month “14-5.” Know how May will affect you.
*Numerology: Personal Year Vibrations 1-9
*The Personal Year Happenings: Of famous politicians running for President of the USA
* Julian Michael Cable TV Show: Julian, the Numbers Guy” Episode # 17 will be broadcast in LA in May.
May 2007 – Universal Month “14-5”
Access the adventure of the “5” frequency of May and the double “5”s embracing the sum of 14/5. Reflect on what is happening to you and the world. Do not be overwhelmed by the propaganda of media and the Sooth- Sayers of doom. Be the “5” and take what you need that is positive. Move forward to explore and flow in the rhythms of having faith as you venture into the unknown.
Together the “5” of May and the ‘9” of 2007 create a “14-5” vibration.
Embrace the “14” Tarot Card of the Hierophant. This card embraces the magician and sorceress that you are. The Hierophant now sits in a throne aware of how to access and communicate to the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Either. The Hierophant is a master of how to utilize the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti and Christos energies of enlightenment.
In May please utilize spiritual tools to deal with the great changes that are taking place. Once you have confidence, faith and are secure with your abilities and talents the divine forces will continue to guide you. If you choose not to you’ll most likely become unbalanced, sick and with your gifts unused you can go crazy. Enjoy your choices!
Finding The Personal Year
The Personal Year is a yearly forecast of what is happening to you and where life is leading you. It reveals your challenge and will enable you to prepare for experiences that will occur in your personal and business affairs. Each person is an individual so this is a general forecast. Be open to know your own forecast and map by having a Numerology Soul Reading.
Some Numerology books calculate the Personal Year from January 1 – December 31. Being a Numerologist for over 25 years, I feel that following your birth-date-to-birth-date vibration is more accurate to tell you what’s going on in your Personal Year cycle.
To calculate your Personal Year, add the Year of last Birthday + Your Birth Month + Date of Birth. Following are descriptions of each Personal Year – calculate yours and enjoy!
One Personal Year
New beginnings. Plant new seeds for your next “9” years. A foundation is being formed. Many opportunities will present themselves. Be alert and follow your intuition and this will create prosperity in your life. Be aware as challenges and resistance to your intentions and your vision may appear. Know what you really want and nurture the seeds you’re planting. Problems from your past can haunt you if you haven’t dealt with these issues. Be careful of abusing your power and being a dictator in your life. Be strong and connect with the power of being a “Magician” in this year of a renewal of energy.
Two Personal Year
Share, be patient, peaceful and follow your dreams. Expect delays and see them as blessings in disguise. Embrace your sensitivity and solitude. Learn to be diplomatic and know how to problem solve as your mediation skills become challenged in quarrels, fights and debates. There are a lot of females around you as you deal with your feminine energy. Prosperity surrounds you when you feel centered. Be aware of being aggressive and forcing disharmony and creating broken relationships. Be receptive to being a beacon of light.
Three Personal Year
Express, communicate and have fun. Soar the heavens. Let your imagination go wild. Sing, dance, laugh, create and connect with your inner child. Be careful of gossip, being scattered, exaggerating and not dealing with your emotions. This will destroy you. Money will be created as you embrace your artistic nature. Expand and develop your intuition. Spread your sunshine.
Four Personal Year
Organize, build, apply discipline and inspiration to manifest what you have planted in your “1” Personal Year cycle. Put your “house” in order. This is a material year so money is to be made. There are a lot of males around you, as you deal with your masculine energies. Be careful of being stressed, anxious, stubborn, and lazy. This can create feelings of despair and worthlessness. Walk through your “door of light” and meet the movers and shakers in your life to awaken you to empower others.
Five Personal Year
Embrace transformation, transmutation, innovation and change. The “5” is the middle ground of your “9” Personal Years. Reflect and take what you need from your past and move on. Travel and “shine” as you’re a magnet attracting all kinds of cultures and people. It’s a great time to market your self. Be prosperous by embracing new ideas. Watch for tendencies to block your progress by abusing your mind and body. Remain centered and disciplined in your freedom. Exchange new concepts and feel stimulated by your life experiences.
Six Personal Year
As a humanitarian be responsible, give comfort and be devoted to assisting others. Develop your healing skills. Train and acknowledge your voice. Speak out. Money is no problem when you practice humility. Embrace the arts. Be careful of jealousy, disharmony, confusion and feeling shut down. Domestic problems are around you so deal with them. People will try to take advantage of you. Learn how to say No gracefully! Be open hearted to create and be a lover of the world.
Seven Personal Year
Meditate, search your soul and create a beautiful bridge between your mind and spirit. Listen to the opera of the ocean. Paint your world in color and allow music to open your doors of perception. Do not fear the mysteries that exist inside you. Your analytical mind is sharp and creates money for you. Surround yourself with people who speak of divinity. Be aware of feeling insecure, repressed and living in illusions driving you to abuse your mind with legal and illegal substances. Envision what you want to create and manifest in your coming “8” Personal Year. Awaken!
Eight Personal Year
Be focused and conscious of the balance and harmony around and within you. Know that everything that happens in life purports a bigger picture. It’s time to produce, be ambitious and reap from everything you have done in the last “7” years. Important decisions are to be made. Judge from both sides of the situation in question. Embrace the business executive and boss in you. Be the leader, teacher and empower others by collaborating and developing a powerful community. Be aware of loose ends, lying, cheating, manipulating for success and power. Experience the pure potential and unlimited creativity in life.
Nine Personal Year
This is a time of completion and cleaning. Raise your awareness. It’s “Judgment Day.” Reflect. Take up a new philosophy or teaching to help and improve your life skills. Be creative, humanitarian and money will flow. Be careful of being selfish, angry, frustrated and not letting go of old ugly feelings and stuff against others. Let go and be free of these emotional poisons. Embrace humanity and network the power of love.
Use these “Numerology Personal Years” (PY), to figure out your yearly forecast. It will also be a great help to know your family, friends, lovers and business associates’ vibrations.
Politicians In The News
The sacred language of Numerology and especially Personal Years is a wonderful tool that can be effectively utilized to realize what’s happening in our lives and politicians that are very vocal these days. Let’s have a taste of more examples that will increase our knowledge, empowering us and show us the bigger Political picture. One of these candidates I feel will be the President of 2008 leading us to 2012!
Hilary Clinton, Democrat running for President
Born October 26, 1947
2006(8) + 10(1) + 26(8) = 17/8 PY
Barack Obama, Democrat running for President
Born August 4 1961
2006(8) + 8 + 4 = 11/2 PY
John Edwards, Democrat who ran for Vice President with John Kerry and lost
Born June 10 1953
2006(8) + 6 + 10(1) = 15/6 PY
Al Gore, former Vice President to Bill Clinton
Born March 31 1948
2007(9) + 3 + 31(4) = 16/7 PY
Rudy Guiliani, former Republican NYC mayor running for President
Born May 28 1944
2007(9) + 5 + 28(1) = 15/6 PY
Senator Hilary Clinton is in her “8” PY of being in power. In her “8’ vibration she’s meeting movers and shakers that will help her enrich her money for her campaign, making important contacts and empowering people with her message.
Hilary will continue to be a major advocate against the Iraq war and all wars, support the family, environment, health care and give support for more money to our education system. This will happen especially when she goes into her birth-date of October 26th a“9” PY. She will teach us to forgive the past, embrace our feminine energy and help us find solutions to our Nations problems. She will continue to add and surround herself with very wise advisors, including her husband Bill Clinton. She’s a very good candidate for the nomination of President yet can she beat the man of the Republican Party?
Senator Barack Obama is in his 11/2 PY lighting up our hearts to understand our prejudice, racist and old attitudes from our parents, society, and government. He is the fresh new voice that is planting seeds for us to live and embrace ourselves as true human beings having no color, boundaries and to be free of mind, body and soul. He has the Numerology vibrations very familiar to us, as he’s another Bill Clinton. This new Clinton is a very good candidate for vice -President .The Numbers say we’re not ready for him to lead us, as he’s our future. In future Newsletters will discuss more about Barack Obama’s Numerology connections with President Bill Clinton.
Senator John Edwards is in his 15/6 PY, being responsible to home and speaking from his heart. His wife is ill with Cancer and he’s turning this around and talking to us of the diseases that are taking place socially, politically and economically in our country, world and in our lives. He’s entering a “16/7” PY at his birthday of June 10th. This will activate a lot of soul searching and introspection on his part. Let’s send light and prayers to his wife and his campaign, as this PY will be very transformative. This “16/7” PY, I feel will have him leaving the race for President.
Vice President Al Gore is in his “16/7” PY of a lot of thinking and searching for his truth and wanting so much to awaken the world. He has won an Oscar for his brilliant documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” and is on the path to win the Noble Peace Prize. He is the sage and elder statesman of this group of Democrats. I feel that he will enter the race if there is total confusion and chaos in government policies and world affairs. With the world a mess and the Republicans to beat he’ll most likely enter in his “8” PY in 2008.
Senator Rudy Guiliani is in his “15/6” PY of family, service and any affairs of the heart that are in disharmony are in his face. He’s the speaker and orator of his truth and the Republican Party. Watch his attacks on how the Democrats would handle terrorism.
It’ll be interesting to see when he goes into his May 28 birthday of 2008 of a “16/7” PY of secrets, skeletons in the closet and old wounds what will happen. I feel that the media will squelch any knowledge of his wrong doings. There might be an uproar that will come out of the people of NY who know Rudy’s real story. If that’s the case he’ll step down. I don’t think so.
Rudy Giuliani will receive the nomination for the Republicans to run for president. He is the only politician that can wave the 9 – 11 Terrorism policies of all the candidates as he was there in NYC. The fight against terrorism will be the Republican platform again for the Presidency of 2008. He is the man to beat as the Republican nominated candidate. Hmm
What do you think and feel about these candidates. Do you have a favorite? What is your Personal Year vibration?
Catch my latest show on LA’s time Warner cable local
Access 98 (Santa Monica, Ch. 77, Beverly Hills Ch 43)
Please let me know your thoughts of what we discussed in this Newsletter.
Bless everything. Know your Numbers. Be illuminated by understanding your and others, Spiritual Pin Number and Personal Year Vibration. Be Aware. Please share this Newsletter with others.
Peace. Blessings. Love
*** Receive a Numerology Reading, Past-Life Regression or hands on Healing in May 2007.
Call 323-384-1333 or email
To schedule a session, book a party or a phone consultation.
Please visit my website at and read my Numerology of the Day at