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Friday, November 03, 2006

November 2006 - Newsletter

From the Big Apple - Happy November 2006!
Beloved friends,

Utilize your physical and spiritual tools to remain centered. As a guide and
Teacher of Light Consciousness in the 21st Century, be harmony and multi-task.
Walk your Talk. Put all those “How To” books and workshops into practice.
Go! Now! Go out in the world utilizing your toolbox of spiritual teachings and
magic. Follow your heart and intuition and do it!

Be the “Johnny Appleseed” planting seeds of truth and awareness everywhere
you are with every brother and sister of this majestic world you touch. What
ideas, thoughts and passions do you want to plant and make real?
Every breath you take is grace and “Light Intelligence.” Breathe and plant love.

Inside this newsletter, there’s a story of a young entertainer and his deep tap into
Light. And, there are ideas of showing your love and sending positive prayers to
the depths of the warring nations, their people and our world.

Pray for those sick. Bless the beautiful, ancestral souls around you.

Enjoy this Newsletter and all the enlightenment it brings.

Newsletter Contents:
I. “Julian, The Numbers Guy” Warner Cable TV Show
II. November 2006 – Universal Month
III. The Light Bulb Man

Catch my new show on LA’s local cable access Channel 98 on Time Warner
Cable. (Santa Monica, Channel 77, Beverly Hills, channel 43)
For air times, call or Mail

November 2006 – Universal Month “19 – 1”

The Universal Month is the roadmap we follow to understand our opportunities
and challenges. Adding the month November and the Universal Year 2006, you
get a “19-1” Universal Month vibration.

November is an “11-2” energy. The “11” is the first master vibration. This month
you have the “Key” that opens the doors to other worlds and experiences to
enlighten you.

Meet the movers and shakers around you. They are stimulating you to go and
create infinite possibilities.

Master the art of patience, diplomacy and problem solving at home or your
workplace in November. Do not allow lies to dampen your spirit. Live the truth.

Trust your gut and follow your heart. Be the “Light” = 3 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 2 = 29/11
worker you are.

Together, the “11-2” of November and the “8” of 2006 create a “19 – 1.”

You are the antennae to the Gods. Connect with your divine power. Take the
time to pray, meditate, chant and ask your guides and Angels for assistance in
your decision-making and November manifestations.

Look around you and notice the synchronicity and serendipity in your life.

Acknowledge that spirit is working. Be the “1 “ and walk on this Earth free inside
and outside of all the darkness that has limited you.

Embrace family and friends with light heartedness. Be sensitive to the whims and
spinning out of the people around you. Be open with your “Key” to receive and
download information from the internet, a story you’ve read, an experience you
had or just taking a deep breath and ask your heart for answers.

Take charge! Go out into the world and make a difference. Glow illumination.

Love in November.

It’s the early 80’s, and I’m living in Los Angeles. I receive a phone call from
Canadian entrepreneur/ manager, David Holliff. He’d heard I was an
accomplished Numerologist and wanted some guidance.

David told me he was fronting a young man who played comedy clubs in
Toronto. David found the new comedian’s future funny, fascinating and rare. Still,
he asked my opinion, “Should I sign him?”

Surprised and flattered, I queried, “What’s the comedian’s name? When’s his

Calculating numbers aloud, I scoured for paper to write them down. Born 1-17-
62: 1+17 +18 = 36/9 Spiritual Pin Number*.

With a birth-year of 1962 (18=9 and 36/9) this makes the comedian very
intelligent and eccentric. The question he’s always asked inside is: “How am I
going make this work for me?” This energy is the creative trinity. He’s here to
share with the world his laughter and artistic genius.

Born on the 17th, (“8”) he embraces knowledge as its infinity. The “8” can be very
powerful with making money and being a part of the business world. The “8”
shows how not to judge by working with the “Laws of Prosperity” to make a
difference in the world.

Born in January (“1”), “1”s are independent and stand on their own feet. “1”s
takes charge with unique thinking to make things happen.

His whole name comes out to a 76/13/4 Destiny with a hidden “22”. This energy
is extremely intuitive and has medium-ship qualities. Known as the “Master
Builder”, he gathers all information and facts from people everywhere and
manifests it. The “22” empowers, and yet he needs to be grounded in centered
harmony. If not, he could have tempers and be very disorganized.

I surmised he was quick, charming, witty and imaginative. A visionary who’s
travels in and out of different dimensions made his reality unreal.
Young and carrying six “5”s in his name, this guy had tireless energy.

He has four “1”s; this is Karmic. Challenged to be different, he’d explore unknown
areas as a revolutionary comedian.

I finished all the calculations and just sat there staring at the Numerological Map
for a few minutes. Wow!

“David, this man is brilliant, quick, unique. He’s here to make a difference as an
artist. He’ll be successful and out of this world. He’s great! David, this guy’s an
E.T. I would sign him immediately!”

David took me to the L.A. Amphitheater. He wanted me to check him out. It was
a beautiful California night. Sitting beneath the stars, David’s client walked onto
stage. He was tall, thin and handsome in a strange way. Dressed in white, he
stood alone and came alive impersonating the famous.

He was eerily amazing. A “shape shifter.” An E.T.

Watching him, I felt ecstatic comfort, warmth, and love. I questioned my sanity as
rainbows of light were showering over me. Light cocooned my whole being as the
audience went wild! What an amazing performance!

Backstage, David introduced me to him, “This is Julian.”
“Ahh. You’re Julian,” he acknowledged a smile.

“I must say you were brilliant. You commanded the stage like a shape shifter. It
was great.”

He’s looking directly into my eyes and said, “Thank you.”

“Jim,” Not wanting to sound crazy, I spoke fast. ”When you performed, I felt all
this love coming from you. It was like I was in your living room being surrounded
by brilliant light. It felt fantastic.

“That’s funny,” he said. “Before I go on, I see myself as a walking light bulb.”

Suddenly, he started shaking his hips, “When I’m on stage, I look at the audience
and put this light out. I guess you got it!” And with that, he walked away.

James Eugene Carrey. Jim Carrey. Before fame shown upon this funny
comedian, award-winning actor and brilliant performer, I met him.

David Holliff didn’t sign him.

The Hollywood establishment didn’t know what to do with Jim Carrey, The
Unsigned Comedian. He was so different.

As the story goes, Jim wrote a check for himself for 20 Million Dollars and
believed he was going to receive that amount. Hmm, really!

*SPN signifies the month, day and year plus the sum of these energies. It
purports the talents, opportunities and challenges a person has in their life. Think
of it as an ID or Pin Number to life’s bank account of experiences and evolutions.


These are amazing times. Use your skills, intuition and spirit to help you in your
aspirations and goal setting for November. I cannot shout enough: illuminate
and love.

I’ll be in New York the first “2” weeks of November before spending the holidays
in LA. Find me. I’d love to share some light.

Peace. Blessings. Love.

Julian Michael

Receive a Numerology Reading, Past Life Regression or Hands On Healing.
November and December book fast with the holidays.
Call 323-384-1333 or email
to schedule a session, book a party or conduct a phone consultation.

Find Julian’s Numerology of the Day at
Visit his website at