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Tuesday, August 01, 2006



Happy August 2006, my beloved friends from sunny Los Angeles. Let’s pray and send our loving thoughts and healing light to the Middle East and all parties and people concerned. It’s my birthday August 21st. What an illuminating, transformative, emotional, unpredictable, heart opening and expansive “9” Personal Year I’ve had. Thank you for your readership, support, friendship and responses. This Newsletter is full of surprises. I am also so happy to introduce my new producer, Tara Tovarek to this newsletter.

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For a Special Birthday Gift, Treat Yourself To...Me! Receive a Numerology Reading or Past Life Regression for only 100 dollars. Call me at 323-384-1333 for a session.

Newsletter Contents:

I. Julian, the Numbers Guy #2
II. August 2006 – Universal Month
III. Enter The Amazing Star Gate of 8-8-8
IV. Tara Tovarek: “My First Experience with Julian”

Adelphia Cable TV Show


If you are in Los Angeles this August, tune into and watch my new public cable access show, JULIAN, THE NUMBERS GUY on Adelphia Channel 98. (In Santa Monica it’s Channel 77 and in Beverly Hills it’s Channel 43)

THE TOPIC for my #2 show will be “The Absurd Sides of Numerology.” My special guest is the former soap star and Scream Queen; Kelli Maroney, Famed star of “Night of the Living Comet” and over 20 films as well as numerous TV shows. Kelli will make an appearance with her beautiful, shiny rotweiler and black lab mix, Sasha.

For times of the show please send me E-mail and I will let you know ASAP.

Now, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of August 2006.

August 2006 – Universal Month – “16-7”

The Universal Month is the road map we can follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month August and the Universal Year 2006, you get a “16-7” Universal Month vibration.

August is an “8” energy. 2006 is an “8” energy. This is energy of being balanced and creating equipoise of your mind, heart and body. Be healthy, be confident and be powerful so you can access the beauty and empowerment of infinite intelligence.

Together these two energies create “The Tower”, which is the house of God that we are a part of. Lightening strikes it and a huge awakening takes place. This August be ready for a major happening to occur to awaken you to your true purpose in these transformative times of ‘The Quickening.”

Enter The Amazing “STAR GATE” of 8-8-8

In Astrology and Numerology on August 8 2006 = 8–8–8 we are entering a Star Gate of these triple “8”s of amazing power and potential. You have the opportunity to expand your consciousness, open your heart, elevate others and dance in the wisdom of the universe.

On this very powerful day and the whole month of August take a few minutes in your meditation and prayers and acknowledge the greatness that you are. Embrace your uniqueness. There is no one on this planet, or ever was or ever will be like you. You are a gift and treasure of the Universe. Looking at the “8’ you can see the DNA grid. Imagine and see your cells and DNA of your body being bathed in loving golden light. For a few moments feel the loving tingling sensation activating your DNA code in this beautiful dance. Now see the “8” horizontally and imagine entering the zero’s as doorways.

Welcome to the “STAR GATE” of sacred portals of infinite knowledge, infinite power, light intelligence and the loving energy of “All That There Is.” Be open to thoughts, pictures or ideas in your magical journey. When you feel complete open your eyes and contemplate the messages that you received being in the Star Gate.

Know your Numerology and work with this 8-8-8 “STARGATE.” Have insight to what you’re here to do. Build a very strong foundation of the “8.” Be powerful, centered and ready to be productive and reap the riches that you deserve.

Connect with the “8.” of service to family, community, the nation and Divine plan that is taking place. Be in touch with your “8” so you can learn how to access sacred wisdom and truth. This will assist and help you break any barriers and obstacles that have impeded your progress to expand and grow. Take charge and be the visionary, teacher and light worker in the 21st century.

Tara Tovarek – “My First Experience with Julian”

Since I can remember, my father has taken our family to Psychic Fairs and extrasensory establishments. Raised a devout Catholic, my daddy grew up in rural South Dakota where workingmen do physical labor and God is most holy. Albeit we never missed a High Holy Day, we also had out minds expanded beyond religion and science.

When I first met Julian, I saw him out of sheer curiosity. Numerology was a venue I had never ventured down. Mind you, a Numerologist married me. And in hindsight, my now ex-husband and I should have got our numbers done. But the past is but a rosy dream, and the future is now. So one lovely spring day, to a Numerologist I went.

Julian already had my full name and birth date to prepare my chart. And for over an hour, he talk about one of my favorite subjects - me! We discussed where I was in my personal year, what the year meant for me, how my birth date numbers defined my person -- and as Yul Brenner would say, "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera".

So enlightened and enlivened by this conversation with Julian, I had to see him again for Hypnotherapy. Have you ever experienced Hypnotherapy? My father is a certified Hypnotherapist. His approach is different than Julian's, but both take you deep into the Alpha State where you are so relaxed only your mind has your focus.

With Julian, you regress into a Past Life. Now whether you believe in past lives or not, this is an excellent exercise for letting go of issues you can't seem to put your finger on. There are times I know what my problem is, but then there are others where I'm not sure what's bothering me. And in the relaxed Alpha State, I've released issues and after the session I feel brighter, shinier and like I've slept for 2 weeks straight.

I'd love to tell you what happens in these sessions, but it’s like telling you the end of the movie. I'd hate to spoil the ending.. You must see, feel, and try it for yourself. In the meanwhile, I invite you to see Julian for a regression.

- Tara Tovarek

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Julian writing August Newsletter his with trusted Sidekick,Tanji

Share your kindness, heart, wisdom and numbers with those around you. Peace…Blessings… I Love You… Julian

Currently residing in Los Angeles, Julian conducts private sessions and Past Life Regressions and is available for Numerology phone consultations, and private parties. To schedule a session, please call 323-384-1333 or email Julian at Check out his Numerology of the Day at and visit his website