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Saturday, July 01, 2006





Experience the 4th part of an in-depth extraordinary interview
with world-renowned Astrologer Stephanie Azaria.

Discussing living in the 5th dimension, androgyny and sexuality,
Stephanie and I talk about this summer’s very difficult aspects
for the U.S., our government and more.

Cable TV Show

Happy July 2006, my dear friends!

Hello from sunny Los Angeles. How are you?

In this Newsletter, I present a fourth thought-provoking and stimulating interview with world-famous Astrologer, and my friend, Stephanie Azaria (


I. July 2006 – Universal Month
II. Conversation with Stephanie Azaria # 4
III. Cable TV Show

Now, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of July 2006.

July 2006 – Universal Month – “15-6”

The Universal Month is the road map that we follow to further understand our opportunities and challenges in living. Adding the Month (7) and the Universal Year (2006), you get a “ 15-6” Universal Month vibration.

July is a “7” energy. It is the soul searcher and analytical frequency that observes life from within. This month, we’ll be reflecting on everything that is happening to us and the world. And in reflecting, we’ll be looking for answers.

The “8” of 2006 is learning how to deal with your power and knowing how to delegate this power. Can you handle the greatness within yourself? Do you know you are divine? It’s time to integrate this consciousness now! The clock is ticking!

Together, the “7” of July and the “8” of 2006 are asking you to be responsible in your life. Be the teacher. Be the speaker for all causes that have to do with the Earth. Be the voice that raises consciousness for our planet. Take charge now! Be a leader. Don’t be strangled by the antics of the government. Be the “6”, the heart of wisdom, and learn to take this love and share it

Conversation #4 with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria

Recently, I interviewed Stephanie Azaria about some interesting topics and what the summer of 2006 will hold. When Stephanie shared her insight on these subjects, I was surprised with her thoughts. I feel you will be, too.

Julian: What is the 5th dimension?

Stephanie: It’s a dimension of light energy. We are beginning to recognize each other energetically (our light) rather then just physically (our bodies). There are many forms of light energy healing that use various energy frequencies. These energies are becoming more mainstream and valid in everyday living. The 5th dimension has always been here, but we haven’t been functioning in it as much as we are now.

Julian: In Numerology, the 21st Century signifies the human being’s acceptance of androgyny. What does it say in Astrology about this new form of acceptance?

Stephanie: Androgyny is the new dimension we will be living in. Each human being is both male and female in their energy. We always have been. I imagine because we still live in a physical world this will translate into physical appearance, as well as sexuality and all that.

Julian: Interesting. What about sexuality?

Stephanie: I would hope it would be more mainstream and normal to be bisexual. We are all bisexual innately. Civilization and society are still putting nonsense into us - wanting us to be afraid of expressing this aspect of ourselves.

Julian: Please explain this further.

Stephanie: The more we step into our male and female equality within our being, the more we’ll be able to acknowledge our bisexuality freely. I don’t think anybody on this planet is not bisexual in some way. It begins with the mind and spirit trickling down into the physical.

Julian: Our government gets caught over and over with their pants down with their lying. What does Astrology say about America’s summer and it’s politics?

Stephanie: This coming summer is very decisive for America. Both George W. Bush’s chart and America’s chart are going to go through some very profound and extremely drastic changes.

Julian: Tell us more. This sounds intense.

Stephanie: Mars is going to go Retrograde in August. This is a very dangerous experience. When that happens in a person’s chart, it usually coincides with death or a very violent accident. It’s very rare. It usually purports something radically destructive - and that’s happening to the U.S. in the middle of August.

Julian: In August 2006, we are in an 8 + 8 = 16/7 Personal Month. This is “The Tower” in Tarot. The Tower card depicts lightening striking the tower; This is the house of God and a huge Awakening taking place. On another note, George W. Bush is going to be 60 years old on July 6th 2006. His Life Path is a 33/6, and his Destiny is a “6.” The “6 “is the heart-love energy or the war-monger energy. So you can see, there is a lot of pressure on his heart and chest.

Stephanie: This coincides with some very difficult aspects in George W. Bush’s (astrological) chart. But, I also think there’s going to be a major turning point for him this year. You can already see it unraveling. Something very destructive is about to happen. I guess the best-case scenario would be this country dismantling this administration.

Julian: Truth shall prevail. Could this destruction be another terrorist attack?

Stephanie: Could be. But, I’m thinking more on the terms of him (George W. Bush).

Julian: The inner workings of the government?

Stephanie: Yes. I would rule out terrorist attacks this summer. I don’t think they’ll happen here. I feel we’ll take care of ourselves.

Julian: Let’s talk about this Immigration Bill. What is this all about?

Stephanie: I would say that it’s about our country taking on a new forum. Change has to happen. And though it may be destructive at first and create problems, it has to happen.

Julian: Do you feel it (Immigration Bill) will create a unity with North and South America? Uniting all people of race, color and creed?

Stephanie: I think this has been happening for a very long time. And I guess with these new laws, we’re just sort of solidifying it.

Julian: Yes, we are. Thank you, Stephanie.

To be continued…

Adelphia Cable TV Show

If you are in Los Angeles this July, tune in to watch my new public cable access show, JULIAN – THE NUMBERS GUY on Adelphia Channel 98. (in Santa Monica it’s Channel 77 and in Beverly Hills it’s Channel 43)

OUR TOPIC will be “Numerology -Numerology Maps of Famous Stars
What’s Happening This Summer To America…
A Special Guest and More…

My darlings,

Know what’s going on in the world, within yourselves and beyond your mind. Share your heart of wisdom and empower yourself by knowing the sacred Language of Numerology.

Blessings...Love Julian Michael

Currently residing in Los Angeles, Julian conducts private sessions of Hynotherapy and Past Life Regressions. He is available for Numerology by phone, in private session, and for parties. To schedule a session, please call 323-384-1333 or email Julian at Check out his Numerology of the Day at and