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Monday, May 01, 2006

May 2006 Newsletter

May 1, 2006

Accelerate Your Power of Protection and Wisdom Now!




Experience the Third Part of an in-depth Extraordinary Interview with world renowned Astrologer Stephanie Azaria.
She discusses Indigo and Crystal children, Armageddon,
the New Waves of Awareness coming in and more.


Happy May 2006, dear friends! Hello from Los Angeles, the City of Angels. How are you? In this Newsletter, I present more of my interview with world famous astrologer and my friend, Stephanie Azaria of

On April 12th, Fox News reported about the U.S. field-tested “force fields” around armored vehicles protecting them from grenades and missiles. This new anti-weapon is being deployed in Iraq, and in my opinion, using Tesla technology. As you may recall, I talked of this in my March 2006 newsletter. I feel it’s important to repeat this extraordinary Nikola Tesla exercise of creating an electro-magnetic field of protection around you, as now it’s tangibly real and being used in the military.


May 2006 – Universal Month
RPG-busting force-field by Lester Haines
Build Your Electro-Magnetic Tesla Field of Magic
Conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria #3

Now, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of May 2006.

May 2006 – Universal Month – “13-4 “

The universal Month is the road map that we can follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month May and the Universal Year 2006, you get a “13-4” Universal Month vibration.

May is a “5” energy. It looks back at the past, takes what it needs and moves forward. Change, transformation and lots of movement physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually will occur in May.

The “8” of 2006 is learning how to create and manifest money and prosperity in your life by harmonizing your mind and mental powers with the physical one. Together the “5” of May and the “8” of 2006 – is asking you to review where and how you are living, your finances, your relationships and your emotional status. And also, what changes need to be made so you feel happy, safe, grounded and ready to function in the world being strong, confident and aware.

Protect Yourself with Tesla Technology

We are now able to protect our military weapons with “force fields.” In the March 2006 Newsletter, I discussed how we can do this for ourselves. The exercise is fascinating and will morph you towards so many beautiful stages of your life.


Original URL:

US to deploy RPG-busting 'force field'

By Lester Haines

Published Wednesday 12th April 2006 00:02 GMT

The US is to field test an innovative Israeli set-up designed to act as a "force field" around armored vehicles, protecting them from rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and anti-tank missiles, according to a Fox News report (

The system, dubbed "Trophy", uses radar to track incoming threats and then destroys them when they're in range by attacking the warheads with an "invisible force", according to Fox. Quite how it does this is, unsurprisingly, classified, but Defense Update ( understands Trophy is "designed to form a 'beam' of fragments, which will intercept any incoming HEAT threat, including RPG rockets at a range of 10 metres to 30 meters from the protected platform".

MARCH 2006

E-NEWSLETTER for March 2006

Build Your Electro-Magnetic Tesla Field Of Magic

Mother Earth’s electro-magnetic field is a mirror directly related to your own human body. It is protected by the ozone layer. This is your auric field around your body, breathing in and around you. Wake up now and replenish and fortify this amazing shield of energy.

Relaxing and meditating, my body floated in no time and no space. I began thinking of the brilliant inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla. He was Thomas Edison’s controversial assistant. He also worked with Albert Einstein on the famous Unified Field Theory. Tesla discovered alternate current power sources of energy. His work is now being used in the Research Project H.A.A.R.P. the current Star Wars Program and weapons using “force fields” of protection.

An interesting exercise came into my mind as I meditated. It’s simple and afterwards you feel refreshed, confident, renewed, empowered, loved and inspired to create miracles. (Note: To be able to partake in this exercise fully, you may want to pre-record these steps into a tape recorder.) Are you ready? OK, let’s begin.

1. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Relax your body and your eyes and exhale out slowly. Take another deep breath, hold and exhale out slowly – longer this time. Watch your breath. With each exhale you go deeper and deeper into relaxation. Breathe into any area of your body that you’re feeling stress or anxiety. Now release all tension on the exhale. Relax your head and shoulders. Let your jaw relax; mouth slightly open and your tongue loose. Excellent! You’re doing great.

2. Imagine and experience as you see a full view of Mother Earth. Look at her from space. Connect with the three points of the earth – the North Pole, Equator and South Pole. Observe and feel as these three points merge with your solar plexus, stomach, and create a beautiful bright loving golden sun. You’re feeling wonderful, refreshed and illuminated. (Relax!)

3. Take the golden sun’s rays and circulate this radiance in your body and blood stream to the top of your Head. The sound Om is the primordial sound of the universe. Now begin to Om and feel the energy scintillate every cell and atom of your body.

4. The Om flows from the top of your head down; down to your toes. Now let it flow back to the top of your head. Om and circulate the sun’s energy 10 times flowing down and up your body. Great! After the 10th circulation stop sounding the Om. (Relax!)

5. Now start counting to 11. Witness and experience the creation of a beautiful golden auric field vibrating three inches around your body. (Relax!)

6. Start to count to 11 again as this adds to 22. Pause a few seconds. Now expand your auric field to 6 inches. (Relax!)

7. Count to 11 again as this adds to 33. Pause a few seconds. Expand your auric Tesla field to 1 foot. (Relax!)

8. Count to 11 the forth time as this adds to 44. Pause a few seconds. Expand your Tesla Field to 3 feet.

9. Now relaxed, feel yourself free, growing in confidence and courage. Listen to your heart’s inner voice. Vibrate in your divine golden auric Tesla Electro-magnetic Field for a few minutes.

Question: What is this exercise all about? What are the benefits?

When I was being shown this exercise by Tesla in my meditation, I felt that repeating the Master Number 11 four times was a door opening to mastery of creating an Electro-Magnetic Field and magical temple.

The 11 is the 1st door and is an initiation in creating this Electro-Energy Field and very special sacred temple.

Adding 11 again creates a 22 Master Vibration which is the foundation and glue to create this Energy Field and protective shield.

An additional 11 addition to a 33 is the unconditional love Venus Christos energy with imagination, intuition, and psychic energies and beyond, being evoked and infused in your Tesla Field of unlimited power.

And finally, adding 11 again for the fourth time creates a 44 Master Vibration. This is the Heaven and Earth frequency coming together. It is the beginning of your Tesla Electro-Magnetic Field being activated and a magical temple of unlimited power at your disposal to use and create miracles of your Hearts Desire.

With this exercise, know that you are creating a protective electro-magnetic shield that totally surrounds you. This shield is strengthened each time you do it. Being in this frequency, you and your surroundings are energized. You feel comfortable, harmonized and strong. You are brought peace, awareness, and equipoise to your mind, body and spirit.

This Tesla Solar Field also builds a time machine for you. Soar the heavens. Surf your electro-magnetic spectrum. Travel your genetic inheritance. Embrace the secrets of your loving existence.

It is time to Wake Up to your true destiny. Transformation is happening. Embrace this exercise.

Conversation with Astrologer Stephanie Azaria #3 the latest updates from MSN
Recently, I interviewed Stephanie. And, she shared her insight on subjects I feel are of great importance.

Julian: Is there any explanation in Astrology of these Indigo children? Children of extraordinary powers of intuition, creativity, rebelliousness and unconditional love being born today?

Stephanie: The children being born today are called Crystal children. The Indigo children are 10–20 years old. They are very special and yet have a bit of an angry side to them. The Crystal children are pure little balls of light.

Julian: What roles are these children playing in the world today?

Stephanie: The Indigo children are here to pave the way for the Crystal children who are here to generate true love in the world. The Crystal children are here to serve, create and live their lives in a peaceful way after the insanity has begun and will continue for the next 7 years.

Julian: What can we do for these special children?

Stephanie: These children are very powerful light beings. They are here to bring love to the planet. It’s our job as Light Workers to protect them from being squelched.

Julian; You mean, drugs like Prozac and Thorzine which are part of the dark consciousness that inhibits them.

Stephanie: Yes, dark consciousness.

Julian: You mentioned insanity. What do you mean by this?

Stephanie: With all the changes taking place and the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012, we’re supposedly going to have 1,000 years of Peace. To get there, things are going to get more intense. We haven’t seen anything yet.

Julian: On June 2, 2006, there will be a simulated nuclear underground test in the Nevada Desert of a 700-ton weapon. It’s code-named “Operation Divine Strake” and billed as the biggest explosion in military history.

Stephanie: Oh my God!

Julian: This day 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 +0 +6 = 16/7 Universal Day. This 16/7 communicates the misuse and abuse of spirit and love connected with previous lives warning of its effects now. There are rumors that in the near future the U.S. will use Nuclear force against Iran. Is there a transit in Astrology that communicates atomic devastation as it occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 1940’s?

Stephanie: When you said that, it made me think of Pluto. Pluto is all about Nuclear Energy. The fact is that Pluto and Jupiter are right now in a mutual reception. In other words, they are feeding off each other. This can be a beautiful thing as the inner being is igniting in each of us, or we can annihilate ourselves. At the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was something going on with Sagittarius where Pluto is now. This indicates tremendous potential for nuclear nonsense to happen. I would never make a prediction like that. There are very powerful forces on the planet right now, literally for us not to blow ourselves up. Yet, the potential is totally there.

Julian: Numerologically, we are entering unbelievable changes of awareness in the next few years. What’s happening Astrologically?

Stephanie: A great potential of energy is returning to our planet for the next 2 years, because Jupiter is going to move out of Scorpio into its own sign along with Pluto next year. For the next 2 years, we are in danger of this nuclear stuff. Yet, it’s really good not to focus on this. Let’s remain positive.

Julian: Will there be a day when soldiers will put down their arms and say, “I just don’t want to fight”?

Stephanie: Yes, probably, surely not this year. We are headed for a great battle. A battle of a global scale of the male and female energy.

Julian: Please, tell us about this awakening.

Stephanie: We have been living in a male dominated world for thousands of years. The female Goddess energy is returning and it doesn’t want to dominate. It wants equality at last. There will be equality, but first a great battle. This is the way it has to be. The old order of male domination dies as a new order will be born. We are going to experience this a lot this year. It will get uncomfortable before it gets comfortable.

Julian: The 2006 vibration, which is 8 energy, horizontally is infinity. This year we can access this frequency and the knowledge it brings to us. This communion will help us in what we’re doing in our life path and our evolution.

Stephanie: There is a great ascension of consciousness going on. We are ascending. We are moving into higher dimensions of consciousness. Some of us are already there and yet many of us are finding our way into it. Many of us are clear about this raising of consciousness as a second wave has begun and each year another will happen.

Julian: What are these waves of consciousness?

Stephanie: Each year a wave of awareness occurs. More and more people are becoming Light Workers on this planet. They’re stepping into their purpose and taking us into the future with a higher consciousness of awareness and love.

Julian: Tell us more of this.

Stephanie: It’s getting very black and white here on planet Earth. It really is us, the Light Workers, that are fully on the front lines now. As the darker side that exists becomes enlightened, there is a shift coming.

Julian: There is so much going on around the world. Recently, Hamas, the deemed “terrorist organization”, won in elections as the new body of the Palestinian government. The U.S. doesn’t recognize this new government. This will definitely be an enlightening experience, won’t it?

Stephanie: Well, it certainly has the makings of Armageddon, doesn’t it?

Julian: It does.

Stephanie: It makes sense as this is supposed to happen. It’s so important to be focused on the light so the negativity doesn’t succeed and stay in the world. Some people will experience the world as negative, yet it doesn’t have to be your world.

Julian: Armageddon means a great transformation and change-taking place. Some people and religions see it as the battle between the forces of good and evil resulting in the end of the world. Is it?

Stephanie: The end of the world as we know it is about to happen. I prefer to think the end as being when: we’ll put our foot down and not allow things to continue the way they’ve been. Going into Iran will be the last straw for us, and we’ll insist on things hopefully changing - but God knows.

Julian: Do you feel there will be a great war in the Middle East within the next 5 years?

Stephanie: Probably sooner then that.

Julian: What can we do about this?

Stephanie: We Light Workers need to make sure we don’t give any energy to the abuse of nuclear power. The focus on negative energy will make people afraid. And as you know, negative energy feeds on fear.

Julian: Why would I want an Astrological chart and reading?

Stephanie: To help to actualize yourself and to move into the New Order. Astrology is the best self- awareness tool there is. It helps you to empower yourself and make choices, so you can be standing where you need to be within yourself and the world. When the moment comes to move into the New Order, and it is coming, you’ll be ready. It’s going to come upon us all of a sudden, and suddenly we’re there. Very much like the pole vaultor who focuses all her energy into making a jump. Before she even knows it, she’s in the jump. That’s the way it’s going to happen.

Julian: Thank you

To be continued …

Learn about living in the 5th dimension, androgyny and sexuality. Also, Stephanie Azaria will discuss this summer’s very difficult aspects for the U.S., our government and more.

Protect yourself. Work on being Healthy, Strong, Focused and Aware. Love your numbers. Happy May, and Enjoy your changes…blessings and love, Julian

*** Please visit my March 2006 Newsletter in the archives and review the conversations with Stephanie Azaria #1 and #2.
Go to the newly updated website at and press Newsletter for the archives.

Currently residing in Los Angeles, Julian conducts private sessions and Past Life Regressions in person and is also available for phone consultations. To schedule a session or Numerology party please call 323-384-1333 or email Julian at