April 2006 Newsletter
April 1, 2006
Feel the Grace of Spring embrace your soul!

Julian communes ‘the numbers’ with Peace Mom, Cindy Sheehan and friend on Santa Monica Beach celebrating International Women’s Day – 3.12.06
Happy April 2006 dear friends! Hello from Los Angeles, the City of Angels.
The overwhelming response to the March 2006 E-Newsletter in which I discussed Master Numbers was such a great success that I’ve been encouraged to explore in more depth, Master Number vibrations. People with this mastery are known as ‘old souls’. Knowing how to access this frequency
will bring many riches into your life.
First, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of April 2006.
April 2006 – Universal Month – “12-3”
The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month April and the Universal Year 2006 you get a “12-3” Universal Month vibration.
April is a “4” energy. It is a dance of new beginnings. The seeds you’ve planted in January are sprouting. Now be ready to organize the internal and external building of your house.
The “8” of 2006 is asking you to embrace your financial freedom and learn to delegate power. Together the “4” of April and the “8” of 2006 – a “12-3” – collectively expresses the soul’s desire to be creative in your decision-making,
income opportunities while experiencing your own personal power.
What are The Master Numbers?
Birthdates such as 11, 22, or 29, which equals an 11.
Your birth year can be broken down into a Master Number. Examples: 1910=11, 1975=22, 1966=22, 1975=22, 1993=22.
The sum of your birthday breaks down into a Master Number.
Example: month + day + year =
February 25, 1964 (2+2+5+1+9+6+4=29=11)
January 1, 1964 (1+1+1+9+6+4=22)
The sum of your whole name breaks down
into a Master number as well. Example:
J U L I A N = (1+3+3+9+1+5=22)
Use the correlation of Number Vibrations and letters below to see if your name is a Master Number Vibration:
One = A, J, S
Two = B, K, T
Three = C, L, U
Four = D, M, V
Five = N, E, W
Six = F, O, X
Seven = G, P, Y
Eight = H, Q, Z
Nine = I, R
What is Found in the Major Number Vibrations?
Heart and Souls Desire – The adding of the vowels of the name.
Personality – The adding of the consonants of the name.
Destiny – The sum of the vowels and consonants of the name.
Life Path – The sum of the birth-date.
What Do The Master Numbers Mean and What Can They Show You?
Learn to recognize and utilize your talents and skills and attract those in your personal and professional life
that matter to you. Master numbers display the qualities of a wise sage, teacher, creative artist, scientist, doctor, CEO’s – the
the movers and shakers in life. Master Numbers react to life with extreme sensitivity and intelligence. Living life with a Nuclear power plant inside, these people need to know how to channel these energies otherwise their life is filled with stress, anxiety, nervousness, and psychological and/or physiological problems with a tendency to be destructive, and abusive with an affinity to drugs and alcohol.
Individuals with the Master Number Vibrations are usually very vocal, emotional and have a lot of sexual energy. It is important to use all methods to center and ground the self. Study the Kundalini energy and all the secrets of sexuality in yoga, Tantra and Kama Sutra.
All the Master vibrations including 11, 22 and 33 have an extraordinary openness to the Para psychological world. The powers of channeling, ESP, clairvoyance, dreams, clairaudience, seeing auras, telepathic communication, healing energies and all forms of mediumship are accessible to them.
Parents and Children Know Your Master Numbers.
Extraordinary children are being born today with amazing powers of perception. They are very loving, creative and different then others. These children think and work out of the box. Most of them have Master Numbers and extremely
These Master Number children are often hyperactive and labeled with ADD. Please be aware of Ritalin-type drugs, as they are extremely dangerous to their welfare. Allow your child to express themselves. Guide, teach and help them to channel their special energies into the arts, sciences, sports and alternative technologies. By accessing their authentic self and realizing their gifts, they can realize a life of harmony and joy.
Jack Nicholson – April 22, 1937 (Birth day = 22)
Bono of U2 – May 10, 1960 (5+1+0+1+9+6+0=22)
Martin Scorsese – November 17, 1942 (Month =11)
Marie Antoinette – November 2, 1755 (Month = 11)
Catherine Deneuve – October 22, 1943 (Birth day = 22)
Prince Charles – November14, 1948 (Month = 11; Year = 22)
Fay Wray – September10, 1907 (Name Wray = 22)
Lily Tomlin – September 1, 1939 (Year is a 22)
George Walker Bush – July 6, 1946 (7+6+1+9+4+6=33)
Now examine and work out your Numerology to know about your Master Number Vibrations.
Know that if you don’t have a Master number vibration that’s okay; next month I will be addressing other powerful numbers.
Share this information and empower others with your love. Know your Numbers… Blessings… Love Julian
***Please Visit my March 2006 Newsletter in the archives at www.julianmichael.net, for more Master Numbers.
Currently residing in Los Angeles, Julian will be conducting private sessions and Past Life Regressions in person and is also available for phone consultations. To schedule a session, please call 323.384.1333 or email Julian at info@julianmichael.net.
Check out his newly updated website at www.julianmichael.net.
Feel the Grace of Spring embrace your soul!

Julian communes ‘the numbers’ with Peace Mom, Cindy Sheehan and friend on Santa Monica Beach celebrating International Women’s Day – 3.12.06
Happy April 2006 dear friends! Hello from Los Angeles, the City of Angels.
The overwhelming response to the March 2006 E-Newsletter in which I discussed Master Numbers was such a great success that I’ve been encouraged to explore in more depth, Master Number vibrations. People with this mastery are known as ‘old souls’. Knowing how to access this frequency
will bring many riches into your life.
First, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of April 2006.
April 2006 – Universal Month – “12-3”
The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. Adding the month April and the Universal Year 2006 you get a “12-3” Universal Month vibration.
April is a “4” energy. It is a dance of new beginnings. The seeds you’ve planted in January are sprouting. Now be ready to organize the internal and external building of your house.
The “8” of 2006 is asking you to embrace your financial freedom and learn to delegate power. Together the “4” of April and the “8” of 2006 – a “12-3” – collectively expresses the soul’s desire to be creative in your decision-making,
income opportunities while experiencing your own personal power.
What are The Master Numbers?
Birthdates such as 11, 22, or 29, which equals an 11.
Your birth year can be broken down into a Master Number. Examples: 1910=11, 1975=22, 1966=22, 1975=22, 1993=22.
The sum of your birthday breaks down into a Master Number.
Example: month + day + year =
February 25, 1964 (2+2+5+1+9+6+4=29=11)
January 1, 1964 (1+1+1+9+6+4=22)
The sum of your whole name breaks down
into a Master number as well. Example:
J U L I A N = (1+3+3+9+1+5=22)
Use the correlation of Number Vibrations and letters below to see if your name is a Master Number Vibration:
One = A, J, S
Two = B, K, T
Three = C, L, U
Four = D, M, V
Five = N, E, W
Six = F, O, X
Seven = G, P, Y
Eight = H, Q, Z
Nine = I, R
What is Found in the Major Number Vibrations?
Heart and Souls Desire – The adding of the vowels of the name.
Personality – The adding of the consonants of the name.
Destiny – The sum of the vowels and consonants of the name.
Life Path – The sum of the birth-date.
What Do The Master Numbers Mean and What Can They Show You?
Learn to recognize and utilize your talents and skills and attract those in your personal and professional life
that matter to you. Master numbers display the qualities of a wise sage, teacher, creative artist, scientist, doctor, CEO’s – the
the movers and shakers in life. Master Numbers react to life with extreme sensitivity and intelligence. Living life with a Nuclear power plant inside, these people need to know how to channel these energies otherwise their life is filled with stress, anxiety, nervousness, and psychological and/or physiological problems with a tendency to be destructive, and abusive with an affinity to drugs and alcohol.
Individuals with the Master Number Vibrations are usually very vocal, emotional and have a lot of sexual energy. It is important to use all methods to center and ground the self. Study the Kundalini energy and all the secrets of sexuality in yoga, Tantra and Kama Sutra.
All the Master vibrations including 11, 22 and 33 have an extraordinary openness to the Para psychological world. The powers of channeling, ESP, clairvoyance, dreams, clairaudience, seeing auras, telepathic communication, healing energies and all forms of mediumship are accessible to them.
Parents and Children Know Your Master Numbers.
Extraordinary children are being born today with amazing powers of perception. They are very loving, creative and different then others. These children think and work out of the box. Most of them have Master Numbers and extremely
These Master Number children are often hyperactive and labeled with ADD. Please be aware of Ritalin-type drugs, as they are extremely dangerous to their welfare. Allow your child to express themselves. Guide, teach and help them to channel their special energies into the arts, sciences, sports and alternative technologies. By accessing their authentic self and realizing their gifts, they can realize a life of harmony and joy.
Jack Nicholson – April 22, 1937 (Birth day = 22)
Bono of U2 – May 10, 1960 (5+1+0+1+9+6+0=22)
Martin Scorsese – November 17, 1942 (Month =11)
Marie Antoinette – November 2, 1755 (Month = 11)
Catherine Deneuve – October 22, 1943 (Birth day = 22)
Prince Charles – November14, 1948 (Month = 11; Year = 22)
Fay Wray – September10, 1907 (Name Wray = 22)
Lily Tomlin – September 1, 1939 (Year is a 22)
George Walker Bush – July 6, 1946 (7+6+1+9+4+6=33)
Now examine and work out your Numerology to know about your Master Number Vibrations.
Know that if you don’t have a Master number vibration that’s okay; next month I will be addressing other powerful numbers.
Share this information and empower others with your love. Know your Numbers… Blessings… Love Julian
***Please Visit my March 2006 Newsletter in the archives at www.julianmichael.net, for more Master Numbers.
Currently residing in Los Angeles, Julian will be conducting private sessions and Past Life Regressions in person and is also available for phone consultations. To schedule a session, please call 323.384.1333 or email Julian at info@julianmichael.net.
Check out his newly updated website at www.julianmichael.net.