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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March 2005

Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in March 2005
By Julian Michael

Welcome Gods and Goddesses. Most people on this planet want to be free. Live in peace, harmony and truth. They do not want war. There are only a few who thrive, breathe and profit from wars that are psychological and wrought with physical terror. James Twyman says this is the time to experience a deep inner peace and extend it to the world. Be peaceful, centered and go create, manifest magic and miracles in your life in March 2005.

March 2005 – Universal Month “10 –1”

The universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding March and 2005.

March is a “3” energy of listening to your inner guidance and being the creative and expressive artist in your work and life. The journey of your soul is the 2005 – “7” energy. Embrace this marriage of “1” and soar your inner sky. Plant the seeds for your goals if you haven’t all ready. Have a definite plan when you start planting your seeds.

Take the time to measure how big your goal is. How much time are you putting into your goal? Be passionate and excited as this will create all kinds of magic around you. Have you asked yourself how you are going to finance your goal because it will take time and money to make this happen? Are you doing this journey alone? Know that it’s always good to have friends for support and help in making your goals become real. These are some important questions to ask yourself as you plant your seeds during this “1” Universal month.

Wow! Greetings from the country paradise of Brazil. Bathe in your peacefulness and witness the magic that you create and the synchronicity that embraces you.

Maria E. of Greece writes, “I am consciously sending love and light to everyone that I love, to the people that I don’t know and to the whole Universe. This attitude feeds me with great love and happiness that can not be explained with words.”

Sending and embracing love energy as Maria does makes us feel worthy and great. It combats disease, confusion, depression and strengthens our immune system. Being a lover of love creates a powerful centeredness that opens us up to be antennae to the wisdom of the universe. This helps us to go beyond the Matrixes mind and control games. Being loving, having an inner peace and sharing it, is the key to making the right decisions and flowing with the “The Quickening” of great change that is happening now.

Begin by asking your soul today to: “Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth- Louther

Hmm…Choose Your Illusion…Reality…Truth

Believe! Place yourself in a field of loving light protective energy everyday through prayer, meditation or some kind of practice that strengthens you and you will feel like God. Be wise and use all your life tools to deal with all the information that is coming to us now about our friends of the Matrix.

Hidden on a rooftop of a war torn building, soldiers are putting up (not knowing what it is) two feet in diameter Grey plastic domes or “poppers” as they are called. Putting the plugs in and turning it on the domes start to vibrate.

This is the latest electromagnetic weaponry being used in Iraq. These domes create ULF, VLF and UHF frequencies. They are known to alter moods, create behavior of laziness and forgetfulness and sickness like nausea, great fatigue and cancer. Invisible rays come out in all directions from these domes passing through metal, concrete, human tissue and brains in a half- mile radius. Check out micro-waving Iraq – “Pacifying Ray Pose New Hazards in Iraq” by Canadian journalist William Thomas at Hmm!

The question is not if UFO’s are real but which country will be the first to announce that they are here. There are great campaigns in India and Brazil for these governments finally to come clean and tell the truth to the world. Hmm!

I recently saw the film “Indigo” by James Twyman, which is a story the world needs to hear. In this film he tells the simple story of the life of a young Indigo girl. James was the executive producer and writer of the film.

Indigo children are for real. They are intelligent, sensitive, free, non prejudiced, rebellious and hyper kids with many artistic talents as well as psychic gifts. They are creating a world – wide grid of peace, love and awakening people wherever they are. Indigo’s are being born in every part of the world. Check out to read about James and this new race of children that are walking amongst us. I have met these children and you require patience, flexibility and need to be on a very fast frequency to be with them. With all this, they are fascinating to keep company. Hmm!

2005 is a “7” energy. On the seventh day in the greatest metaphysical book of all times full of metaphors, the Bible, God rested. In this year we are on a journey to ask, explore and re-orientate ourselves in the same worlds of magic in which Merlin lived. Listen to the symphony of “The Universal Spheres of Music” in the 7 main musical notes. Shower yourself and speak to the 7 colors of the rainbow. Discover and learn the secrets from the guides of your 7 Chakras. Believe and have faith as you are opening worlds of intuition and insight to produce and manifest enlightenment.

March is a ‘3” energy of this powerful inner communication that lies within that you deserve to listen to, practice and play with. Have fun and be free to express yourself in your journey and quest to understand what is going on in your work, relationships and all around you. Love!

Love is the communication that opens doors and makes people feel great. True wisdom is love. Love inspires love. Love cements broken hearts. Love has no boundaries. It’s everywhere and ready to be accessed and used by you.

When Albert Einstein was asked what his secret of being so intelligent was, he said, “Love!
“I love every word that I read and everything that I am doing.”


Find the peace and love in your heart and be happy to know that you can share it and send it all around the world. Empower yourself. Soar through the heavens of your heart. When you do plant seeds know what you are doing. Love more and more; increasing your electro-magnetic field of divine protection by meditation, listening to music or singing, dancing and feeling free. Love and connect with the Indigo in you by creating and being a teacher, emissary of a universal grid of peace, love and enlightenment. Love unconditionally.

I am thankful and grateful to share the ancient sacred language of Numerology with you.

Awaken the Indigo in you... Be a lover of love and peace….Blessings with all my love. Julian Michael

Julian Michael is a sensitive, psychic, Numerologist, Hypnotherapist and Past Life Therapist. He is also a Re-connective healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl. He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for questions and comments at and at or visit

For personal sessions, parties, purchasing his latest CDs please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 and in Brazil (5511) 3277-3765.

Julian will be a lover of love in Los Angeles for the remainder of the month of March.


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