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Sunday, November 06, 2005

November 2005

E-Newsletter - November 2005



Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in November 2005

Welcome from the warm, cold and then warm temperatures of NYC. Global Warming? Nah!!!

A great shift of consciousness is taking place. There is so much compassion and love being shared around us. On the other hand people are whoring their position of power, lying to us in government, corporate industries and in our own families. What can you do to know and live the truth?

As we continue to explore relationships, we’ll review CIA agent Valerie Plame and her husband Ambassador Joseph Wilson. We will look at Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald and his karmic relationship with “Scooter” Libby and if Vice President Chaney or Karl Rove will be indicted next.

Let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of November 2005.

November 2005 – Universal Month – “18-9”

The Universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and universal year.

November is an “11-2” energy known as “the messenger of the divine truth.” The 2005-“7” energy asks you to analyze, research your purpose and be free. Together these vibrations are the same as America’s Personal Year of July 4, 2005 an “18-9” vibration.

In the E-Newsletter July 2005, I said that in this “9” P.Y. that America is now in from July 4, 2005 – July 4, 2006, we will witness old foundations continue to crumble. People and politicians will be questioned about their values. We will intuitively know who is lying and abusing and whoring their position and power.

This November 2005, a similar “18-9” frequency is happening. Look at your fears and lies to understand the truth as you are cleaning your external and internal closets.

This is not easy to do, as there is resistance on all levels. I recently have been dealing with some personal family issues. My father has a slight case of Alzheimer’s so the many questions I had about my family and my past are now washed away memories. My mom passed away two years ago so I’m doing everything I can to gather information with other family members and friends alive or dead to know a little bit more of my roots and who I am. I ask all of you to do your life research as soon as possible and don’t wait till your parents are gone or don’t remember.

Wow! I continue to express my innermost feelings by keeping a journal. Meditation, eating the right foods and exercising by walking are ways I’ve kept myself balanced and in shape. One of the ways I have expanded my awareness and remained sane was doing “The Hellinger Technique” with Gary Stuart.

Gary Stuart And The Hellinger Technique

I came across Gary Stuart, a certified facilitator of Trans-Generational systemic family work in Los Angeles, months ago in L.A. He is a facilitator of the Bert Hellinger technique, which has helped me to deal with my personal life issues. Here is an explanation of this technique that transformed me and totally blew me away. This explanation is from the “Notes of a Three – Day Workshop at Omega Institute with Bert Hellinger.”

“The client is asked to select participants from the workshop to represent current family members or members of the family of origin, and to position them in a special relationship to one another. Clients are told to choose randomly, avoiding physical similarities, including age and race. (They are asked only to stay with the same gender.)

The process is a quiet one. The client places the family representatives in their positions in the constellation, moving them according to an inner direction, free from preconceived notions of what the family picture should look like. The client then steps back from the constellation, allowing the story to unfold. A few minutes may pass, or many, before the movement comes to a resting place.

Because this approach waits for the subtext of the family story to surface, in its own time, on its own terms, because there isn’t an agenda to meet, the course of a constellation cannot be predicted. Clients themselves are stunned by the images that begin to percolate in the system.”

Please check out and Read Gary’s new book Many Hearts, ONE SOUL available at and Or call him for more information at 818.509.0211 or at 310.748.2052.

What’s Happening To You?

I feel that I’m not alone in discovering my truth. We are in the last throes of the 2005 energies. See the storms and government malaise as metaphors. Ask who amongst your family and friends has been lying and creating hurricanes and disequilibrium in your life. Who needs to be confronted for their abusive acts, hurt, and pain that they might have caused you.

∑ Work on having a very strong heart of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and love.
∑ Be ready as a prosecutor to have facts and proof to confront this person.
∑ Be strong and prepared for a possible confrontation and the person not remembering what happened or you might just be lied to.
∑ Be prepared to live with whatever truth is uncovered and unearthed for the rest of your life.
∑ Accept what you’re doing and your value as a holistic, aware, loving person.

Also, to go to the next step of your evolution, I encourage you to observe and feel all the people and experiences around you. Witness them as mirrors revealing the multi-dimensions of who, what, where, when, why of yourself. Work and process what you’ve discovered about yourself. There can be tears, grief or a sense of loss. Let it out and don’t hold anything in.

Step into November 2005 awakening the Merlin of magic in you. It’s paramount to embrace your spiritual tools to remain centered. Take the time to know what cycle you’re in, in your Numerology.

Read and know the Numerological Personal Month you’re in, in November by accessing my E-Newsletter June 2005 at Know the path you’re walking on in your Personal Year Vibration by reading my E-Newsletter May 2005. Be Aware!

Now let’s utilize Numerology and investigate and discuss relationships that are causing us to search our souls as a nation and people who are searching for the truth.

The Relationship of Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson

Discover The Destiny Vibration of:

4 1 3 5 9 9 5 5 3 9 1 5 7 3 1 4 5 = 79-16-7 Destiny
36-9 23-5 20-2

Find Her Life Path Vibration:

Valerie was born on APRIL 19, 1963
4 + 10-1 + 19-10-1 = 33-6 Life Path

2005 + April (4) + 19 = 30- 3 Personal Year

The truth has started to be revealed about how our government functions. One of the contributors of this awakening is Valerie Elise Plame. Valerie is a “7” destiny from the sum of the letters of her name. Her “7” Destiny gives her that space to work in secret, be a spy and having faith combating her abuse as her very important role in government has been revealed.

Valerie has two “19s” in her birthday. This “19” is a warning vibration in her Life Path asking her to acknowledge this very powerful “watch your back” energy or else she’ll be awakened and can find herself in jeopardy.

The “19” communicates a misuse and abuse of power from a previous life. You are either the abuser or being abused by people of great influence who try to seduce you to their programs. These two “1s” as we break down the “19” make Valerie a very passionate leader, pioneer and explorer in her work and lover of things out of the ordinary. In other words, these “19”s communicate she has “big balls,” loves danger and can associate with Satan if she has to.

As a “33-6” L.P. Valerie is a mother, wife, romantic and teacher to others. Valerie as a CIA operative was responsible for working with and protecting us from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Being born in April, a “4,” she’s very disciplined, organized and serious. Interesting as I’ve found the “4” having issues with men. Her position of power as a spy was revealed by men of power in the government. Indictments for prosecution have started to be given in October 2005.

In her 3 Personal Year, she will remain in hiding as all these indictments are taking place. She will find out her outing as an agent is the tip of the iceberg of the goings on behind the scenes of entering the Iraq war and the mechanics of how this country works and who runs it. In the future she will share herself as a writer and teacher of her unknown world as a CIA agent.

1 6 1 5 7 8 3 8 1 9 3 5 1 5 9 3 1 6 5=87-15-6 Destiny
28-10-1 30-3 29-11-2

Joseph was born November 6 1949
11 + 6 + 23-5 =40-4 Life Path

2005 + 11 + 6 = 24- 6 Personal Year

Her ambassador husband, Joseph Charles Wilson is a “6” Destiny. This “6” vibration gives him the charm and eloquent voice to share his heart of truth.

November being an “11” makes him the diplomat, mediator and problem solver. He shines and loves to talk on radio and television. In this electric vibration, he embraces the world’s stage and politics and connects with powerful movers and shakers that make a difference.

As a “6” he is the brave whistle blower of Valerie’s outing and what the White House family did to disqualify him as an ambassador and government official who worked and received all kinds of accolades from George Bush, Sr.

As a “4” he’s empowering us in the policies of government and showing us how they work and don’t work.

Ambassador Wilson is in a “6” Personal Year and is a “6” Destiny. This is a major time for him to communicate what’s in his heart. All his relationships will be under fire and he really needs to be strong and centered. His life and his service to the people of this world will be acknowledged and he will be commended as a leader and hero for his service to the United States.

Valerie’s “6” L.P. + Josephs “4” L.P. = 10=1 Positive Relationship Vibration.

This relationship experiences new, different, and daring things to feel free. This is a great turn on. Both of them help each other to be secure, confident and be leaders to do their life’s work. As a couple they create competition and challenge each other so they can be better at everything. There is a very strong deep love that they have for each other.

Valerie’s “6” L.P. – Joseph’s “4” L.P. = “2” Negative Relationship Vibration.

They need to be honest, forthright and know how to problem solve. Both need to be patient, trust each other and come clean and be truthful. Pease read more about the “1” Positive and their Negative “2” in the Relationship Vibration section of the E-Newsletter September 2005 at

Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald

P A T R I C K J. F I T Z G E R A L D
7 1 2 9 9 3 2 1 6 9 2 8 7 5 9 1 3 4=88-16-7
33-6 1 54-9 DESTINY

Patrick was born December 22 1960
12-3 + 4 + 16-7 = 32-5 Life Path

2005 + 12(3) + 22 = 41 – 5 Personal Year

Patrick Fitzgerald has been investigating the Valerie Plame CIA leak for two years. His “7” Destiny motivates him to explore and research the hidden and shadow sides of life making them known.

Being born on the “22” he gathers information from all people and creates, manifests and makes thing happen. This is the “Master Builder” vibration. In this case, Fitzgerald as an investigator is collecting the facts to know the truth in the Valerie Plame leaks of her CIA cover being blown.

Prosecutor Fitzgerald was born in December. This is a very emotional, expressive, communicative man that listens to what is not being said. His year of 1960, a “16-7” energy, is known as the “karmic cross of love” in Numerology. This makes him a soul detective, who has such a compassion for investigating relationships on very deep soul levels.

Being a “5” L.P. he is a mature magician – the “Hierophant” in Tarot who goes beyond limitations to awaken inner awareness. His “5” disturbs, wakes up and reports to people in a charming way what is happening outside their comfort zones.

Going into his “5” P.Y., Patrick Fitzgerald is a 21st Century Elliot Ness – a committed investigator who doesn’t fool around and who will empower us to understand the outrageous abuses that are taking place in obstructing justice today. He will show Americans and the world that this country stands for truth, integrity and love for freedom in these times of great change.

The White House Family – Irving Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Jr.

I R V I N G L E W I S L I B B Y Jr.
9 9 4 9 5 7 3 5 5 9 1 3 9 2 2 7
43-7 23-5 23-5 = 89-18-7 Destiny

1 3 6 6 2 5 9
32-5 Destiny

“Scooter” was born August 22, 1950
8 + 4 + 15-6 = 45-9

2005 + 8 + 22(4) = 37-10- 1 Personal Year

“Scooter” Libby, as a “9” L.P., resigned at the end of October as Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff and who was also the assistant to the President. He was indicted and charged five times in the Valerie Plame affair by Patrick’s Fitzgerald continuing investigation.

He has a master “22” in his birth date as does Patrick Fitzgerald. The master architect number “22” are very analytical, detailed, strategic, bright, intuitive, strong and can be discreet and are very empowering. This vibration can be conniving, sly and criminal. They also are very productive.

“Scooter” is one of the architects and founding members of “The Project For The New American Century” a Neo conservative organization and other governmental programs.

The “22” vibration also communicates past life relationships with white and black magic, government, health and commerce. In this life they are in a position of power or can be totally disorganized and not grounded searching for their balance and equipoise.

The fact that “Scooter” and Prosecutor Fitzgerald are both born on the “22” makes this a very past life soul connected relationship creating a psychological war of lies and false statements. This is like two magicians coming together and each one saying, “Ok show me what you got!”

The prosecutors “5” L.P. + “Scooter’s” “9” L.P. = “14-5” Positive Relationship Vibration.

This is very karmic. The “14-5” is misuse and abuse of the physical body, senses and freedom. Together they are bringing these teachings out of each other and sharing them in this case with the public in knowing what abuses have taken place.

Subtracting the “5” L.P. from “9” L.P. they are also in a “4” Negative Vibration.

This communicates laziness in work and support of each other. It’s interesting that “Scooter” was allegedly lying to Patrick Fitzgerald impeding his work on the Valerie Plame case.

“Scooter’s” “1” P.Y. means he’s standing alone and doesn’t feel he’s guilty at this time. He is planting seeds for the future now and I feel it’s going to get very complicated. Watch as there will be all kinds of games played by his lawyers and delays to his trial. He will go to trial. His friends will be indicted as well and “Scooter” will be pardoned or serve a sentence for less then a year for all his dirty deeds.

Who Is Next To Be Indicted?

The fact that the indictment has been delivered on the front door of the White House shows who ever you are in government doesn’t allow you to abuse your power and the truth.

“Scooter” was the left hand of Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney born January 30, 1941 a “1” L.P. Cheney recently has been alleged to be the real President and is really running the country. Will this double “1” man, who is a leader and can be a dictator and control freak of his belief system, be next? I doubt it.

Karl Rove, best friend and advisor to the President, who is involved in the continuing investigation was born December 25th, 1950 a “7” L.P. I feel Karl will be indicted as I said in the E-Newsletter of December 2004.

There is clearly a cover-up going on as this country is in a “9” P.Y. Add 2005 + July (7) + 4 = “18-9” P.Y. This is a year of cleaning the closets externally and internally and facing our truth as a people and nation of the world. Knowing the truth will bring peace and ambrosia to people’s hearts.

Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and the people will demand the truth from the Valerie Plame investigation. One thing is for sure; there will be more indictments yet know that even Elliot Ness held back working for “The Man of the FBI.” Hmm.

Know your Truth…Your Personal Vibration…Let’s Create Miracle’s…Love to your Heart…. Blessings… Love Julian Michael

Julian will continue to conduct sessions in person or via phone from NYC during November. Please call 323.384.1333 for more information. You can also e-mail him at or visit him at