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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

February 2005


Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in February 2005
By Julian Michael

Welcome Gods and Goddesses. All our trials, tribulations and ecstasy are forcing us to confront our fears and delve into the question of who we are. Wake up now! “The God divine, eternal is within your body. It breathes in each cell of your DNA”, says Gregg Braden. The Matrix, media and friends block all truth of your universal cosmic connections. Send loving light to them. Dream and visualize your truth as antennae of the Gods in February 2005.

February 2005 – Universal Month “9“

The Universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal Year.

February is a “2” energy of sharing, diplomacy, embracing the feminine mystique and Goddess energy. The journey of the soul is your 2005 energy. Together this 2-7-9 sacred trinity asks for you to express yourself and wake up the creative artist in you. Play with your imagination. Know that it is the door that opens you to your new perception, intuition, and healing and psychic powers. Walking through this door makes you more flexible; free, to connect with your God self and create and manifest prosperity, richness in your life.

Wow! Hello from the paradise of Brazil. Wherever you are. Whatever you’re doing. Whomever you are with. Accept it. Bless your space. If you want any changes in your life, it’s so important to live and love your now!

Is it only happening to me or are our programs, appointments being cancelled and changed a lot recently? I’m working on being patient, centered and flexible. How about you?

Relationships are now being tested big time. Listen to what’s not being said. Think, feel and speak from your loving heart. Try to understand that everyone has their own life patterns and programs. Respect their space and philosophies. Stay calm, cool and centered in any storms around you.

The synchronicity and connections with people and experiences is becoming greater now. Acknowledge it and say thank you, as you will become a magnet for more magic to happen.

The Matrix is stumbling over their lies. All the mind manipulation and pollution is trying to weaken your light body and DNA. Protect yourself through meditation, exercise and know that knowledge is power.

Begin to ask your soul today. “ Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation, in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth-Louther

Hmm….Choose your Illusion…Reality…Truth

The massive earthquake in S.E. Asia has taken over 300,000 lives. Pray for their souls.

“ Could Exxon – Mobil Works have Tripped Indonesian Tsunamis”? Scientists say that oil drilling or other practices intrusive to the earth have caused earthquakes of 4.0 on the Richter scale. Exxon has had a gas field in the region of the epicenter for over 4 years. They have been extracting oil there. Did someone say a build-up of energies might of taken place? Oh by the way the Indonesian government every year receives over 100 million dollars from these works and employs sometimes 1600 troops to guard the facilities at one time. Go to and put in the title to find out more. Hmm

“If they’re going to continue to pursue micro-waving Mother Nature you better have a fund in place to pay the people who get hurt when anything goes wrong, without arguing whether you did it or not because you’ll endlessly argue whether you did it or not”. This strong warning was given by Dr. Stephen Schneider, a global warming expert at Stanford University. He was talking to Fema, Sandia Research, and European Space Agencies who fund a former Star Wars physicist Dr. Bernard Eastlund in his on the edge, weather experiments. This is from an article called “CBC News reveals Microwave Weather Control Experiments – Pt 2’by Margareta-Emma Cassani of Hmm

Thank you Sheila Kurc, of Brazil for telling me about this law. Did you know that you could be quarantined, fined and or put into jail if you have contact with an extraterrestrial, as a U.S. citizen? This is the Extraterrestrial Law of 1969 set up by NASA when the Apollo astronauts were visiting the moon. It was written in concern of being touched by possible microbial contamination from space travel. Go to to know what not to do? Hmm

“ Varginha, Brazil ET Case- More Incredible New Revelations “ is an amazing and stunning story by A.J.Gevaerd editor of the Brazilian UFO Network. He has an interview with a Dr. Futado who treated the policeman Marco Eli Chereze who had contact with one of the ET’s captured in Varginha, in January 1996. Chereze died a mysterious death. The famous Dr. Roger Leir known to remove ET implants talks about this amazing case and the killing and capture of the ET’s and more in his new book, “Extraterrestrials Captured in Varginha, Brazil, The New Roswell”. Hmm

Is the president really showing his roots with the ‘ Hook em Horns’ salute at his inauguration? Hmm

Was Prince Harry in his Nazi uniform auditioning for a London run of the hit Broadway play “ The Producers” by Mel Brooks? Hmm

The Iraq Elections is as baffling to the Muslim countries as to many of us. Hmm

Martin Scorcese will finally win an Oscar for best director for “ The Aviator”. Interesting that his birthdate November 17th, 1942 expresses an amazing, intelligent genius with the 44-8 master Life Path. Hmm

Just finished Dan Brown’s “ The Da Vinci Code”. This is not just an incredible book. It’s truly a soul’s teaching. Hmm

2005 is ‘7’ energy. On the seventh day in the greatest metaphysical book of all times full of metaphors, the Bible, God rested. In this year we are on a journey to ask, explore and re-orientate ourselves in the worlds of magic that Merlin lived. Listen to the symphony of ‘The Universal Spheres of Music” in the 7 main musical notes. Shower yourself and speak to the 7 colors of the rainbow. Discover and learn the secrets from the guides of your 7 charkas. Believe and have faith as you are opening worlds of intuition and insight to produce and manifest enlightenment.

February is a “2” energy of creating a bridge of truth, faith with the light intelligence. Know the sacred language of your dreams and what they say. Many artists, writers, scientists, inventors have followed their dreams to create monumental works.

Have loving thoughts. Be in a beautiful loving peaceful state every day creating heaven with each breath you take. Share your love and journey of being an Angel with others.

The DNA is the Antennae to the Gods-Exercise

Your DNA is a 10-1 energy being your connection with the tree of life and more. It is the souls code of the body. In this energy lies the secrets of immortality. There is no birth. No death. No life. You are a continuous flow of loving light energy, which is purported in your DNA. It is associated with the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti, and Christos energies. It is eternal. Your DNA is the gate way and antennae to the Gods.

Imagine that you are talking to your DNA. See and feel its center. Move into it and relax. Now say, “ I love and embrace my DNA. I protect it and feel and bring it all my love and the love of divinity, God. I witness it has no form, no space, and no time. It is eternal and so magnificent in it’s love and majesty. It is one of billions and billions that make up my loving Physical Light Body of Magic. My DNA lives in joy. It’s omnipresent and omnipotent. I surrender to learn about, love, commune with my DNA and all its resplendent divine glory”.

Now see and feel the DNA opening as a parabolic antenna to the heavens. You are now ready to receive and commune with the messages, healing energies of unconditional love with the Gods.


Protect and bathe yourself in the elixirs of the divine energies of the Gods. Flow with transition, transformation and transcending. Drink positive words and share it with others. Laugh. Have fun and play with your imagination allowing your doors of perception to open up! Believe in yourself. Have patience and communicate with your loving heart. Send loving light and love to the Matrix and all manipulative, domineering people. Ask your soul to know the Truth. Embrace the Angel that you are and the work your doing.

Enjoy my God, Goddess and friend. Love your DNA…Blessings…Peace in your heart…with all my love Julian Michael

Julian Michael is a Sensitive, Psychic, Numerologist, Hypnotherapist and Past Life Therapist. He also is a Reconnective-healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl. He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for questions and comments at

For a personal session, parties, purchasing his latest CD’s, please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 and in Brazil (5511) 3277 3765

Julian will be in the paradise of Brazil in the beginning of February enjoying an extraordinary beautiful place in the mountains known as “Sierra de Canastra”, for having an “ET portal”? Then he’s going to enjoy Dr. Emoto at in Maui.

Please visit (given by Dr. Ed Elkin and other great conscious evolutionary teachers.)


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