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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

August 2005


Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in August 2005.

Welcome from sunny N.Y.C. In this E-Newsletter we will continue to learn the
hidden meanings of words and their effect and meaning on us. Let’s observe
the “9” Destiny of Divine Love and the “21-3” Destiny of peace. We are
living in the 21st Century, which is “The World” card in Tarot. Hmm. What
does this mean? The words the “War on Terror” is a “66-3” Destiny vibration.
Is this vibration impeding and manipulating our consciousness and how do we
protect ourselves from mind control? Karl Rove was born on Christmas day in
1950. What does his “7” Life path mean? And to celebrate my birthday on
August 21, please read the E-Newsletter to receive your special gift. In
August 2005, let’s transcend and transmute all negative energies.

Let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of August 2005.

August 2005 – Universal Month – “15-6”

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to better understand
our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and
Universal year.

August is an “8” energy of creating balance and being powerful and
prosperous in your life. The soul's journey and its secrets is your 2005-“7”
vibration. Together this marriage creates a “6” asking you to feel life
around you. It’s O.K. to cry, be sad and laugh. Express yourself. Analyze
and process what’s going on with you ultimately finding your symmetry of
peace in your heart and spiritual strength.


In the last weeks I have embraced the hearts of old friends and made new
friends. Reflecting on the last few months and world events, I feel we are
being asked to go within to find our physical and spiritual wellness
activating freedom and magic in our lives.

Last Newsletter I examined the word Intuition, America’s birthday, the
President, UFOs and other things. I began thinking and doing some
Numerological detective work on the words divine love, peace and “War on
Terror.” This is what I discovered.

Numbers and Words Have Powerful Hidden Meanings

I added the letters of the word “divine” giving us a 4+9+4+9+5+5 = 36-9
Destiny vibration. Wow! In Numerology this “36-9” is the creative trinity
embracing limitless talents of expression and communicating love, which is
what you are.

Adding the letters of “love” a 3+6+4+5 = 18-9 Destiny. In this “9”, love is
the power and true wisdom of the universe.

Together “divine love” a “9” Destiny has no religion, sex or boundaries. It
is a very pure energy cleansing all darkness from all experiences of life.
Divine love opens your heart, mind and spirit to see God in all humans and
consciousness. Divine love is the embodiment of illumination that stimulates
the elixir of magic in us so we can become liberated and free.

Peace – A “21-3” Destiny is “The World” Vibration in Tarot.

Add the letters of “peace” and you get 7+5+1+3+5 = 21 – 3 Destiny. This is
“The World Card” in Tarot.

The “3” is a vibration of communication in all its dimensions. We are all
living in the 21st century. In Tarot, the “21” signifies the human being
surrounded by a wreath, zero or egg symbolizing divine power. There is a
bull, lion, eagle and man in the corners representing the orderly universe.
The figure in the egg is dancing in the air and androgynous meaning it
accepts the male and female within as “One," being self-supported and
perfectly balanced.

This card is the dance of life, which is never ending. Through the practice
of living peace, wanting to understand and live life and embracing the
cosmic consciousness, we create a new heaven, mind, body and earth. As a
“21” we shed the old and a new order will prevail as we transcend and

Let’s live, breath, think, eat and blast all vibrations within and around us
with this very powerful vibration of peace.

“War on Terror” a “66-3” Destiny

“War” is a 5+1+9 = 15-6 Destiny. This is the same
Vibration showing its opposite side of this August 2005 = “6” Universal

The meaning of war is defined in the dictionary as "an armed conflict between
countries or groups that involves killing and destruction."

The “6” is family, home, service, responsibility and the mother earth
consciousness. In war, the dark side frequency of the “6” creeps up and
people become heartless creatures doing anything they can to protect and
preserve their family, culture, and religion; even killing people who are
branded their enemy and destroying their family values.

Add the letters of “on” 6+5 = 11 – 2 Destiny.

The meaning of “on” is used to indicate attachment to or suspension from a
surface or object.

The “11” is the first vibration of mastery. It is the bridge that connects
truth and light from lies and darkness. In this context it is the bridge
that connects the vibration of war and terror creating a very powerful
frequency of destruction.

Add the letters of “terror” 2+5+9+9+6+9 = 40 – 4 Destiny.

The definition of terror in the dictionary is "intense or overwhelming fear;
violence or the threat of violence carried out for political purposes."

The “4” vibration is foundation. It embraces a work ethic to build and
empower. As the opposite it seems to be a managed, organized plan to build a
foundation of fear in people’s lives for some political purpose.

Together the sum of the “War on Terror” is a very powerful “66-3” energy.
This vibration is double 6s and becomes a “3” Destiny being a master of
communication and can manipulate and create disinformation to get its
message out.

These words and feelings catapult us into feeling evil and accepting the
premise that the enemy will strike from anywhere at anytime. This
programming can damage our DNA creating psychological and physiological
problems impeding our abilities, talents to evolve as multidimensional,
omnipotent and omnipresent divine beings.

What Can You Do to Turn Around Negative Vibrations?

Hmm. In the old ancient texts through love we develop our sixth sense, which
helps us develop and demonstrate our Godliness.

When you hear words and experiences that scare and jostle you, bless them
with love and peace. Imagine blasting these energies with a loving pink,
blue or colored light you intuitively feel.
Rejuvenate yourself by enjoying silence.
Develop your own mastery of words with their own vibration.
Bring comfort and ease the burdens of people drawn to you who are caught up
in word and mind games.
Connect with nature and its healing magic.
Ask questions and trust what you feel.
Surround yourself with people who understand an alternative way of thinking
and have love in their hearts.

These are some examples of transmuting energies that have worked for me.
Please be free to add whatever works for you and e-mail me and let me know.

We are embracing a very unique time of the unknown at this time. Trust and
have faith that your heart will guide and ignite you to be safe, creative,
and prosperous and expand your intuition. Don’t get caught up in the media’s
wave of negativity and manipulation in their word and mind games. Be the
alchemist of love.

Karl Rove was born December 25, 1950 a “7” Life Path

Karl Rove is the Senior White House advisor and closest friend and political
guru of the President. All over the news, Karl has been getting into major
legal problems for his conversations informing reporters about the wife of
Joe Wilson working at the C.I.A.; possibly knowing this can blow her cover
working as an agent.

Born Dec. 25, 1950, a 52-7 Life Path, he is a wizard of public relations,
marketing and has secrets. The “7” vibration is very perceptive and knows
how to use the power of words. He has a very creative imagination. In the
days of Pythagoras, a “7” was placed in the temple to become a priest and
understood the higher laws of the universe.

Let’s look at Karl’s Personal Year.

Personal Years are a wonderful tool that can be effectively utilized to
realize what’s happening in our lives. Re-visit the May Newsletter 2005 to
learn yours and each Personal Year vibration.

To Find the Personal Year, add the year of the last Birthday + Birth Month +
Date of Birth.

Add (2004) 6 + 12 + 25 = 43-7 Personal Year.

Karl Rove’s “7” Life Path equals his “7” Personal Year which means a total
revolution in his life with big changes and a possible rude awakening. On
Karl’s birthday and throughout 2006, he’s in an “8” P.Y. This is where the
truth will be revealed and justice will take place. Karl will most likely be
asked to step down from his position of power and go into hiding for a
little while and then start all over again.

Happy Birthday Julian Michael

Thank you for all your support, kindness and loving hearts. As a present for
my birthday presence, please call or e-mail me for a quick, free 10 minute
mini reading.

I would also love to thank my E-Newsletter editor, Ana Hays of, for her tremendous coaching and assistance in editing and
teaching me the power of the written word.


We looked at the deeper meaning of words using the sacred language of
Numerology. The words of “divine love” and peace were examined. We found the
master vibration of “66-3” in the words “War on Terror.” Different paradigms
of transmuting negative energies were discussed. And Karl Rove, I found,
will not have an easy 2006. My friends go make love to life!

Happy Birthday to my Leo and Virgo friends.

Please begin to ask your soul today, three times: “Show me how to by-pass
the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth.
Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every
Gillian Macbeth-Louther

Know your Numbers…Blessings to your loving sweet heart…Love Julian Michael

Currently in N.Y.C., Julian will host sessions and 2 workshops with
Stephanie Azaria in Mahopac. N.Y. In mid-August, he will return to Los
Angeles for a workshop titled “Empower Your Self Now” using Astrology and
Numerology with Stephanie. Returning to N.Y.C., Julian will continue doing
personal sessions and workshops through the end of August. Visit his website
for a listing of exact dates and locations.

For personal sessions, to schedule parties, or to purchase his meditation
CDs please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 or (5511) 32773765 in Brazil.
You can also visit him at

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