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Sunday, July 03, 2005

July 2005


Happy Birthday to America, Mr. President and How About That Memo and Those UFOs…
Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in July 200

In this E-Newsletter we will look at the “5” Destiny of intuition. What does America, which is entering a “9” Personal Year signify? President George Bush’s birthday creates a 2 P.Y. What will his year be like? What is the Destiny of the controversial “Downing Street Memo,” UFOs in Xalapa, Mexico, and more in July 2005 and beyond?

Let’s talk about the sacred Numerology of July 2005.

July 2005 – Universal Month – “14-5”

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal year.

July is a “7” energy of soul searching and 2005 is a “7” of gaining insight into your inner dimensions. Together this “14-5” are asking you to change your life by trusting your intuition and consciously utilizing your tools of magic. Embrace this wisdom and be free to go out and create beauty all around you.

Intuition – A “5” Destiny

My friends, there is so much magic around us this month. Writing some thoughts down the word intuition came up to mind. I started thinking; hmm intuition is a doorway to other worlds and dimensions that are outside our normal or linear way of thinking. Then I took its letters and added them up and voila – a “5” Destiny. Wow! This is the same vibration of this July 2005 = “5” Universal Month. Here’s what this vibration communicated to me.

The meaning of intuition in the dictionary is: “something known or believed instinctively, without actual evidence for it.”

The sum of the letters of the word “intuition” gives us the Numerological Destiny of a “5” vibration. Add 9+5+2+3+9+2+9+6+5 = 50 – 5 Destiny.

The “5” Destiny of intuition, represents the five senses, connection with the five elements and the body of the human being. Esoterically it is the five-pointed star known as the pentagram; it is the powerful “Hierophant” in Tarot who knows how to use the universal source or kundalini energy. The shaman, a “5” vibration understands how to communicate with this world and others to bring about healing, change and harmony.

Intuition as a “5” is the insight that we can gather from subtle planes of existence. Acknowledging that we are a parabolic antenna receiving and giving out energy and information opens up our intuition.

To improve your intuition, be open to the messages around you through images, daydreaming, your senses and the environment and people around you. Protect yourself from the “energy vampires” by meditating, exercising, yoga or walking to center your energies.

Let’s say that you’re walking and you hear a bird. Go inside yourself and imagine what this bird is telling you. Then trust what you hear, believe it and use it.

Gain insight by recognizing the energies around you. Loud noises like a garbage truck can drain you. Turn it around and see the noise as grounding and empowering.

People who are nervous, stressed, ill and complaining will “vampirize” you. Communicate to them the power of going within. Please be careful of being in a draining relationship. Recommend they seek professional help.

Distinguish the truth and lies of life by following your instincts. Sharpen your inner communication skills. Understand the bigger picture of the great shift of consciousness that is happening today.

Numerology: Personal Year Vibrations Revisited Again

For a description of Personal years 1-9, please visit and click Newsletter and go to May 2005. Open it and enjoy.

To calculate a Personal year, add the Year of the last birthday + Birth Month + Date of Birth. Now add the sum and reduce it to the single digit vibration.

Happy Birthday America – July 4, 2005 – Personal Year “18-9”

Being a Numerologist for 25 years I have observed America’s trials, tribulations and ecstasy for many years. America is now on an incredible ride of all kinds of shifts of consciousness. Let’s do the Numerology and see where we are.

Add 2005 + 7 + 4 = 18. Now Add 1 + 8 = 9 Personal Year (PY)

America has a great opportunity in this year to excel in telecommunications, science, medicine and education. This “9” PY needs to commune with the world, contribute more humanitarian aid and show that it has a heart and soul.

America in a “9” PY will be cleaning house. Old foundations will continue to crumble. People and politicians will be questioned about their values. We will know intuitively who is telling the truth and who is whoring there position and power.

It’s “Judgment Day!” Time to reflect! Take what you need from your past and graduate to the next level of consciousness on July 4, 2006, a “19-10-1” PY. The question is this: Are Americans willing to clean up all of the odds and ends slowing them down to become teachers and visionaries of truth and progressive thinking?

Let’s pray that Americans wake up and not continue to be duped by being enslaved by corporations, excessive military budgets, cuts in social and educational programs, being spied on, and their spirits crippled again as in 9-11. Americans need to be proud to walk and talk the freedom of speech as world citizens.

Happy Birthday President George Bush – July 6, 2005 - “20-2” PY

Our President is such an enigma, isn’t he? I feel he is definitely waking us up and worth investigating.

Add 2005 + 7 + 6 = 20. 2 + 0 = 2 George Bush’s PY

The president is illuminating us to what is truth and what are lies. His “2” PY will drive people to continue to explore and discover the inner workings of secret societies, media manipulation, how government, military and big corporations really influence the world.

The “2” stands for peace, unity, problem solving and diplomacy. The opposite of “2” is war, division, confusion, stress, chaos and fear. What do you think?

Downing Street Memo a “3” Destiny Vibration

The sum of Downing Street Memo is a “3” Destiny. It wants us to be informed and show what has been communicated. This British document which has recently been released, is the minutes of a gathering of Tony Blair and his senior defense and intelligence security personnel in July 2002. This was eight months before the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

This memo reveals that the U.S. was already planning to invade Iraq before being in front of the U.N. proving that the war was premeditated and prefabricated.

If these facts are correct, America will be in complete embarrassment in the eyes of the world and there will be possible impeachment proceedings started for our President.

As a “3” vibration this memo is like a child that takes small steps to educate itself and learn to walk and function, intervening and interacting with society. Slowly, people are hearing and learning about this document.

The “3” Destiny of this memo is extroverted, enthusiastic, magnetic and draws others to expand and learn from what it says. People who hear about this memo are shocked, angry, disappointed and ready to do something about it.

A committee led by Congressman John Conyers, and members of Congress has started to investigate this Memo and discover what its truth and meaning are. This memo will not go away and will cause lots of spinning and lying by the accused in an attempt to try to explain it as nothing new. How long will this cover-up take place? The question is: Are you ready for the truth and are willing to take action? Hmm!

UFOs a “7” Destiny

Ever since I was a child I loved playing with the stars and always felt that we were not the only civilization in this universe. Since then I’ve had my share of close encounters and I am happy to see that the world is finally opening more and more to these phenomena, which are real.

The sum of UFOs, 3+6+6+1 is a “16 – 7” Destiny vibration. They are the mystery and philosophy holding the secrets of who we are. Where do we come from? What is our relationship with other planets and universes – our very existence?

The “7” seeks answers. UFOs have been seen and written about since the beginning of time. Just recently under “The Freedom of Information Act,” the Brazilian government has released reports and research papers UFOs. It is the first government in the world starting to cooperate and release evidence that UFOs exist.

Please go to and search for “Xalapa, Mexico UFOs.” On the morning of June 24, 2005,during a celebration for new police cars, the entire town of Xalapa, including TV reporters, public officials and even the governor, witnessed 14 UFOs in the sky for over a half an hour. Disinformation has begun saying balloons were released at a kid’s party that morning. Yet witnesses and reporters who were there are saying balloons can’t stay in one position for an extended period of time. Hmm!


Please begin to ask your soul today, three times: ”Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth-Louther

The sacred language of Numerology continues to show how we can understand deeper meaning of words like intuition, America’s birthday, George Bush’s Personal Year, the Downing Street Memo and UFOs.

Happy Birthday America and George Bush for waking us up! Thank you Congressman John Conyers. Welcome the UFOs and explore who they are and what they want.

Be informed and know the truth. Trust your intuition. Go out and make a difference and this will illuminate you.

Know your Numbers…Blessings to your loving sweet heart…Love, Julian Michael

Currently in Los Angeles, Julian will travel to NYC in mid-July and will host talks and sessions. For personal sessions, to schedule parties, or purchase his meditation CDs, please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 or (5511) 32773765 in Brazil. You may also visit him at