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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

June 2005

E-Newsletter June 2005


Live The Loving Light Body of Magic in June 2005

Welcome Masters. Aloha from the paradise of Maui. Today it’s so paramount to understand the secrets hidden in our souls’ journey. Last month we discovered the wisdom of our Personal Years. Now let’s take a leap forward. In this E-Newsletter we will explore and discover the divine guidance of knowing our Personal Month vibrations in the calendar year. Evolve and know more of what is going on with you and what to do about it in June 2005 and beyond.

June 2005 – Universal Month – “13-4”

The Universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained adding the calendar month and Universal year.

June is 6 energy. Together in this 7 Universal year, this 13-4 vibration communicates to work on your foundation of spirit. Build your house of dreams and make them real. Empower others by sharing with them your creativity and powers of manifestation.

∑ For a description of your Personal Year please visit the May 2005 E-Newsletter and click on Newsletter. Open it and enjoy!

To calculate your Personal Year, add the Year of your last birthday + Your Birth Month + Your Date of Birth. Now add the sum and reduce it to the single digit vibration.

Ex. Steven Spielberg was born Dec 18, 1947

Add 2004 + 12(Dec.) + 18 = 36. Now Add 3+ 6 = 9 Personal Year.



The Personal Month is a monthly forecast that accesses the Numerological vibration and information to assist and guide us through experiences and situations that occur in a calendar month and which commune with the Personal Year.

To calculate your Personal Month, add the Personal Year + Calendar Month. Now add the sum and reduce it to the single digit vibration. Enjoy!

Ex. Steven Spielberg is in a 9 Personal Year

Add 9 + 6 (June) = 15 Now Add 1+5 = 6 Personal Month

- Steven Spielberg is in a 6 Personal Month

Your Personal Month is…Now review your Personal Month
listed below and Enjoy!


Adventure. Explore. This month plant the seeds for your future course. Know the universe is your playground. Believe in yourself. Take a stand. Be decisive and firm. Embrace the unknown. It’s a great time to promote your ideas and business deals. Look and analyze the size of your dreams. Work on how you are going to manifest and make them real in the months ahead. Be aware of being impulsive, a dictator, headstrong and afraid to move forward. Be free and have the courage to create things that are new.


Cooperate. Share. Be conscious of the needs of others, especially females. Utilize your diplomatic and mediation skills in disagreements, misunderstandings and dissention in your home and business. Be aware of your nightly dreams and daydreams. Find solitude to digest what’s going on. Maintain a balance in your love and business affairs. Most likely you will attract someone or your relationship will deserve more compassion and understanding. Be aware of details, lateness, appointments, and getting involved in petty things and triviality. Be patient. There are delays. Your creativity and prosperity are in a latent process of growth and expansion. Enjoy and find the soul of peace around you.


Spread joy and laugh. “Smile and the whole world will smile with you.” Be free in your expression. Embrace and learn everything about the power of communication. Let your inner child dance. Travel and have new experiences and meet new people. Buy some new clothes. Throw a party. Have fun with children. Listen to your inner guidance and what people aren’t saying. You can receive a raise or win something. Creativity is flourishing especially in your work. Be aware of overextending yourself, gossip that will weaken you, talking too much or excessive drinking and eating. Balance your emotions. Embrace the divine smile in life.


Organize. Be disciplined. It’s time to manage your affairs. There are males around you deserving your guidance and help. Build a strong foundation internally. Share yourself. Use reason and good judgment seeing the heart in all experiences. In business there are many doors of opportunity opening for you. Connect and learn about your sensuality and sexuality. Be aware of being disorganized, stubborn, bored, lazy or depressed and destructive. Seek help. Be careful of being a workaholic this month. Find your balance between work and fun. Be the architect of this new 21st century paradigm and help and empower others to be magic.


Freedom! Flexibility! Be ready to change in a progressive way. Reflect. Take whatever you need from your past and move on. Travel! Do this physically, mentally or spiritually. Stimulate the new you by taking a class or do something exciting and different from your daily regimen. It’s a great time to sell, promote or market your self. Make new contacts socially and expand your business opportunities. You’re a sexual magnet now so learn how to direct and make this power work for you. Be aware of excess in drinking, drugs, and gambling and nervous and restless behavior. Be innovative and embrace your new vision of transcending.


Serve. Be responsible. Devote your time to help, heal and be with others. Let your gracious heart guide you. Embrace and teach the sweet romance of life. Bathe in your elixir love. Listen to an ocean’s opera. Go shopping. Enjoy the joy of life’s eternal kiss. Draw and sing. Speak out, as your voice deserves to be heard. Look beneath the surface to solve all personal and domestic problems. Create a family at work and wherever you may be. Be aware of shutting your heart down, being irresponsible, a doormat and sacrificing yourself. Exercise and get a check-up. Love!


Reflect. Rest. Go within. Experience peace and the sage that you are. Allow this to center and empower you. It’s a great time to take a walk in a forest, listen to music or take a yoga class. Analyze your goals and projects. Utilize your mind, as it’s sharp and beneficial in business. Pace yourself and listen to your bodies needs. Read a book of mystery, metaphysics or on magic. Be aware of an excess of alcohol, drugs or gambling that will create insecurity and loneliness. Discover your inner jewel.


Power! Strength! It’s time to create and make your dreams happen. Bring balance to your physical, material and mental and spiritual worlds. Be efficient and organized creating a stable foundation so your money making, business skills will flourish. Express yourself and what you desire. Do it! You will need lots of energy for your inner drive and accomplishments. Exercise! Eat right and remember. “As you think so you are.” You may get that raise or promotion but be ready for more pressure and responsibility. Create a team that understands you. Be aware of dominating, being selfish, ruthless and just thinking about advancing yourself as you step on others. The 8 complements Saturn in Astrology. This is a powerful teacher of what you will reap from your past. Awaken gifts of self-discipline, focus and concentration that will move mountains. Embrace the heaven and earth of the universe.


Reflection! Letting go! Completion! Cleanse all your closets of your past. Free yourself from all associations and situations that are not beneficial for your growth. Emotionally release and forgive those that have hurt or harmed you in anyway. Their abuse is a mirror of yourself that you need to look at, acknowledge and understand the teachings of unconditional love. Take a trip to cleanse, rejuvenate and regenerate. Reach out to the world and share your wisdom, skills and abilities, lightening their burdens. Love the artistic and inspirational ideas that can be very productive in your work or personal space. Be aware of holding on to your past and being reluctant to let go. This will suffocate you and make you a walking time bomb. Evolve. Graduate to your humanitarian divine loving self.

Use these “Numerology Personal Months” to figure out your monthly forecast. It will also be a great help to know your family, friends, lovers and business associates’ vibrations.

Hmm…Choose your Illusion…Reality…Truth

Begin to ask your soul today - ”Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth-Louther

Repeat this quote at least 3 times per day and you wouldn’t believe the results you’ll receive. Wow!


In these times of rapid changes I want to share with you the secrets of knowing the Personal Month Vibrations. Go back to the previous e-Newsletters and use the sacred information of Numerology to help you understand more of creating and manifesting magic in your life.

Know Your Personal Vibration…Blessings…Love to your Hearts…Love Julian

Julian Michael is a Numerologist Intuitive, Hypnotherapist, and Past Life Therapist. He is also a Reconnective-healing practitioner of Dr.Eric Pearl. He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for questions and comments at

For a personal session, parties, purchasing his CD’s please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 and in Brazil (5511) 32773765

Julian will remain on the paradise of Maui until he returns to sunny Los Angeles in the second week of June.

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