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Monday, May 02, 2005

May 2005

Live The Loving Light Body of Magic in May 2005
By Julian Michael

Welcome Masters. Hello from sunny Los Angeles. We are in a whirlwind of many paradigm shifts. In this E-Newsletter we will help you find your yearly forecast. Then we will examine some very important birthdates of major names in the News and what is happening to them today. Be aware of what is happening to you in May and this very auspicious 2005.

Numerology: Personal Year Vibrations

Finding The Personal Year

The Personal Year is a yearly forecast of what is happening to you and where life is leading you. It reveals your challenge and will enable you to prepare for experiences that will occur in your personal and business affairs.

To calculate your Personal Year, add the Year of last Birthday + Your Birth Month + Date of Birth. Following are descriptions of each Personal Year – calculate yours and enjoy!

One Personal Year

New beginnings. Plant new seeds for the next “9” years. A foundation is being formed. Many opportunities will present themselves. Be alert and follow your intuition and this will create prosperity in your life. Be aware as challenges and resistance to your intentions and your vision may appear. Know what you really want and nurture the seeds you’re planting. Problems from your past can haunt you if you haven’t dealt with these issues. Be careful of abusing your power and being a dictator in your life. Be strong and connect with the power of being a “Magician” in this year of a renewal of energy.

Two Personal Year

Share, be patient, peaceful and follow your dreams. Expect delays and see them as blessings in disguise. Embrace your sensitivity and solitude. Learn to be diplomatic and know how to problem solve as your mediation skills become challenged in quarrels, fights and debates. There are a lot of females around you as you deal with your feminine energy. Prosperity surrounds you when you feel centered. Be aware of being aggressive and forcing disharmony and creating broken relationships. Be receptive to being a beacon of light.

Three Personal Year

Express, communicate and have fun. Soar the heavens. Let your imagination go wild. Sing, dance, laugh, create and connect with your inner child. Be careful of gossip, being scattered, exaggerating and not dealing with your emotions. This will destroy you. Money will be created as you embrace your artistic nature. Expand and develop your intuition. Spread your sunshine.

Four Personal Year

Organize, build, apply discipline and inspiration to manifest what you have planted in your “1” Personal Year cycle. Put your “house” in order. This is a material year so money is to be made. There are a lot of males around you, as you deal with your masculine energies. Be careful of being stressed, anxious, stubborn, and lazy. This can create feelings of despair and worthlessness. Walk through your “door of light” and meet the movers and shakers in your life to awaken you to empower others.

Five Personal Year

Embrace transformation, transmutation, innovation and change. The “5” is the middle ground of your “9” Personal Years. Reflect and take what you need from your past and move on. Travel and “shine” as you’re a magnet attracting all kinds of cultures and people. It’s a great time to market your self. Be prosperous by embracing new ideas. Watch for tendencies to block your progress by abusing your mind and body. Remain centered and disciplined in your freedom. Exchange new concepts and feel stimulated by your life experiences.

Six Personal Year

As a humanitarian be responsible, give comfort and be devoted to assisting others. Develop your healing skills. Train and acknowledge your voice. Speak out. Money is no problem when you practice humility. Embrace the arts. Be careful of jealousy, disharmony, confusion and feeling shut down. Domestic problems are around you so deal with them. People will try to take advantage of you. Learn how to say No gracefully! Be open hearted to create and be a lover of the world.

Seven Personal Year

Meditate, search your soul and create a beautiful bridge between your mind and spirit. Listen to the opera of the ocean. Paint your world in color and allow music to open your doors of perception. Do not fear the mysteries that exist inside you. Your analytical mind is sharp and creates money for you. Surround yourself with people who speak of divinity. Be aware of feeling insecure, repressed and living in illusions driving you to abuse your mind with legal and illegal substances. Envision what you want to create and manifest in your coming “8” Personal Year. Awaken!

Eight Personal Year

Be focused and conscious of the balance and harmony around and within you. Know that everything that happens in life purports a bigger picture. It’s time to produce, be ambitious and reap from everything you have done in the last “7” years. Important decisions are to be made. Judge from both sides of the situation in question. Embrace the business executive and boss in you. Be the leader, teacher and empower others by collaborating and developing a powerful community. Be aware of loose ends, lying, cheating, manipulating for success and power. Experience the pure potential and unlimited creativity in life.

Nine Personal Year

A time of completion and cleaning. Raise your awareness. It’s “Judgement Day.” Reflect. Take up a new philosophy or teaching to help and improve your life skills. Be creative, humanitarian and money will flow. Be careful of being selfish, angry, frustrated and not letting go of old ugly feelings and stuff against others. Let go and be free of these emotional poisons. Embrace humanity and network the power of love.

Use these “Numerology Personal Years” to figure out your yearly forecast. It will also be a great help to know your family, friends, lovers and business associates’ vibrations.

Hmm…Choose your Illusion…Reality…Truth

Begin to ask your soul today: Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth-Louther

People in the News

The sacred language of Numerolgy, Personal Years is a wonderful tool that can be effectively utilized to realize what’s happening in our lives, famous people and even countries like the United States. Let’s witness some more examples that will increase our knowledge, empowering us and show us the bigger global picture.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XVI
Born April 16, 1927
2005 + 4 + 16 = 27-9 PY

President George W. Bush
Born July 6, 1946
2004 + 7 + 6 = 19-10-1 PY is moving into a 2 PY after his birthday.

House Majority Leader Tom Delay
Born April 8, 1947
2005 + 4 + 8 = 19-10-1 PY

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger – the Governor of California
Born July 30, 1947
2004 + 7 + 30 = 43-7 PY moving into an 8 PY after his birthday
The Independence Day of the U.S. – Birthday of America
Born July 4, 1776
2004 + 7 + 4 =17-8 PY moving into a 9 PY.

Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope in a 9 PY of completion and endings. Starting new things in a 9 PY means that this Pope will not be around very long. Hmm.

Both President Bush and his colleague Tom Delay are not only in a 1 PY but this one is a 19-10-1. In Numerology, this year signifies a great Karma of “Misuse and Abuse of Power and People in Previous lives.”

This means that they are carrying these energies of strength and power with them. Now it’s up to them if they want to work in a positive or negative way with these aspects.

I feel their roles are awakening us to what is going on as old foundations are crumbling and moving us into new shifts of awareness. I continue to see scandals like “Watergate” around them challenging their high positions in office. You decide. Hmm.

Our California Governor being in his 7 PY has a lot of soul searching to do as his popularity is diminishing every day. It will be interesting to see what happens in his 8 PY as he cuts education and social programs. Will he maintain a balance of power with many angry people around him? Hmm.

America is facing large budget cuts, a half a trillion dollar military budget, the falling dollar, violation of the First Amendment, social security issues, and the country continues to be at war in its 8 PY. There is a divide and conquer attitude and yet there are so many who are uniting and helping others.

As we head into a 9 PY on July 4th is it too late for this country to keep its identity, world status and respect around the world? The nine can be very cleansing emotionally for the American people and the question is when will they take their power back. Hmm

May 2005-Universal Month-“12-3”

The Universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal year.

May is a “5” energy. Taking the letters of May (5+1+7), it is the sum of “13-4.” This month do something new and change your way of thinking. Expand your ability to communicate and listen. Smile and the world will smile with you.


Thousands of years ago people used the sacred teachings of “soul mathematics,” Numerology, to become aware and know what’s going on. Use the Personal Year numbers to find out what your yearly forecast is. This ancient secret knowledge is important for your evolvement now! If you have any questions call or e-mail me.

Embrace your Personal Year Number…Blessings…Love to your Hearts…Love Julian Michael

Julian Michael is a Numerologist, Intuitive, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Therapist and a Reconnection Healing Practitioner of He has guided thousands of people all over the world to create and manifest magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for events and private sessions at 323-384-1333 or in Brazil 55113208-3306. E-mail him at

Purchase his latest CD “Memories of the Soul” as he takes you on a journey to receive information from your Akashic Records.

Julian will be in sunny Los Angeles as well as lecturing in beautiful Maui in May.

Please visit website

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