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Sunday, April 03, 2005

April 2005


Welcome my friends. I am happy to announce renowned Astrologer Stephanie Azaria of is returning to Los Angeles in April. Together we are hosting two workshops.

Please join us for the Astro-Numerology “Empower Yourself Now” workshop on Tuesday evening April 19 from 7 PM-10 PM and the “Keys to Self Actualization” on Saturday April 23, 1 PM-6 PM. Further on in the newsletter, I will explain more about these events which promise to be spectacular. Pre-registration is required and more information can be found by visiting Stephanie’s website.


Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in April 2005
By Julian Michael

Welcome Masters. Hello from sunny Los Angeles. “Everything in the universe is numbers. Numbers have consciousness,” so stated the great father of Mathematics and Numerology, Pythagoras, in 550 B.C. Greece. We can take any event, word, name or birth date and examine the deeper meaning of what has been, is and what will happen in the future finding the numerical value.

In this Newsletter we will look at the solar eclipse date of April 8th and its Numerological meaning. We will also examine the word earthquake and its Numerological significance; and then review theories about earthquakes – are they natural or man-made and much more. Be informed and know your number consciousness in April 2005.

The Numerology Number Vibrations

One – the letters A, J, S
Positive Vibration: New beginnings, explorer, pioneer, leader, inventor, independent, energetic, visionary

Negative Vibration: Egotistic, manipulation, dominance, cynicism, ignorance, selfish, dictator, self-centered

Two – B, K, T
Positive: Union, sharing, cooperation, trust, diplomatic, sensitive, collector, dreamworker, femininity, intuition
Negative: Self conscious, un-peaceful, timid, liar, sly

Three –C, L, U
Positive: Words, communication, joy, imagination, creativity, arts, the voice
Negative: Gossip, criticism, exaggeration, moody, jealousy, scattered energy

Four – D, M, V
Positive: Foundation, building, dependable, work, organization, discipline, empowerment, door of light
Negative: Disorganization, destructive, depression, stubborn, obstinate, dull, hatred, lazy, boring

Five – E, N, W
Positive: Change, freedom, transformation, transmutation, variety, progress, sensual, sexual
Negative: Restless, impulsive, prejudice, impatient, unchangeable, abusive

Six – F, O, X
Positive: Service, responsible, family, home, health, romance, beauty, love, teacher, voice and arts
Negative: Possessive, self-sacrifice, worry, anxiety domestic tyranny, divorce, war

Seven – G, P, Y
Positive: Philosophy, investigation, mind, music, religion, metaphysics, soul searching, magic, need space, Dr. Frankenstein energy
Negative: Insecure, repressed feelings, shrewdness, aloofness, secretive, misuse of knowledge

Eight – H, Q, Z
Positive: Power, equilibrium, judgment, government, big business, banking, money, higher laws of the universe, infinity
Negative: Abuse power, forcefulness, poor judgment, controlling, greed, self-destruction, avarice

Nine – I, R
Positive: Unconditional love, completion, cleansing, forgiveness, surrender, humanitarian, compassion, universal teacher, philanthropy
Negative: Suppressive, oppressive, hateful, angry, unforgiving, blocked and limited

Use the Numerology vibrations to find the number values of names and birthdates.

April 2005 – Universal Month – “11-2”

The Universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal year.

April is a “4” energy. Taking the letters of April, (1-7-9-9-3); its sum is “11-2.” This month organize, be disciplined and be open to share and communicate what you’re really about and what you want to manifest. As you embrace the “7” of 2005 use your mental and spiritual tools to make your dreams real.

Embrace the celebration of spirit and big events happening in the world in April 2005.

The Significance of April 8, 2005 – A Solar Eclipse

On April 8, 2005 = 19-1 Universal day is a major solar eclipse. The 19-1 is a karmic energy of misuse and abuse of power. Use this day as a rocket launching newness and embrace its empowerment.

Look back at your life experiences and realize everything that has happened to you is a blessing for your soul’s growth. Emotionally release and forgive people, skeletons and experiences of your past. Do whatever cleaning you need to do to be free of your past stuff.

On April 8th and the weeks ahead your depth of consciousness is being awakened and old themes and foundations of society are changing all around you. Unify with your inner power. Be a leader, flexible, progressive and free to move forward in this energy shift that is taking place. Be strong and aware of not making the same mistakes. Love your changes. It’s time to evolve and take off.

Hmm…Choose your Illusion… Reality…Truth

Begin to ask your soul today, “Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.”
- Gillian Macbeth-Louther

The Significance of an Earthquake – “44-8” Energy

Monday March 28th, I heard of another Earthquake in Indonesia and decided to write Earthquake down to determine its Numerology. The letters of the word earthquake break down to a (5-1-9-2-8-8-3-1-2-5) = “44-8” Destiny.

The “44-8” Destiny vibration is a master number of creating heaven on earth or hell. The “8” is an energy of equilibrium of the forces of power, government, the system of big business and money with the embrace and love of the higher laws of the universe.

The earthquake, an “8” in its negative energy, I believe is a big separation of these worlds. This disequilibrium creates disharmony, weakness, and confusion and destroys the earth and its people.

Can there be an alternate scenario to dominate, annihilate and control people by creating an earthquake? There is proof that Earthquakes can be created by human beings.

More Scenarios of an Earthquake

Nicola Tesla is the brilliant inventor, research scientist and visionary who was Thomas Edison’s controversial assistant. He was born at midnight on July 9, 1856, a 36-9 Life Path or in some biographies July 10, 1856, a 37-10-1 Life Path. Both Life Paths of his birthdates make him very intelligent, inventive, having a very strong pioneering spirit and working to awaken humanity.

Tesla discovered alternate current power sources of energy. His work is now being used in Research Project H.A.R.P.

In the 1930’s he experimented with and transmitted mechanical vibrations through the earth and called it the art of tele-geodynamics. Working on a controlled Earthquake machine, he made the following observation over 70 years ago!

“The rhythmical vibrations pass through the earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects. The invention could be used with destructive effect in war.”

In 1997, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, William Cohen spoke about the power of an earthquake as he discussed terrorism at the University of Georgia. Here is a very fascinating quote from his speech:

“Precautions against unconventional arms must be intensified as potential terrorists develop chemical and biological weapons and electromagnetic methods that could create holes in the ozone layer or trigger earthquakes or volcanoes.”

The “44-8” Destiny of an earthquake is a very powerful universal force of mastery, karma and destruction. If you look at the form of the “8,” it looks like the DNA code. Is it possible that the earthquake is changing the earths physical DNA as many old hidden treasures and lands are now being discovered as prophets like Edgar Cayce one said they would be.

In a very strange way the earthquake embracing the “8” of higher teachings can be a positive change for humanity. In the meantime next time there is an earthquake please ask yourself is this earthquake natural, can it be man made and why did it happen. Hmm!

2005 is a “7” energy. On the seventh day in the greatest metaphysical book of all times, the Bible, which is full of lovely metaphors, God rested. In this year we are on a journey to ask, explore and re-orientate ourselves in the worlds of magic that Merlin lived. Listen to the symphony of “The Universal Spheres of Music” in the 7 main musical notes. Shower yourself and speak to the 7 colors of the rainbow. Discover and learn the secrets from the guides of your 7 chakras. Believe and have faith as you are opening worlds of intuition and insight to produce and manifest enlightenment.

Stephanie Azaria is coming to Los Angeles

Stephanie Azaria is my mentor, guide, astrologist and dear friend. She is the real thing! I cherish our meetings at a Chinese restaurant on 10th and 6th in NYC over 10 years ago.

She has been a major impetus in my creativity; prosperity and understanding of who I am and in the miracles I create.

Stephanie and I will be hosting two workshops in April. The first is the famous Astro-Numerology Workshop that was so successful last time we were both here in L.A.

The second is a brand new workshop. We are calling it “The Keys to Self-Actualization” and it will incorporate many new tools to facilitate movement in our ascension process.

For many years both of us have actively worked to help educate, heal and help others to embrace the miracle that they are.

One technique that I will share in the workshop, which I did with 1500 people at a conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is “Build your Electro-magnetic Field of Magic.” This exercise, from Nicola Tesla, is one I’ve done everyday for a few years. You create an electro-magnetic shield that totally surrounds you. You and your surroundings are energized. You feel comfortable, harmonized and strong. You are brought peace, awareness, and equipoise in your mind, body and spirit. In your magical temple you are free to create and materialize to your hearts desire.

We will share and do experiential exercises of different healing modalities empowering your DNA, connecting you with your oracle within, and helping you on your true path of illumination.

Please visit to receive more information regarding cost, the address and how to register for our L.A. workshops.


I would like to first thank Ana Hays my new writing coach and editor. She is also an author agent, freelance writer and promoter. She has worked with and promoted such inspirational authors and motivational speakers as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Sonja Choquette, Peter Russell and Sondra Ray. She can be reached at (650) 255-3696 and her writing and work can be viewed at

We have looked at the Universal day of the solar eclipse on April 8 and what it means, as it’s an incredible time to evolve in our time of change. The Numerology value and different scenarios of an “Earthquake” were explored and questions asked if they are natural, man-made and why.

Recognize willfully and actively your fear and blocks. Stop living in denial. Use Numerology as a simple tool to know who you really are and what is going on. Do not be afraid to question all the experiences and teachings around you including what an earthquake is.

Know your Number… Blessings… Love to your Hearts… Love, Julian Michael.

Julian Michael is a Numerologist Intuitive, Hypnotherapist, and Past Life Therapist. He is also a Reconnective-healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl. He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for questions and comments at

For a personal session, parties purchasing his latest CD’s, please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 and in Brazil (5511) 32773765

Julian will be in sunny Los Angeles in April.

Please visit my website
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