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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Newsletter (January 2005)


Live The Loving Light Body of Magic in January 2005
By Julian Michael

Happy New Year Gods and Goddesses it’s 2005. Welcome and bless these times of great change known as ‘The Quickening.” Let us learn to embrace our insecurities and listen to the inner voice that guides us. Pray for those that have passed on. Feed yourself with love now! The Matrix, friends and their new recruits are embracing the dark, shadow sides of manipulation, mind control and are abusing power and our freedom. Wake up! This is our time to bathe in divine love, enlighten ourselves and live the magic of Jan. 2005.

January 2005 – Universal Month – “ 8 “

The universal month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal year.

January is a “1” energy of new beginnings and 2005 is a “7” of soul searching. Together this “8’is asking you to balance your physical, mental and spiritual dimensions. Know you are powerful beyond your imagination. Your consciousness has no limits. Now put your “8 “ sideways. Connect with your loving divinity and travel your infinity.

“ On the road of life, there are speed bumps that will slow you down. You may even get ticketed for being yourself. Face your fears anyway and realize you have no limits.’
- Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Wow! Welcome from the country of paradise, Brazil. These are not easy times. Wars, disease and the devastation of old foundations are metaphors for us to deal with our inner demons. Do not be afraid to deal with your shadow side in this time of “ 7.” Explore, and unearth the feelings and emotions that in your life are taboo. Feed your heart with kind loving words, people and experiences. Meditate, walk, and embrace the divine alchemist in your eating and life habits.

Empower your allegiance to your flag of enlightenment. Be in light with yourself. Listen to your inner guides. In this universal month of “ 8 “ take the idea and intent of what you want to manifest and work on this purpose. Have faith and know the visible and invisible worlds are helping you to advance and evolve now. We are in a year of magic. Believe and you’ll accomplish what is right for you if in your intention you are also serving and helping others. Do it now!

December 26, 2004 a Tragic Day to Humanity = a 44-8 Universal Day.

I have been contemplating and sending prayers to the victims of the tragic earthquake in S.E. Asia that created a Tsunami that took away over 155, 000 people’s lives. Adding and getting the sum of this date it comes out to a master Universal day of 44-8, which is very powerful.

To be a master you have to overcome a lot of Karma and obstacles to achieve a centeredness that is mastery. Looking at the master number 44-8 it signifies the creation of “Heaven on Earth.” The “8” achieves material success and harmony when you reach out for the hand of God, and develop your intuitive nature. Through meditation, patience, self control and persistence the worlds will come together for you in your 44-8 of mastery.

Why is it on Dec.26, 2004 all these lives and this devastation occurred? Could this day of mastery mean some kind of cleansing of the souls took place. Or a day like all days just many lives were taken. Is there some kind of meaning or answer to be found on this 44-8 day? Or is it just “dust in the wind” as the song says. One thing for sure it did bring all the people on this planet together. I guess that’s why we are in this 2005-7 energy to go deep to seek, explore and ask why?

Hmm…Choose your Illusion…Reality…Truth

The Tsunamis that were created by the 9.0 massive Earthquake in S.E. Asia were traveling over 500 M.P.H. in the open ocean. Their impact was even slightly felt on Brazil’s beaches with the water rising 22 hours later. Let us pray… Hmmm

The Western parties opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko has won in the reelection. “ I want to say this is a victory of the Ukranian people, the Ukranian nation. Today we become free”, he said. Wake up America! Believe it or not Ohio has had some really strange things happening in the recount last month for the presidency. Hmm

According to Gaby Hisliff, a political editor of Sunday’s Dec.26, 2004, The Observer. In his article,” The EU Rules Threatening to Sweep Away Vitamin Pills.” He talks about vitamin supplements used by pregnant women to the common cold will be taken from the shelves because of some controversial European union safety regulations. Over 5000 products will be affected. Hmm

A Texas woman paid over 50,000 dollars to a Northern California Company, Genetic Savings and Clone Inc. to have her dead cat Nicky cloned. When Nicky died she sent the firm a sample. ‘ When little Nicky yawned, I even saw two spots inside his mouth – just like Nicky had, ‘the owner of the cloned cat said…Hmm

Watch out America! “I believe God has built an army”, says Lanie Swann of the very conservative Christian group called ‘Concerned Women for America.” Their 11 million dollar annual budget and over 500,000 members are ready to unleash a wave of e-mails and letters upon Washington, D.C. attacking all liberal points of view. They already started their campaign against the movie “Kinsey.” Hmm

“You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and a tank can be blown up. You can have an up armored Humvee and it can be blown up.” These are very encouraging words that were spoken to U.S. soldiers by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in Dec. 2004. Hmm

The Iraqi elections are moving closer. The majority of the people in Iraq are of the Shiite sect that will win over the Sunni minority. Iran is ruled by Shiites. The oil rich, Kuwait nation has a substantial Shiite population. What if Iraq and Iran were to develop an alliance of Shiite power? What do you think would happen to the Middle East, Israel, America and the rest of the world? Hmm

2005 is a “ 7 “ energy. On the seventh day in the greatest metaphysical book of all times ‘The Bible,” God rested. In this year we are on a journey to ask, explore and reorient ourselves in the worlds of magic that Merlin lived. Listen to the symphony of “ The Universal Spheres of Music” in the 7 main musical notes. Shower yourself and speak to the 7 colors of the rainbow. Discover and learn the secrets from the guides of your 7 Chakras. Believe and have faith as you are opening worlds of intuition and insight to be producing and manifesting enlightenment.

January is a “1” energy of taking charge in your life. Plant and nurture those ideas and make them real. Be a leader who teaches and empowers others to be strong, focused and courageous living out of the box. Be the visionary to see the future, as it is happening and work with it now. If you do not have something that you really need, just ask and have faith as a magician that you will get it.


Take a magical journey in this 2005 - “ 7 “energy of introspection, processing and feeling the now energy. What is yours like? Take the time to stop, listen and know the miracle that is you. This will help you better understand how your brothers and sisters live in this magical, unpredictable and loving world.

I am so thankful and glad to share the knowledge of this sacred Language of Numerology with you.

Awaken the Merlin in you…. Ride the frequency of your Divine Alchemist… Play in the “Play of Consciousness.”…. Enjoy…Pray for peace…Align with your charkas, music and colors that shower your soul…. Blessings …with all my love. Julian Michael.

Julian Michael is a Sensitive, Psychic, Numerologist, Hypnotherapist and Past Life Therapist. Recently he became a Reconnective – healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl. He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for questions and comments at

For a personal session, parties, purchasing his latest CD’s please call ( 310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 and in Brazil (5511) 3277 3765

Julian will be in the paradise of Brazil and will continue dancing, singing and experiencing Carnaval through the first week of February. Then he will be back basking in the Los Angeles sun and off to Maui at the end of February.