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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Newsletter (December 2004)


Live the Loving Light Body of Magic in December 2004
By Julian Michael

Welcome Gods and Goddesses. Take charge! Be your own leader in your work and with your family and friends. Embrace your microcosm so you can play in the bigger picture of the macrocosm. The Matrix, media and friends are celebrating their victory of domination, manipulation this year and getting us ready for the great robbery of our minds and souls in 2005. Intelligence is power and your protection. Be free to walk your talk and share the sweetness of your heart in December 2004.

December 2004 – Universal Month – “18-9”

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to better understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal year.

December is a “12-3” energy and 2004 is a “6 .” This pair creates an “18-9” frequency. This year’s trials and tribulations and ecstasies are being reviewed and processed. What you don’t need,expel it, as it’s your graduation stepping into 2005.

Wow!!! Here I am in sunny Los Angeles starting my journey of processing all my experiences and emotions that have excited and disturbed me in this last year.

In 2004 – “ 6” year we have been exploring, playing, learning, and expanding our relationship with our hearts. Now find a place in your heart to be thankful for everything. Count all your blessings in this reviewing and renewing “18-9” Universal Month.

Reflect and clean your closets physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Empower yourself from your past experiences and move forward in creating a new model of unity, peace and prosperity. Let’s also add optimism.

Be thankful for having choices in your life. Good or bad. You are not alone. Take the time to explore your feelings and everything you’ve gone through. Work with your prejudices and the Matrix’s brainwashing. Don’t be afraid to fall or fail. It’s OK to make mistakes.

Don’t be paralyzed. Get up! Walk, dance, sing and write out these feelings. Scream and pound some pillows. Let go of all the ugly old stuff.

Learn patience. Question everything and everyone. Take risks. Change your way of acting and thinking. Pray and meditate. Be confident in making your decisions from calmness, peace and love. I find the most important lesson is to have faith.

What a great teacher George Bush has been as a July 6, 1946 = “ 33-6” Life Path. He is a “33-6,” having wonderful opportunities and challenges to be a powerful leader and communicator of his heart, the “6” energy. This doesn’t necessarily mean that his heart is peaceful and loving. His policies have stimulated debate and discussion all over the world of who we are as humans, what we’re doing and what freedom means to us. Please go to the October and November 2004 Newsletters on to know more about George Bush and his Numerology.

In the Bhagavad- gita the Holy Bible of India it says “Surround yourself in the company of saints.” What a subtle yet powerful way to say be around people of like mind and hearts that fill you with beauty, joy and love, making you feel good. Interact and network with the holistic family that is growing leaps and bounds around you. Say thank you and be grateful for your friends and their help in your development as a creative, productive and prosperous being.

Support radio, TV shows, newspapers and books that express the truth. Stop supporting Matrix media. Get the real news by surfing the Internet.

As the Dali Lama says “go and share yourself with others. If you can’t, please do not hurt anyone.”

Hmm…Choose your illusion…Reality…Truth

Thousands and thousands of Ukranian people night after night in the freezing cold are demonstrating in the streets to protest voter fraud in their presidential election. Amazing that they have such a belief in the truth. Hmm

“This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across the board as we were on election night. I suspect foul play.” – Dick Morris said about the U.S. presidential elections. Hmm

An investigation in Ohio continues as Senior Judiciary Committee member John Conyers of Michigan has stepped into the vote count, including the handling of provisional ballots and malfunctions of voting machines. The Electoral College finally meets on December 13th. Hmm

Bush has conquered the election and is now looking toward space. “All enemy satellites will be dealt with” his administration is saying. Does he control space too! Hmm

I loved the premise of the movie “National Treasure” with Nicholas Cage. It’s great that people are investigating the Cathars and who the Freemasons were, like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, being the founders of the Declaration of Independence. Hmm

There are over 150,000 people in prison today in Texas. Imprisonment is becoming one of the fastest growing industries in America. Hmm

I loved the movie “Kinsey.” With the administration wanting to spend so much money in teaching abstinence in schools in 2005, are we going back to the dark ages? Hmm

Can someone tell me what’s going on with the U.S. dollar falling? Hmm

Seventy-two pilot whales and 25 bottlenose dolphins beached themselves at Sea Elephant Bay on King Island, between Tasmania and mainland Australia. Biologists will try to explain this tragic phenomenon examining the carcasses and the movement of the weather. Someone did say they were going after food? What was it a beach picnic? Hmm

2004 is “6’ energy. Let ‘s look at the sixes circle as a nurturing sun. It encompasses the divinity of “all that there is” as it lives in perfect loving balance and is complete, eternal, having no beginning or end. It is the snake biting its tail in what it gives out and returns. It’s the ring and it’s power of “The Lord of the Rings.” In Hebrew it’s called “Ayin,” the eye of God and the spiritual eye of man. It is open to speak. Pregnant or its stomach full, it is aware of what it drinks, thinks, and wants to protect itself. As an arm coming out, it propels this life force to reach out, touch, serve and receive from others.

December 2004 an “18-9” energy is a signature of looking at your accomplishments and what you didn’t do. It’s a time to gather with family members. There are lots of emotions and misunderstandings that will be exchanged. Please use the Law of Detachment. Be totally involved and not involved. Everyone has a right to their opinions. Sit back and be the silent witness.

Warning! Speak from your heart and be careful of political discussions.
I find a sense of humor helps. Look toward your friends and people of like mind and hearts to support the smile in your heart.

Jon Stewart of The Daily Show

I find Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” the most provocative , no holds bar, enlightening TV program that presents another side of politics, and the parody of being a human being.

Jon Stewart was born Jonathan Stewar t Leibowitz . His name total is a “4,” Destiny-Motivation energy with a hidden “22” Master vibration. He was born November 28, 1962 a (11 + 28 + 18-9 = 57-12-3), Life Path energy.

Having this “3” energy, Jon is the sun that nurtures the world through words and laughter by cheering us up and transcending us in his multi-dimensional skewed way of looking at life.

In his name he has a ( t,t,t,b, t ) which are five twos which make Jon very empathic. He really feels people’s stuff, being a sensitive, loving, very intuitive, highly creative man. His sense of humor protects him from feeling over whelmed by the wants and sorrows of the world. He can become a leading man in movies in the future creating a different kind of persona for people to see.

Jon has the energy of the 12th card of the tarot known as the “Hangman,” in the “57-12-3’ Life path energy. The Hangman is upside down, poised and understands the power of “One” in everything and also centered within him.

Jon Stewart is in touch with the entire social, economic and political troubles in the world. He understands why humans feel lost because he sees things upside down. They look at him and think he’s crazy. Maybe they need to experience Jon’s point of view.

Jon, having a “4” Destiny – Motivation with a hidden “22” gives him a strong foundation in his life. He is the man who collects people’s dreams, ideas and experiences. As a “22” he puts all this together materializing and making it a reality. His destiny is to empower people to open new doors of perception.

Let’s see what year he is in. Take the “11” of November and “28” of his birth date and add it to 2004 and add it together and you get (11+28+6 = 45- 9) Personal Year.

In a “9” Jon Stewart is becoming even more creative, sensitive and compassionate to people’s need to relax from the day. He’s making his name known all over the world. Jon’s show, movies, books and speaking tours will continue to make people laugh and stimulate them to think differently and very profoundly through 2005.

His empire will take another turn as he will venture into producing other shows and continue to create “out of the box” material through computers, CD’s, animation and all forms of telecommunications. Thank you and blessings to you Jon Stewart.

In Summary

When we give thanks we create grace and then we are a magnet of creating and experiencing miracles. Acknowledge and give thanks to family and friends that have helped to empower you. Pray for the elderly, ailing, and the children of the world. Pray for the ignorant, and especially the Matrix, media and friends. Have faith and respect yourself.

Share your intelligence and heart with others. Be comfortable and masterful as you walk into 2005 strong, aware and free as a Loving Light Physical Body of Magic.

Thank you my friends for all the e-mails, support, impetus and love you’ve given to me.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays…. Peace…Wisdom…Kisses to your heart…

Blessings to all…with all my love…. Julian Michael

Julian Michael is a sensitive, psychic, political Numerologist, hypnotherapist and past life therapist. Recently he became a Reconnective-healing practitioner of Dr. Eric Pearl. He has guided thousands of people all over the world into creating and manifesting magic in their lives. Julian can be reached for questions and comments at

For a personal appointment, parties, purchasing his latest CD’s please call (310) 358-6850, (323) 384-1333 and in Brazil (5511) 3277-3765

Julian will be in Seattle, Washington from, December 3 – 10. Then back to sunny Los Angeles, enjoying New York City and spending the New Year in Brazil.